M/T Astoria

Saturday 1 st of January 2005 and we were anchored at Kaliningrad roads when I came on my morning watch. There were not much wind, but around lunch time the wind increased and the direction changed to NW.
At lunch I went down to our mess room to check if Motorman had kept his New Year resolution. Hmm, it was only Chief Engineer eating in the mess room.
- Did Motorman eat?
- He took a sandwich and disappeared, Chief Engineer said.
I found Motorman in the duty mess and I asked him what he had for lunch.
- Only a shrimp sandwich and very little lasagne.
- What the BIP ! We said yesterday that we should only eat meat and salad from midnight. Now you're eating everything but the salad, I said.

During the afternoon they told us that we could not go inside today because of the fog. We will go inside tomorrow, well, we heard this before. I'm not in a hurry and no one was sad because we hadAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriato stay at the anchorage.

After my watch I went to bed and I woke at 17:35 because of our main engine. Before they told us that we could not enter the Canal in the dark and 1 hour later they told us to go inside.

When I came on my night watch we were in the Kaliningradskiy Morskoy Kanal on the way to our jetty in Kaliningrad. I went down just after 9 o'clock to get dressed before going on deck for arrival.

I was on the way from my cabin when I meet Motorman in the stairway. Well, first I saw a big plate with about 900g of lasagne coming up the stairs and then I saw Motorman.
- What the foock! Is this your New Year resolution? Now you're only eating in your cabin?

I had to go back and get my camera and when I came to his cabin there wa a plate of lasagna outside his door. He forgot the videos and when he wentAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriadown to get the video I took the pictures

I was delayed for few minutes when I came on deck, but we had plenty time. At 21:55 we had first line ashore and at 22:10 we had all fast at jetty #4.

On the way back to the bridge I visited Motorman in his cabin. Well, the New Year resolution was worthless and our Motorman should be pilloried.

He's a real piece of impudence and this web page becoming more and more like the gutter press. His cabin was full of empty plates and candy paper and I had to run out of there.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
His New Year's resolution was nothing but a disappointment

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
He is only eating salad

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
2nd Officer relieving me at midnight

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
2nd Officer relieving me at midnight

We started to load at 23:45 and when I was relieved by 2nd Officer I wrote a little on my web page on the bridge before going to my cabin and my bed. This day had turned out to nothing but a disappointment with the New Year's resolution.

Sunday 2 nd of January 2005
and we were still loading when I came on my morning watch. We completed loading at 12:03 and at 12:35 I was in the galley. I took a plate of cauliflower, yummyAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriaand healthy.

Bad weather and they had closed the Kaliningradskiy Morskoy Kanal. We had plans to go ashore at 16:30. Motorman, AB on 12-4 watch and me.

When we tried to call a taxi from the gate it was busy. Probably something wrong with the line because it was busy all the time.

One of the guards told me that it was 4 minutes walking, or that's how I interpreted his Russian. We decided to walk for a while and see what we could find. We were in the middle of nowhere and it was dark outside. No house or light, just a road with poor pavement, or non existing pavement. After 40 minutes or something we came to a small village with a small shop.

This shop had mostly alcohol for sale and some food. We asked for taxi, but we could not understand the answer. There was a nice old gentleman that could speak English. We asked about the bus and he told us that it would cost us 8 Rubel to go to Kaliningrad city center.

It was too late and Motorman had spent all our Rubels on Russian champagne to our Chief Engineer. He will have his 50th birthday party when he's signing off next time in Porvoo.
So we walked back to the ship and now it was headwind, freezing cold and it was very cold and it was nice to come back on board. Foock it was cold, this is a walk I will never forget. And where theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis the ship?

I spent my evening watch watching video with the boys. Later on our Agent called and he told me that most likely we had to stay tomorrow as well due to strong winds.

Monday 3 rd of January 2005
and we started the day in the mess room. I had breakfast with Captain and 2nd Officer. Then we moved in to the dayroom and we watched Swedish news on the TV. Our agent called and said that we have to stay due to bad weather. Maybe we can leave tomorrow, but the forecast looks bad.

Around 11 o'clock there were 3 of the crew from Margarita visiting us. They stayed on jetty #3 behind us and waited for good weather as well. One of the guys recognised me, hmm, big surprise!
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI was working on Margita 10 years ago, but I didn't recognized any one of them. Well, anyway, they went to the bridge to take a look. 1 of them called on the other two. He pointed at the coffee machine and said:
- Look, they have a coffee machine on the bridge! ! !

Motorman, AB on 12-4 watch wanted to go ashore. After the disappointment yesterday I hadAladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoriaexpected them to prefer to stay on board. But we never give up.

I asked Captain if he wanted to join us for a tour in the city later on.
- Yes!

I called our agent and asked him to order a taxi to the gate for 15:00. When it was time to leave Captain changed his mind and stayed on board.

We left the ship at 14:45 and when we came to the gate the taxi was waiting for us. We asked the taxi driver to take us to the Victoria Shopping center. This should be a good place for cloths and other exciting stuffAladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoriaaccording to our agent. So we had expectations, well, it is Russia so we weren't exactly delirious with expectations. But we had expectations.

The driver dropped us at the shopping mall, well, it was more like a grocery store with some electronics and cloths for sale on the 2nd floor. Not exactly what I would call a shopping mall. I could not help myself and I asked where theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbread line was.

Yes, the bread line was the only thing missing and it would be like in Soviet union. We went up on the second floor and I found a sweater. I asked Motorman to try it on, if it is too big for him I might be able to wear it, and no need to expose myself trying clothes that are so obviously too small that people will laugh while passing us.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Look at lard ass. How stupid is this guy trying to fit in to an XXXXXXXXL?
- He needs a circus tent to get dressed!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Yes, no need to make a total tit out of myself so our Motorman gave the sweater a PRE test. It was too big (just a little too big) for him and I decided to give it a go. I gave him my jacket and I tried the sweater. I had just put the sweater over my head when one of the girls came running towards us screaming:
We didn't understood what she said but we could understand that she didn't think that the sweater would fit. I thought the sweater looked good on me. Well, the girl was screaming NJET NJET and the reaction from our Motorman said it all.
I'm trying the sweater
And if the girl's NJET NJET didn't convince me that the sweater was too small the Motorman’s reaction should have done the job

I bought the sweater and 2 jumpers. I asked the girl if the accepted AMEX. I was waiting in theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stline to the cash-point when she came and took me downstairs. They only accepted VISA card upstairs. We were running around between the cash-points downstairs. Finally she found one cash-point and she placed me in the line.

