OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

Friday 1 st of July 2005 and it was a gorgeous day when I came on my morning watch. The last few days gad been gloomy and grey with rain and wind, so it was nice to see the sun again. Captain arrived to the bridge at 08:15 with two Diet drinks. Never mind the “ lunch ” rule, I'm signing off and we have a lot of those diet drinks to drink. Well, like yesterday, I had my first Diet Drink at 08:45, way before lunch time, well, Finnish time anyway. But it's Force Majeure, my cabin is full of diet Drinks and I'm about to leave the ship

Well, Captain continued to play hard to get.
- Hey! It's time for a “Diet Surprise”, I tried.
- I'm busy, I can't print our new crew list. he said.
And he continued:
- There is something wrong with the program.
- Let me take a look, I said.
- It's most likely a human error, I said
I pushed the secret button and “ipsi wipsi wu” the program was working again.
- Now you have to come up and help me finish my diet drinks, I said.

But today there were no problem to get him to have a diet drink. He came with the first drink at 08:15 and we will see how many we manage to drink before bed time tonight.

We dropped our anchor at Baltiysk anchorage at 09:20. While at anchor we released our “free fall” lifeboat while it was hanging in the crane. The equipment needs to be exercised.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

There was an e-mail from the company, they had found a reliever for me. My reliever could not come until next week, strange, I thought they had Chief Officers waiting in line to come out and work for them. That's the impression I get when they can afford to lie you straight to your face.

At 13:50 Baltiysk Traffic called us. They wanted us to be under way in one hour. I called the engine department and I asked them to have our engine running at 14:30.

I did my walk while we passed the Kaliningradskiy Morskoy Kanal to Kaliningrad. It was beautiful weather and Icould see plenty people camping along the Canal. There were camp fires and people had picnics. The Canal was full of people swimming and there wereYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stpeople fishing from inflatable boats in the Canal.

We arrived to our jetty at 18:25 and we had all fast at 18:35. We started to load at 19:20 and we didn't know when we could be ready. The Surveyor had told 2nd Officer that they didn't have all our cargo. When our Surveyor came onboard later in the evening he told me that “maybe tomorrow”. Well, one thing we can be sure of is that Captain is coming to the bridge with diet drinks.

And he came this evening as well, he had two ice cold diet drinks and we talked about the good old times. We killed time and I appreciated it. The loading was very slow. They started with 2000m³/h but now we were down to a little more than nothing.

Saturday 2 nd of July 2005
and we were waiting for cargo when I came on my morning watch. They had stopped loading at 0345. They told 2nd Officer that it would be stop for about 4 hours.

I called them after 8 o'clock and they said “maybe” in 4 hours. we have crew members wanting to go ashore for shopping and now they have the opportunity. But our Agent didn't recommend them to go ashore.
- They are celebrating the 750th anniversary of Kaliningrad, he said.
He continued:
- The city is closed for traffic. The German and French presidents are visiting.

At 12:55 they called me from the terminal.
- We resume loading in 5 minutes.
And pull me backwards, they started at 13:00. But I can't say we were kicking a•s, it was a nextHidden camera, Spy camto nothing loading rate. 40 minutes later they stopped again (without any notice) and after 10 minutes with no action I called them.
- We waiting for a few hours, someone said on the radio.

Wait and wait, well, I will go down to Captain's office and see if I can get him to reveal the secret on how to stretch 5 minutes of work over a few days.

I checked my “Spy Cam” first thing when coming to hisHere should have been a picture of Captain drinking a diet drink. But those pictures are about to kill us by now. And we're saving downloading time this way! And we had enough of the ghastliness already! Yeah - yeah, blah - blah!!office. And pull me backwards, for the second time today. My motion sensor had finally triggered my spy cam. I had been waiting for a sign of life from the office for more than 1 week now.
- Now it's time for a diet drink, I said.
- OK, I'm coming!
He came rushing to the bridge and we had a ice cold diet drink. I should have taken a picture, but my inbox have been inundated with e-mails full of grumble.

We're getting “sick & tired” of all the pictures with the old-timer drinking Diet Drinks all the time. Where is the young and slim ChiefOfficer? We want to see some pictures of He-man!

