Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls

Saturday 22 nd of November 2014 and they called me at 5 o'clock in the morning. We will leave forWilderness Air - Botswanathe airport at 10 thirty. So I have time for both breakfast and toAladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Airpack my bags.

I had a pot of tea and toast before I returned to the tent. And I left my room just after 10 o'clock. I met the Pilot in the souvenir shop and we had a chat.

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Our Pilot will got with us to the airstrip and we were soon ready to leave Kalahari Plains Camp behind. I spotted some small elephants in the souvenir shop and the girl explained that it was a calendar.

There were 12 elephants going from small to very small. I told the girl that I wanted to buy them.Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness AirShe told me that they would set me back with 47 Dollars.

I asked if she could give me change back on a 100 dollar bill.
- Yes, no problem
I brought out a 100 dollar bill and she opened a small back to check that ll the elephants were in the bag.

I asked her what kind of wood they were made of
- They are made of plastic
Yet another Smiley on What theYet another Smiley on

My 100 dollar bill was back in the valet quicker than I could say SHIT. Seriously, who want to buy plastic elephants? Imagine me back in Bangkok bragging about my safari and the authentic African elephant calendar. Embarrassing when they are having a closer look at the calendar.
Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air- It is made of plastic!

Yeah, obviously I have not spend enough money and Wilderness Safaris show no shame, 47 dollars for some small plastic elephants. These plastic things cost less than a dollar to make in China. Thank God that I asked what kind of wood it was! Imagine coming back home to Bangkok to discover that they were made of plastic.

47 dollars, going through the trouble to bringing them to Bangkok just to throw them in thegarbage (of course, in the bin for plastic trash)

WHO THE FOOCK SPEND 1000 DOLLARS PER NIGHT FOR A TENT AND THEN BUY SOME CHEAP PLASTIC ELEPHANTS FOR SOUVENIRS TOAladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness AirBRING BACK HOME? I can buy plastic shit in any 99 Cent store.

It was time to leave Kalahari Plains Camp and we went out to the jeep. Some of the staff was there to say hello and we had a few pictures before we took off towards the air strip.

We passed antelopes on our way to the air strip and when we came down to the air strip we drove along to reach the plane.

There was so many of the birds flying around and they looked like shoals of fishes. I had seen the birds everywhere here in Kalahari and it looks nice when they are flying around.

There are so many of them it would most likely be a problem taking off with a jet plane. But it would not be any problem with a propeller plane. At least I hopeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stso and the pilot didn't look worried.

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Driving along the air strip

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Plenty birds along the air strip

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Plenty birds along the air strip

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Plenty birds along the air strip

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Plenty birds along the air strip

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Plenty birds along the air strip

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
We reach the plane - Cessna Grand Caravan

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
We will use a Cessna Grand Caravan for the flight to Maun
The plan was that I should sit up front with the pilot, but is looks small

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Kalahari Plains Camp airstrip

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
The other jeeps arriving - We will be 10 passenger from Kalahari Plains Camp

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
The other jeeps arriving - We will be 10 passenger from Kalahari Plains Camp

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
We're getting ready to leave Kalahari

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
We're getting ready to leave Kalahari

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
We're getting ready to leave Kalahari

We arrived to the airplane and we're going to fly in a Cessna Grand Caravan to Maun. The Cessna Grand Caravan are quite OK and no problem with the seat belts. But I was going to sit up frontAladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Airwith the Pilot during our flight to Maun.

But we changed plan when he opened the door, it looked to be very small and I decided to sit in the back of the plane.

The other passengers arrived in 2 jeeps, we were 10 passengers flying to Maun form Kalahari Plains Camp.

We loaded our luggage and our Pilot held a safety meeting before we boarded the plane. The Pilot did the pre-departure check list and we took off towards Maun in an almost full Cessna Grand Caravan.

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Time for take-off

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
We're in the air

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Heading towards Maun

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Strong winds in Kalahari

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Flying over Kalahari Plains Camp

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Flying in to Maun

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Landing in Maun

Aladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Air
Landing in Maun

We landed in Maun and I had seen one flying Marabou Stork when we were approaching Maun, butAladdin flying to Maun from Kalahari with Wilderness Airhe was far away and no problem for us.

There was a van waiting for us and we were brought to the terminal. I was looking ofr a sign for Mega Blue Air but I could not find any representative from Mega Blue.

I went back to Wilderness Air's desk and the girl brought me to a guy. I discovered that Mega Blue was Major Blue, but never mind, there was no desk or signsMajor Blue Airwith Major Air in the airport.

We were going to pass the security and they asked for my boarding pass, but I had not got any boarding pass and the Major Blue Air Representative went to get a boarding pass.

Maun Airport
Maun International Airport

I got my boarding pass and I passed the security and there was another representative from Major Blue Air. We went straight out to a car and we took off towards the plane. A 7 seated GippslandMaun AirportGA8 Airvan and It was me and one other passenger.

There is 2 ambulances outside the terminal, looks like the ambulances we saw in American movies from the 70's

OK, they have ambulances, we crash and they come to pick you up with the blue light on. Then what? Doesn’t look like there is any hospitals around Maun. They just drive you to the airport entrance and drop you there?

I was taken to Major Blue's Gippsland GA8 Airvan. There was another guy with the Pilot and he got in to the front seat and I crawled in to the plane in the back. 7 seatsAladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blueand the height between the floor and ceiling was about 1 meter so I had to crawl.

And the seat, the cushion was maybe 10 to 15 cm above the floor so it was like sitting on the floor. Sitting on the floor and you will have to keep your legs almost straight.

