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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Greater Crested Tern

Saturday 14 th of January 2017 and my Guide was waiting for me when I came to the parking lot. Crack of dawn and after a full night of frogs and whatever making high noises the birds haveBirdwatching on Bali, Indonesiataken over. As soon as we had the first light the frogs stoppedtheir noise and the birds started to sing. I guess the frogs wanted to stay quiet or they would have been eaten by the frogs

We were soon on our way to where we had been yesterday afternoon. My Guide had arranged for a small boat for us. We were going out to check some of the small islets covered in mangroves. There would be Kingfishers and the Lesser Adjutant Stork. So this promise to be exciting.

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
We're going by boat today

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
Fisherman coming back from fishing

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
We're on the way

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
Will the sun shine today?

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
Steering towards Java and the strait

We walked out in the water to board the small boat that was in 30 to 40 cm deep water. Not possible to get it up on the shore. AND FOR SURE IMPOSSIBLE TO GET BACK IN THE WATERIF I WOULD HAVE BEEN SITTING IN THE BOAT! So the solution was to walk out to the boat. We took off towards the 7 seas in our small boat.

We were steering towards the strait between Java and Bali. It is the East of Java we can see with all the volcanos. We can easily see 4 volcanos but when I look at the map I see that there are several volcanos. Never mind, we're not here to look at volcanos. We turned right just before reaching the strait between Java and Bali and we could soon see 5 Lesser Adjutant Storks on the mud flats.

The Adjutant stork is very shy so we never came very close. We continued and we were slowly cruising along the mangrove where we saw many Collared Kingfishers.

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Collared Kingfisher
A Collared Kingfisher couple
Picture not good enough to make it in to my bird list

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Lesser Adjutant Stork
Lesser Adjutant Stork
Picture not good enough to make it in to my bird list

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Lesser Adjutant Stork
Lesser Adjutant Stork

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Lesser Adjutant Stork
Collecting food

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Lesser Adjutant Stork
Collecting food

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Collared Kingfisher
A Collared Kingfisher couple

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Collared Kingfisher
A Collared Kingfisher couple

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
Cruising along the mangroves

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
Cruising along the mangroves

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Monitor Lizard
Monitor Lizard

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Cerulean Kingfisher
Cerulean Kingfisher
Picture not good enough to make it in to my bird list

Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Merops philippinus, นกจาบคาหัวเขียว
Blue-tailed Bee-eater

Blue-tailed Bee-eater, Merops philippinus, นกจาบคาหัวเขียว
Blue-tailed Bee-eater

Common Sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos, Drillsnäppa, イソシギ, นกเด้าดิน
Common Sandpiper

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Whimbrel
A Whimbrel
Picture not good enough to make it in to my bird list

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
Another volcano

Greater Crested Tern, Crested Tern, Swift Tern, Thalasseus bergii
Greater Crested Tern
14 January 2017 - Menjangan, Bali, Indonesia

Greater Crested Tern, Crested Tern, Swift Tern, Thalasseus bergii
Greater Crested Tern
14 January 2017 - Menjangan, Bali, Indonesia

We had have a beautiful morning on the sea. But the sun never made it through the clouds and the light was not so very good for taking pictures. We saw a lot of birds, but not many pictures. IBirdwatching on Bali, Indonesiamanaged to get a picture of the Cerulean Kingfisher, but not a very good one.

But I was happy and on the way back to the hotel we stopped in the forest to have a look for the Rufous-backed Kingfisher.

Maybe my last chance to see the Greater Crested Tern before going back to Sanur and the snorkelling tomorrow. But we never spotted any birds in the forest and we were soon on our way back to the hotel where I will have my breakfast.

My Guide will be back at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to pick me up again. When I was back at my room I could see a few Collared Kingfishers flying around in the area. I could hear one of them screaming in the tree next to the swimming pool.

Today we were going to spend the afternoon in the forest. It is a National Park, again! I really don't understand the national park set up here. Where ever we go there is a sign saying “nationalBirdwatching on Bali, Indonesiapark” but there are full of garbage everywhere.