There have also been plenty reactions on my own pictures:
- We can only see 2 eyes and a nose on you photos.
But as a frequent visitor on my web page you know the reason for that. You're spared from the 2,3 meter between the back pockets on my trousers. It's still 2,3 meter between the back pockets, but now the back pockets are on my hips.

They would soon have become front pockets if I could have stayed onboard as planned to september/ October, and if necessary I should have relieved 2nd Officer when the other Chief Officer returned.

But I will soon buy smaller trousers and then it will be the normal 10 cm between the back pockets. But it was a nice surprise when I should sneak up to the bridge with my empty cans. I'mAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriaenjoying a diet drink or two in my cabin during the evening and I'm taking theempty cans to the trash bin for “metals” on the bridge.

We sort out our household waste on this ship. We all remember the vetting inspector findingthe banana peel in the bin for metals. Well, anyway, that's another story.

Well, I don't want to annoy anyone and thus I'm hiding the empty cans in my back pockets. I could not find the back pockets one evening when going on my night watch. What the foock!!!!!! But finally I found the back pockets on my hips.

When I came on my night watch the loading was stopped again. 2nd Officer had managed to get 100m³ onboard during 4 hours. Let's see if I beat him? We resumed loading at 23:20 and at midnight we had loaded about 800m³ and 2nd Officer came in second.

Sunday 3 rd of July 2005
and we were waiting for our Agent and Immigration when I came on my morning watch. We could leave Kaliningrad at 10:25. Our pilot was the same guy that had bought Margaron and he told me that they had made their first two voyages.

First voyages had been from Poland to Ireland and second voyage had been from Denmark to England. Both voyages had been with molasses.

Monday 4 th of July 2005
and it was a beautiful day. Our Motorman and Engine Apprentice were busy working in the lifeboat, they took the opportunity to enjoy the good weather. It's nice withfresh air for a change from the engine room. I will for sure enjoy my constitutional after my watch. Good music and sunshine, a winning combination.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Engine Apprentice and Motorman busy in the life boat

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Engine Apprentice and Motorman busy in the life boat

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Engine Apprentice and Motorman busy in the life boat

Our jetty was occupied by M/T Palva and she should leave at 18:00 according to our Agent. NoAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriaproblem, we had ETA 17:30 to the pilot station and that means that we should arrive to our jetty around 19:00.

When I came on my night watch we were steaming slowly waiting for our jetty to be available. M/T Palva was still alongside. But she left just after 8 o'clock and we had all fast at 21:30.

Tuesday 5 th of July 2005
and I was relieved by 2nd Officer at midnight. Captain was on the bridge, he came 10 minutes before midnight with 2 ice cold diet drinks. I had planned to go straight to bed after uploading my web page. Captain didn't leave the bridge until 00:35, then I could upload my web page with the latest pictures and go to bed.

We had just dropped our anchor at Porvoo anchorage when I came on my morning watch. We had orders to wait at the anchorage in Porvoo. We will not load until 9th of July as it looks now.
My reliever could be here earliest Thursday 7th of July. So we see if he can make it here before we're leaving for Kaliningrad.

I don't know when I'm signing off because I have to do one trip with him so he can learn the ship.

Our Captain needed to see the Doctor and our Engine Apprentice needed some passport photos. He can not go ashore in Kaliningrad without a seaman's book. Now he's going to get one from Holland (He's a Dutch citizen) and he need some pictures in order to get the book.

We left the ship at 12:30 and first we should leave Captain and the Apprentice at Fortum Oil Harbour. Our Agent had ordered a taxi to pick them up at 13:00.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Engine Apprentice taking pictures before going in to the MOB Boat

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
I started with some cool hand signs

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Motorman's trousers down when passing M/T Furenäs

Furenäs was waiting at the anchorage as well so we passed her on the way to Fortum Oil Harbour. Our Motorman was mooning while we passed her. The bridge on Furenäs was full of people watching us passing. Well, I got a few pictures for my web page with ship photos.

Take the chance to pop by and watch the latest updates. Plenty exciting pictures.

When we arrived to Fortum and it was time for Captain and the Engine Apprentice to disembark our Apprentice wanted to join me and Motorman in the MOB boat to Porvoo. The original plan was to leave themat Fortum and they should call us when they were ready.