I gave my AMEX to the cashier and she didn't know what it was. Only VISA and MasterCardAMEXaccepted. Well, when I applied for my AMEX gold card it was all about good service and a golden edge on my life. Hmm, so far I had neither seen any good service nor the golden edge. This is what we call a racket in our daily speak.

Yes, this AMEX card have been nothing but an extra cost because they charge me handsomely for the card. Well, anyway, I never understood why the girl took me to this cash-point. Did she think that I could pay with my AMEX there or was it because the line was shorter to this cash-point?

Well, after a few minutes I borrowed 2000 Rubels of our Motorman and we could leave.
But where were we? We wanted to go to a outdoor market and Motorman had got a map from ourAladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T AstoriaChief Engineer.

Hmm, map? It was a drawn map with a circle in the middle, in the circle wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwritten “ Church ” and next to it was written square with statue of Lenin. From the spot outside the shopping center we could see 1 big church and we could see the top of one church far away. Well, it looked like churches anyway. But no sign of any Lenin.

Where to find a taxi? There were 2 taxis standing on the street next to the tram stop. But they were full of people, lunch break? Did they live in the cars? What did we know? But there was a taxi coming dropping off a lady at theshopping mall. Well, shopping mall, I don't know if this is what I want to call it.

We stopped the taxi and asked for the market. So far we hadn't meet anyone speaking a word of English. The driver dropped us on a big street with shops. This must be the city centerAladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoriaand we started to look for the market. We walked and walked and we had no clue where we were.

What about asking for the direction?
Well, every time we stopped some passing girls (only the beautiful girls) to ask (not by me and I refuse to mention any name) if they spoke English They stepped aside looking scared. At last we found 2 girls and 1 of them spoke English. They didn't know any market, but when they saw me they were suddenly not in a hurry to leave any more.
- Blah- blah

The girl that didn't speak English was standing behind her friendYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsmiling and whispering in herYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stear while looking at me. Hmm, we had to leave them or we had been staying there for hour's blah-blah. Or I would have ended up getting married or worse...

Yeah-yeah, you know, when he-man is in town. They were obviously not spoiled with handsome guys in Kaliningrad. AB and Motorman said that I was suffering from obsession. We gave up the market and we walked around looking at town. Motorman was looking for one of those Russian wood dolls. I don't know the name of the doll, but there are many small dolls inside the doll.

Our Motorman found a doll in a department store. But he wanted to walk around looking for another place so he could compare price and quality. Our Motorman was also looking for a Russian fur cap. We passed a place with fur caps in the window but Motorman had missed the place. So I screamed at him when he passed the window.
- Maybe you can find a fur cap here!

Aladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoria
We found a place with the Russian wood doll

Aladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoria
We found a place with the Russian wood doll

Aladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoria
We found a place with the Russian wood doll

Aladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoria
We found a place with the Russian wood doll

We went inside, but we didn't found any fur cap but there were Russian wood dolls. We walked until there were no more shops and then we crossed the street and walked back on the other side. Our Motorman bought 2 sweaters. 1 was too small but he bought the sweater anyway.
- Its very cheap so never mind.

When we came out from the shop we didn't know what to do. Then we passed a CD shop andwe went inside, I bought some Russian Hip Hop. I bought 1 CD with DJ Krush and 1 CD that I will not bother to bring home.

I have to listen to the Russian Hip Hop on the way to Porvoo and then I can say if it was goodAladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoriamusic or not.

Now it was time to find a taxi back to the ship. On the way we should pass a railway crossing and red light was flashing. A train was about to pass and when millions of wagon had passed they stopped the train in the middle of the railway crossing.

It was just the last wagon and the engine standing on the road. The engine had obviously pushed the train set and now they started to go back again.
- Nice, they are just shunting and shifting track. We're out of here soon.

The train disappeared and we waited for the red light to disappear. Waiting and waiting andAladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoriasuddenly the train were coming back again!!! The train disappeared to the right and again we waited for them to extinguish the red light. Waiting and waiting again. Then all of the sudden the engine came back without the wagons and disappeared to the left.
- Nice, we're out of here soon.

We were about to be bored to death when the engine came back again and disappeared to the right.
- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis going on?

Aladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoria
The excitement of going in a Russian taxi had soon worn off

More waiting and believe it or not, the engine came back once again without any wagons. StoppedAladdin's adventure in Kaliningrad, Russia with M/T Astoriain the middle of the road waiting for nothing special. Have they been drinking themselves retarded?

The engine disappeared and the engine came back once again and stopped just when it had passed the crossing. Now there was a switch-tender coming and waving to the waiting cars to pass. We had wasted an hour looking at the train, OK, it was fun the first time the engine passed with all the wagons. But when we saw the foocking engine passing the fifteenth time we were about to throw ourselves in front of the train.
- Puh hvor er jeg træt!

Tuesday 4 th of January 2005
and the weather had improved and we could leave Kaliningrad. When I came on my morning watch the immigration was on board and at 08:45 the pilot came. At 09:00 we left Kaliningrad. Our Captain, AB on 12-4 watch and Chief Engineer will sign off in Porvoo. Well, I'm not glad about it, we have had a good time. But people are coming and going. But now 2 of the substitutes are leaving, hmm, it's soon time for me to leave.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Motorman and AB on the bridge

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Chief Engineer have been adjusting the satellite dish for the TV

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Chief Engineer have been adjusting the satellite dish for the TV

Wednesday 5 th of January 2005
and I woke up because the ship was rolling. During the night the wind had increased and when I came on my morning watch it was blowing force 8 from W.
We entered Gulf of Finland in the morning. When I went down to my cabin to get my phone I hadAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria2 SMS on my phone. 1 was from “Ballong” He was eating Semlor . It's always good to hear that the Semle season has started.

It must have been network coverage when passing Estonia. When I tried to get network coverage I failed. I will try again later, I hope I can get coverage, I want to send e-mail and I hope there are plenty e-mails from Sue.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI didn't got network coverage until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, but then there was plenty e-mails from Sue.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

After my watch I went to sleep and when I woke up we were in Porvoo. Our new crew had come on board and the New Chief Engineer had brought some snus for me.
Off signing Chief Engineer came to the bridge and he told me some stories before signing off. It was something about a guy from Norway and a bottle of vodka that filled itself.

After my watch I went down to upload my web page and to send my last e-mail to Sue before leaving for Russia. Next update will not be until I'm back in Finland!!!

