Monday 24 th of August 2009 and my alarm went off at 6 o'clock. Time for tea before
Nu kommer jag snart, bara ett par timmar till. Men jagFräck i Smögenvill jag inte komma till Seoul och se dig i dina gummi tofflor!! Snacka om styggelse.

Vi har juSmögen färskt i minnet när jag och Seb fick gå flera meter framför dig och J och låtsas att vi inte kännde er.
leaving for the airport. My flight will take off at 10:40 and with astop in Hong Kong I will arrive to Seoul at 19:45 and I hope to arrive a wee bit tipsy to my hotel around 21:00. And hopefully we will be hitting the first bar 15 minutes later.

Preparing my bag yesterday (Took me 3 minutes) so I waspretty much ready to go to the airport whenReady to gostepping out from the shower. There will not be much space for Korean snacks in my weekend bag. But of course, there will be much less snus in my bag when it's time to go back home. So there will be space for some spicy rice and sokitoki or whatever they called it.

Well, I'm out of here and it will be nice with a change. Waking up with a hangover in Seoul for a change andFunky town Internationalfer God's sake, let’s hope they don’t have potted plants in their bathrooms. I don't care very much to wake up on crushed pots again.

And don't expect any updates before I'm back inFunky town InternationalFUNKY TOWN. I suspect that I will have my hands full of Korean snacks so I will not bring my computer. I like to travel light, 4 shirts, 3 pair of socks, 2 shorts and 4 underwear’s in case of an accident. I expect them to haveFunky town Internationallaundry service at the hotel and according to my friend Koreana hotel should be a nice one. I didn't bother bringing tooth brushes or any toiletries.

Snacks, the Thai tradition, and I stopped at a TAX FREE shop to buy some Thai snacks for my friend and I went to the lounge trying to get the Thai snacks down in my bag. Well, what a stupid idea, I gave up after a few seconds.

The lounge at FUNKY TOWN International is not all that fun so I finished a bottle of water and I went to walk around the airport. My favourite girl at NERO doesn’t start work until 2 o'clock so it was too early to go pester her. And honestly, I don't think she is very sad that Porkymissed her.
Funky town International
Funky town International
Well, my flight was leaving 10:40 so it was not so much time to kill. I bought a lip balm and I wentThai Airwaysto the security check at 10:25 and I was in my seat 5 minutes later. I would have done it in 3 minutes if it hadn't been for all the “Nice Shirt blah-blah-bla”

OK, it's a 2h 20m flight to our stop in Hong Kong and what to do. HowThai Airwaysfun is it to sit and stare in to the back of the chair in front of you. Well, for sure it's a wee bit more fun if you can sip on a glass of wine.

And we had been airborne for a few minutes when they brought the wine. I made a quick decision to have a glass and my iPod was on full blast. Leare n least med Svenska Akademien.
Thai Airways
Thai Airways
Of course times turned faster when you were listening to good music drinking some wine. ButThai Airwayscareful, I don't want to arrive to Seoul like the Obnoxious Man.Thai AirwaysArriving like Charisma Manis a much better way to arrive to a foreign country.
But it was not very easy to be careful, our Stewardess filled my glass every time she passed my seat.
Always bringing 2 bottles of white wine and I was a wee bit tipsy when we arrived to Hong Kong. And when they turned on the “FASTEN SEAT YOUR BELT” the Stewardess gave me a plastic cup.
Thai Airways- We're not allowed to have glass during takeoff and landing. Well, actually, we're not allowed to serve anything during landing.
Hong Kong- Thanks! This is the reason I fly Thai!

I don't remember how long stop we had in Hong Kong, maybe 30 minutes or something. Enough time for 2 glasses of wine in the lounge. I was sitting there minding my own business in my shirt giving my iPod a quick blast justHong Kongto make sure we had power all the way to Seoul.

- Oh! Very nice shirt!!! Where did you buy the shirt?
I was looking up from my iPod just to discover a Korean lady passing me on her way to get some wine.
- Thanks! If I got a cent every time I heard that......
Hong Kong- Where are you going?
- Seoul
- Very nice

I thought I had seen the last of her when she came back. She told me about some good areas in Seoul for night life. I must confess that I forgot all those strange names after a few seconds. But it was nice to talk to her and at least the time turned a little quicker. Before she left she told me thatThai AirwaysI was very cute.
- And if you lose 20 kg you will be very handsome, she said before she left.
I had time for 2 glass of wine, most of it was ice and it was time to board the aircraft again. Thai's lounge is just above gate 40 so it's a 2 minutes’ walk to the gate.