If they were in Porvoo (The Doctor would most likely have his office in Porvoo) they should go with me and Motorman back to the ship. Otherwise we should have picked them up at Fortum when they were ready.
- That's the best, I can take the pictures and I don't have to wait for Captain at the Doctor, he said.

He came with us and we left Captain behind waiting for his taxi. We had a nice ride in to Porvoo and there were many sailing boats and leisure crafts on the sea as It was a very nice day. We passed an old steamer on the way to Porvo, J.L. Runeberg. And old passenger boat, but now it was most likely a tour boat in use summer time only.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Motorman steering us towards Porvoo after having left Captain at Fortum

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Pictures has to be taken

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Full speed towards Porvoo

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Passing JL Runeberg

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Passing JL Runeberg - Click HERE for bigger picture

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

We found a berth for the MOB boat at arrival to Porvoo. The Canal/ creek brought us all the way up inAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriathe city center. Well, Porvoo is not that big so no matter where we had put the boat, we would have been close toYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe city centre. There was a restaurant and ice cream place next to the berth.

We tied up the MOB boat at the jetty and we looked around to orientate us and as soon as we had found out what we thought was the directions to the closest shop we left the MOB boat behind.

We started to look for a place to get passport photos for the Engine Apprentice and I was also looking for aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbag for our Cook. Our Motorman was going to buy a laptop so we had plenty to buy.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Coming ashore in Porvoo

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Coming ashore in Porvoo

We looked around for bags and a place for photos, but the only thing we managed to find was aAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriabooth where theysold strawberries and cherries and we bought 3 litres of cherries.

Motorman and I walked around munching on cherries, by then we had managed to lose our Engine Apprentice. While he paid for the cherries I and Motorman went in to a shop looking for a bag for our Cook. We found one bag and I took it down from the shelf to have a look at it. I opened the zipper and the zipper broke. Good quality.

Needles to say, we didn't bought the bag. We left the shop and Motorman and I walked aroundAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astorialooking for the Apprentice. We could not find him even though Porvoo is very small.

We returned to the MOB boat as we thought that he might be waiting for us at the MOB boat.

We could not find the Apprentice at the boat either. We decided to take a walk along the water front.

There were plenty restaurants along the Canal and we stopped for a little something to drink in the sunshine. TheyAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriadidn't have any bottled Diet Drinks so I had to drink a soda water and I didn't buy anything to eat so I only got 0 calories during this pit stop.

When we were ready we returned to the city, a 5 minutes' walk and we found the Apprentice at an ATM outside the shopping centre.

He had done everything he had to do. Taking his pictures and sent the application form to Holland, now he hope that he can receive his new seaman's book so he can go ashore in Kaliningrad. We walked around looking for a computer for Motorman and we ended up at the shop where we bought our external hard drives. We were well known in the shop and we could buy the stuff tax free.

The first shop we stopped at didn't know how to sell tax free to us. So I called our Agent and he told us to go to RadioThäti, or something like that. It was only a 2 minutes' walk from the first place. Hmm, strange, in Porvoo everything as only a few minutes away when walking. You cross the city centre in 3 minutes and 48 seconds.
I just want to add a word of precaution. Be careful if you drive a car, then you can pass Porvoo city centre in 2 seconds and you will miss the whole lot. On the way to RadioThäti Captain called us. He was ready at the Doctor and he was waiting at the MOB boat.
- OK, We're on the way to buy a computer to Motorman, we're coming when we're ready.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Motorman looking for a computer

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Calling about the tax free

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Leaving the place with a new computer

Our Motorman decided to buy a HP computer, way better than the FUJITSU they had at the first place we went to look for computers.
- Why don't you buy a camera as well? Now you can get it tax free!

He bought a CANON IXUS 50 with a 1 GB card and he paid 1400€ for everything. A good price and the salesman was relieved when we left. We had been haggling and barging with him about the price since we stepped in to the shop. Well, I understood that he was relieved when we left the shop with the newly purchased stuff.

We returned to the MOB boat and Captain was waiting for us at the waterfront. I ordered a diet drink and joined our Captain. Motorman and our Apprentice came a few minutes later.

When I ordered my diet drink I left my card in the bar.
- There are 2 guys coming. Put their orders on my card.
I had 3 diet drinks!!!! Well, I don't know if it's a record, but it's way too much, that's for sure.

