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Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur

Saturday 24 th of June 2017 and it was 20 minutes or so with a taxi to the Perdana Botanical Garden. I got out and I ended up at a children’s playground. I arrived to the North entrance ofMalaysian Travel Posterthe Perdana Botanical Garden.

I spotted a small pond as soon as I got in to the park. So I walked through the playground and down to the pond. Not many birds, but a few pigeons and Mynas, no surprise there.

I walked along the pond. I was soon back on the main road going through the park. I followed the road and I saw a Yellow-vented Bulbul and I managed to get a picture. A little later and I passed a waterfall.

I spotted a lizard sunbathing but when I approached the lizard went back in to the water and I had a few pictures while the lizard climbed up the waterfall. I pass the end of the waterfall and I see birds swimming on top of the waterfall

Click HERE for full window map

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Map over the Perdana Botanical Garden - Click HERE

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Pond when I enter the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Pond when I enter the park

Yellow-vented bulbul, Eastern Yellow-vented Bulbul, Pycnonotus goiavier, นกปรอดหน้านวล
Yellow-vented bulbul - นกปรอดหน้านวล

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
I pass a waterfall

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
A lizard enjoying the sunshine

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur

I was very lucky as it was the Asian Glossy Starling swimming to cool down on top of the water fall. I had seen the bird for the first time this morning at the KL Tower but the picture wasn't any good. I got a few pictures of the wet bird. And I spotted two juvenile Asian Glossy Starlings seeking shadows in the bamboo next to the waterfall.

I decided to go up behind the waterfall to see if I could get a view of some of the birds bathing and cooling down but I only got a Common Myna out of it. And of course, a beautiful walk out of it. The area behind the waterfall is called Oasis Garden something and I walked around there for quite a while before walking back to the pond.

Asian Glossy Starling, Aplonis panayensis

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Behind the waterfall

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Oasis Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Oasis Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Oasis Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Oasis Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Back at the pond

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Back at the pond

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove - นกเขาชวา

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove - นกเขาชวา

You can see Zebra Doves all over the park. But it is a beautiful dove so I stopped to take a few pictures when I walked by the pond. Walking towards NW South of the children’s playground and you have the Sunken Garden on your let hand side and the playground on your right hand side. There is a MAP over the park at the NW corner of the playground.

Walking along the playground and the Sunken Garden and there are many flowers and you might find birds here. But in this area there is a lot of people. You can see birds playing and looking for foods in the Sunken Garden. But I was not able to identify the birds, only the Malaysian Fantail.

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Walking south of the playground

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Walking south of the playground

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Sunken Garden

If you continue towards NW you will pass an herb garden and here you can cross the water and walk between the forest and the canal. Well, it is one big lake/ pond but in this area it looks like a canal. Make sure to stop by at the herb garden, not for birds but to have a look. Might be worth the extra time spent there as it is a nice place. Even to sit down for a minute or two.

Following the walk path on the west side of the park and there are plenty birds in the forest on your right hand side. And here, as everywhere else I have been in Kuala Lumpur, the Oriental Magpie Robins are everywhere. Yellow-vented Bulbuls are also seen all over Kuala Lumpur. Walk along the water and when you come out to the wide part of the pond, by then you have walked past a bamboo house on another small island and another big construction.

Anyway, there is an island and it was full of herons and egrets sitting in the trees.

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
I'm off road to look for birds

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Walking along the west side of the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Walking along the west side of the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Walking along the west side of the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Walking along the west side of the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Walking along the west side of the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Walking along the west side of the park

I have only seen two Night Herons in my life, one in Singapore and one in Bombay. But here must have been hundreds of them. Plus Cattle egrets, Little egrets and plenty Pond Herons.

And the noise form the island, there must be hundreds of egret and heron babies. The babies are flying out and around the island and back to the tree. Or sometimes across the pond to a tree and back again. They are training. And it was very nice to watch them. But too far away for any good pictures of the birds.

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Egret Island from the west side of the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Egret Island from the west side of the park
Can you see all the Night Herons in this picture?

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
The big brown birds are Night Heron babies

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
The big brown birds are Night Heron babies

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Left hand side, lower corner, an Egret baby

I was at Fotofile at MBK Center before coming here. I went to have a look at a 600mm Canon lens. Sweet Lord, it weight a ton. Not something you carry around on your daily walk in the park. And of course, if you carry this lens you need 2 cameras as 600mm is too much for my kind of birding. 200 mm and up close to the bird.

But imagine to have the 600mm today! Sit here with a tripod and you would have had all the different Egrets and herons and all their babies. But to pay 15,000 US for a lens you use once is a wee bit too much. So, if you have been on my birding page before you might remember Lumpini Park this time of the year last year. All the egret babies in the trees. Yes, people have asked where all the egrets and herons are.

There are usually plenty egrets and herons in the parks, suddenly nothing. Well, they are attending their young ones. So look up the trees, they are very hard to find if you walk under the trees. And I have noticed that the pond herons like to have their nest inside the leaves so they are very hard to see.

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
South end of the park

Birding/ Bird watching in Perdana Botanical Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Tunnel under the highway

I wanted to come closer so I walked around the pond/ lake passing the south border to the park. I discovered a tunnel there so I knew where to leave. I was getting hungry and tired and I didn't want to walk all the way back up to the north side again. So when I was ready at the egret island I walked back south and under the tunnel

Hungry, thirsty and tired. I have been up and about since 5 this morning. I told the driver to take me to my hotel so I could have some tea and oatmeal. YEAH! FAT CHANCE!I told the driver to take me to a big mall with plenty restaurants and I had Italian food, too much of it before going back to my room.

I called the reception and asked them to wake me up at 5, my driver will pick me up at 6 and we will go for a full day of birding. Click HERE to find out if I spotted any birds.


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