Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner

Todays pre-booked activities with Victoria Falls Guide
Pick up time
Drop off time
Night Drive + Bush Dinner

Saturday 8 th of November 2014 and they are coming to pick me up for the night safari and bush dinner at 15:45. So I didn't had much time, it was almost 2 o'clock when we were back from theAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservecanoeing. I decided to go look for a new bag tomorrow instead of today.

I got the FINE PRINT from Wilderness Air and I have not read it. Well, obviously I'm not allowed to have my carry-on bag on their flights to the Kalahari Desert. No rigid bags allowed and I will have to buy a duffel bag for my flights in Botswana.

I was at the shop at the hotel and they had a beautiful duffel bag in canvas. But 229 US dollars for a bag is a wee bit hefty. I will see tomorrow. I went to the reception at 15:45 and there was a Guide waiting for me. We were soon taking off towardsAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game ReserveStanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve.

We were going to pick up two couples at Stanley and Livingstone Lodge. The lodge are located at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve so it was not any detour. We arrived to the Lodge and there was an American couple and a couple from Zimbabwe waiting for us.

The gate to the gaming reserve was located just next to the Lodge and we were soon up and about with the game drive. And strangely enough, the first thing we see is the Eland Antelope. We had beenAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservetalking about the Eland before we entered the game reserve.

It was a very rare Antelope to see, and I had seen one at the canoeing and now we ran in to a whole group of them. We watched them for a while and we saw Impalas.

Well, these Impalas, who care, they are everywhere so I don't react anymore. Like seeing a hippo in Zambezi, there are millions of them. We drove deeper in to the gaming reserve and we were soon spotting giraffes. OK, it was our Guide that spotted them and I never stops being amazed about these Guides. They spot everything and that’s even though they drive the car.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
Driving deeper in to the game reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
He spotted the giraffe

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
There were plenty eagles

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
This bird is called the red chilli bird

I have never seen so much eagles at any other place, there are eagles everywhere. There is alsoAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserveanother bird with a red beak looking like a red chilli and they call the bird for the red chilli bird. But I don't know the real name, I forgot the name after about 3 seconds.

Our Guide reminded me about the Guide I had in Tanzania. Very passionate about his job and he really loved the animals and the nature.

He knew everything and it was fun to see him study tracks on the ground. OK, I can recognise the elephant tracks and the giraffe is also something I can recognise, at least when someone have told me that it is a giraffe track. He showed us tracks of paws and at oneAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservetrack you could see the marks after the claw. Then it was a hyena or what it was.

Of course, we saw elephants and by now I have them on the same list as the hippos and impalas. There are so many of them. It is a grand sight and you never get bored by the sight, same as the hippos. But I'm not excited any more. Like I told our Guide, game driving, of course it is fun to see the game. But I enjoy the nature as much. It is very relaxing going around looking at all the beautiful sights.

There is black rhinos in the park and the rhino population is decreasing every year. I think they said there is 2500 animal remaining in the world. But don’t quote me on that. But you can quote me onAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservethat the population is decreasing.

They have a new idea and the cut of the horn on every rhino trying to save them, but it doesn’t help.

They put pellets on the ground at one area of the park to lure the rhinos there. There is a dominant male and they are going to catch him as they have a world-wide problem with inbreeding. You can see that they have started to build aAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservecorral with big tree trunks.

The pellets are there and now the rhinos are used to come here and when the corral is ready they will catch the dominant male and send him to another park. And then another park will send their dominant male to Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve.

Well, let's hope this helps against the inbreeding.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
We stop for some refreshment

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
We stop for some refreshment

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
We stop for some refreshment

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
We stop for some refreshment

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
Time to leave

We stopped at an open area and our Guide put up a table on the grill of the car. Well, I think he used the grill as a table. He covered the grill with a table cloth and he put up drinks there. Wine,Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservebeer and soft drinks and I was pleasantly surprised that he had Diet Drinks.

We were waiting for it to become really dark and then we will drive through the park with a search light.

I knew nothing about this, but I saw one jeep passing us like that and I guessed that we would do the same. And I thought what a pointless exercise. How can you spot animals like that? Well, they know what they are doing.

We were soon on our way and we drove through the gaming reserve while our Guide searchedAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservearound with the search light.

We drove around and I was soon to find out that the way of catching the animals was to see the eyes in the light and our Guide was fantastic. He saw something and it turned out to be a bird.

He spotted the bird from far away and we sitting in the back saw nothing. Of course, our Guide have many years’ experience from working gin the national park. We came close and we stopped. There was a small bird on the ground, He looked strange with the long tail wings. I think it was something with flyingAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservewith open beak and the tail wings would put the insects in to his beak.

We were soon on our way again and we were soon spotting a giraffe, well, it was our Guide that spotted the giraffe while we were working our way towards the place where we had done the elephant back safari. We would have our “bush dinner” there before going back to our hotels. And by now I was hungry.

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
The bird

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
Night safari

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
The light attracted a whole lot of insects as well

Aladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserve
Our Guide spot a giraffe

When we arrived they had the fire started and the mandatory African dancers where there bangingAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reserveon drums making noise. The two couples went back to their lodge and I stayed with our Guide.

There were two tables and my guess is that the other people had been in the jeep passing us before. They asked if I wanted a starter and when I found out that it was mushroom soup I said no thanks. But I got a diet drink while waiting for the main course to be ready. I recognised some of the staff from my elephant back safari. I must say that theAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservepeople in Zimbabwe are very nice, at least here in Victoria Falls and I have enjoyed my stay. The main course was ready, BBQ buffet and I had not expected much.

But as with the breakfast after the elephant ride, it was excellent and I think I had three plates. You don't expect the sausages to be good when coming to Zimbabwe. But they are and I had three plates of sausage. They also had BBQ chicken and steak

There was a local Zimbabwean dish that looked like mashed potato and I asked if it was mashed potato. Looked exactly the same
- No it is (I have forgot hat he said) and that is a local Zimbabwean dish
I tried it and it tasted like mashed potato, or almost the same. I had a good chance to talk with our Guide while we had our dinner.

He used to work for a South African company and he was working in all the National Parks in South Africa and East Africa. Talk about the dream job. He had been in all the big national parks and heAladdin's adventure at Victoria Falls - Night Drive + Bush Dinner at Stanley and Livingstone Private Game Reservewas going to India and Peru when they closed down the office in Victoria Falls.

Well, we finished dour food and we left the place, in the nick of time. The song and dance started again and we could hear them when we left the place behind. We continued the night safari while in the private Gaming Park. When we reached the gate we were in the National park and it was not allowed to drive around with the search light.

We saw they eyes of a big group of Impalas on our way and we passed several antelopes as well. ASukhumvit wood froglong day have come to an end and passing the garden at Victoria Falls Hotel I could not help but thinking about Sukhumvit Road.

There is a pond at the hotel and it sounded like there must have been a million frogs. And many of them sounded exactly like the wooden frog they are hawking by making the sound from the frog.

Well, finally, tomorrow and I can sleep long before going for my historical tour of the Victoria Falls Bridge. Click HERE and you will soon find yourself on the Victoria Falls Bridge. So hang on, this might

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