Aladdin is going to Delhi from Alang
India Wildlife and Medieval Tour for Mr. Aladdin
Mumbai – Rajkot - Sasan Gir – Alang - Ahmedabad – Delhi – Corbett – Delhi - Neemrana – Jaipur - Ranthambhore – Fatehpur Sikri – Agra – Delhi - Bandhavgarh – Kanha – Pench – Nagpur – Mumbai
34 Nights – 35 Days
Cut short to 30 days due to VISA issues

Day 5: Alang to Ahmedabad by car - Delhi (By Air)

After visit to Alang continue drive to Ahmedabad airport to board the Spicejet SG-192 flight for Delhi depart 21:10 hrs and arrived 22:45 hrs, on arrival transfer to the hotel for overnight stay.

Changed to flight SG 196 departing @ 20:50

Saturday 9 th of January 2016 and we left Alang behind around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It was, well, they had told me that I needed a permission to enter the scrap yard. But I had expected toAladdin is going to Delhi from Alangbe able to see more of the beach and the junkers. Even though it was like I had expected outside the yard with the shops it had been interesting to see it.

3 o'clock and my flight leaves Ahmedabad @ 20:50. Will we make it? As we saw coming here, the distance doesn’t mean anything when estimated the length of the journey. Suddenly there are cattle walking on the “highway” Highway, that is what they call it here, I don't know what weAladdin is going to Delhi from Alangwould have called it in Sweden or NW Europe.

In Sweden I would have been able to estimate how long time it would take to reach the destination just by knowing the distance.

But, well, here it is another story. Indian Highway #51 is not the best of highways. And as we have seen, the traffic encountered is not exactly what you expect on a highway. We left Alang and a sign saying 250 km to Ahmedabad. About 45 minutes later and we passed a sign saying Ahmedabad 225 km. I was getting worriedStop to drink tea on Indian Highway #51about my flight.

My driver confirmed that the “highway” between Bhavnagar (6 million people) and Ahmedabad (15 million people) should be excellent. The population figures are from the driver so this is a very uncertain number.

It is the same driver that took me from Rajkot to Gir. And he was the one making the by now classic statement “I speak English very good a little bit” And weStop to drink tea on Indian Highway #51have a very different meaning on what a good highway is.

I was told that the whole trip would take 6 hours and now we had been on the way for about 7 hours. Anyway, I was in a good spirit after hearing about the state of the road between Bhavnagar and Ahmedabad. Of course, I was under the impression that there must be a SUPER highway between two big cities like this.

Indian Highway #51

I was hungry, we had not had have any food since early morning and I asked the driver if we could stop for biscuits when we reached the high way. He stopped at a place and I told him to drive on.
- A clean place!

We stopped at a place and I bought a bottle of water and some biscuits. The driver sat down having a cup of tea and a pack of biscuits while I was waiting. Tea is good, the only thing I drink, almost. But the tea they serve here in India, the traditional tea that is so very sweet IIndian Highway #51cannot drink it

We left after 10 minutes and the road was quite good and we were hauling arse. Well, this lasted for a few kilometres and then the good road turned in to a not so good road and I was seriously worried about my flight.

Missed flight, under normal circumstances and I would have taken the next flight, but I have a safari in Corbett and as I already have the safari permits they will expiry and I cannot book new permits. In short, me and me tiger safari would be ducked!

And even though it sounds very exciting to plunge down the highways in India it is not the reason for me to be here. Wildlife and safaris is why I got through the trouble to come.

Indian Highway #51
Indian Highway #51

Indian Highway #51
Indian Highway #51

Indian Highway #51
Indian Highway #51

Map of Gujarat
Time to leave Gujarat and this is the area I have covered

I was getting very worried and the driver didn't make me any confident that we would make it to the airport in time. We will be there at 6 o'clock. Well, I have never been here before and IAhmedabad night trafficunderstood that we would never make it until 6. I want to be there at 7 to give me 2 hours for check in.

At 18:15 he told me that we would be there in 30 minutes. And again, I have never been here before and I understood that we would never make it in 30 minutes.

At 19:00 he told me that we would be there in a few minutes. And again, I have never been here before and I understood that we would never make it in a few minutes.

Even though it was dark when we arrived to Ahmedabad I could see that it was a huge city. Modern looking, it was actually looking much better than Bombay. But the traffic was a killerSpice Jet check-in at Ahmedabad domestic terminaland as it was Indian style driving there were no rules on the roads. Honk your horn is what everyone does.

My driver was standing on the brakes as a twat on motorcycle was coming out in front of us. And we got hit by a scooter from behind.

Yeah, the simplest things seems to be hard to understand for the Indians on the dangerous roads.

Of course, the Indians must be sad to lose a child! Must be so, so why don't they teach them to drive properly, especially with all the deaths on the Indian roads.

It was 8 o'clock when I got out of the car at Ahmedabad Domestic Terminal. And I was very happy to see that the check-in was still open. I checked in and I dashed off to the security. I passed security and when I came to gate 2 the boarding had started. I had made it to Ahmedabad domestic terminal in the nick ofducking time!

Ahmedabad domestic terminal
Security at Ahmedabad domestic terminal

Ahmedabad domestic terminal
Boarding Spice Jet flight SG 196

Delhi domestic airport
Getting off Spice Jet flight SG 196 at Delhi domestic airport

Delhi domestic airport
Spice Jet flight SG 196 at Delhi domestic airport

Delhi domestic airport
Waiting for the luggage

Delhi domestic airport
So where is my driver?

I was in seat 1A so I had expected plenty leg room, but there was a divider between me and the door. Well, it was a short flight and they managed to have the luggage on the luggage carousel in what must have been a record breaking time. But no Driver when I came out so I had to go to aDelhi domestic airporttaxi stand to get a taxi to Lemon Tree Premier Hotel.

There were something fishy with the flight times. Departure time 20:50 and arrival time at 22:40. We arrived around 10 and everyone had told me 2 hours flight time, well 1 hour 50 minutes. Boarding pass say the same, and the time table the same.

But how can it take 2 hours to fly to Delhi? We were not flying in a Space J.....Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stYeah, I was about to write Space Jet, but the space in the seat wasn't anything to write home about. The smallest seat I have ever had. Maybe because of the biscuits on the highway between Bhavnagar and Ahmedabad

Anyway, it was not a Spice Jet plane and maybe their slow “2 hours to Delhi” plane had broken down. So we made it in less than 1 and my driver was a NO SHOW. I took a taxi and I checkedLemon Tree Premier Hotel in Delhiin and before going to my room I went to the restaurant.

They brought a mug of tea even though I had asked for a pot.
- Where is the pot of tea?
- We don't have pots
- No pots at a hotel?

He was soon back with a proper sized pot of tea. I had also got 10 cans of Diet Pepsi that I will bring to my room for tomorrow. Tonight and I will go straight to bed as I'm very tired.

Didn't dare to sleep in the car as I had to keep an eye on the driver non-stop. We had more than one dangerous situation on the roadLemon Tree Premier Hotel in Delhibetween Gir and Ahmedabad.

It was excellent food and tea, of course, after 3 days with only naan bread and onion omelette.

I had bought all the Diet Pepsis they had in Sasan Gir so I was looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning for a Diet Pepsi.

And I have asked for a 7 o'clock wake up call. Then I will try to find the driver so we can get to Jim Corbett and some tiger safari adventures. And as we have got used to, just click HERE to find out!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
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noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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