Thursday 6 th of January 2005
was a gloomy and grey day. When I came on my morning watch we were steering towards the TSS South of Helsinki.
I entered the TSS at 08:51 and changed course to 258°. I checked my e-mail, but nothing from Sue. I tried again around 10 o'clock and then there was e-mail from Sue.

During the afternoon the wind increased and it was raining. Nice to be inside and I made my second pot of tea and I had my second cup of oatmeal.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Our Motorman preparing for a quiet evening in his cabin

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Our Motorman preparing for a quiet evening in his cabin

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Our Motorman preparing for a quiet evening in his cabin

Friday 7 th of January 2005
and the ship was rolling when I took my morning shower. Well, it was too much rolling so I could not drink any tea on the bridge. I spent the watch sitting down in the chair listening to Captains stories from his holiday. Hmm, we're talking real cock-and-bull stories here.Seriously, is it plausible that he had saved the world, TWO times while home for holiday?

We changed course to SW to steer against the sea and just before 3 o'clock in the afternoon we changed course to SE and headed for Kaliningrad anchorage.

We were anchored when I came on my night watch. It was still blowing and I heard that it was storm warning on the radio so maybe we have to stay here for a few days.

Saturday 8 th of January 2005
and the weather was good when I came on my morning watch. I made a pot of tea and a cup of oatmeal. There was a little wind but not very much. Our wind meter has seized and we have to estimate the wind force by looking at the waves. But there are gale and storm warnings in force. Ships arriving are advised not to drop anchor by Baltiysk Traffic. They are advised to drift outside the anchorage because of the expected storm/ gale.

I spent my watch reading newspaper. Well, there are plenty about the tsunami in SE Asia. The death toll is rising by the day. It must be terrible to experience something like that. I feel sorry for the people losing everything, families and home. But it also makes me wonder a little about the reporters the Swedish TV are sending to the area. Or what about when they had a feature from a small fishing village in the news. The reporter started with:
- Yesterday a TROPICAL FISHING PARADISE, today its pandemonium.
They cannot send a twat that had never seen a palm tree before, of course, reporters from ice cold Sweden that had never seen a sand beach and a palm tree before.
- Oh! There is a coconut palm, it's a real paradise.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think those people living in the village struggling every day to make ends meet think of the village as something else than a PARADISE. If there is one day with storm they have to starve because they can't fish. In these countries many people are living of what they can make during the day. I remember when I came to Calcutta after the demolition of the “Mosque of Babur”. There were riots and a curfew. I had to sleep on the airport when arriving.

But many of the people were starving. The worked as porters and shoe shiners etc. They bought food for the money they earned every day, no chance to save. Curfew and it was not possible to work, no money and no food.

I also saw one guy saying that the Thai people where so hospitable to the tourists so the Swedish tourist were treated before the Thai people. Well, what to say about this one? I can't find word.

I think it was 2 years ago, I listened to the Swedish radio. They have a reporter stationed in Bangkok and I think that she cover SE Asia for Swedish Radio. She had a causerie on the radio. She told us that she had been in Bangladesh visiting a hospital. The country was ravaged by a cholera epidemic or something. She was visiting a hospital and there were many people lying in dirty and poor hospitals and there was not enough equipment and medicine.

Well, never mind the story, but it was about poor people receiving poor or no treatment. But backin Bangkok her daughter got a cold or something. They went to a hospital in Bangkok.
- It was like coming in to a 5 star hotel. My daughter got the best treatment immediately.
She said it was a very big difference between the hospitals just 1 hour away with airplane.

Well, I have been on the 5 star hospitals in Bangkok and every time I leave I have to open my valet, or else the police will show up with screaming and smoking tyres and the blue light on. If you don't have any money in Bangkok you will not receive VIP treatment on 5 star hotel styled hospitals. I wonder if she has been to any hospital in Thailand were they treating poor people. No 5 stars to be seen around there. If you don't have any money or insurance you don't get any treatment, no matter how sick you are.

If you have white skin you receive treatment because they know you have travel insurance. Well, anyway, after hearing this story on the radio I thought:
- Shame on you and shame on the Swedish radio for sending the stuff. TWATS!!

Well, at 17:55 we had to heave up our anchor. The storm of the century was coming our way. All the ferry lines in Sweden had cancelled their departures and people were warned to go outside.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWe're better off steaming up and down in the Gulf of Gdansk. Strong winds from SW and we are sheltered by the shore in the Gulf of Gdansk. They sent hurricane warnings on the VHF. Hurricane warning in Baltic Sea!!!!!

We steamed with a speed of 0,5 to 1 knot and in the wind gusts we were going astern.

Sunday 9 th of January 2005
and we were still steering towards Gdansk when I came on my morning watch. We kept less than 1 knot and in the wind gusts we made no speed at all. I reached Gdansk north bound TSS at 12:15 and changed course 180° and I steered with the sea. After lunch I received an answer from the union. I sent them an e-mail sometimes ago regarding the “ Union informs ” e-mail they send to the ships.

Hej Inga

Jag läste följande i er November upplaga av SVERIGES FARTYGSBEFÄLSFÖRENING Informerar:

Kvinnor kan bli svaret på den alltmer utökade bristen på kompetent sjöbefäl, framför den holländska regeringen. Man använder nu sitt ordförandeskap i EU till att uppmana regeringar och skeppsredare att öka andelen kvinnor för att uppfylla klyftan på ca 12% mellan efterfrågan och tillgång av befäl i slutet av detta årtionde. Hollands transportminister sa att en långsiktig strategi måste vara att öka andelen kvinnor och bryta nuvarande mönster. Idag utgörs endast 2% av den internationella arbetskraften till sjöss av kvinnor och att endast 6% av kvinnor till sjöss var i befälsställning och de flesta då inom intendenturen. Studier har visat att rederier med en jämn könsfördelning är mer seriösa och beter sig bättre än de som har ett enskilt kön i majoritet.

Nu undrar jag hur ni har gjort denna studie. I vilka rederier är det en jämn könsfördelning? Jag har aldrig hört om ett rederi som har en jämn könsfördelning. Om det är 2 % av den internationella arbetskraften som är kvinnor, då måste det innebära att det bara jobbar kvinnor i ett fåtal rederier i hela världen för att det överhuvud taget ska gå att få en jämn könsfördelning i något rederi.

Kan ni vara snälla att förklara orden "seriös". För mig är motsatsen till seriös oseriös. Jag med min ringa bildning kan inte förstå hur det kan finnas ett mellan ting.

