OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching at Waitakere Ranges, New Zealand

Waitakere Ranges
The amazing Waitakere Ranges on the wild West Coast of Auckland. Stunning landscapes - wild coastline, surf beaches with black sand, lush rainforests and ancient kauri trees.

Visit the Muriwai gannet colony, Lake Wainamu, Bethells Beach and Cascade Kauri. We spend more time on the ground and less driving for you to experience our beautiful environment!

Small group eco tour to the Waitakere Ranges will show you the stunning beauty of this wilder side of Auckland; Dramatic landscapes with surf beaches and black sand, explore some of NZ's lush rain forests with ancient trees including the magnificent kauri tree, discover a hidden lake fringed by native bush and impressive sand dunes. Visit a spectacular gannet colony, one of only three on the mainland NZ (full day tour only); note birds in residence August to April.

The full day Waitakere Ranges tour introduces the visitor to some highlights that this beautiful location offers. Just 35 minutes from Auckland City will have the visitor believing they're in another world.

Tours highlights include - Cascade Kauri Park, Bethells Beach, Lake Wainamu and Muriwai
Includes delicious picnic lunch
Tour departs: 9am
Tour returns: 5.30pm
Maximum 7 guests
Cost adult: $240.00
Free pick up Auckland Central and Ponsonby.

Friday 27 th of October 2017 and I could relax in the morning as they won't be here to pick me up until 10 o'clock. Looking out the window didn't made me happy. Gloom and grey for as long as INew Zealand travel postercould see from the 12th floor. Raining and it looked very cold.

Habitat tour was here to pick me up at 10 and the Canadian passenger had taken my seat up front. So I had to sit in the back and, well, when they bought the KIA van they were for sure looking at the price tag instead of the comfort. Well, I will never buy a car, but just in case, I made a mental note to never buy a KIA.

We were soon on our way towards our first stop, theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stMuriwai Gannet Colony. It was pouring down when we approached the parking lot at the Muriwai Gannet Colony. We stayed in the car hopingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stfor the rain to stop.

My new Canadian friend and the Guide left to have a look at the Gannet Colony. I stayed in the car and they were soon back, too much rain. Well, we decided to go to a Cafe to drink some tea.

Muriwai Gannet Colony
In the van waiting for the rain to stop

Muriwai Gannet Colony
In the van waiting for the rain to stop

Muriwai Gannet Colony
In the van waiting for the rain to stop

Muriwai Gannet Colony
In the van waiting for the rain to stop

We had a cup of tea and we were soon back in the van driving back to Muriwai Gannet Colony. I had forgot my new jacket in the room this morning so it was very cold. But I went out to check the Gannets. It was windy and raining so I just stayed for a few minutes.

A few minutes was enough for my camera to fill up with water even though I have my cover. So I had to go back to the car and I was disappointed. What a lovely place and it is raining the day I'm coming here. I decided to try to come back here during the weekend, if the weather allows for it. My Guide told me that it was always raining here.
- We have rain on all our tours coming here
- Didn't read about this on your web page! Might have been good to know!
- Ah! This is New Zealand
- What the duck do I know about New Zealand?

Seriously, on Habitat Tours web page it is like the paradise on earth when you read about it. Andnow, totally unexpected, they pull this rabbit out of the hat. We were soon leaving the Muriwai Gannet Colony behind going to a rain forest.

We will go to something called the Cascade Kauri, the rain forest but I was mostly pondering the idea of getting back to my hotel. This weather didn't make me looking forward to any bird watching. I will be wet and the birds are taking cover from the rain.

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator - Muriwai Gannet Colony
Gannets and rain for as long as you can see

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator - Muriwai Gannet Colony
Gannets and rain for as long as you can see

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator - Muriwai Gannet Colony
Gannets and rain for as long as you can see

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator - Muriwai Gannet Colony
Gannets and rain for as long as you can see

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator - Muriwai Gannet Colony
Gannets and rain for as long as you can see

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

Australasian Gannet, Morus serrator
Australasian Gannet

I had plenty time to plan my weekend on the way to Cascade Kauri. I want to do whale watching and I will for sure get back to the Muriwai Gannet Colony. I had planned to maybe go to one of the islands with a ferry. Beautiful bird life, but there is a problem. Leaving Auckland early morning and there is no option to come back until the evening as there are only two ferries per day.

