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Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur

Sunday 25 th of June 2017 and we're on our way to FRIM - Forest Research Institute Malaysia. FRIM, yet another area I found thanks to Mike the birder. He had seen a Stork-billed Kingfisher here. So thanks to his blog the https://mikebirder.blogspot.my/ I found this beautiful area.

We had to pass a gate and I had to pay 15 RM in entrance fee. They charge me extra because I'm a foreigner and they also charge for the camera. After passing the gate you continue up the road. When you reach the first road turn left and you have FRIM Wetland on your right hand side.

There is no place to park the car, but there is a piece of the curb missing 200 meters up the road and my driver parked the car under a tree there. The first hour or so she was driving up and down the road while I was looking for birds, but then she found this spot. And now I share the secretKuala Lumpur birding mapwith you, just have a look at my Kuala Lumpur bird watching map.

Yeah, I told you! This map thing can be pretty nifty to have on your phone while out there looking for birds.

And if you decide to come, I think you will be better of during the dry season. Now I was walking around in wet grass and the sandy/ muddy ground was kind of soft. Well, anyway, will I find any Stork-billed Kingfisher? I was walking around the area, I'm 98% sure that I could hear a Stork-billed Kingfisher .

But I'm 100% sure that i heard a White-throated Kingfisher as I also saw the bird. I was almost stepping on the bird when it took off just in front of me. Well, I will have to change my underwear when I'm back at the room.

Click HERE for full window map

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur
Entrance to FRIM

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur
Road South of the FRIM Wetland

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur
FRIM Wetland

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur - White-throated Kingfisher
FRIM Wetland - White-throated Kingfisher

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur
Dark-necked Tailorbird

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur
Dark-necked Tailorbird

Yellow-vented bulbul, Eastern Yellow-vented Bulbul, Pycnonotus goiavier, นกปรอดหน้านวล
Yellow-vented bulbul - นกปรอดหน้านวล

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur
Platform under roof, flimsy built so be careful while walking on the board

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur
Looking over the pond from the platform

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur

We left the FRIM Wetland behind continuing to drive along the Kapur Street. We turned right entering the two small roads leading up to a few houses. First street was very short and we made a U-turn and got back out on Kapur Street. Second street and we entered again. After 60 meters I told the driver to stop, there was a White-throated Kingfisher in the tree next to us.

I got a few pictures and we continued to the end of the street. We made a U-turn and we drove back. I asked the driver to park the car and I went out to walk around to have a look. I spotted a Paddyfield Pipit. And I could hear the Asian Koel making terrible noises from the trees. One was blowing the horn and the other answered. And it was a call I'm not used to hear from the Asian Koel. Click PLAY below to listen to how I'm used to hear the Asian Koel.

Listen to the Asian Koel
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Listen to a female Asian Koel
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Starting node in response to earlier uploaded song from male.

I saw one Asian Koel landing in a tree where there was already one Asian Koel and they started to scream. I don't know what they are up to, this time of the year so I don't think it is the breeding season. I really don't know what’s going on and I will show the video for my birding guide in Genting Highlands next weekend. Maybe he can explain the difference between the calls. You can easily compare the calls between the recording above and the video below.

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM, Kuala Lumpur

White-throated Kingfisher, White-breasted Kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis, นกกะเต็นอกขาว
White-throated Kingfisher - นกกะเต็นอกขาว

White-throated Kingfisher, White-breasted Kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis, นกกะเต็นอกขาว
White-throated Kingfisher - นกกะเต็นอกขาว

White-throated Kingfisher, White-breasted Kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis, นกกะเต็นอกขาว
White-throated Kingfisher - นกกะเต็นอกขาว

White-throated Kingfisher, White-breasted Kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis, นกกะเต็นอกขาว
White-throated Kingfisher - นกกะเต็นอกขาว

Richard's pipit, Anthus richardi, นกเด้าดินทุ่งใหญ่
Richard's pipit - นกเด้าดินทุ่งใหญ่

Anyway, you continue on Kapur Street and if you turn left on the first road you will drive towards FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden. We turned left and we spotted a monkey running along the road. You drive past a few gardens and then you're in the forest again. You pass a lake/ pond on your left hand side and then you're at a three way intersection. The options both look like walk/ bicycle paths.

We turned right at the intersection and things started to get interesting. I was in the back looking for birds with one finger on the window button. And when we approached people screaming “YOU CANNOT DRIVE HERE!” I closed the dark tones window. No one could see me and the driver couldn't care less. The road was blocked and she had to try to do a U-turn. And there was really no space for any U-turn.

But she managed to do it and we were soon back at the three way intersection. Turn left and go back or continue to FRIM Garden of Eden? There was a sign saying that it was not allowed to bicycle, but we were in a car so we continued straight.

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
A monkey crossing our path

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
It is only a walking/ bicycle path

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
The road is blocked and we had to make a Y-turn
And there is no space for a U-turn

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
Back at the three way intersection. No problem, we're in a car not on a bicycle so we continued

We ended up at a beautiful area and here you can spend hours walking around looking for birds. Yet again, I can confirm the White-throated Kingfisher. Seems to be one in every tree in Malaysia. I saw some very big monitor lizards around the big lake/ pond.

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
We came down on this road

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
Pond/ lake

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
Monitor Lizard

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
Bamboo on the south side of the pond/ lake

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
The big lake/ pond

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
The big lake/ pond

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
The big lake/ pond

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur

Walk around the lakes and there were many birds, plus of course, the wildlife we recognise from Thailand. Monitor lizards and turtles. There were three ponds, one big and one not so big plus a very small pond. Easy enough to walk up in the forest, if you come here during the dry season. Quite easy today, but after some rain it will be slippery.

The area is huge and there is a big lake west of the botanical garden. The road to the Garden of Eden was closed by traffic cones but this was no problem for my driver. And this was very good, it would have taken hours to walk around the lake, now we could check out the place in a jiff.

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
Traffic cones, no problem

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
We drive around the big lake

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
We drive around the big lake

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
We drive around the big lake

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
We drive around the big lake

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
We drive around the big lake

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
Monitor lizard with a fish

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
Monitor lizard with a fish

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
We drive around the big lake

Birding/ Bird watching at FRIM Botanical Garden/ Kepong Botanical Garden and FRIM Garden of Eden, Kuala Lumpur
Back in Kuala Lumpur

It was a beautiful park and a visit id highly recommended even if you don't like birding. But you will need some kind of motorized vehicle to be able to cover this area. A taxi in Kuala Lumpur is 40 to 50 RM per hour or 200 to 300 for a full day. Well worth the money

So far I have just loved Kuala Lumpur. A lot of green areas and the parks I have visited have been nothing less than excellent. And not like in Thailand, garbage everywhere so it is lovely to walk around the parks. My driver dropped me at Holiday Inn Express. I will spend the rest of the day in my room drinking tea and eat oatmeal. Well, that was the plan, but I was soon at the Irish sandwich bar at the hotel. And I had WAY TOO MUCH to eat and I felt really bad.

But tomorrow... Anyway, I will start the day with tea and oatmeal before going back to Perdana Botanical Garden for more bird watching. Last day of birding in Kuala Lumpur and you just need to click HERE to find out if there is any birds.


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