Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park
India Wildlife and Medieval Tour for Mr. Aladdin
Mumbai – Rajkot - Sasan Gir – Alang - Ahmedabad – Delhi – Corbett – Delhi - Neemrana – Jaipur - Ranthambhore – Fatehpur Sikri – Agra – Delhi - Bandhavgarh – Kanha – Pench – Nagpur – Mumbai

34 Nights – 35 Days
Cut short to 30 days due to VISA issues

Day 28: Kanha – Pench (115 kms: 3 hrs)

After breakfast, check out the hotel and drive to Pench, on arrival transfer to the resort, after refreshment enjoy Jeep safari to at Touria zone and Jamthara zone. The main vegetation of the park is the Kullu and Teak trees and a wide variety of deciduous trees some of which are rare and endangered as well. Enjoy dinner & overnight stay at resort.

Monday 1 st of February 2016 and they knocked on my door at 6 thirty. I was at the breakfast table at 7 o'clock with my luggage. I sat down starting to read the news and my tea was soonAladdin's road trip to Pench National Parkcoming to the table.

I started with one of their delicious cheese & onion omelette. A few toasts later and I asked for a second omelette.

By then the other guests started to show up and it looked like 2 of them had been on an early morning trek in the area.

I asked to settle my bill for my stay and the bill came to 900 Rupees something for laundry and SIM card. I paid my bill and we left for the car that would take me to Pench and the Pench Jungle Camp. I met the driver andAladdin's road trip to Pench National Parkhe confirmed that it would be about 4 hours to Pench Jungle Camp.

So time to leave Kanha Jungle Lodge and if you ever plan to come to Kanha I can really recommend the Kanha Jungle Lodge. You have to look hard for friendlier and more service minded staff.

I was in the back seat, this was the same model of car I had been in during the adventures in Gir and Alang. So it was kind of comfortable in the back. We left Kanha behind and it was quite a good road. I enjoyed the sights but I was soon half a sleep.

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park
Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park
On the way to Pench

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park
Forest for as long as we can see, and full of tigers

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park
We had to stop for a train

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park
We had to stop for a train

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park
We're passing a circus

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park
The road had seen better days, orhmm, maybe not

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park

Aladdin's road trip to Pench National Park
The road sides are full of hotel signs and we know we're close

We had a nice drive to Pench and we had passed through a huge forest area and I had been enjoying the sights. But the road, darn, this road was in a very poor condition. Started good in Kanha, but later on it turned bad, very bad. But we made it in 4 hours. Well, it was 4 hours and 10 minutes when we rolled in to Pench Jungle Camp.

I got out of the car and I got in to a shock. If you click HERE you might find out why.

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