Anyway, my Guide was here before 2 o'clock. I was going out early to look for birds and he was on the parking lot. We had a look at a couple of Collared Kingfishers until they took off.

We left and as we were in the car we came very close to the Collared Kingfishers that was sitting on a branch just above ground. But they took off as soon as we stopped the car.

We had been driving for 20 meters when we stopped again. There was a deer relaxing under a tree. And the deer just laid there and as the deer was behind bushes and branches so no good pictures.

Coming in and out to the park and the hotel you need to take 2 different dirt track. We were on the way out when we met a car coming towards us. My Guide got out and explained for the driverBirdwatching on Bali, Indonesiathat she had to go back and enter the park further down the road.

She put the car in reverse but after 15 meters (5 minutes) my Guide had to go out and take over the wheel. She could not go backwards with the car and my Guide had the back her car the duck out of here so we could go birding.

We were soon on the road and we drove to the national park and we parked our car and we started to walk along the dirt track. We saw black monkeys and plenty birds. We could hear a few Banded pittas but we never saw the beautiful bird.

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
We walk along the dirt track

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Black monkey
Black monkey in the forest

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Black monkey
Black monkey in the forest

We walked back to the car and we took off leaving the forest behind. We had seen the black monkey in the forest, there are millions of monkeys around. But the black monkey are only to be seen in the forest, and the black monkey is very shy. But the grey monkey are all over the place.

When you drive by the grey monkey on the roads you can see how they stand up on the back legs trying to look in to the car for anything to munch on. Anyway, we drove a few hundred meters and we stopped at a big grass field. We walked along the forest line and there were a few people in the grass field cutting grass and bushes to bring home as food for their cattle.

And it was hot, darn hot. The sun was high in the sky and I was very happy that I had brought a bottle of water. We came to a pasture with a few cows and one tree in the middle.

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
Walking along the forest line in the sun shine

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
Walking along the forest line in the sun shine

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia
One tree on the pasture

Birdwatching on Bali, Indonesia - Lesser coucal
Lesser coucal
Picture not good enough to make it in to my bird list

We walked in the forest and we had a Rufous-backed Kingfisher flying by. But we never saw the Rufous-backed Kingfisher again. And we could hear the Banded Pitta , oh how I wish I could get aBirdwatching on Bali, Indonesiaglimpse of that beautiful bird. But it seems like I have to be satisfied just by listening to the bird. We walked around the pasture and we spotted a Lesser coucal.

The bird was a wee bit too far away for any good pictures. So this is yet another bird that I cannot post on my page “Birds I have seen in Indonesia”

We stopped to have a look for the Bali Mynas and we saw a couple in the tree. They lived in a nest close by and there should be eggs or babies in the nest. We watched them for a while and they were soon flying off. I saw a few Yellow-vented Bulbuls, but no good pictures.

We were soon on the way to my hotel and my last dinner before going back to Sanur tomorrow. The Bali Tower was closed today. When it is raining they serve dinner in the Bali Tower. But as it was nice the dinner was served down on the beach. So I had to get in to a car to get down to the beach. And it was quite a drive to get down to the beach.

They had a different menu but I managed to order what I had ordered the previous 2 evenings. Smoked salmon and spaghetti bolognaise.

The Menjangan
Down on the beach

The Menjangan
The restaurant

The Menjangan
The restaurant

Sunday 15 th of January 2015
and my car arrived 10 minutes after 12. He was late so I was already in the hotel car on the way to the reception at the Bali Tower. I paid my bill and we were soon on our way to Sanur and a dinner at Kuta Beach

I asked the driver when we would be back at my hotel in Sanur and he told me 3 o'clock.
- Yeah-yeah Blah-blah

They just pull figures out of the hat without ever expecting to have any responsibility for what they are saying. Must be an easy life, everything is come by chance and guess work. Of course, always complaining about the low salary they receive. But a good salary requires that you should be able to tell the time and some basic planning abilities.

