OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Varanasi/ Benares

Friday 9 th of December 2016 and I had an excellent breakfast and I was in the reception just before 8 o'clock. I could see that my driver and car was just arriving outside. My Guide was in the reception and we took off towards Kedar Ghat and the boat.

I have decided to go by the rowing boat. No noise and it would not be so cold. Hissing down Ganges in full speed and I would be cold in the wind. Ganesha next!

No, the Ganesha shop would not open until 10 so we would go up Ganges and we would make a stop to buy the Ganesha. I also wanted to buy some nice bottles so I could bring some holy water back home to Bangkok for the Ganesha to enjoy a drop every now and then. And my friend believes in Ganesha so I will have to buy a bottle for him as well.

Ramada Plaza JHV hotel in Varanasi/ Benares
My Scooby 750 is here

Varanasi/ Benares
Back at Kedar Ghat in day light

Varanasi/ Benares
Just as when I was here 25 years ago, doing the laundry in the river

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares
Cleanest laundry in town

Varanasi/ Benares
My boat is here

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares
Leaving Kedar Ghat

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares
Passing the cremation site

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares
Guest house where holy men lives for free

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares
Pond Heron

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Bank myna, Acridotheres ginginianus
Bank myna

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares
Water intake from Ganges to the city of Varanasi
So I have been taking a shower in water from Ganges

Varanasi/ Benares
Pond Heron

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares
Almost at the end of the upriver river front

Varanasi/ Benares
Assi Ghat, the first up river ghat

Varanasi/ Benares
Assi Ghat, and we're going ashore to look for Ganesha

Varanasi/ Benares
Assi Ghat, and we're going ashore to look for Ganesha

Varanasi/ Benares
We are ashore at Assi Ghat

Varanasi/ Benares

Varanasi/ Benares
We can see that they are selling drums for the Ganges water everywhere, but I want something that looks nice

We reached Assi Ghat, the end of the river front up river. I had seen a lot of birds, even a Pied Kingfisher, but the pictures turned out bad. It had been a wonderful trip and I was happy that I had the rowing boat. Very peace full on the river.

We went to the shop and they didn't had anything that I really wanted to have. But as this was the last chance to buy a Ganesha that I could have to swim I bought 3 small Ganesh. I bought 2 bras bottles for the Ganges water as well and I was happy with my investment when I left the shop. Now it is only the bathing ritual remaining.

Varanasi/ Benares
Have to call the boss to check the price

We walked back to the boat and we set course to the middle of the river. For sure, Ganesha would not have appreciated a bath in the shitty water on the mud flat. They might do their laundry there and to brush their teeth in that water. But my Ganesha is going for as clean as possible today. Of course there is no clean water around here

Yes, it is impossible to find clean water in Ganges, but we will try our best. We took off leaving Assi Ghat behind and we were soon starting the bathing ritual.

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Ganesha stand-by for the holy swim

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
We start with “Little” Ganesha

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Li'l Ganesha loves the swim

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Humpty and Dumpty can't wait to get wet in the holy Ganges

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Holy water

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
This might very well turn out to be the holliest of the Ganesh to be found in Bangkok

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
One thing is for sure, it won't be easy to find holy water in Bangkok
So I bought two bottles so I can fill them with holy water to bring back
home for the Ganesha to enjoy when at his new home in Bangkok

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
He takes this seriously and he rinse the bottles well

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
He takes this seriously and he rinse the bottles well

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges

Ganesha swimming in River Ganges
Now the Ganesh have holy water to bring with them to Bangkok

Well, this page is for sure blown out of all proportions so I will split the day adventure on River Ganges in to 2 parts. Click HERE and we will go down river to the last ghat on Varanasi river front. And it may look like shit, but Varanasi is really fascinating. These houses are hundreds of years old, some of them even 1000 years ++ old.


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