So if it starts to rain I will waste a full day stuck on a island. So I will explore the parks in Auckland, and my Wrybill Birding Tour Guide had told me that the Western Spring was not so bad. We were lucky, the weather, well, it wa snot good, but it was not raining when we arrived to the Cascade Kauri and I spotted a Welcome Swallow first thing coming out of the car. We had our pick nick lunch and my Guide and the Canadian disappeared in to the rain forest.

I went the other way so I could be alone to look for the California Quail. I discovered a track going in to the rain forest and I went in to explore the forest and now I was followed by two North Island Robins.

Welcome swallow, Hirundo neoxena
Welcome swallow

Bird watching at Cascade Kauri
Leaving the parking place behind to go look for the California Quail

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

Bird watching at Cascade Kauri
A beautiful forest

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

North Island Robin, Petroica longipes
North Island Robin

California Quail, Callipepla californica
California Quail

Bird watching at Cascade Kauri
No rain but it was a wee bit foggy

I was happy when we left the Cascade Kauri, I had a picture of the California Quail and it had been an amazing experience to walk through the rainforest with my new friends the Northern Island Robin. My favourite New Zealand bird, no nice colours but the attitude of the bird is what I like. The birds followed me looking for insects in my foot prints. And of course, I helped the birds by scratching the ground.

Next stop is the Lake Wainamu, there is a huge black sand dune but according to our Guide there is no birds to see. We walked along a walk path through the bushes and there wasn't many birds to see. When we arrived there was a Sacred Kingfisher and when I walked back from the sand dune I saw Eastern Rosellas and a Silvereye. There was an New Zealand pigeon sitting in a tree far away and of course, I could hear Tui birds all over the place.

Bird watching at Lake Wainamu
A walk path to the sand dune

Bird watching at Lake Wainamu
The sand dune

Bird watching at Lake Wainamu
The sand dune

Bird watching at Lake Wainamu
The sand dune

Bird watching at Lake Wainamu
walking back to the car

Bird watching at Lake Wainamu
Eastern Rosella

Bird watching at Lake Wainamu

Next stop was the Bethells Beach, 5 minutes away and we will have a look at the beach. By now I just wanted to get back to Auckland and my hotel. We walked down to the beach and I was soon back at the parking. A few Tui birds flew by but I only got pictures of the House Sparrows. They were for sure not afraid, it was almost like they attacked me begging for a snack.

Bethells Beach
Bethells Beach

Bethells Beach
A beautiful area, but no birds

Bethells Beach
A beautiful area, but no birds

Bethells Beach
A beautiful area, but no birds

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่
Female House Sparrow

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่
Male House Sparrow

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่
Male House Sparrow

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่
Male House Sparrow

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่
Female House Sparrow

House Sparrow, Passer domesticus, Gråsparv, นกกระจอกใหญ่
Female House Sparrow

To see the map in a full window click HERE

We drove back to Auckland and I decided to go eat at a restaurant. I have been in Auckland for quite a few days now and I have only been in my room. Back from the bird watching, tea and smoked salmon in the room before sleeping and up early again for new adventures. I wanted to go eat at the restaurant on top of the Auckland tower. My Guide told me about the restaurant.

They asked if I had a reservation, and no, I have never booked a table at a restaurant before. But I booked a table for tomorrow lunch. So I went to The Grill, a place that looks nice. First table available was at 9 o'clock.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- 9 o'clock!!!???I'm sleeping by then

Who is eating at 9 o'clock in the evening? I walked back towards my hotel as I know that there was a place called the Char-Grill. And I was lucky, Persian food and I had a very nice dinner. And I finished the dinner with 2 of the biggest Baklavas I have seen in my life.

Chargrill Kebabs & Burgers

Chargrill Kebabs & Burgers
They have tea from a pot

Chargrill Kebabs & Burgers
Iranians Cooking, BOOM! There goes my diet

Chargrill Kebabs & Burgers
I never seen bigger Baklava before

Saturday tomorrow and I have planned nothing. I was going to book Whale watching tours for Saturday and Sunday, but to make the booking they needed my address, name and my full life story. And my sausage fingers and the screen on my phone are not really compatible. So I will go down there to buy the ticket at the boat tomorrow.

And if I see the sun I will go straight to the Muriwai Gannet Colony. If there is no sunshine tomorrow morning I will start by doing some birdwatching at Western Springs. Well, we just need to click HERE to find out everything about the Auckland adventure.


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