Jag har aldrig hört uttrycket "en nästan seriös" eller "en lite seriös" redare bara för att det är en kvinna mönstrad ombord. Och ärligt talat så tror jag inte att min bildning skulle ha räckt till för att förstå det om jag skulle ha hört det.

Jag har försökt att förstå er studie genom den information ni skickar ut. För att en redare ska anses som seriös så måste det vara en jämn könsfördelning.

Enligt SFBS's studie och information måste det betyda att hela den svenska sjömanskåren måste bestå av endast kvinnor. Eller att inte Svenska rederier är seriösa eller beter sig bra.

Ni har sålt ut den Svenska sjömannen genom att tillåta TAP och jag har aldrig hört talas om en kvinnlig Filippinsk sjöman. Ni tillåter att det finns 50 % Filippinare ombord och enligt min beräkning krävs det då att alla Svenska sjömän skulle vara kvinnor för att få en jämn könsfördelning.

Det ser ju mörkt ut för Svensk rederi näring att dom inte ska kunna tas för seriösa. Och en fack förening som motarbetar en jämn könsfördelning genom att tillåta utländsk (billig) arbetskraft från länder som aldrig hört talas om jämlikhet och könsfördelning.

Jag vill inte förstöra julefriden genom att skriva att jag tycker det är trams som ni skriver. Speciellt detta om befälsbristen som man hört om år efter år. Har ni varit på arbetsförmedlingen sen ni började tillåta TAP?

Jag hoppas på svar som kan rätta ut mina frågetecken.

Med önskningar om en god jul och ännu flera tvångsanslutna Filippinare år 2005

From: Christer Lindvall
Date: Sun, 9 Jan 2005 11:38 +0200 Msg: VT-899192

Bäste Nils, ursäkta om svar dröjt. Vad vi informerade om vad var den holländske transportministern framfört i ett politiskt uttalande. SFBF har ej gjort några egna undersökningar som ligger till grund för uttalandet. Så här i efterhand kan vi väl konstatera att vi har ett 30 tal kvinnliga fartygsbefäl. Däremot gjorde vi en undersökning för några år sedan när det gällde intendenturbefälet där det visade sig att 51% var kvinnor och 49% män när det gällde våra medlemmar. Vad gäller filippinare ombord är vi heller inte glada åt TAP-systemet med de konsekvenser det får på nyrekruteringen och arbetstillfällena, utan ser det som något nödvändigt ont för att kunna bibehålla en svenskflaggad handelsflotta. Jämför vad som hänt med den finska handelsflottan som praktiskt taget försvunnit pga inget TAP system införts och att fartyg förts över till andra register där sådana möjligheter föreligger. Detta gäller även deras passagerarfartyg som förts över till den billigare estniska flaggan inom EU.
Med vänlig hälsning och ett sent Gott Nytt år.
Chtrister Lindvall

Well, the answer wasn't what I had expected. Hmm, I understood that they hadn't done the studies by themselves. But I think a union should have some responsibility for what they write. If someone else is doing a study they should have scrutinized the information before publishing it.

Now it like reading the gutter press. SENSATION!!! Women, the hope for European shipping. Where do they come up with crap like that. No women and they can discontinue with shipping in Europe! Sounds likely to you? Bottom line was that I just tried to figure out if they publish anything in their information to the members. But the answer didn't make me any wiser. They answered that they did not like TAP either. I never said that I didn't liked TAP in my e-mail

I wrote a new e-mail to them, but I never sent it. Maybe I will do in a few days but never mind, I give up. I don't think it's possible to get an answer from them. Now they think they gave me an inventive answer, but I'm not satisfied with that answer. Well, actually it was no answer to my question at all.

I changed course 180° again just before 3 o'clock and I steered against the sea. IT was nice to be relieved at 4 o'clock and I was down in my cabin in a jiff. I finished a movie I started yesterday and I went to the mess room for fillet and salad.

Monday 10 th of January 2005
and there were not much wind when I came on my morning watch. We changed course towards Kaliningrad anchorage just after 8 o'clock. At 10 o'clock we dropped our anchor and by then the wind had increased again.
The ship on our jetty, M/T Stenberg left the area and reported to Baltiysk Traffic that the passed #1 L/B just before 12 o'clock. Our jetty is available and our agent sent a e-mail that we expected to take pilot 14:00, weather permitted.

As you can see on the NAVTEX the weather forecast doesn't look too good.
We received a new e-mail that they might take in m/T Dicksi because she's allowed to enter

----- NAVTEX MESSAGE -----


the Kaliningradskiy Morskoy Kanal with wind force 16 M/S when in ballast. We are only allowed to enter at 10 M/S or less because we are bigger.

Well, they have their rules. We are not allowed to enter the Canal in the dark. Last time the told us that we could not go inside because it was dark. 30 minutes Baltiysk Traffic called us on the VHF radio.
- Astoria, heave up your anchor and proceed to the pilot station.

Hmm, what to say? It's the same with the wind force, sometimes we enter even if the wind is more than 10 M/S. Well, I don't think they care too much about the regulations.

Captain came to the bridge and he told me that he hadheard rumours. Someone had told him that last time they served spaghetti on board I had finished everything. I never heard so much crap before in my life!
- When you came down for lunch you took all the spaghetti. The Cook had to make new spaghetti for the crew coming eating at 12 o'clock, Captain said.
- Now you must be very bored. No more videos to watch? I asked.
- You don't dare to write that story on your page, he said.
- Oh yes, I do. But no one will have any confidence in you after that. Where do you come up with all the crap? I asked.

At 3 o'clock I saw M/T Dicksi leaving the anchorage. I had heard nothing on the VHF, but who could while listening to all the crap that was said on the bridge then. I thought that she was proceeding to the pilot station, but at 15:30 she was disappearing in the horizon and at 15:45 I heard them when they dropped their anchor. Well, anyway, I think it was them.

At 4 o'clock I was down from the bridge. I was busy in my cabin until dinner and I had fish and salad, yeah, I'm going to be serious from now on.

After dinner Captain and Motorman was running around with Schweizernöt, but I said no. I asked them to keep an eye on me during the dinner so I don't get carried away. So they stayed close to me, never more than 2 feet. When I went in to the galley for a bottle of water they were after me. I was hanging around the area outside the mess room for awhile, but no chance for a snack.

They refused to leave me alone, I had to run for cover in my cabin. Finally alone, but my idea was working! No snacks and only healthy food for dinner, otherwise they would have pestered me. Now I felt good and I had no agony for eating a little too much. I will be slender and handsome in a jiff! I don't know what Sue will say, I can only guess.