We took off and after 15 minutes I had a soar behind sitting in the Suzuki, not a comfortable car. And the only reason for buying the Suzuki, yeah, it is the cheapest.

I was in the back looking out for Cattle Egrets in the rice fields. This time of the year on Bali and the Cattle Egret have a beautiful breeding plumage. And we spotted a Cattle Egret and we stopped. The Egret was very shy and took off without me getting any pictures.

The Menjangan, Bali
The hotel car is coming to pick me up

The Menjangan, Bali
The car from Sanur is here

We drive over the mountains

We drive along the mountain ridge with steeps on each side of the road

Bali - Cattle Egret in Breeding plumage
Cattle Egret in Breeding plumage

Bali - Cattle Egret in Breeding plumage
The egret get scared and takes off

We were back in Sanur quarter past 4 or something like that. This time I was going to stay at Sindhu Mertha Suite. last time I stayed at Sindhu Mertha Guest House. But I had complained about the room, no desk. The Sindhu Mertha Guest House had really nice rooms and a very friendly staff, but I would like to have a desk.

Now I have a desk, I put my luggage in the room and I was off to Kuta Beach with a taxi. I was walking around for a while and I got lost in all the:
- SIR! We have your size!
- Boss! What are you looking for?
- Boss! Where you go?
- TAXI!?

Yeah, you know what I mean, and it was the same shit for sale that you see all over Asia. Same t-shirts, same brands and Luxury watches etc. I got desperate to get out of there and I stopped ataxi to go to the Italian restaurant I had been to the other day. We passed a place saying “crepes” and I asked the driver to stop. Crepes, can it be any better?

I stepped inside and I was soon having a pot of tea in front of me. I asked for spaghetti Salmone and the crepes menu. She told me that they didn't had crepes any more.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I was not so happy, the crepes sign was the reason for me to stop here. And the bread was nothing to write home about and I asked if she had FRESH bread. I pointed at the bun
- This is the same shit I buy at 7 Eleven
- We make them fresh here
- Yeah-yeah Blah-blah

I got my Salmone and I asked for a chocolate mousse with whipped cream. Of course, I had confirmed that they had whipped cream. This was good, it was so good I asked for a second chocolate mousse. Yeah, I know, my diet. BUT IT IS SUNDAY!
- Whit whipped cream? The Waitress asked
- Of course, I said while giving her the internationally recognised sign for “brimmed”

She came back with my mousse and she asked if I wanted something lemon
- Complimentary, she said
I said no thanks and I asked for my bill. No crepes, but the chocolate mousse was EXCELLENT! And the staff was very friendly so it turned out to be a very nice dinner. I took a taxi to go look for a vape shop. But I never found the shop I had been to last time so I was soon back at Sindhu Mertha Suite and my bed.

Well, I asked if I could change room as they had given me a room with a Japanese styled bed with the mattress on the floor. This is something for the young yoga enthusiasts, not for me. But I got a new room with a real bed so it was OK.

I went to bed thinking about the duck in Menjangan. First day of birding and we had passed a restaurant at the Bali Myna breeding place. We saw a small duckling with a 2m string attached to its left leg. The duck baby was in distress trying to stretch the string to reach something.

I looked around and I could not see anything the duck wanted. I discussed with my guide and the duck was clearly in distress. I went in to the restaurant screaming at the people
- CAN'T YOU SEE THAT THE DUCK IS IN DISTRESS? BIP BIPPING BIP!! What if I tied you up in a string? BIP BIPPING BIP!! The duck need water and food! Fer focks sake!

A lady looking scared came out with water and food for the duck. I was thinking that I should buy the duck and release the bird at the hotel. There is enough space for the bird to run around. Name it Aladdin and come to visit every year. But the duck would have been scared sleeping in the forest. Anyway, tomorrow they will come to pick me up for another day of snorkelling.

Click HERE to find out if I find any fishes or anything else exciting under water.

Bird pictures I have taken here on Bali can be found HERE

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