And there as not much space between the seats so this will not be any comfortable flight. And I was so happy that we were alone on the plane. And as it takes 90 minutes to Kasane this is not a flight I'm lookingAladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blueforward to.

The other passenger was from Zimbabwe and he had been here with some tourists. But he had to hitch hike back to Victoria Falls from Kasane.

I told him that I would ask my Driver if he could join us in the car back to Victoria Falls.

Well, we were ready to leave, departure time 13:45 and we were already taxi to the runway at 13:30.

Good, the earlier the better, I'm hungry and I can't wait to get to Victoria Falls Hotel for a salmon bruschetta. A big pot of tea and their HIGH tea cookies.

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Taxi to the runway

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
We're taking off

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Maun Airport below us

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Flying over Maun

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Our other passenger asleep in the front

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Flying over an elephant

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
I was dying in the back - When do we arrive? And we're running out of fuel!

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Finally, Kasane Airport

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Approaching Kasane Airport

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Approaching Kasane Airport

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
We have landed at Kasane Airport

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Luggage handling guy waiting for us

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Walking to the terminal

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Kasane Airport

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Kasane Airport

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Kasane Airport

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Kasane Airport

Aladdin flying to Kasane with Major Blue
Kasane Airport

Sitting on the floor and it was very uncomfortable and I could not wait for us to arrive. I kept my eye out for the Kasane Airport and I could not see any sign of the airport even though we hadGoing back to Victoria Falls Hotelbeen flying for about 90 minutes. I discovered that the fuel was down to almost 0 so we can't be far from Kasane.

There was no sign of my driver when we stepped in to the Terminal.

They told us that he would arrive in 10 minutes and when the driver arrived we asked if my new friend could join us.

The driver was not allowed to bring any other people in the car. I will change car at the border between Botswana and Zimbabwe and the driver agreed to take him on. Then we will have to seeGoing back to Victoria Falls Hotelwhen we meet the other driver at the border. If my new friend was lucky he can get a ride all the way to Victoria Falls

We were soon at the border between Botswana and Zimbabwe. We stopped at the Botswanan Immigration and I got my exit stamp.

We left the Botswanan Immigration and we drove to the Zimbabwean Immigration. My Driver went to look for my new Driver and he came back with the new driver. He said good bye and left. Our new friendGoing back to Victoria Falls Hotelhad found a ride at the immigration and he said thanks and good bye.

I had to pay 30 or 40 US dollar for a new visa to Zimbabwe. Botswana and Zambia and the visas are for free. But I guess Mugabe needs all the money he can get and we have to pay to get in to Zimbabwe.

I asked my new driver to keep an eye out for wild dogs, which was the only animal that I had not seen. The chances were slim and we stopped at a road sign warning for wild dogs.

I got my picture, most likely the only wild dog I will see. And don't mistake these dogs for the wild dogs we used to see in Bangkok 20 years ago. Well, the wild dogs in Bangkok are almost gone, at least I don't see so many of them now a days. Back in theGoing back to Victoria Falls Hotel“golden” days there were big groups of them running around the streets of Bangkok.

We arrived to Victoria Falls Hotel at 4 o'clock. I went to check in and to get my bag I had left here when I went to Botswana.

They told me that I had to go check-in at the Customer Service desk across the reception. And of course I asked why.
- You have been here before and now you're a VIP guest

They were all recognising me, or was it my safari uniform. I have been here for almost 3 weeks and I have seen exactly 0 other people wearing the safari helmet. Well, they all welcomed me back. IGoing back to Victoria Falls Hotelgot my key and I went to the restaurant.
- Hello, welcome back! You're normal table?
- Yes, thanks

I asked for Earl Grey tea and a salmon bruschetta. I don't think they have sold many salmon bruschetta since I left. The waiter came back with a salmon bruschetta with so my smoked salmon that I was chocked, never seen so much smoked salmon here before.

Yeah, the Cook was obviously happy to make the salmon bruschetta again. And it is strange, I consider the salmon bruschetta as a starter. But it is the most expensive item on the menu. 25 US Dollars and the most expensive main course is 18 or 21 US.

I finished my salmon bruschetta and I asked for HIGH tea, the 3 plates of cookies and snacks. I actually asked for a second HIGH tea when I finishedVictoria Falls Hotelmy first HIGH tea.

I was full, this was not planned for, but I was hungry when I arrived to Victoria Falls Hotel and I ordered more than I could eat.

I left the restaurant and I went to my room. I'm always sceptic to VIP room and I usually turn down the offer. And I always interrogate the staff in the reception before accepting.

I have had some VIP setbacks. But as this is Victoria Falls Hotel and I accepted. I opened myVictoria Falls Hoteldoor and there was a big bowl of fresh fruit. I vase with flowers and a gift, most likely chocolate.

I had brought a few cans of Diet drinks fromVictoria Falls Hotelthe restaurant and I started to update my web page while enjoying a diet drink.

I was back in the restaurant quarter to 9 and I asked for Earl Grey tea and the ostrich Bolognese. The food was excellent as always at Victoria Falls Hotel. But there were plenty mosquitoes on the terrace. I have asked them to call me at 04:00 tomorrow morning and I went back to my room and the bed.

Victoria Falls Hotel
Victoria Falls Hotel
View from my window

This is it from Zimbabwe, I'm off to Johannesburg tomorrow afternoon. And I will go have a look for a soft ice cream first thing after having checked in to my hotel. You just have to click HERE to find yourself in the middle of that adventure.

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