OK, Anders, här bjuder man hem dig och man är inte vatten värd och får en utskällning som hetter duga för att du hittar en vinare med skruvkork. Men vad hittar jag på Thai's lounge i Hong Kong? Och du känner ju migThai Airwaysoch jag var bara tvungen att ta ett foto. Allt ska dokumenteras på internet. Men jag ser fram emot att du tar dig till Hong Kong så du kan skälla på dom.

Boarding the aircraft and who is sitting in the seat in front of me? Yeah, the Korean girl and she went on and on. When the Stewardess asked what I wanted for diner I told her that I was on diet.
- The Korean girl told me that I was cutebut I needed to lose a few kg.
She was just laughing and I suggested that she could give the girl a bottle of wine or two and I would be handsome like no one else.
- And please, bring me a bottle and she will soon be beautiful
Thai Airways- Who knows, maybe we're married before arriving to Seoul.
-I will bring you some wine on the double!
Disco Duck- That's the spirit!
Jo du Anders, ska man behöva sitta o höra på allt tjat kan man lika gärna dra på Disco Duck på fullt blås

It took the Stewardess 3 seconds to get me 2 glasses of wine and with Disco Duck on Full blast I could enjoy the rest ofThai Airwaysthe flight without being disturbed. And I must have felt asleepbecause when theySeoulwoke me up the airplane was empty.

Take the train to the terminal and I passed the Immigration and custom with flying colours. I found a taxi driver and we agreed on 70,000 Scooby Doo Dollars to bring me to Korean Hotel.
- But first we need to get a few beers, I said.
- There is a Mini Mart over there, the driver said and pointed to a Mini Mart some 20 meters away.
Seoul- How long is the ride to town? I asked.
- Well, about 30 minutes or maybe 40, he said.
- OK, I buy 4 beers. Should be enough to last us until downSeoultown Seoul. Or we can make a stop on the way.

We went to the garage and we picked up his car end we left with screamin' and smokin' tyres and we were soon on the highway heading for Seoul. Luckily enough I had a CD (I always carry at least 1 CD in my bag) with good music and with the help of a few cans of beers we managed to keep the spirit high.
On the way to Seoul
On the way to Seoul
The highway from the airport to the Seoul had 3 or 4 lanes in each direction so we were hauling arse and we were at Koreana hotel in no time. And I was ready for a night on town.
On the way to Seoul
On the way to Seoul
I arrived to my hotel around 10 o'clock and the driver asked for 150,000 Scooby Dollars.
- What the f@ck!!?? You said 70,000, I said and I slammed the door and went in to my hotel.

- Hello, I have a reservation.
- Sorry Sir! But we don't have any reservation for you.
- WHAT!!?? OK, try my friend's name.
- Sorry, we have no one here with that name.
SeoulYeah, I was furious. And my friend was nowhere to be seen. I had got confirmation that we had 2 rooms at Koreana hotel and here I am homeless in Seoul. At least when you f@ck up like that you can expect a message or that he moves his arse down to Koreana. I have sent my arrival time, landing atSeoul20:00 and it don't take too much brain to figure out that I would be at the hotel around 2200. What the f@ck??!! I was angry. But the guys at Koreana booked me at a hotel, Vabien 1

Well, I left Koreana hotel and I was soon checked in on Vabien 1. What the hell is this, a hotel. 3 bed room, living room, kitchen and laundry room. I can as well tell you that I was so drunk I could not find my way around the room. This was, Ithink at least 200m³ and it was not easy to find your way around. Going to theSeoulbathroom and next time you were in a totally different bathroom.

Never mind, I was here to meet my friend, but he obviously f@cked up so I went to explore the night life. Of course, no one speaks English so the guy in the reception wrote down theSeoulname of the hottest night spot in town in Korean and I was off with smokin' and screamin' tyres.

Seoul, seems like there is night life everywhere aroundand plenty places to choose from. I passed a place where the hip hop was blasting high and I entered the place. I soon ended up at a tableSeoulwith two beautiful girls and they hada bottle of Tequila on the table.
- Have tequila.
- No thanks.
But they insisted and I was soon hammered. Seriously, I neverunderstood the meaning of drinking Tequila. It doesn’t taste good and you only get dead drunk quick.
- Hmm, maybe that's the purpose.
Well, anyway, I was soon deaddrunk, yeah, I'm surprised. But no one cares, seems like everyone is dead drunk in Korea and people are throwing up everywhere on the streets.Well, at least they like tohave funin Korea and I don't mind a little fun every now and then.

