Warning !!

Here is a list of products I'm not very impressed by

During the days I have bought a few things that I hadn't been so pleasedVeckans Sverkerwith. Quite the contrary, I have been pissed off. And as a service for you I will make the list available here on aladdin.st . I hope we can keep this page to a minimum.

Print this page and keep it handy next time you go shopping so you don't do the same mistake I have made. Let's hope that I don't need to update this page in the near future.

Let me start with NOKIA. I bought a NOKIA 6210 with high speed modem. I had bought me a Hewlett-PackardHewlett-Packardlaptop and I needed a mobile phone with
NOKIA 6310i
NOKIA 6310i
infrared connection and NOKIA 6210 was my choice because of the high speed modem (28kbps). Well, I had to return the phone before soon because the phone turned it self off all the time.
- That's a well known thing with this model
- You tell me this now!!

When I picked the phone up again it worked for about 2 hours. I was driving to Södertälje and I kept the phone on the passenger seat all the time. When I should make a call it had turned it self off again.

Hmm, when I picked up the phone at the shop the second time the phone worked for a few days. 3rd time I picked up the phone the told me it was due to humidity. Big surprise, the guaranty didn't cover phones destroyed by water. I got pissed off and the worst thing was that I had bought a new NOKIA 6310i while the other phone was for repair. This was the only phone with high speed modem at the time.

Well, according to NOKIA the 6310i should be a “State of the art” phone with edge breaking technology.When I tried to install the modem on my computer my computer seized. I called NOKIA.
- You have to join “NOKIA fun club” to get support, they told me.

What the bip , is it a biping book club? You buy a book cheap (most likely the first is for free) and you keep on receiving books for the rest of your life, no matter what you do. And they don't send them for free any more.

They could not help me and they didn't give a s•••. Well, I have bought my last NOKIA.

Fujitsu Siemens

I bought a new Fujitsu Siemens laptop 18 of February 2004. I bought the laptop and I left Sweden the day after. Well, the CD rom/ DVD burner didn't work. I sent e-mail to Fujitsu in Sweden.
- We don't have e-mail support.
- Thank you very much A-hole, I thought.
A brand new computer, and it was an expensive one, not working. The only reply was that they didn't have any e-mail support. Well, the whole idea with a laptop is that you should bring the computer with you around the world.

I would recommend you to buy a Hewlett- Packard. When ever I have problem with my (2 times) HP I just bring the computer to HP service. They scan the barcode on the back.
- There is still warranty on your computer, they say, even though it's not in the country were I bought the computer.

And they fix your computer in 3 days maximum. I'm very satisfied with my HP. 1st time I had to repair my HP was because I lost my temper and I wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stusing the computer as a sparring partner. The X key felt off, but please don't tell anyone. For sure my next computer will be a HP.


Hmm, SONY, I have had many SONY products and I have never been pleased with
SONY Micro Vault USB 2,0
SONY. But this time I had enough and I will never buy any SONY again.

I bought a SONY Micro Vault USB memory. This USB mass storage device worked for about 2 days and when I went to SONY they told me:
- This is accessories and there is no warranty.

What can I say? As you understand I was pissed off and I have had it with SONY. No more SONY and I went to buy a new USB memory. It was not a SONY and it works beautifully.

I understand that things have a malfunction, but then at least you can expect a:
- Sorry! We will change the product for you and sorry for any inconvenience.
But when they just don't give a s•••.
- It's not our problem!
Hmm, pisses me off.

Another sad story is the one about a 2nd Officer in the Swedish Merchant Marine. He signed up for a cheap mobile operator. One of the bait they used to attract customers was a SMS service every time you reached 50 SEK ( approx 9€) on the bill. A cheap GPRS service made him sign the contractYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st.

One day he received a 500€ bill. No SMS message received about reaching 9€.
He wrote them an e-mail and got the answer.
- We raised the price 1000% and we sorry that our SMS service wasn't working.
Please! If you are using Campus Mobile change to a serious and straight operator. There are still some honourable operators.

Well, here we go again! 1 of the ABs registered a domain name at www.nameghost.com and he paid for a web hotel at www.99kronor.com. After 2 weeks there is nothing happening and no answers on any of several e-mails sent to them. Now he will have to go through all the trouble getting his money back from MasterCard. Please!! Use neither www.nameghost nor www.99kronor.com.
He has a new domain name now www.seaserpent.se and let's hope it work this time.

So let's hope the swindlers end up where they belong.

Watch out when you buy the following products:
• Fujitsu/ Siemens
• Campus Mobil
• www.99kronor.com
• www.nameghost.com

Lets put these products where it belong and leave this ghastliness behind

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