OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching Auckland, New Zealand


On this day we will drive back to Auckland and if you have not already been to the spectacular Muriwai gannet colony go there along the way. There are a couple of otherWrybill Birding Toursendemics I have not mentioned---NZ pipit and Fernbird and if we have not seen those on previous days we will look for them too.

We could also look for the extremely rare NZ Fairy tern

Tuesday 31 st of October 2017 and I showed up for breakfast at 9 o'clock. I had toast and tea while speaking with my Guides. We left the Birders Nest and we're going to the Puketi Recreation Area Campsite to check out the Puketi Nature Trail to see if we can find the Tomtit. We had no luck at the Puketi Recreation Area Campsite so we went down the Puketi Nature Trail. We were about to give up when we finally spotted the Tomtit.

We were happy when we left and when we came to the car we discovered the bid behind the car. Just sitting there looking

We spotted a Brown Quail couple when we left. Impossible to get a good picture. And I didn't get any better picture of the Sacred Kingfisher. Well, I will get them another time. Now I want to get back to Auckland and my hotel room. I'm very sleepy and I was dozing off in the car when we plunged down Highway #1 towards Auckland.

Tomtit, Petroica macrocephala

Tomtit, Petroica macrocephala

Tomtit, Petroica macrocephala

Tomtit, Petroica macrocephala

Brown Quail, Coturnix ypsilophora

Birding/ Bird watching at Puketi Recreation Area, New Zealand

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand
Entering the town with the famous toilet

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand
We stop to look for birds

We make a few stops on the way to look for birds. And we managed to find a new bird. We left the New Zealand Highway #1 at the Brynderwyn, top of the mountains and we spotted a New Zealand Pipit on the gravel road. I got out of the car and I chased after the bird, not any good pictures. But the bird refused to stay still.

That was the last stop before my hotel in Auckland. We were soon back on the highway southward bound. The bird watching with Wrybill Birding Tours have come to an end. What a good 4 days I have had with my Guide. We have seen birds and parts of a beautiful New Zealand I would never have seen otherwise. Also, if you come to New Zealand you can check out the Birders Nest for some birding up north. I can recommend both things, just contact Wrybill Birding Tours and they will set you up for a great birding trip.

And for sure, if you're in Auckland you will get a very dedicated birding guide. Without Wrybill Birding Tours it would have been pointless and a waste of money to come here.

New Zealand Pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae
New Zealand Pipit

New Zealand Pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae
New Zealand Pipit

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand
View from Brynderwyn mountain

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand
Following a truck down the Brynderwyn mountain

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand
Following a truck down the Brynderwyn mountain

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand
Following a truck down the Brynderwyn mountain

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand
Full speed to Auckland

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand
Here we are

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand

Birding/ Bird on New Zealand

So this was pretty much it from New Zealand. I have one more day here in Auckland tomorrow and I will go to watch some birds at Auckland Domain. But tonight I have planned to go have dinner at The Grill. I already knew that it would come with a hefty price tag as the place looked expensive when I was there Friday night. But the food was not all that good.

The Grill by Sean Connolly

I had expected way more with these prices.

Very dark and I had to move table as I could not read the menu

Tea, I asked for Earl Grey tea and it took time for them to bring the time. By then I had finish the bread, 2 slices only and not any good.

I poured my tea and it was silver tea, water only. They told me it was "GREEN" Earl Grey. I have not ordered "GREEN" earl grey and they brought a pot of breakfast tea that I could hardly drink as it was black like coffee.

The food was OK, but for 90 dollars it should be better, a fatty steak, the most expensive on the menu I think. Japanese export meat.

The mashed potato was very good, but you don't need to order the MAC & CHEESE as this was not good.

So, last day of birding tomorrow and I hope to see the European Greenfinch. According to my Guide they have been seen around the pine trees behind the war memorial. Click HERE to see if I manage to find the Greenfinch. I tried to get some pictures of the Common Starling on the way back to Auckland. A boring black bird, but when hit by the sunshine, BOOM! A very beautiful bird, so if I can get a picture of this bird in the sunshine I would be happy.

Review of Wrybill Birding Tours

This was good, some good 'ol NO NONSENSE good service. A very dedicated Guide whoReview of Wrybill Birding Toursnever gave up finding the birds. In my age so it was the old generation and it means quality minded. No playing on the phone wanting to go home.

He just went on and on and I had to tell him that I wanted to go back to my hotel as I have a little holiday as well. And after 10 to 12 hours of bird watching it is time to sleep.

He knew some very good bakeries where we bought our lunch and we ate the lunch in some very beautiful outdoor location.

My Guide showed me all the endemics and many more birds in the north of New Zealand. A highly recommended company and I give them 5 stars out of 5.

Review of Wrybill Birding Tours

Review of Wrybill Birding Tours

Visit their web page for more information http://wrybill-tours.com

Wrybill Birding Tours


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