Written onboard M/T Ek-Star July 2010

Aladdin's adventure onboard M/S Stena Scanrail

Stena Scanrail
Stena Scanrail
Picture from www.stenaline.se

Length 142 m
Width 19 m
Built 1973/1996
Passenger capacity 65
Gross tonnage 7 504 t
Draught 4.6 m
Speed 16 knots
Freight Capacity 900 lane metres
Ship Builder A. Vuyk & Zonens, Netherlands
Port of registry Göteborg
Flag Swedish
Engines 2 x Stork Werkspoor
kW Horsepower 5 299 kW / 7 200 hp
Height clearance: 5.20 m
Width clearance : 9.35 m

Stena Scanrail was transporting rail wagons and trailers between Gothenburg and Fredrikshamn in Denmark. Once a week we took a trip to Kiel in Germany. She was built 1973 in Holland.
In Fredrikshamn
In Fredrikshamn
As we know from my previous page I was broke when I came back from India. And even though IStena Scanrail in Göteborghad a student loan and a bank loan I was running out of money.

Maritime academy, yes I was in the middle of theautumn semester, but I needed money so I accepted a 2 weeks job onboard Stena Scanrail to refill my valet.

But I could see Sjöbefälsskolan on Kvarnberget every day from our jetty in Gothenburg, so that counts for something.
Stena Scanrail in Göteborg
So I was very happy when I got on the ship in Frihamnen in Gothenburg. And we were in Gothenburg every day so I hadchance to take home tax free beer and stuff.

A few cases of beers come in handy at time when you are aStena Scanrail in Kielpoor student in need to stretch every cent.

We were going between Gothenburg and Fredrikshamn and once a week we took a trip to Kiel in Germany.

Kiel was a little break from the Fredrikshamn routineStena Scanrail in Göteborgand after a few days of going between Gothenburg and Fredrikshamn it was very nice to get on a trip down to Kiel in Germany.

There was time for a little shopping in Kiel. But what does astudent need from Kiel?

I think it was on Sundays, but I'm not sure. But anyway, we spent one night per week laying in Gothenburg.Stena ScanrailMaybe they needed maintenance or if it was due to the schedule, I don't remember. But the whole crew got a chance to get got together for dinner in the restaurant. We had a small restaurant onboardfor the truck driver so when we didn't had any truck drivers onboard we used the restaurant.

And yes, this was once a week when we laid inGothenburg doing f@ck all. Of course, our Cook was busy doing a very nice dinner for us.

And of course, when we were in Gothenburg my friendStena Scanrailcame down to Frihamnen in Gothenburg to pay me a visit. WhenStena Scanrailwe had time we drove to my place to leave some beers and stuff.

I had a good time onboard, it was a nice crew andStena Scanrailwe had fun while working. Due to the cold weather the workStena Scanrailwas mostly to wash andclean when we didn't loaded or discharged trucks and the truck drivers handled that by themselves.
We only showed them where to park the trucks.

It was an easy job and a nice break from school. Break from school, what school?

But I can imagine it would have been very boring to work there for a long time. 2 weeks was enough. Just going between Gothenburg and Fredrikshamn all the time. It's only a few hours from Gothenburg to Fredrikshamn.
Stena Scanrail in Göteborg
Stena Scanrail in Göteborg
I remember that they had a video recorder on the bridge recording the radar picture. This was the first time I had seen something like that. So they always had the last 4 hours or something like that recorded on a video tape. If something happened they could go back and see what had happened and how the ships had manoeuvred. Like the "Black box" on an airplane.
Stena Scanrail approaching Gothenburg September 2002
Picture was taken September 2002 when I was on Tärnvind ( at anchorage "C" )

I signed off Stena Scanrail 4th of December 1988. Back to my student home, and now I had plenty beers in my room. We had managed to take home several cases of beer.
In my student home, 1988
In my student home, 1988
I was scheduled for Nils Dacke 13th of December and the day before I left we had a Lucia partyGöteborg, Lucia 1988at our student home. Our Mess Man from Stena ScanrailGöteborg, Lucia 1988came and of course, most of the people living there.

And as you can see, the quality of the pictures is at least to say substandard. But back then you were happy with this quality. Instamatic was good in daylight. OK, good is maybe a wee bit too much. But in darkness and a flash cube, well, could as well have skippedGöteborg, Lucia 1988the picture. But I had thrown a lot of those pictures. And I haveGöteborg, Lucia 1988thousands of slides at home ready to be filed in the garbage room. I just have to cut my sentimental ties to my slides.

Well, anyway, I have scanned all of them. Well, the Lucia party. I don't remember much of it. This was almost 22 years ago so much have happenedGöteborg, Lucia 1988since.

But we drank a lot of beer and according to the photos we were obviouslyGöteborg, Lucia 1988cooking something. And I guess I had my entertainment centre on full blast with open door. My room was next to the kitchen.

Well, it was time to leave Gothenburg for Trelleborg so I could join TT Line's Nils Dacke on the 13th of December 1988. It takes plenty money to have a good time when you are a student so I need to work.

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