Tuesday 11 th of January 2005
and we were still at the anchorage when I came on my morning watch. I took my morning shower and I went to the bridge for a pot of tea and oatmeal. I was not hungry even though I was hungry when I went to bed yesterday. But a cup of oatmeal is good as a start of the day. But my supply of oatmeal was running low on the bridge and I called the mess room and I asked 2nd Officer to bring a package of oatmeal to the bridge when he came back after breakfast.
Captain called to the bridge:
- Its “ Tunna Fläskpannkakor ” for lunch! You don't need any oatmeal.
Well, this was no good news. Seems like I have to eat lunch today.

The morning turned out fine with the sun trying to break through the clouds and the wind was almost gone. It was a nice morning but when Captain came to the bridge asking if I wanted lunch things turned nasty. I asked what it was and he said Fläskpannkaka. I thought he was joking and I called our Cook.
- It's Fläskpannkaka, he said.
- I'm down in a jiff!!
Captain was exhilarated.
- I will watch how many pancakes you eat!
I rushed down the stairsYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stto the mess room with Captain close behind shouting:
- Don't try to run away from me!
I took my plate and I asked our Cook for half a Fläskpannkaka.

Half Fläskpannkaka is enough when on diet! ! ! !

I took my plate and I sat down at my place. Captain was like a Band-Aid®. He watched everyAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriamove I made. There is a nasty rumour saying that I had 23 Fläskpannkakor last time. But as you understand that's not true. And he was threatening me
- I will count how many you eat
- You will be disappointed!

He was hanging over me while I had my Fläskpannkaka (half) and it disappeared like an Aspirin.
But I was satisfied with what I had got. After a few days only eating next to nothing it didn't take much to be full. Captain was very disappointed and I was full like a boa-constrictor

Captain had expected me to have plenty Fläskpannkakor, but after my half I could hardly move. After a few minutes I found the energy to rise from my placeAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriaand the Band-Aid® was after me like a shadow.

But I think it was a bit thick that he was sneaking in the door tothe galley when I was out there telling our Cook that it tasted good. But that's life on diet. People lurking and watching every step you take.
But I appreciate the effort to help me with my diet. This is exactly the spirit I'm looking for and I'm
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsure they will help me obtaining my V-shaped torso.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
No one pestering our AB when he is having his lunch

At 13:45 M/T Dicksi passed us on the way out and at 14:00 Baltiysk Radio called us.
- Pilot will board you in 1 hour.
I called the engine department and asked them to have the engine running at 14:30 when we would start to heave up our anchor. At 14:50 we had our anchor up and at 15:20 the pilot was on the bridge. I tested our high level alarms and zero adjusted the tank pressure to 0 and at 16:00 I was relieved by our 2nd Officer.

After my watch I sent some e-mail and there were e-mail from Sue with pictures. Shehad been jogging a charity jogging, I think for the victims of the tsunami. She had taken some pictures of the event and she also sent a picture of her new kitten

She also told me that the Russian doll is called “ matrioshka ” a variant spelling of matryoshka. Russian doll, each of a set of brightly painted hollow wooden dolls of varying sizes, designed to fit inside each other.
We learn a little everyday on aladdin.st. We started to load 19:55 and I topped up Slop tanks and 3P/S before going off my watch at midnight. I finished a movie I started yesterday before going to bed.

When I was in my bed I could hear about one billion (or as we say in Skåne miiillijjaaaarrrrrdärrr) of SMS coming in to my phone. I was just hoping for them to end so I could sleep.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We can see how the fog is coming towards us at Kaliningrad anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We can see how the fog is coming towards us at Kaliningrad anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We can see how the fog is coming towards us at Kaliningrad anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We can see how the fog is coming towards us at Kaliningrad anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We can see how the fog is coming towards us at Kaliningrad anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We can see how the fog is coming towards us at Kaliningrad anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We can see how the fog is coming towards us at Kaliningrad anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We can see how the fog is coming towards us at Kaliningrad anchorage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Heaving up the anchor at Kaliningrad anchorage

Wednesday 12 th of January 2005
and I was called for at 07:30, 2nd Officer had some questions about the cargo computer. Well, I went for my shower and when I came to the bridge the Surveyor was just about to leave. We had completed loading and he got an ullage report with temp and volume in each tank. He will come back with the final density on the cargo and we can do the final ullage report.
- I will be back soon, he said.
- In about 2,5 hours? I asked.
- This time I will make it in 1,5 hours, he said.
- You say 2 hours every time, but you never made it before 2,5 hours, I said

Well, He came back 2,5 hours later with the paper and the shipper came some 10-15 minutes later. Then our agent and the Russian authorities came on board and we left Kaliningrad 12:00.

You remember the pilot collecting stamps in his book? It was the same pilot taking us out today again. Well, the Captain green of envy signed off last trip and I had free rein to stamp his book. Now he has stamps to last him a life time

We left the pilot at Baltiysk at 14:50 and it was soon time to be relieved by our 2nd Officer. Dinner and a power nap and it were time for my night watch and I had been on my night watch for about 10 minutes when the Captain came up on the bridge. I could hear him rustle in the dark and I suspected that it was chocolate wrapping. I could hear him munching as well.

When he went down I had to call him.
- You forgot your chocolate on the bridge!
- It's not my chocolate!
What the foock! I told him that I have been proud of him for his good work the last few days watching my diet, but now he had fallen into decay. I put the chocolate on his door when I went down after my watch at midnight.

Aladdin's adventure with Marabou Schweizernöt on board M/T Astoria
You forgot your chocolate on the bridge!

Thursday 13 th of January 2005
and we had force 8 wind from SW when I came on my morning watch and there had been new storm warnings on Swedish TV. At 09:30 we had sunshine but 30 minutes later it was gloomy and grey.

10 minutes after lunch out Motorman came on the bridge. I was leaning on the chair and when hepassed me he stroke his hand on my behind.
- What the foock!!! Keep your caressing hands in your pocket!!!! I shouted.
I declared the bridge a “ Hands in the pocket area ” for visitors. This was something of the worst I had ever experienced. What's next?

Well, if this isn't sexual harassment I don't know what to call it. Maybe I should report it to the police, but I doubt it very much that it will help. They will just shake their head and think that I'm lying.

When I got of my watch at 4 o'clock in the afternoon the weather was still gloomy and grey with strong winds. I went down to my cabin and I made myself busy until dinner.

