Aladdin's adventure in New Delhi

India Wildlife and Medieval Tour for Mr. Aladdin
Mumbai – Rajkot - Sasan Gir – Alang - Ahmedabad – Delhi – Corbett – Delhi - Neemrana – Jaipur - Ranthambhore – Fatehpur Sikri – Agra – Delhi - Bandhavgarh – Kanha – Pench – Nagpur – Mumbai

34 Nights – 35 Days
Cut short to 30 days due to VISA issues

Day 18: Agra – Delhi (200 kms 5hrs):
At arrival to New Delhi arrival transfer to the hotel, After relaxation, take a sightseeing tour & explore the historic city, starting with Old Delhi: (Shahajahanabad) the majestic Red Fort, a marvel in red sandstone, Jama Masjid, the largest and most splendid mosque in India, both built by Emperor Shah Jahan of Taj Mahal fame; Rajghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, where he was cremated.

Later take a cycle rickshaw ride through the bustling and colourful bazaar of Chandani Chowk. Overnight at the hotel in Delhi.

Friday 22 nd of January 2016 and we had been on the way for 3 hours when we reached Delhi and we were going to Old Delhi for a tour. The Rajghat is on my itinerary and I was lucky that we passed it on the way to the Old Delhi. My Driver asked if I wanted to stop.
- No, just proceed, I have a glimpse when we pass.

I know they have Diet Pepsi at the hotel so I don't want to waste any time on the road.

Rajghat in Delhi

Rajghat in Delhi
Rajghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, where he was cremated

Rajghat in Delhi
Rajghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, where he was cremated
Pictures by Aladdin

I took two pictures from the car and we continued towards Old Deli. Yeah, we're kicking arse working our way through the itinerary

1) Tour of Old Delhi
2) The majestic Red Fort, a marvel in red sandstone
4) Jama Masjid, the largest and most splendid mosque in India
5) Rajghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, where he was cremated Done!
6) Cycle rickshaw ride through the bustling and colourful bazaar of Chandani Chowk NO WAY!

We drove for another 5 or 10 minutes and we found out that the road to the Red Fort was closed. There is some festival on the 26th of January and they had closed the road. Well, we willAladdin's adventure in Delhipass it when we're ready at Jama Masjid. 3 minutes later and I could see the top of the Jama Masjid.

I had been to the Jama Masjid back in 1992 so no need to get out of the car.

We drove around the mosque and then we killed two birds with one stone. Sight-seeing in Old Delhi and I got to see the Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Old Delhi

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Old Delhi

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Now we can see the Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Setting up business

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Setting up business

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Gate to the Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Working our way around Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Working our way around Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Working our way around Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
We are ready with the Jama Masjid - Red Fort next

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Working our way through Old Delhi to the Red Fort

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Police and military everywhere
And on the TV in the restaurant at our hotel is NON-STOP about terrorists they have caught

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
Sandbags for the military to take cover behind

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
We go down to the railway bridge to make a U-turn back to the Red Fort

Old Delhi and Jama Masjid
We go down to the railway bridge to make a U-turn back to the Red Fort
Pictures by Aladdin

Talking about kicking arse. We have been in Delhi for 30 minutes and we had almost finished the whole itinerary. My driver liked it. I came up with a plan for him, he can start his own tours here in Delhi. I will come up with a cleaver name for his tour. But until then I will use the working name “Delhi in a jiff” or “Speed tour of Delhi”

1) Tour of Old Delhi Done!
2) The majestic Red Fort, a marvel in red sandstone
4) Jama Masjid, the largest and most splendid mosque in India Done!
5) Rajghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, where he was cremated Done!
6) Cycle rickshaw ride through the bustling and colourful bazaar of Chandani Chowk NO WAY!

We left the Jama Masjid behind and I had have more than enough of the Old Delhi. We drove past the Red Fort and we made a U-turn at the railway bridge to go back for a better look of theIndian trainRed Fort. And I was lucky, not two, but THREE train passed on the bridge while we waited at the red light, the best of the whole Old Delhi tour.

Red Fort in Old Delhi

Red Fort in Old Delhi

Red Fort in Old Delhi

Red Fort in Old Delhi
Plenty of the latest security technique - The security gate

Red Fort in Old Delhi
Plenty of the latest security technique - The security gate

Red Fort in Old Delhi

Red Fort in Old Delhi

Red Fort in Old Delhi
Pictures by Aladdin

Old Delhi was full of military and police. Sandbags everywhere for the military with machine guns to take cover behind if the shit should hit the fan. They are on highest terrorist alert here. Anyway, we managed to finish today’s itinerary and we drove to the hotel.

1) Tour of Old Delhi Done!
2) The majestic Red Fort, a marvel in red sandstone Finished for today, in about 45 minutes
4) Jama Masjid, the largest and most splendid mosque in India Done!
5) Rajghat, the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi, where he was cremated Done!
6) Cycle rickshaw ride through the bustling and colourful bazaar of Chandani Chowk NO WAY!

It took quite some time to get to my hotel as the traffic was heavy at times and I was hungry. So after check-in I went straight for the restaurant. My Driver will be here at 3 o'clock, in oneLime Tree Premier in Delhihour to pick me up.

I'm going to a shopping mall to look for Indian music. I stepped in to the restaurant with my bag and they recognised me.
- You want your place?
- Yes please
- Diet Pepsi?
- Yes please, 10 cans
- A pot of tea?
- Yes please

I went to check out what they had in the lunch buffet and I decided to go for the buffet. Drinking tea updating myself with some of the latest news from Thailand and Bangkok on the internet.

Lime Tree Premier in Delhi

Lime Tree Premier in Delhi

Lime Tree Premier in Delhi

By the time I finished my lunch it was almost 4 and I only had the time to get to my room with my luggage. The Driver was waiting when I came down and we took off towards the shopping mall.Delhi shopping mall20 minutes away, or 5 km according to the hotel staff

20 minutes, well, when we had been driving for 20 minutes there was for sure not any sign of any shopping mall. We drove for about one hour and we had to stop and ask for the directions several times.

Well, stop, we were asking for directions on the “fly” several times. But we made it to the mall in about an hour according to the clock in my phone that I used for the pictures.

Delhi shopping mall

I went to look for some CDs and I bought 3. I bought some dressings for my wound on the leg and I bought underwear at Mark & Spencer. I walked back to our rendezvous point and I was halfwayDelhi shopping mallwhen my driver came shouting.

He had been busy shopping and we went to the exit. I went out on the street to wait for him.

And we would save time as he would not have to drive through the security. He went to the parking house and I went across the road to wait.

I took a picture of the shopping mall from across the street and the head of the security came running and told me it was not allowed to take pictures.
- Are you crazy?
- No, plenty terrorists

Well, if my picture is going to make any difference between a successful or a failed terror attack they have some problems around here. Anyway we talked until my driver cam and it was a nice guy. We kept our eyes out for a Vodaphone office I had been told should be a few minute sup the shopping mall.

We failed to discover any Vodaphone office and we drove back to the hotel. Pick-up time at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. When I was back at the hotel I booked a car to take me to the airport on Sunday morning. My driver should have taken me, but I told him that he can go home to Jaipur tomorrow as soon as we are ready with the Delhi tour.

Otherwise he will have to sit around in Delhi to wait to bring me to the airport. Unnecessary for the 4 minutes raid and I will arrange another car. He was happy about this.

Anyway, if you want to find out about tomorrows adventure in Delhi you just need to click HERE

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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