OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone

Friday 16 th of March 2018 and my alarm went off at 4 o'clock. I left my room at five 20 to be in the reception at 5 thirty when the jeep is coming to pick me up. Well, I'm not so happy about my “Good Morning” constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsince I learned about the leopards.

It was raining, and it had been raining all night. But I hope it stops before we come to the national park. And the jeeps don't have any canvas so no cover from the rain in the jeeps.

Amazing but not surprising, not service minded at all. Exactly ZERO interest in any improvements. Paying TOP dollars and they only provide shit and shit service. In Africa all the cars were provided with a canvas roof and bottle holders etc. in the jeeps.

Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba
Not so happy about my morning walk with leopards lurking in every bush

Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba
Not so happy about my morning walk with leopards lurking in every bush

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
At the main gate and we have to turn around and go to another zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
The gate to the Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
The gate to the Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
The gate to the Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone - Agarzari Zone
Working our way in to the Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
This is what they provide the tourist with

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
Or they provide nothing

We took off towards the main gate and when we arrived we were told that we were going to another zone today. We changed jeep and driver and we drove to the Agarzari Zone. We were joined by our Guide and we entered the Agarzari Zone. The rain changed to an annoying drizzle.

We entered the park and we didn't see anyone that was looking happy sitting in the rain. Of course, impossible to use the camera. We drove for a few minutes and we spotted tiger tracks in the sand. We decided to follow the tracks and we turned left. We spotted a tier after about 100 meters, and we were soon discover that the tiger had 3 babies. And the babies were very cute.

BUT DUCK! The tigers was behind trees and bushes. Gloom and grey, drizzle and it was dark so I needed a crazy ISO speed. To reduce the ISO speed I needed to decrease the shutter speed, but it was not any good. Better than nothing, but not good.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
The baby come to have a look at us

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
The baby come to have a look at us

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
The baby come to have a look at us

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
The baby come to have a look at us

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
And the prize for the cutest tiger in the world goes to...

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
We go to look for Slot Bears

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
A beautiful tree

The tigers leave and I see one of the little ones on top of a hill, but then they disappear and we continue. Now we need to find a leopard and a slot bear. We drive to an area where there are trees that the slot bears like and then to a wild dog area. But it starts to rain and we return to the gate to take cover.

Standing at the gate, not what I had expected paying thousands of dollars, wasting my time suffer on a plane flying around the world to come here. We wasted quite some time taking cover at the gate before we returned in to the Agarzari Zone. We drove down to the lake and there were many birds.

I spotted something that looked like a huge spoonbill. Coming close and I discover that it is a Openbill Stork with some clam or something in the mouth. We see a Crested Honey Buzzard sitting in the tree, but the light have left a lot to wish for today.

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Agarzari Zone
Black-headed Ibis and my “Spoonbill”

Crested Honey Buzzard or Oriental Honey Buzzard, Pernis ptilorhynchus

Crested Honey Buzzard or Oriental Honey Buzzard, Pernis ptilorhynchus
Crested Honey Buzzard

Crested Honey Buzzard or Oriental Honey Buzzard, Pernis ptilorhynchus
Crested Honey Buzzard

Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba
Back at the Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba
We can see three of the tents and I live in the middle tent

Breakfast when I'm back at the hotel and I spent the time waiting in my room for the afternoon safari hoping that it would not be raining. I was soaking wet coming back from the morning safari.

I returned to the reception to be there at 2 o'clock and I spotted a lot of birds walking there. Otherwise there have been no birds at 2 o'clock, hot and sunshine. But now it had been raining all day long and it was cool. And the birds were hungry after having to take cover from the rain all day long.

I spotted a Purple Sunbird outside the reception, a gorgeous bird. But the picture was very bad. They have two kinds of Sunbirds here at Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba:
1) Purple Sunbird
2) Purple-rumped Sunbird

Both very beautiful birds and I really wish I could get to see them. I should have stayed here for one extra day for some birding around the hotel.

Irai Safari Retreat – Resort at Tadoba
Purple Sunbird behind a leaf

My jeep arrived and I could see that they had covered the jeep top with canvas. Of course, no space to sit under the roof and not possible to look out. I took a rope and I made a “sausage” of the canvas so I could sit on the side of the roof. They other jeeps were all, well, almost all of the jeeps were covered by the canvas and the tourist was not happy. Impossible to look out. At the main gate they came over to my jeep to have a look at the “sausage”

They left and I could see the other jeeps starting to do the same thing, and when they ran in to trouble they looked at my sausage. Not protecting from the rain, but if it starts to rain I can open the sausage and cover the sides again.

I kept my “big” camera in my back pack on the floor in the jeep. And I used my “action” Canon PowerShot G7X and I just made a video, nothing much special during the evening safari.

I brought out my “big” camera when it was time to leave, we passed a Crested Serpent Eagle . Not any good light, and the Eagle was scared away by our driver slamming the door. Well, the Driver, when he was not talking he was spitting and hawking. Now his spitting and slamming the door scared away the huge Eagle sitting just next to us.

The Crested Serpent Eagle is a very beautiful bird and it was impressive to see the bird take off. Well, I called it a day and I told the driver to take me back to the hotel. I will have the Cumin Potato for dinner, without chilli. Last safari tomorrow so I will have to pack my bag, well, it will take 2 to 3 minutes to prepare my luggage so this will not be any problem.

Crested Serpent Eagle, Spilornis cheela, เหยี่ยวรุ้ง

Crested Serpent Eagle, Spilornis cheela, เหยี่ยวรุ้ง
Crested Serpent Eagle

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Crested Serpent Eagle
Crested Serpent Eagle

Aladdin's bird watching and Tiger Safari at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Project - Crested Serpent Eagle
Crested Serpent Eagle

So, let's hope we have better weather tomorrow. I'm very pleased with my stay here at Tadoba. Terrible weather today, but all in all it have been very good. And we got to see the baby tigers this morning, very cute. Anyway, the Cumin Potato was excellent and I will have them for breakfast tomorrow. So, again, click HERE to find out what we see on the last safari tomorrow.

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