Tuesday 25 th of August 2009 and I woke up without my valet, 1000US Dollars gone by the wind.SeoulAnd I blame it on my diet. Ever since I got from 2,2m to 1,8m between my back pockets I lose my valet in every chair when I stand up. Well, luckily enough my plastic money was left at the hotel.

Trying to find my way to the bathroom, was not easy and it was not easier to take a shower. This was this kind of shower that makes everything, baking bread, making your bed and polish your shoes.
- But how the hell to get a normal shower?
There was water coming from all directions except from above and my moodSeouldidn't improve when I had to run around looking for everything in this giant hotel room. But I went down to the reception to get Thai Airways address, I wanted to leave Seoul ASAP. Where the hell is my friend?

But coming down to the reception there was a message from my friend, obviously he had managed to follow my track from Koreana Hotel. Now you expect there to be the name of his hotel on the message. Nothing, except that he had been lookingSeoulfor me yesterday.
- Where??!! You should have been at Koreana Hotel!!

I asked to check out from my hotel and when I was packing my bag my friend called on the phone, he was in the reception.
- I'm leaving the hotel, I said.
- Yeah, pack your bag and we go to my hotel. But first we have to have breakfast.
There was a coffee shop next to my hotel. Yeah, when was the last time I woke up in time for a hotel breakfast? I can't remember last time. But I got a cup of Earl Grey tea and a baguette that tasted like they do in Asia. So I skipped the bread, always thinking about my diet.
Coming out from the coffee shop and we had a quick fagon the side walk before leaving for mySeoulfriend's hotel. It will be nice to get rid of my bag so we can start seeing the sights of Seoul.
- OK, let's get out of here, I said.
- Stop a taxi and we're on our way, my friend said.
SeoulHe handed a card to the driver saying COATEL.
- What the f@ck happened to Koreana Hotel? I asked
- It's full.
- But you sent a confirmation to me that I had a room at Koreana. And what the hell is COATEL? I can't mention COATEL on my web page! People will think its 2 back packers on tour.

- But there is toothbrush and stuff on my room? I asked.
- NO
- What??!! The handed out nécessaires on the flight and I said no thanks. I have what I need on the hotel. What kind of hotel are we living on?
- Well, the worst is still to come. We have to live on the same room.
- No, the hotel is full. But there are 2 rooms.
And we had been going for quite a while, through a long tunnel across a long bridge and it started to looks like the outskirts of Seoul. Where the hell are we?
- I'm a worried man, I told my friend. Looks like we're approaching the projects.
Seoul- It's getting better.
At arrival I bought a toothbrush and toothpaste first thing and we went to his room. The second room wasSeoula kind of smoke corner.
- Are you going to sleep on the floor? I asked.
- No problem.
- Well, you better be dead drunk and it will not be a nice experience waking up, I said.
Seoul- We should have stayed at my hotel, I continued. 3 bed rooms and 3 bath rooms. A big living room with an entertainment centre. Well, never mind, now we're here but I toldmy friend that he should not expect any money from me for the dwelling.

I got a shower and I had to nag on my friend for a while before he closed down face book and we could leave the room and check out the town. My friend complained that I had not checked my e-mail about the hotel changes.
- I didn't bring my computer.
- But you always bring it.
But when we turned off his computer I could see thatwww.aladdin.sthe had open.
- What the hell, it's clearly stated that I will not bring my computer, I said.

Well, anyway, on the way down, took me an hour to get my friend to close down FACEBOOK.

- OK, I'm out of here! I don't want to waste my time watching you watching face book.
- OK, I'm coming, just 3 seconds.
- OK, I'm out of here. NOW!
Finally we left our room and we stopped at the reception and they would put an extra bed in our room. First they wanted to charge us 30,000 but then they changed it to be for free.
- Don't you have any room available? I asked.
- Sorry Sir. We're full.
Never mind, I suspect that I will be so drunk coming home I won't notice who’s in the room. OK, my friend wanted to take a picture of me in every street corner so we can as well start right off by watching them and then we can forget all that ghastliness. And for people of delicate nature I suggest that you hit the PAGE DOWN key a few times and you will never have to see the pictures.
My friend told me that the Korean people are very honest and if someone have found your valetSeoulthere is a big chance that they have returned it to the police station. So we started by taking a taxi to the area where I had been yesterday and it took us quite some time to find a police station. But it was nice to walk around and Seoul is an impressing city. And I have never seen so much beautiful girls in any city before.

I don't remember the name of the area, but my friend had the address inSeoulKorean that they had given him yesterday when he was looking for me at VABIEN 1. We asked for the direction a few times and finally we found it and 15 minutes later I had the police report over my stolen valet.
- Now we can start drink, I really need a drink and some music now.
- But first we must eat, my friend said. You know how tired you getSeoulwhen you don't eat.