We have ETA to Porvoo pilot 20:40 and we have about 1,5 hours to the jetty from the pilot. It willbe nice to send e-mail to Sue and I hope there is a little something for me in the inbox. It's always nice to hear from Sue. I hope I can see her soon, I will sign off in about 2 weeks. 2-3 more trips to Russia and it's time to sign off.

But until then I have to content myself with the internet. I visit her web page every now andthen and I can send e-mail. But it's better with the real thing. Well, internet is better than nothing and before seeing Sue again we have to discharge our crude oil in Porvoo.

After dinner, pea soup (healthy) I went for my power nap.

Porvoo pilot boarded us just after 9 o'clock in the evening and we had all fast at Fortum’s jetty #2 at 22:15. We started to discharge at 22:45. Our Ships chandler will come tomorrow morning with 2 cases of Diet Coke for me.
I was relieved at midnight and I was down in my cabin at 00:35, I sent some e-mail and uploaded my web page and then I spent a few minutes with my Linguaphone course in bed.

Friday 14 th of January 2005
and we were in the bottom of the 2 last tanks when I came on my morning watch. We completed discharging at 08:40 and at 0915 we left jetty #2 in Porvoo. The wind had decreased to a force 6 and I was happy, I had expected some heavy rolling.No rolling and I could bring my computer to the bridge.
I connected the computer to the entertainment centre on the bridge and I had instant access to 122, 5 hours of good music!

I got 2 cases of Diet Coke in the morning so I spent my watch listening to funky music and drinking Diet Coke. I was relieved by 2nd Officer at 4 o'clock and I felt sorry for him when I left him with only a “ Best of Elton John ” CD.

After my watch it was the same old boring afternoon routine. At 5 o'clock we had dinner, I had spinach (leftover from lunch) and salad. Then I watched the guys getting chocolate from the slop chest (I got myself some shaving gel). I went to bed and I slept until 19:15 when my alarm clock in my mobile phone woke me up.
10-15 minutes in a hot shower and then drinking a Diet Coke in my sofa while writing a few words on my web page and at 8 o'clock I'm relieving 2nd Officer on the bridge.

During my night watch I had to entertain Captain and Motorman. We talked about this and that while I was drinking Diet Coke. I started to regret that I had ordered the Coke. It would be way better to drink water and tea.

Saturday 15 th of January 2005
and the sun was rising when I came on my morning watch. OK, I was 5 minutes late because I felt asleep again when 2nd Officer called me, but we are going towards the summer and a few weeks ago it was dark 8 o'clock in the morning and I had to pull down our sun screens on the bridge 20 minutes' past 9.

Chief Engineer was working with a battery charger on the bridge. Motorman came up to see how I was. We started to talk about diet, well, that's the subject on everyone's lips now a day. Everyone on board except 1 AB and 1st Engineer is on diet. Our Cook is extremely unhappy, no one is eating the potato and gravy as we only eat salad and meat.

We talked about the weight watchers and I think I will join them when I'm coming home.

We had end of sea passage at 14:05 and Baltiysk Traffic told us that we will take on board pilot at 15:00. We reduced speed to be at the breakwater at 15:00, but as usually the pilot was late and he was not on board until 15:20.

I was relieved by 2nd Officer when I was testing our high level alarms. We had a chat before I went down to my cabin. I sent some e-mails and I wrote a few words on my web page before dinner. There was an e-mail from OSM and they wanted me as Chief Officer on Ekfors 20th of January. But I'm still here 20th of January. Otherwise it would have been perfect, signing of just in time for Sue's exam. Well, we have to see what's happening when I sign off.

Well, at dinner it was our Motorman distinguishing himself by eating 4 portions of French fries. He finished the dinner with 2 sandwiches with butter and cheese topped with Bearnaise sauce and French fries on top. I felt sick and I was running to my cabin for my power nap.

We had to wait for M/T Dicksi to complete loading at jetty #3 before we could start loading and at 21:20 we started to load our crude oil.

Sunday 16 th of January 2005
and we were still loading when I came on my morning watch. As always in Kaliningrad we don't know when we will be ready. Stop and start all the time, but at 11:45 we completed loading.

Just before 12 o'clock Captain called me and asked if we were ready with the loading.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Yes, we just finished loading, I said.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- Then we can have lunch together, Captain said.

When I was on my way down to the mess room I passed Captains office. Hmm, well, now we knowAladdin's adventure with Marabou Schweizernöt on board M/T Astoriahow he keeps himself busy during the days. It was lasagne for lunch but I took a plate of salad with a few drops of olive oil.
Five minutes after 12 the AB called me and asked me to open the manifold so they could drain the cargo arms. I left my camera in the mess room and went to the bridge.

The Surveyor came on board while on the bridge so we did the paper work as well. When I returned to the mess room 15 minutes later our Motorman had taken pictures of my salad. He also took a picture of his portion of lasagne, on a dish straight from the oven.

My salad
My salad

Motorman's lasagne
Picture by Motorman

We had received the Weight Watchers list of points for different kind of food. Our Chief Engineer sent e-mail to his wife yesterday and asked her to send the list. So I had time to studyAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriathe list during the afternoon.

During the afternoon we checked our tank radar with a Hermetica while waiting for the cargo documents.

The Surveyor came back between 2 and 2 thirty with the density on the cargo and we did the ullage report and the Shipper came on board with the cargo documents just before 3 o'clock.

When coming to dinner I could see that our Cook had understood that we were serious about our diet. Now it's a big bowl of salad to the chicken and no desert.
Well, the last few days I had been pleased after dinner and not bloated and stuffed as usually.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

We will spend the night here in Kaliningrad and leave tomorrow, we are not allowed to go out when it's dark and I think dead line is 13:00 to leave the jetty. But by now we know that rules in Russia doesn't mean very much so departure can be pretty much anytime.

Monday 17 th of January 2005
and our Agent and Immigration was on the bridge when I came on my morning watch. Agent told me that the pilot was on the way and at 08:40 the pilot was on board. We left Kaliningrad at 09:00 on a sunny but cold morning. It was below zero and the deck was covered with white frost.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Leaving Kaliningrad behind

During the afternoon the Chief Engineer came to the bridge to fit our wind gauge. He told me that he was hungry.
- Have an oatmeal surprise, I said.
He mixed an oatmeal surprise and ate it. He looked pleased.
- Yummy!!!

Well, now there were 3 or 4 different salads for dinner and I haven't seen any deserts for quite a few days now. I had salad and fish and I feel better than ever, even though I'm a little bit hungry.