What to do now? We saw sight-seeing boats passing us on the Canal (I'm not really sure if it's a Canal or a small river) while sitting and enjoying our drinks in the sunshine.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Motorman and Engine Apprentice arrives

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Motorman and Engine Apprentice arrives

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Enjoying Diet Drinks at the water front

There were also those sightseeing road trains passing on the other side of the Canal/ river, orAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriawhatever you want to call it
- What's up there? I asked
I continued:
- Sightseeing in Porvoo! Pull me backwards, here is bip all to see!

We agreed that we should explore the river/ Canal with the MOB boat. We entered the MOB boat and we took off with a roaring engine. The girls were looking after us. According to the rumours, this is rumours only and I can't verify it. But there have not been such magnificent males in Porvoo for decades according to this rumour.

Well, big surprise, up river was bip all to see and we turned around and we passed Porvoo water front on the way back. But we decided that we should try to find a restaurant in the archipelago on the way back to the ship, instead of eating in Porvoo.

There were not many restaurants on the way to the ship. We asked people in boats we passed and we even made stops and went ashore asking around. But no luck.

We have heard that there should be a small coffee shop/ restaurant close to the anchorage. So we searched the area and we came to a small marina but no sign of the restaurant.

There was a small boat leaving the marina and we asked for the restaurant. They didn't know any restaurant but when we were about to leave they called us.
- Follow us and we can show you the restaurant.

Finally we came to the restaurant, a nice place just at the water front. SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen. We ordered our food and it was delicious food, it tasted like the summer. I had a soda water and a diet drink, so I didn't need to have any agony over my diet.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We're going up the river to look for a restaurant

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We're going back to the anchorage to look for a restaurant

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Engine Apprentice and Captain in the MOB boat when
Motorman and I are ashore looking for a restaurant

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We following a boat that will show us a restaurant

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Eating cherries and following a boat that will show us a restaurant
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Restaurant SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Restaurant SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen
Hip Hop Generation VS Kalle Julabo generation

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Restaurant SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Restaurant SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Restaurant SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen
Hip Hop Generation VS Kalle Julabo generation
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

There were a beautiful girl hanging around and our Motorman and Engine Apprentice chased her taking pictures. Well, at www.aladdin.st good taste has first priority, otherwise I could have put her picture on the web. Respect! Well, they might be disappointed if I don't put the pictures here so I'm better off putting a few courtesy pictures.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Miss Most Beautiful in the world at Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen
Picture by Motorman

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Miss Most Beautiful in the world at Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen
Picture by Motorman

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Miss Most Beautiful in the world at Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen
Picture by Motorman

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Miss Most Beautiful in the world at Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen
Picture by Motorman

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
M/T Astoria anchored on Svartbäcksfjärden

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
On the way back on board with the MOB Boat

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
On the way back on board with the MOB Boat

We had our dinner and we enjoyed ourselves. I asked for strawberries, but they only had ice-cream so we skipped the dessert. We were back onboard around 7 o'clock in the evening. Our Cook had made salad for me so I ate salad and I had a shower before going on my night watch.

Wednesday 6 th of July 2005
and I had just poured my first cuppa when our Chief Engineer came on the bridge. He wanted to talk about Motorman's computer and camera.
- Do you think we can go in to the city today? He asked.
- I want to buy the same computer and camera as our Motorman bought yesterday.
- Yes, we can go. Captain will relieve me after lunch and we can go, I said.

The word spread one the ship quickly our deck Apprentice came to the bridge after the lunch. HeAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriahad heard about all the excitement. He wanted to know if he could join us in the MOB boat in the afternoon.

It was a gorgeous day and the thermometer showed 30°C and we were looking forward to the tour ashore, but just before 2 o'clock it started to rain. Captain had given me 400€ for me to buy a camera and a 1GB memory card for him and our Chief Engineer REALLY wanted a new computer and camera.

We were lucky, the rain stopped and we could leave the ship for Porvoo. I meet the gang on the poop deck. The first guy I ran into was our Engine Apprentice and his fingers.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Here we go with the fingers again...

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
... and again...

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
... and again...

