Tiger safari in Bandhavgarh National Park
India Wildlife and Medieval Tour for Mr. Aladdin
Mumbai – Rajkot - Sasan Gir – Alang - Ahmedabad – Delhi – Corbett – Delhi - Neemrana – Jaipur - Ranthambhore – Fatehpur Sikri – Agra – Delhi - Bandhavgarh – Kanha – Pench – Nagpur – Mumbai

34 Nights – 35 Days
Cut short to 30 days due to VISA issues

Day 20: Delhi – Jabalpur (By Air) - Bandhavgarh (165 kms: 3 hrs)

After an early breakfast check out the hotel and transfer to the Delhi airport to board Air India AI-9617 flight for Jabalpur, depart 12:55 hrs and arrived 14:35 hrs, assistance on arrival and drive to Bandhavgarh, on arrival check in to the jungle lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Original booking Air India flight AI-9617 to Jabalpur

Flight changed to Jet Airways flight 9W 2423 to Khajuraho

Yes, they have had one to many incidents at the Jabalpur Airport with the wild life and the airport is closed. Read about it HERE . So I have to fly to Khajuraho with Jet Airways

Sunday 24 th of January 2016 and I had my alarm to go off at 6 thirty together with a back-up call from the reception at the same time. I moved over to my desk and computer where I had my last two Diet Pepsi.

I had finished my breakfast and I was in the reception at 9 o'clock. I paid the bill and I was soon in the hotel car on my way to Delhi's domestic airport. I was going with Jet Airways flight 9WDelhi Domestic Terminal2423 to Khajuraho. I was originally booked with Air India flight AI-9617 to Jabalpur.

But they closed Jabalpur airport back in December 2015. Yes, they have had one to many incidents at the Jabalpur Airport with the wild life and the airport is closed. Read about it HERE .

So I'm flying with Jet Airways instead and as I had been flying with them before I was not happy about this. Well, it took us 10 minutes to get to the airport and then I had to pass a security guard before I could comeDelhi Domestic Terminalin to the terminal. He asked for a passport and the e-ticket. I asked him who the h**l print an e-ticket, it is 2016!

And why does he need to see the e-ticket? If I'm up to no good it would take me less than nothing to print an e-ticket with anything I liked on it.

Well, desperate times requires desperate measures. If you cannot do anything to improve the security you just have to come up with something, never mind how pointless, but it shows that you are on top of things!

The queue to Jet Airway check-in was not too bad and I was soon in front of a check-in counter and a girl that I soon had reason to wonder how stupid you are allowed to be.

I handed her my passport.
- Where are you flying?
- I don't know, but it starts with a K and I cannot say the name even if I read it
-Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
- But you will see when you enter my name in the computer
-Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
I was thinking: What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

She looked in the computer and she told me that I was flying to Varanasi.
- No, I'm not flying to Varanasi
- Yes
- No, I'm flying to a place starting with the letter K!!
- No, you are flying to Varanasi
- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Now I had to go through the trouble to get my e-ticket from my bag. Yeah, India and it is like being tele transported right back to the 50's. He gave her my e-ticket.
- WHERE AM I FLYING!!!!!?????
- You are flying to VaranasiYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
- NO!
- Your plane make a stop in Varanasi and then they continue to Khajuraho
- So where the foock am I flying?
- To Khajuraho
- SO SAY SO!!!

But I must give it to her, maybe because she felt sorry for being stupid, but she put me in the emergency exit row with good leg room. She tore apart my first boarding pass and she printed aDelhi Domestic Terminalnew boarding pass and I could go to the security check area.
- Hurry up, boarding starts at 9 thirty.
- Why do you need 1h and 15m for boarding?
- Departure time changed, 10:45 to 10:15
Departure 30 minutes earlier and nothing about it until you check in. I could not believe my ears

Last time I said never again Jet Airways, and this time I mean it. I have been flying more than 3 times and I have never heard of earlier departure time. I passed the security and I passed a drug store on the way to the gate. I had to buy some stuff missing from the list the Doctor gave me yesterday. The hotel sent someone to buy the medicines I needed, but the list was far from completed. I bought my stuff and I Was soon on my way to the gate again. New airport and it seemed to be several kilometres to Gate 51.

And the boarding gate, the sign said boarding but no signs of anyone boarding. By then the clock was 5 minutes past 10 and I asked how they had planned to depart at 10:15 when boarding had not started 10 minutes before departure.

I have no skills in how to run an airport or airline, but I understood that we would not depart at 10:15. The Jet Airways staff, well, let's make it short. We departed at 10:45, 30 minutes late and then we were delayed on the runway for 15 minutes. Jet Airways, never again.

Delhi Domestic Airport

Jet Airways flight 9W 2423

Jet Airways flight 9W 2423

Jet Airways flight 9W 2423
We make a stop in Varanasi

Jet Airways flight 9W 2423
They clean the plane in Varanasi - Luckily enough we don't have to get off the plane

Jet Airways flight 9W 2423
Time to leave Varanasi

Jet Airways flight 9W 2423
Approaching Khajuraho

Jet Airways flight 9W 2423
Approaching Khajuraho

Jet Airways flight 9W 2423
Approaching Khajuraho

Khajuraho Airport
We have landed at Khajuraho Airport
Well, it was more like we got shot down and full brake so I and the girl next to me were about to fly out of our seats

Khajuraho Airport
We have landed at Khajuraho Airport

Khajuraho Airport
We have landed at Khajuraho Airport

Khajuraho Airport

Khajuraho Airport
Khajuraho Airport arrival hall

Khajuraho Airport
Khajuraho Airport arrival hall

Khajuraho Airport
Our luggage is coming

I had located the guy that would pick me up outside Khajuraho Airport while waiting for my luggage and as soon as I had my luggage we left the airport. I had interrogated the Meruka India TourismService's representative about the time to go from Khajuraho to my hotel Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge in, yes, Bandhavgarh.

