Rewritten December 2010

Tärnvind with Norwegian flag
I took this picture in Göteborg 21st of February 2003

M/T Tärnvind was built 1981 in Kalmar, Sweden. She's 106,14 m long and 15,73 m wide. M/T Tärnvind is on 6150 ton DWT and can load 6970 m³ (98%) in 16 tanks. She has 4 CT and 10 WT + 2 slop tanks.
She has a ballast capacity of 1916 m³.
She takes 328,3 m³ heavy fuel and she uses 12 ton/ day at service speed 12 knots.
She takes 74,7 m³ diesel for her auxiliary engines.
She have 4 Svanehöj deep well pump with suction compartment. each pump serving 1 Ct + WT
Closed loading system by vapour return line. High level alarm, distance reading thermometer plant in CCR and level meter on deck and SAAB radar. Cargo heating system is removed.

She is still going strong, Swedish quality. They don't build ship like this today.

I signed on M/T Tärnvind 20 th of March 2002 in Brofjorden . We loaded full cargo of Naphtha to Preem's refinery in Gothenburg. It was one of those strange days when it's neither winterTärnvindnor spring. It was raining at the same time it was snowing and the sun was shining. But we know that the spring is just around the corner. M/T Tärnvind is the oldest ship in the Tärn fleet, but it's the ship I like the most.

M/T Tärnvind is mostly on the Swedish West coast and Denmark. Sometimes we go out on the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.

We were chartered by Preem until autumn/ winter 2000, but we were mostly transporting oil for Preem even after that but on a per voyage basis.

Arriving to Gothenburg 20th of March in the evening I was taken by surprise, it wasTärnvindspring in the air. Nice weather. Otherwise it's raining in Gothenburg 10 months per year. Next day the sun was shining.

The kind of weather when the sun shining and blue sky is something that we are use to have in Skåne . Well, I was hoping for the spring to stay.

After discharging the Naphtha in Gothenburg we returned to Brofjorden. We had to wait for the jetty at the anchorage, well that's no news. We loaded full cargo of Gas oil to Stockholm.

Pick a picture to see the Engine department in action.

What can I say?

After loading the Gas oil in Brofjorden we had 48 hours to Stockholm. It's nice to have a longTärnvindvoyage like this sometimes, we are used to have one arrival/ departure every day.

So when we have 2 days at sea we can relax a wee bit.TärnvindBut after 1 day at sea it's getting boring.

Then we miss the action during cargo handling. I remember my days on the VLCC's with 1 month between departure and arrival, not to mention Master Cody with 2-3 months and no action.

I was out on deck painting and chipping rust just to make the slow days pass a little quicker.
When passing Kastrup there are always airplanes landing and taking off over the ship. At times itTärnvind passing Kastrupbecomes very noisy. Drogden is very narrow, only aTärnvind passing Drogden outside Copenhagenfew metres between the ships when we passing ships. Drogden is also very shallow, we have maybe 50 cm under keel clearanceTärnvind passing Drogden outside Copenhagenwhen passing sometimes. Then we have to reduce speed. Especially if we meet ships that make great swell .

After 2 weeks onboard they called from the office and wanted me to sign off earlier. The needed me on M/T Tärnvik. The Chief Officer on M/T Tärnvik has to be in China and take the new built ship M/T Tärnhav on a test trip. I will sign off M/T Tärnvik in the middle of May and I will go back to M/T Tärnvind after that. I will stay on M/T Tärnvind until the end of June and then I will sign on M/T Tärnsjö as Chief Officer. No holiday for a long time to come. Plenty money on the bank.Plenty action on the ship but not on the bank account.

When we where in Oskarshamn my dear penpal Sue went home to Ayutthaya and she have no internet for 13 days, I will miss her e-mail

From March 20 2002 to April 22nd 2002 we did the following voyages:
Brofjorden - Gothenburg Cargo: Naphtha
Brofjorden - Stockholm Cargo: Gas oil
Brofjorden - Halmstad Cargo: Gasoline and Gas oil
Brofjorden - Karlshamn Cargo: Gasoline
Brofjorden - Oskarshamn Cargo: Gasoline and Gas oil.
Brofjorden - Gothenburg Cargo: CCS
Gothenburg - Esbjerg Cargo: Gas oil
Gothenburg - Ålborg Cargo: Gas oil
Porvoo - Gothenburg Cargo: Gas oil
Gothenburg - Helsingborg Cargo: Gasoline
Brofjorden - Malmö Cargo: Gas oil

I signed off in Brofjorden 22nd of April when we were loading Gas oil for Karlshamn.

After signing off I went stright to M/T Tärnvik

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

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