We found a Japanese restaurant and it didn't took very long before we had sake on the table After 2 cups, the biggest sake cups I ever seen, we wished a little more fromSeoulthe music. They couldnot play CDs but they had internet and we had soon on the computer screen and Danish and Dutch Hip Hop blasting high on the loud speakers.

It was a nice place and the waitresses were nice, but afterSeoulan hour or so it was time to leave looking for a new place. We paces a place and we went in to have a look. They promised club music at the entrance but they were playing something that only made us tired. And of course, we didn't ask for refill on our drinks and we left within 10 minutes.

We passed a place saying trip Hop music at the entrance and we entered the place. I ordered a bottle of wine and my friend wanted some Bacardi Oro.
- You must buy the whole bottle.
- What other rum do you have?
- We have Bacardi 151
- That taste likehorseshit, my friend said to the bartender..

But what to do, my friend he went for a Bacardi 151. I never heard of something like Bacardi 151 before. Maybe it's an Asian thing forbidden in the rest of the world. One of those remedies that makes you deaddrunk and according to my friend it's like drinking jet fuel.
While drinking our rum and wind my friend spotted a bag of Swedish candy in the bar. The bartender offered the bag to him but he told him that it was better he kept them to himself as a souvenir from Sweden.But it was a little unexpected to found Swedish candy in the bar.
It was a beautiful wine and the bottle was soon empty. I discovered that it was on 5% alcohol inSeoulthe wine and this should be the thing from now on. Drink a bottle of wine and it's the same as drinking 2 bottles of beer and you can stay up until the wee hours. No need to go home with the concrete hat at midnight. ENJOY THE WHOLE NIGHT!

Well, we were soon out of Bacardi 151 and wine. I ordered a second bottle of wine and they told me that they would go get one for me. But by the time they were back with the wine we were already on the way to leave for a new place. And weSeoulpassed one of many HO bars in the area. My friend was hungry again and we decided to go down for a chicken. A beer for me and rum andcoke for my friend would not be bad either.

But food so we could stand the rest of the night. Since leaving FUNKY TOWN I had only been eating 2 sausages and some chicken at the Japanese restaurant earlier in the evening. But I wasn't hungry, but my friend forced me to eat a chicken leg.
Well, chicken or not, we managed to get shit faced and my friend were soon on the floor with allthe bar stools laying all over the floor. Luckily enough we were in Korea where they are use to have drunk people around all the time.
Well, one of the waitresses helped my friend up from the floor and, well, it was time to leave.SeoulObviously this Bacardi 151 is nothing for my friend to drink.SeoulIt's like for my friend as ABSOLUT RASPBERRY is for J. STAY WELL CLEAR and now he needed more food. We found a place and we went in to and took a seat at the terrace.

I ordered a beer and my friend wasn't pleased with theslow service so he decided to go try find a snack. Big achievement in Korea whereSeoulthere is BBQ in every street corner. I tried to calm him down, but he needed food NOW and he left for the mission to get some food.
- Do you need anything? He asked.
- No thanks, I'm on diet.

Well, it was a wee bit more difficult to walk than he expected and maybewe can blame it on the Bacardi 151. He wanted me to try the stuff, but I declined and I managed to stay up all night long.
And maybe the 5% alcohol wine helped a bit. I guess I had been in the concrete hat state if it had been ordinary wine. Now it was almost like drinking diet drink.
I don't kept track of time but my friend managed to find some snack and he was back at theSeoulterrace full of energy. But it was time to go back to the hotel and we had to go through name card routine with the driver again.
- COATEL??!!
Most of the taxis had GPS but if they didn’t had any GPSSeoulthere could be problem. But this one had a GPS and we were soon on the way. And I must say that I liked the taxis in Seoul, plenty space in the back seat and we could go pretty much where ever we wanted for around 10,000 Scooby Doo Dollars. I think 1 US is1200 so it was not expensive going around Seoul in taxi. And the beer was 2 - 3 US Dollars so it wasn't very expensive to get drunk either.
Well, we managed to get on our way back to the hotel in no time. And we were not sober when weSeoulcame back to our part of town, 5% alcohol in the wine or not, I was very drunkSeoulat arrival to our part of town.

I managed to get a few minutes of well needed sleep during the ride back to COATEL, located in the central part of Korean business area, Teheran Valley.