He told that it was about 6 hours. I asked if there was any nice hotels in Khajuraho. There was a Radisson and I told him that I needed to have lunch before we left Khajuraho. I was introduced toRadisson in Khajurahothe driver when we reached the parking lot.

I went in to Radisson and I was soon sitting at a table reading the menu with a pot of Earl Grey tea on the way.

It looked to be a nice hotel and restaurant so my expectations on the food was high

I had a look at their buffet but it was Indian mushy mash and I was disappointed. I had expected some nice food and I asked if they didn't had any International food.
- Yes, we have plenty, the Waiter said lifting a lid
- Chinese, he said while looking proud
Yeah, Chinese mushy mash is not better than the Indian mushy mash so I asked for the menu.

The food was good and I felt good when I left for the car. Chicken burger and naan bread with aRadisson in Khajurahopot of tea, I will not need any food until we reach my hotel Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge in, yes, Bandhavgarh. 300 km and they expect 6 hours, so we're not exactly going to haul arse.

The road was, well, there was no road and I understood that it would take time to get us to Bandhavgarh. We had arrived to a “hole in the wall” airport and we passed a huge glass and chrome airport. Brand new and the driver told me that it would open tomorrow. A giant airport in the middle of nowhere. Expensive, and as I said to the driver: New airport but no roads and no schools and hospitals for the people. Yeah, important to get the priorities right

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
We will not arrive in a jiff

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
The driver tells me that this is the start of the highway

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
It will take some time to cover 300km

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Passing a farm

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Passing a work shop

Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis,
Indian Roller

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Crossing the bridge to Panna Tiger Reserve

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Crossing bridges in India is not high on my “wish list”

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
The road to Bandhavgarh passing through Panna Tiger Reserve

Yeah, the road trip turned in to a game drive as the road to Bandhavgarh pass through Panna Tiger Reserve. We never saw any tiger, but just to know that there was possibilities made the road trip more exciting.

But we drove through a beautiful area and I enjoyed every second. I saw a Plum-headed parakeet with a big branch in his bill. He was so close and he was flying so slow because of the heavy branch in his bill. I was just looking so I forgot to take pictures. We passed a second Roller and this time I asked the driver to stop so I could get a few pictures. Indian Roller is a beautiful bird and the last few pictures were in an orange light from the sun set.

My driver wanted a cup of tea so we stopped at an “Indian styled” Tavern. There were beds along the roads if you needed to rent a bed. There was a concrete pool where they washed themselves. Of course, there were so much garbage around. But the interesting thing was that they had fired up their tandoori and they were making naan bread, of course, I would not eat anything there. Millions of flies and filth to last for a life time.
Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Indian Tavern

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Indian Tavern

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Making naan bread

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Making naan bread

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Making naan bread

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Making naan bread

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
A farm behind the Tavern

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
Yet another bridge have to be crossed

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
We drive through a beautiful landscape

Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis,
Indian Roller

Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis,
Indian Roller

Indian Roller, Coracias benghalensis,
Indian Roller

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
The sun is setting

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
The sun is setting

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
The sun is setting

My Vodaphone SIM card gave up in Delhi, my second Vodaphone SIM card that give up and stop working while I'm in Delhi. So I give Vodaphone 5out of 5And just to make sure they get the picture I throw in a fewto top it up. Vodaphone, never again!

My Driver is using Airtel and he says it is good so I asked him to stop so I could buy a SIM card. We had about 100km to go when we passed a town. We had been on the way for 3 hours and we had covered about 200 km so not so bad. I bought the SIM card and I had been in the shop when the whole town came to have a look.

Yeah, must be boring around here, everywhere I have been shopping it had taken less than 15 seconds for the whole town to gather in the shop. The stop had taken about 30 minutes and we were on our way again.

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
We stop to buy an Airtel SIM card

Road trip to Bandhavgarh
The whole town is there to say good bye when we leave

It was dark when we left the SIM card shop and the road to Bandhavgarh was very bad and it took us 2 hours to reach the Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge

We had to pass a gate to get in to the Bandhavgarh National Park and after 20 minutes or so we had to pass another gate to enter the town. I stepped in to the restaurant at the BandhavgarhRoad trip to BandhavgarhJungle Lodge around 20 thirty, 6 hours after departure Radisson Hotel in Khajuraho.

Well, the restaurant was a disappointment, only some Indian food so I left for my room. But as at all the previous places here in India it was a very friendly staff and they wanted to cook for me. But I didn't feel like eating mushy mash and I went to my room.

I got 2 bottles of water and I had some of the biscuits I bought on the way to Ranthambhore. I stepped into my room and I really liked the room. It was cosy and I had a desk for my computer. The arranged for a heater for me. I checked the bathroom, no signs of any scorpions and snakes. So it was OK, not like I'm going to rush in there in the middle of the night. But it was clean and nice and I will enjoy my 4 nights at Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge.

Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge

Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge

Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge

Bandhavgarh Jungle Lodge

Well, the jeep departs at 6 thirty tomorrow morning and they will call me at 6 o'clock. So I'm off to bed and if we find anything at our morning safari you will find it HERE

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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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