Tuesday 18 th of January 2005
and we were in Gulf of Finland when I came on my morning watch and it was gloomy and grey morning.

I got an invitation to my friend’s wedding party at JW Marriott on the 6th of February. I spoke with him and he's going to have a strict dress code. Suit is preferred, but black trousers and white shirt was minimum requirement. A tie was recommended. I told him that I could use my red and blue suit, but he didn't sound too impressed.
- Should be a black suit, he said.
- I want to have a red suit, I said.
- No no!
Well, I have to buy a suit when I'm coming home. I think I will have a wine red suit and I will lookgood. But most important is to behave yourself. No jumping in the sofas or dancing on the table. Well, we see if I can behave and I will drink soda water only.

After dinner, salad, cauliflower and meat, I passed the day room and 2 of our ABs were watching TV. Ice hockey and I asked if it was Malmö playing.
- Yes
- What the foock! You should have called me!
Malmö won the game (no surprise) and I was happy when I went for my power nap.

When I came on my night watch we had just started discharging. I meet our new Deck Apprentice, he was on the bridge talking with our 2nd Officer. Later on our Cook came up, he signed on together with the Apprentice, but I never met him as I was sleeping. Well, anyway, it looked like departure 04:30 when I got off my watch at midnight. It was nice to leave the bridge, I don't know why, but the air is very dry on the bridge and it's hard to keep the eyes open.

Wednesday 19 th of January 2005
and we were in the Gulf of Finland when I came on my morning watch. The weather was gloomy and grey with wind force 6-7 from South. Around 3 miles visibility due to mist and snow, rain and sleet. I went down to our Cooks cabin and I helped him to install a program on his computer after my watch. I was ready just in time for dinner and I rushed down to the mess room.

Thursday 20 th of January 2005
and it was blowing force 8 from South when I came on my morning watch. Later on it started to snow as well, yes this is really my favourite time of the year.

I called Baltiysk Traffic at 09:45 and gave them 2 hours notice on VHF ch 74.
- Baltiysk Traffic! Astoria calling on 74!
- Astoria! Baltiysk Traffic replying!
- Yes, we have 2 hours to #1 light buoy.
- What's your draft forward and aft? How many persons on board?
- We have 4,6m forward and 6,2m aft, 11 persons on board.
- Any passengers?
- No passengers.
- Call us 7 miles from the breakwater.
This is the standard reply, always call again 7 miles from the breakwater. Captain and I were talking about smoking. He smokes 2-3 packs a day and I use 2-3 cans of snus every day. We decided to order nicotine plaster for next time in Finland. Yes , we were encouraged by our success with the diet so we expected the nicotine plaster to be as success full. When I relieved 2nd Officer in the morning my t-shirt looked like a gown on me. The self-esteem made me feel like I was ready to take on anything. Give up snus, why not?
Captain sent an e-mail to our agent in Naantali so I hope we get 4 packages of nicotine plaster next time in Finland. Of course, the strongest they have

We dropped our anchor 10 minutes past 11 in wind force 7-8 and according to Russian regulations we are not allowed to go inside. But we know the Russian rules by now. I could see that M/T Stenberg was on the way out on our AIS. Well, when I went down from the bridge at 16:00 there was no news about going inside.

When I came on my night watch we were still at anchor. 2nd Officer told me that there was an e-mail from the company saying that we will sign off next voyage in Finland. So one more trip and I'm off to Thailand. I hope I can make it in time to my friend’s wedding party. Well, I will makeit in time, but I need time to get me a suit.

A circus tent is nothing they make in an afternoon. So I hope that we are going inside tomorrow and that we will be in Naantali on Sunday, then there is a chance for me to sign off Friday morning 28th of January. Or if we have to wait here for a few days and we can all sign off next time in Naantali.

Well, wedding party or not, it will be nice to come home to see Sue again. I miss when we make the bed together every morning. Our Motorman is signing off next time in Finland so I burnt 2 CDs with the pictures I have taken on board for him.

Friday 21 st of January 2005
and I was not surprised when we were still at the anchorage when I came on my morning watch. It started to snow in the afternoon and the wind reached storm forces. When I was relieved by 2nd Officer at 16:00 we could see that M/T Maersk Nordenham started to drag her anchor. She was anchored 0,7 NM from us.

At 4 o'clock she started to drag her anchor and she came closer to us very quick. 2nd Officer called her at 16:05 and they told him that they were starting their engine. At 16:15 she was 0,25NM from us and the engine was still not running. When she was 0,2Nm from us I could see that her propeller was working.
Very close!

Well, we started to heave up our anchor when she was underway. It's better to steam slowly against the sea than to stay at the anchorage in full storm. The anchor was up at 5 o'clock and 2nd Officer came for dinner when we were eating. He was late for dinner because he had been on the fo’c’s’le heaving up the anchor.

Saturday 22 nd of January 2005
and we were still steaming against the sea when I came on my morning watch. The wind had changed to NW and it was blowing force 8. Well, I hope we’re not going inside today. If we are not going inside it means that we will be earliest Tuesday in Naantali and then I'm signing off.
Our Chief Engineer came to the bridge with his hair trimmer and after my watch I cut my hair so now I'm handsome like never before and I lost 0,5 kg in a jiff. When I was ready I took some pictures of my new haircut that we will never see on the internet.

After the shower it was time for dinner, filet and salad. When I came on my night watch the wind had decreased to force 6 and at 10 o'clock we changed course and returned to the anchorage.
At 23:00 we had dropped our anchor and Baltiysk Traffic told us that we should go inside with the convoy 3 o'clock in the morning, we see what happens.

Sunday 23 rd of January 2005
and we were on the way in the Kaliningradskiy Morskoy Kanal towards Kaliningrad when I came on my morning watch. I had time for tea and an oatmeal surprise before going down on deck and we arrived to jettyAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria#4 just after 9 o'clock. I passed the galley on the way back to the bridge when we were ready with our moorings.

Our Cook saw my camera and asked me if I wanted to take a picture of him and the turkeys he's making for dinner.

I called my reliever while waiting for the immigration. He was ready to come on board in Naantali on Tuesday, very good.

We started to load at 11:30 and I spent the afternoon in front of the cargo computers. 2nd Officer saved my life when he relieved me at 4 o'clock in the afternoon just, when the boredom was about to kill me.

It was nice to go down in my cabin and prepare for my signing off. I kept my self busy until 5 o'clock when I went down in the mess room for turkey and salad.

