Road trip to Ranthambore
India Wildlife and Medieval Tour for Mr. Aladdin
Mumbai – Rajkot - Sasan Gir – Alang - Ahmedabad – Delhi – Corbett – Delhi - Neemrana – Jaipur - Ranthambore – Fatehpur Sikri – Agra – Delhi - Bandhavgarh – Kanha – Pench – Nagpur – Mumbai

34 Nights – 35 Days
Cut short to 30 days due to VISA issues

Day 13: Jaipur – Ranthambhore (180 kms: 4 hrs)

After early breakfast checkout and drive to Ranthambhore, the hunting place of Royal Family of Jaipur and one of finest tiger reserve of India. On arrival, transfer to the hotel. Later in the afternoon take a jungle safari by canter with naturalist guide at the tiger reserve of Ranthambhore, one of the best places in India to see a tiger in its natural habitat. In the dry season tigers can be seen near the watering holes and are clearly visible in the dry forest. Rest of the evening is free for leisure. Overnight at the jungle resort.

Sunday 17 th of January 2016 and my alarm went off at 07:20 but as I was very tired it took some time to get out of bed. I was updating my web page in my room for a while before I wentRoad trip to Ranthambhorefor my breakfast. My driver will be here at 11 so after breakfast I will spend 5 minutes to pack my bag

We left the hotel just after 11 o'clock and it was kind of light traffic and we were soon on the highway. And I was pleasantly surprised of the state of the highway.

A new highway, but of course, the road was in a different states during out trip. But the highway was mostly very good and no cows or anything slowing us down until we left the highway. Then it was a totally different story.

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore
Leaving Jaipur

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore
Imagine, yes, imagine what would happen if the bus driver have to brake

The buses were packed, so many passengers that they had to sit on the roof. Now you think they were driving slow. NO WAY! They were plunging down the roads in full speed.

Imagine having to brake for a child running out on the street. The roof would be cleared in 0, 5. Well, thinking of it. Maybe the main safety feature is that there is no brakes.

Road trip to Ranthambhore
Cattle using the road as a toiletHOLY SHIT!

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

Road trip to Ranthambhore

We were at Abrar Palace and Jungle Camp around 14 thirty, 3 and a half hour after departure from my hotel in Jaipur. This was my idea of a road trip when I booked my tour here and on the Philippines. Not a killer trip of 10 hours++

3 and a half hour and it is interesting on the Indian roads, same as when I was on the Indian trains, 3 to 5 hours is very interesting and fun. More than that and it is pure pain. Well, anyway, arrival to Abrar Palace and we just click HERE to find out all about this place.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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