And what to do if you lose the hotel card? I remembered meeting a Japanese girl in Madrid back in the days. She was standing at the railway station without a clue where she was. She had lost her hotel card and her group.
- If she spoke any English?
- Not a word.
Coming back to Teheran Valley and my friend went to our room for some sleep. I went for some snack at a restaurant and I ordered something and the waitress filled my table with plates. I don't know what it was on the plates, but there was something looking like salad that I mixed with rice. It was delicious and I ordered one more salad and rice, I left the rest of the plates on the tables and I returned to our room.

Wednesday 26 th of August 2009 and waking up was not a very nice experience. My friend in an extra bed that looked like some left over when the Japanese army left back in 1945
Coming home early morning and I didn't notice that there was anyone in the room. But waking up wasSeoula totally different story. I popped a few of the magic blue and I felt a sleepagain. I woke up a few hours later and my friend wasSeoulbusy with FACEBOOK again.
- Get your arse moving! Today its sightseeing day, I told him.
We will leave tomorrow so today we will stay WELL CLEAR of any alcohol and we will tour the city of Seoul. My friend told me that the Emperors Palace was a nice place to see.
- OK, let's go.

First I had to pull him out of bed and then I had to nag a bit before he turned off his computer and we were off for some breakfast. Coming to the hotel yesterdaySeoulafternoon and it looked like we were living in the middle of nowhere. But actually this area is very good, a busy part of town and we didn't had to walk more than a minute before we came to a restaurant.

- HOOTERS??!! Are you joking? American restaurant with plastic glass and plates.
- This is a good place, my friend said.
We took the elevator to the 2nd floor and we ordered our breakfast. My friend had obviously been here before because it was next to impossible to find the elevator to the restaurant. But we got a table and we had soon 3 girls feeling on my shirt.
- Very nice!
My friend was green of envy. We could hardly order our food because all the waitresses was hanging around me asking about my shirt. Well, I'm used to it by now and, well, it's still a little embarrassing. But my friend, of course he saw the reaction everywhere we went yesterday evening. Everyone asking about my shirt.
- Hmm, maybe good for him. No one notices his T-shirt and GOOD MORNING BOOTS.
Breakfast and I was in love again, one of the waitresses. I think her name was Niew or somethinglike that. Bangkok, beautiful girls everywhere, but Seoul was amazing.

My Teacher in Thailand says that all Korean girls had had a plastic operation. I don't know, but when I was in Ulsan and Pusan 10 years ago I could see 1 good looking girl at a department store.

But this time in Seoul, beautiful girls everywhere and I mean everywhere. Where ever you lookedthere were heaps of beautiful girls and I felt in love every second. In every direction there was a stunning woman and I wish I could speak Korean. Their English left more than a little to wish for. Well, it's more like my Korean left much to wish for. But maybe that's a good thing or I would have ended up married to a Korean girl.
When we were ready with the breakfast we left HOOTERS and due to the bad coffee at HOOTERS we stopped at a coffee shop so my friend could have a cup of coffee before leaving for the Emperors Palace.
- I must have coffee or I will fall asleep.
We stopped so my friend could buy a cup of coffee to go. And I kid you not, at the coffee shop was a girl drinking coffee at a table with a friend. This, yeah, I don't think I ever seenany more beautiful woman in the whole of my life.
Yes, I'm pretty sure she is the most beautiful woman I ever seen, at least today.
We were soon on the way to the Emperor's Palace, but there must have been some misunderstanding because the driver took us to a hotel. Well, as my friend said:
- Never mind, we get to see the sights of Seoul.
We were lucky because the tunnel was closed and we had to take a way up on the mountain and weSeoulgot a beautiful view over Seoul on the way to the Emperor's Palace. And when I prepared the picture of the tickets for my web page I noticed the name of the Emperor's Palace,Gyeongbokgung Palace.

We arrived and we bought the tickets, 3000 Scooby Doo Dollars to come in to see the Gyeongbokgung Palace. Luckily enough my friend likes to takepictures so I didn't had to embarrass myself running around taking pictures.
Almost as fun as the Friday afternoon boredom killer
Thanks’ to Björn for the lovely pictures

Well, my shirt and no one left me alone. OH! Can we have a picture of you? What can I say with a hangover force 8? It was not fun, that's for sure!
OK, what the hell. I'm running around with a slight hangover, thanks to the magic blue. But running in to a group of tourists from Taiwan wasn't on top of my WISH list.
And God help me, when we managed to get rid of their Taiwanese we ran in to a group Koreans.
- Excuse us, we have project taking pictures of people with the same colour as our clothes.
Well, at least I could not see any resemblance between her dress and my shirt, but if they want a picture, why not. They were a group of Koreans and I think they were adopted children. The girl was from the USA and one of the guys was from Malmö, Skåneand the rest of the group came from all over the world.