The rate changed all the time during my night watch.
- Astoria! Terminal, decrease loading!
Then they reduce rate to almost nothing and then they call again.
- Astoria! Terminal, increase loading!
Then its 1200 - 1400 m³/h for a while. When I got off my watch at midnight we had about 1000m³ remaining to load before completion.

So I think we will be ready when I'm coming on my morning watch tomorrow. Well, I had had my last (almost for sure) watch loading on Astoria and I'm looking forward to sign off.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

Monday 24 th of January 2005
and the cargo documents came on board just after that I got on my morning watch. Then we waited for Immigration and the Agent. We had to wait until around 10 o'clock. Typical, we're in a hurry and we have to wait. Last flight from Naantali to Kalmar is 16:10 on Tuesday afternoon.

Finally at 10:40 we left a snow white Kaliningrad behind. Sunshine and no wind and I were hopping for a quick trip to Naantali.

When I got off my watch we did between 15,2 and 15,5 knots and ETA to Utö pilot station was around 10:20. 4,5 hours from pilot to jetty and we should have time to get to the airport in time. I moved in to the owner's cabin after my watch and my cabin was ready for the new Chief Officer arriving tomorrow. I got my flight details in the evening.

SERVICE       FROM         TO               DEPART   ARRIVE

TUE 25JAN     TURKU FI     STOCKHOLM SE     1610     1555
NON STOP                   TERMINAL 5       DURATION 0:45


TUE 25JAN     STOCKHOLM SE     KALMAR SE     1640     1730
NON STOP      TERMINAL 4                     DURATION 0:50


Tuesday 25 th of January 2005
and I was called for at 07:40. I took a hot shower and at 07:50 Captain called me on the phone.
- Aren't you going to eat breakfast?
- No!!
- It's Pomplet!
- No!!!
I relieved 2nd Officer on the bridge and 5 minutes after Captain came to the bridge. He sent me down for breakfast and I had breakfast with our Cook, 2nd Officer and the AB on 4-8 watch. Last meal on board, maybe a cup of oatmeal on the bridge in the afternoon.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Last breakfast

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Last breakfast

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Our guys stand-by for arrival

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
2nd Officer getting dressed for arrival

We made 14,7 knots when I came on the bridge and ETA to Utö pilot 10:33, we will still make it to the airport. (I hope) Our pilot came on board at 10:35 and by then it was almost snow storm. But during the way up to Naantali we had a little sunshine.

We arrived to Naantali around 14:30 and we were waiting on deck. Our taxi was ordered for 15:00 in order to get us to the airport in time. It's a long walk with our luggage from the ship to the taxi. We have to pass the harbour office and the walk up a long stair to the parking.

The off signing AB and I put out the gangway while the crew moored the ship. Our Agent was waiting on the jetty with our nicotine plaster, well, I have to buy some when I'm coming home.
We were off the ship and I pulled my portable home while carry 2 bags. And it was so nice when I finally had the darn portable home at the parking lot. We reached the parking just a few minutes before the taxi arrived. The temperature was below zero and everything was white of snow, maybe it's the winter coming. I have been lucky while on the ship, no ice or snow.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Apprentice with my portable home

I signed on at Fortum's Refinery in Porvoo, Finland. And between 20th of November 2004 and 25th of January 2005 we did the following voyages:
Voy 69/04: Kaliningrad - Naantali. Crude oil
Voy 70/04: Kaliningrad - Porvoo. Crude oil
Voy 71/04: Kaliningrad - Porvoo. Crude oil
Voy 72/04: Kaliningrad - Porvoo. Crude oil     Cancelled
Voy 72/04: Kaliningrad - Naantali. Crude oil
Voy 73/04: Kaliningrad - Porvoo. Crude oil     Cancelled
Voy 73/04: Kaliningrad - Naantali. Crude oil
Voy 74/04: Kaliningrad - Porvoo. Crude oil     Cancelled
Voy 74/04: Kaliningrad - Naantali. Crude oil
Voy 75/04: Kaliningrad - Porvoo. Crude oil
Voy 01/05: Kaliningrad - Porvoo. Crude oil
Voy 02/05: Kaliningrad - Porvoo. Crude oil
Voy 03/05: Kaliningrad - Porvoo. Crude oil     Cancelled
Voy 03/05: Kaliningrad - Naantali. Crude oil

We arrived to Turku airport around 1530 and we had time to check in and relax before the departure. We met our relievers on the airport. They took our taxi back to the ship and I had time for a chat with the Chief Officer before they left for the ship.
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Chief Engineer and Motorman at Turku Airport

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Our Airplane at Turku Airport

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Chief Engineer on board the flight

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Chief Engineer on board the flight

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We're taking off

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Flying towards Stockholm

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Flying towards Stockholm

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Picking me up at Kalmar Airport

We had to change flight in Stockholm. Motorman and Chief Engineer took the train and the AB and I went to the domestic terminal. We arrived to Kalmar around 17:30 and my friend waited for us with his car.

I don't know how long I will stay home, but I will finish my kitchen before going to Hamburg to get my German certificates . But as I'm off to the wedding party in Bangkok I will miss most of the semle season. What to do?
We took the opportunity to eat semlor every day the few days I stayed in Kalmar.

Aladdin's adventure eating Semla in Kalmar - Kalmar Maritime Academy/ Kalmar Sjöbefäls Skola
27 of January and we're going to Kalmar Maritime Academy

Aladdin's adventure eating Semla in Kalmar - Kalmar Maritime Academy/ Kalmar Sjöbefäls Skola
27 of January and we're going to a class mate for a Semla or two

Aladdin's adventure eating Semla in Kalmar - Kalmar Maritime Academy/ Kalmar Sjöbefäls Skola
27 of January and we're going to a class mate for a Semla or two
And we're drinking tea with our Semla

Aladdin's adventure eating Semla in Kalmar - Kalmar Maritime Academy/ Kalmar Sjöbefäls Skola

Aladdin's adventure eating Semla in Kalmar - Kalmar Maritime Academy/ Kalmar Sjöbefäls Skola
Nu e d fan i mig fest!

Aladdin's adventure eating Semla in Kalmar - Kalmar Maritime Academy/ Kalmar Sjöbefäls Skola
Nu e d fan i mig fest!

Aladdin's adventure eating Semla in Kalmar - Kalmar Maritime Academy/ Kalmar Sjöbefäls Skola
Nu e d fan i mig fest!

I took the train to Kastrup and my flight to Bangkok on the 29th of January. I will be back after the wedding party to make my German certificates in Hamburg.

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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