Tiger safari and bird watching in Sundarbans

Saturday 3 rd of December 2016 and they knocked on my door at 06:15. This was the time we supposed to take off with the boat. There had been a misunderstanding about the wake up call. It was 6 thirty before we could leave for the forest office.

We need a new entry permit as they had expected us to change the boat. JUSTTRAVELS India had thought that I would not like the boat so they had just got a one day permission yesterday. But the boat was OK and I told them that there were no need to change. So we need to go back and get a 3 day permission for this boat again. But tomorrow we will get straight in to the mangrove forest and departure at 6 o'clock sharp.

There were several boats at the forest office to obtain permit, yes, Saturday and the area is full of weekend tourists from Calcutta. Everyone wants to see a tiger.

Sundarban Riverside Holiday Resort
Hotel area from my room at 06:15

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
The jetty is full when we arrive to the forest office

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Monkey at the forest office

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
We leave the forest office

Little Cormorant, Microcarbo niger, นกกาน้ำเล็ก
Little Cormorant

Common Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis
Common Kingfisher

Common Kingfisher, Alcedo atthis
Common Kingfisher

Black-capped Kingfisher, Halcyon pileata, นกกะเต็นหัวดำ
Black-capped Kingfisher

Black-capped Kingfisher, Halcyon pileata, นกกะเต็นหัวดำ
Black-capped Kingfisher

We left the forest office and we cruised down the river towards the tiger reserve. The river was full of tourist boats loaded with all the weekend tourists. But they were cruising the river in “double” speed searching for tigers. So they missed all the birds we stopped to look at during out cruise around looking for tigers.

We don't mind being alone enjoying Sundarbans on board a quiet boat. They have a look out tower and this is the place the people want to go visit. Then lunch on the boat and back home. Maybe someone are lucky to see a tiger. But the chances are a t least to say slim. I would recommend you to have your own boat if you come to Sundarban.

You will have your own schedule and as quiet as you want it to be. I have been lucky, we have had an excellent Cook and the breakfast was excellent.

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Misty morning

Common Redshank
Common Redshank

Common Redshank
Common Redshank

Lesser Whistling Duck
Lesser Whistling Duck

Lesser Whistling Duck
Lesser Whistling Duck

Lesser Whistling Duck
Lesser Whistling Duck

Lesser Whistling Duck
Lesser Whistling Duck

Little Cormorant, Microcarbo niger, นกกาน้ำเล็ก
Little Cormorant

Little Cormorant, Microcarbo niger, นกกาน้ำเล็ก
Little Cormorant

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Illegal fishing in the tiger reserve

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Illegal fishing in the tiger reserve

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Illegal fishing in the tiger reserve

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Illegal fishing in the tiger reserve

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
We see another tourist boat

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Time for lunch

The time to be here is obviously during the low water. And while I'm here we have low water in the morning and thus it is high water at lunch time. Then it is just to cruise around waiting for the water to go out again so the mud flats dries out. And it is also during the low water you can see the most activity in the area.

Anyway I had finished my lunch, and I was sitting up front keeping an eye out while the staff was eating on the aft deck. I shouted stop and turn around to the driver. They came rushing forward and when we had finally manoeuvred the boat in position. Yes, it is a small boat, but they need Indian Ocean to turn the boat around.

I had seen a huge bird in a tree up a small creek and when we were in position we could see a giant Crested Serpent Eagle . And as the bird was sitting in the middle of the tree we could really see how big it was. Sitting on top and there are really not any references for the size.

We were approaching the watch tower and a 500 meter long “sky” walk through the jungle. Of course, surrounded by a sturdy fence. They asked if I wanted to visit the tower and I told them that if I wanted to visit a fun park I could as well go to Disney World. I told them that we could skip this place and continue our search for birds and tigers.

1) Tiger
2) Brown-winged Kingfisher (Actually, we saw one this morning flying in front of us, but no picture)
3) Ruddy Kingfisher
4) Crocodile
And I was for sure not regretting my choice when we passed the place. Plenty tourist boats and tourists, no, I stay on the boat. We have a few items on our list before we go back to Calcutta.

So we were for sure not having any “spare” time to spend here at the watch tower, or well, look out tower. So we left the hullabaloo behind and we were soon able to cross of one item from our list of things to see, the crocodile.

Crested Serpent Eagle, Spilornis cheela, เหยี่ยวรุ้ง
Crested Serpent Eagle

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Hullabaloo at the lookout tower

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Lookout tower and sky walk

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Lookout tower and sky walk

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
This was nothing for me

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
We are soon seeing our second crocodile

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
We are soon seeing our second crocodile

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
We are soon seeing our second crocodile

We left the lookout tower behind and we were soon spotting our first crocodile. We had a few pictures and we continued our cruise on the channels going back to Sundarban Riverside Holiday Resort. We were stopped looking for some bird in the bushes when Our Guide asked us to be quiet.Shh

He thought he heard a Brown-winged Kingfisher calling from the other side of the river. The bird kept on calling and we crossed the river following the sound. And yes, it was a Brown-winged Kingfisher and it was a very beautiful bird. We had ticked off two things from our list in a very short time.

We saw the Brown-winged Kingfisher this morning, the bird flew across the river jus tin front of us, but we never saw it again. But now we have seen the bird.

We were all in a very good mood when we left the Brown-winged Kingfisher behind. Tea was soon served on “deck” and we enjoyed a beautiful sun set drinking tea.

1) Tiger
2) Brown-winged Kingfisher
3) Ruddy Kingfisher
4) Crocodile

Brown-winged Kingfisher
Brown-winged Kingfisher

Brown-winged Kingfisher
Brown-winged Kingfisher

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Passing a Great Egret on our way home

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Bringing tea for me and my Guides

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Can it get any better?
Well, the tea cup could have been a couple of hundred times bigger
A real tea cup, Thailand's next export success?

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Homeward bound

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
An Osprey enjoying the sunset

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
An Osprey enjoying the sunset

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
We are back at the hotel

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
We are back at the hotel

Tiger safari in Sundarban Tiger Reserve
Waiting to come ashore

A gorgeous day have come to an end. Well, not quite yet, I will have yet another excellent dinner and I will be off to bed. We're leaving at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning. And I'm quite excited for yet another day full of fun in Sundarban Tiger Reserve. Click HERE to find out if we're lucky to find a tiger.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stHopefully we will be able to close a few items from our list.

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