I don't know for how long we had been at the Gyeongbokgung Palace when it started to rain. We wanted to take a tour bus around Seoul but we never found the place to buy the tickets.
- Psst! Don't tell my friend. But I was pretty happy that we missed the bus tour.

But a cup of tea would be nice and we stopped at a place for tea and coffee. And the plan was to walk down the main avenue from the coffee shop when we were ready. While drinking our tea and coffee it started to rain cats and dogs so we had to wait at the coffee shop for it to stop. MoreSeoulcheese and ham sandwiches and a little setback for my diet.

When we left we walked for 10 minutes’ and we decided to take a taxi to a shopping centre. LOTTE or whatever the name was, a tax free palace where you buy the stuff and pick it up on the airport when you leave.

Whatever you do when in Seoul, doesn’t go there! AvoidSeoulthe place! It's way cheaper to buy it in the ordinary ships. My camera was 333 US and in the shop it was 290 US so this LOTTE thing is nothing but a scam.

We walked around Seoul and it started to rain again soSeoulmy friend had to buy an umbrella before we could continue walking around, he was looking for souvenirs and I was looking for Korean snacks and a new valet.

I found a valet and I bought it. 30 minutes later we entered a new valet shop and my friend bought a new valet as a gift. ISeoulfound a valet with a chain attached to it, impossible to lose.
- Hey! Take my valet. It's more expensive than the one you’re buying and I will by the valet with the chain.
- Deal, my friend said.
He recognises a good deal when he sees one.

We went to HOLLYS and after drinking a cup of the worst teaSeouland the worst cup of coffee my friend ever had we returned to our hotel. I had everything I needed, a valet and a box of Korean snacks for my Teachers.

Now we only had one more thing to dobefore we could leave Korea, to eat dog. We asked in the reception for a restaurant and they wrote down a fewSeoulKorean signs saying something like “KAMNAMU”. Should be close to the hotel, just across the big road and we left forSeoulthe BBQ dog restaurant. We asked our way towards the restaurant by showing the note for different people.

When we finally found the place it was closed and we chose a Korean BBQ restaurant next door instead. My friend ordered a coke and I orderedwater. They brought a coke and a beer so I had to go to a FAMILY MART to buy a JUMBY size bottle of water and ISeoulbrought it back to the restaurant. No bothered that I brought my own water, but I checkedSeoultheir fridge first and there was no sign of any water.

I ordered a sausage plate and my friend had some BBQ chicken. When we were finished at the restaurant we walked around town for a few hours.

Always good to be exhausted when it's time to go to bed, especially when you’re not alone in your room. So we walked around town and even though it was past midnight the city was full of people on the move.

We stopped at a place so my friend could have a cup of coffee before we left for our hotel room. The coffee shop was crowded even though it was in the middle of the night. But Seoul is on the move 24/7
Thursday 27 th of August 2009 and it was the same sight waking up as yesterday. But today it was time to check out of the hotel. We had planned to leave around 11 o'clock in order to be at the airport around 12 o'clock. My friend’s flight was at 2 o'clock and my flight is at 17:30
But I'm better off going with him to the airport making sure he comes with his flight. Our bagsSeoulwere packed yesterday so it was just to have some breakfastSeoulbefore leaving for the airport.

We spotted a place yesterday and we took the walk over there for our breakfast. I had tea and orange juice, their sandwiches didn't look all that good so I left them behind. Good for my diet.
Well, time to go to the airport and my friend wanted to go by the bus or train. Wasting hours running around town looking for busses and train.
- Get serious! We take a cab!
We arrived to the airport around 12 o'clock and my friend checked in at Lufthansa’s counter. ThatSeouldidn't opened until 14:30 so we had to kill some time.
My friend bought some last second souvenirs and itSeoulwas soon time to see him off when he disappeared to the Immigration.

I had to spend an hour by myself and I started to feel very bad. Pain in my stomach and I started to sweat.
- What to do?
I tried the old milk trick. I bought 3 packages of milk and I went outside and I felt better when I had had a pill of omeprazoleand the milk. Actually, I went back in to the mini mart and I bought 3 more milk packages and some ginseng. I heard so much good about ginseng and that might help me.
After the milk and ginseng I felt very good again and I was ready to take on Taiwan, if they only could open the darn Thai check in counter so I could go sip on a glass of wine in the lounge.
Finally, check in and I took the train to the concourse where I bought 2 new cameras. 1 Canon IXUSSeoul120 IS and one Canon watertight camera Power Shot D10. Iopened the boxes and I gave her back all the CDs, cords and all the other shit the fill the boxes with.SeoulOtherwise it would be impossible to fit the new cameras in to my bag.

Seoul's International and I had my best airport experience ever. An excellent airport and when I came in to the lounge I grabbed a bottle of water and I discovered showers. One of the waitresses prepared the shower for me and I was soon under a hot shower.
Have you ever had a shave with tooth paste? I had, I made a mistake and I took the tooth pasteSeoulinstead of shaving cream, but never mind. It was nice with aSeoulshower and a shave and I was soon back at my table with 2 glasses of wine in front of me.

I had sprayed myself with all theperfume they had in the shower so I was smelling good, feeling good about to be tipsy and I was ready to take off to Taipei

I don't remember how many glasses of wine I had before it was time to board the airplane.
But it felt like it was time to leave Korea for new adventures on Taiwan. But it was a wee bit sad to leave all the beautiful Korean girls behind.

It took me 2 minutes to walk to the gate and we were soon ready to take off towards Taipei,SeoulTaiwan. And we had been airborne for a few minutes when I gotSeoulmy first glass of wine.

The flight is just a little more than 2 hours. When they asked if I wanted to have dinner I told them that a starter and some bread would be enough because I'm on diet.
- But keep the wine coming!

As always it was nice service on Thai Airways and the Stewardesses didn’t show any sign of wanting to throw me off the plane.
It was a nice and quick flight and we arrived in time and if it wasn't because of my Korean snack I could have been in a taxi much earlier. And of course, I was a wee bit delayed on the plane.
- Sorry Sir! We have arrived and I woke up to discover an empty airplane.
Custom and Immigration was a quick business and I was soon in a taxi on the way to my hotel. WeTaipeimade a quick stop at a 7-11 for a few beers. I really don't know how long it took us for getting to the hotel, but it wasTaipeipretty quick. And we had beers and good music on so the spirit was high.

Checking in on my hotel, a beauty comparing to Seoul I had to charge my new camera before going to paint the town red. I called room service and I had a bottle of wine before very soon.

The room service guy showed me how the entertainment centre was working and soon we had musicTaipeiblasting in my room. The battery was not fully charged when the wine was finished but who wants’ to spend theTaipeiwhole night on a hotel room?

The girls in the reception gave me a note with an address to a place and I was soon handing the note to a taxi driver and we were on the way to explore Taipei's night life. And don't ask me what time I came home.

Friday 28 th of August 2009 and waking up at 7 so I popped a few of the blue and I slept a few hours more. When I woke up I took a shower and I had time to explore my hotel room. It was nice and hotel AMBIENCE in Taipei is highly recommended by Aladdin.
After my shower I took a taxi trying to find a restaurant. I found a steak house where I had my breakfast/ lunch. But it took some time.
I was in the shopping district so there weren’t so many restaurants around.
But I did the milk trick again. A 7-11 and I bought 3 packages of milk to start my day. I walkedTaipeiaround for an hour looking at the views and the people. But most of all I wished I was back in my bed. But first I stopped at the steak house and I had a plate of lamb chops before I returned to my hotel.

But the lamb chops were excellent and it cost me 1200 Scooby Dollar and then there was bread, onion soup and salad included.

I left the restaurant and I walked down the street and I stopped a taxi and I handed my hotel card to the driver. It took about 3 minutes to get back to the hotel.
I felt asleep on the bed and I woke up in the afternoon. A long hot shower and I went down to theTaipeibeautiful girls in the reception.
- Are there any good areas around here for drinking beer and listening to music.
Taipei- Yes, you can try a place with pubs and there is another area with plenty clubs.
She wrote down both the areas on 2 notes and I gave the first one to the taxi driver. He dropped me at a hotel and I walked down the street to the first pub and I had a beer in front of me a few minutes before 4 o'clock.

Remembering my friend's advice about food so I ordered a hamburger. VITAMINS!!
I tried 2 pubs in the area and I decided to try the other area. So I took a new taxi and I handedTaipeithe second note to the driver. When we arrived I asked a few girls if they knew the area.
- Yes, they said pointing at a house across the street.

I ended up at a reggae bar and I had a few beers and I needed to go to the bathroom. The waitress pointed in a direction and I came out from the shopping mall and when I returned I ended up at another bar. And obviously I had been there yesterday.

The first thing the bartender does is showing me aTaipeipicture on his phone.
- You were here yesterday, he said.
Then he brought an almost empty bottle of Bacardi 151.Taipei- You drank this yesterday.
- Are you sure it was me?
- Pretty sure!

Well, it must have been me missing my friend drinking Bacardi 151 in Seoul. Well, the plan was to get drunk, but I don't remember the Bacardi 151, sleeping on the bar counter or how I got home. But no sorrows around here andTaipeiwhen I ordered a beer the bartender put a glass of water next to the beer. They are serviceminded around here, that's for sure.

And of course, the whole staff recognized me so I must have been either here yesterday as Charisma Man or the Obnoxious Man But they were all happy and I don't know if it's due to my shirt or my good looks, but everyone was crazy about hugging me.
- Hmm, I guess it’s the shirt.

I decided to take a walk around the block to check out the local night life. I ended up at an outdoorTaipeiJapanese restaurant. I ordered sake and seaweed. I was talking withTaipeia couple sitting next to me and they were going to a club called Lava.

But first a few sake and then I will meet them at Lava. That was the plan. But we know how it goes, especially after a few drinks.

Lava was around the corner in a basement and when going down theTaipeielevator I got out at level B1. Dark but music was loud. Elevator door closed and it was pitch dark, obviously I had got off at the wrong floor. Lava was at level B2. Noproblem, just to call the elevator again. Yeah, right!
- But where is the darn button? And where is the elevator?
I could not find the buttons or the elevator and what the f@ck to do?
- Yeah, I have my camera and I used the flash to find the buttons.
So I was lucky that I took the extra time to order room service while charging the battery to my camera, otherwise I would probably still be stuck at level B1 today.Hmm, maybe good for my diet
I was walking around the block drinking sake and beer taking pictures with my new camera. And Canon is a great camera, even in the middle of the night I manage to get some excellent pictures. Not bad considering how drunk I was.
And again, we remember how my friend got tangled up in all the bar stools in Seoul. AndTaipeiexactly the same happened to me in Taipei. But as in Seoul, the barTaipeistaff is cool about people getting a beer too much.

Well, anyway, it’s not necessary to overstay your welcome so a change of bar felt like the right thing. I don't have a clue where I went. But I remember that you were notTaipeiallowed inside in shorts in one place.

Well, there are plenty other places to be seen atTaipeiand by the time it was very late and time for Porkyto go home. What time I was back at my hotel?
Who keeps track?

I don't remember coming back to the hotel, but I remember asking for late check out for tomorrow. I will not be in the best of shapes at 12 o'clock. And it was no problem with late check out and once again Aladdin can recommend Hotel AMBIENCE in Taipei.

Saturday 29 th of August 2009 and when I checked out I went to the closest 7-11 and I bought me 2 cartoons of milk. This is a good start of the day.
It was a very friendly staff on the hotel and Luckily enough I had lost the last of my CDs so thereTaipeiwas no music blasting from my entertainment center during the night. Then I'm sure it would have been a different tune coming down in theTaipeireception in the afternoon.

The taxi driver took my bags and we were soon on the way towards the airport. It took us maybeTaipei30 minutes to go there and I had expected Thai's check in to be open. But they didn't open until 4 o'clock, 2 hours before the flight.

TaipeiSo I had to kill a few hours before I could check in. And finally in the lounge I skipped the wine, milk and beer to be able to arrive to FUNKY TOWN fit for the nightlife. I don't want to arrive like last timecoming from Manila to FUNKY TOWN via Hong Kong. They had to carry me down from upper deck.

When I came onboard they offered me champagne.
Thai Airways- Can I have a beer?
- Not until after takeoff.
- OK, give me the champagne.
Fan i me Pommac smakar mycket bättre. Well, a minute after takeoff I had a beer and it tasted much better than the champagne.Thai AirwaysAnd with beer I will hopefullymanage to stay up to celebrate the whole of Saturday night.

And I also remembered my friend’s advice, food. So I accepted theThai Airwaysfood they served on the flight.

We had just a little more than one hour to our stopover in Hong Kong and we had about a one hour stop over. So that gave me 45 minutes in Thai's lounge.

A quick blast for my iPod and now it wasThai Airwaysnot beer anymore. Now it was a big glass of white wine, skruvkork eller ej!
- Sh!! It was actually 2
We left Hong Kong on schedule and as you can guess it wasThai Airwaysonly wine from now on. 2 hours 20 minutes to FUNKY TOWN and we expect to arrive on time.

And I managed to behave all the way and no mishaps. So I guess we were lucky to travel with the Charisma Man on this TG 607. Good service as always but the flight was full so it was not like when you're almost alone. That's how I like it but the service was good and I kept them busy serving wine all the way to FUNKY TOWN.
FUNKY TOWN Saturday night, hang on this might be fun .

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