We left Astoria and we stopped at Svartklubbens Seglings Sällskap's restaurant, the SSS Paviljongen where we had been eating yesterday. We wanted to have our dinner there, but today we wanted strawberries. It is summer fer foock's sake. And restaurants don't havingstrawberries during the summer can as well close down. So we stopped to check if they had strawberries. Otherwise we would have bought strawberries in the city and brought them back to SSS Paviljongen so they could serve us.

Yesterday they were out of strawberries and we wanted to make sure there were some for us in the evening. So it's better to make sure, well, they told us they had strawberries and we could continue our journey to Porvoo.

We had a nice trip to Porvoo and there were no sign of any rain. We moored the MOB boat inYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stsunshine and we were lucky to find an ice-cream stall next to the jetty. Of course, we bought ice-cream before we left for the city “adventure”
We finished our ice creams during the 3 minutes' walk to the radio shop.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Coming ashore in Porvoo yet again

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
The ice cream kiosk

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Buying ice cream

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
We learnt that our Deck Apprentice was in to the finger thing as well

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Flipping the bird

On the way to Porvoo we found out that our Deck Apprentice was a Hip Hop guy as well. He had anYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.starsenal of his own COOL finer signs and suddenly there were two guys running around Porvoo with their fingers pointing in all directions.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Suddenly there were 2 of them

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Fingers in all directions

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
As soon as I reach for my camera the fingers are coming up

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
As soon as I reach for my camera the fingers are coming up

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
As soon as I reach for my camera the fingers are coming up

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
As soon as I reach for my camera the fingers are coming up

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
I managed to get a picture without any fingers - And we can see how disappointed he looks
Yiipppeeeee Aye Aye Motherfåcker!

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

When our Chief Engineer had bought his computer and camera, and I had bought a camera forAladdin's adventure on board M/T AstoriaCaptain we went to the supermarket. Our 2 Apprentices had gone to an internet cafe and we should meet them outside the supermarket at 16:30.

16:30, and that gave me time to look for a bag to our Cook. I went in to the same shop as yesterday and now they had received a new stock and I found the perfect bag for our Cook, 33€ was a perfect price.

We meet our Engine & Deck Apprentice outside the supermarket and we entered the supermarket. I was looking for a string to my camera. I could not find any string and we returned to the MOB boat. Of course, we stopped at the same bar as yesterday, conveniently located next to the jetty and our MOB boat. But today I only had two diet drinks.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Time for a cool drink before leaving Porvoo behind

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Engine Apprentice with his camera

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Time for a cool drink before leaving Porvoo behind

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
I could not believe my luck - Bonus fingers before we left Porvoo

The time turned quick and it was soon time to leave. I had my watch at 8 o'clock and we had toAladdin's adventure at SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen with M/T Astoriastop for dinner at our favourite restaurant, the SSS Paviljong close to the anchorage. We were in a hurry and we left Porvoo behind with a roaring engine and the water splashing around us.

We arrived to the restaurant around 18:30 and there were no sign of the girl that Motorman had been taken pictures off yesterday. Hmm, maybe she got scared away yesterday.

Second setback was when our waitress came with a tray full of different soft drinks.
- We're out of PEPSI MAXI
- Well, then I have water
We enjoyed the evening and it was very nice weather. We hadbeen lucky, the only rain came when we were in Porvoo and we didn't have to drive the MOB boat in the rain and I was able to stay dry during the whole adventure.

Aladdin's adventure at SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen with M/T Astoria
Our MOB boat at SSS Paviljonen
Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

Aladdin's adventure at SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen with M/T Astoria
We get our drinks
Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

Aladdin's adventure at SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen with M/T Astoria
No time for finger signs while studying the menu
Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

Aladdin's adventure at SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen with M/T Astoria
Here we go again
Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

Aladdin's adventure at SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen with M/T Astoria
Flipping the bird
Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

Aladdin's adventure at SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen with M/T Astoria
SSS Paviljong
Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

Aladdin's adventure at SSS Paviljonen, Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen with M/T Astoria
Time to return to M/T Astoria
Svartbäck SegelSällskaps Paviljongen

When we came onboard I gave the bag to our Cook and he lit up. Our very own sun ray
- Very nice! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Tomorrow we will leave for Russia and my last loading on board M/T Astoria. I will sign of next week when we return to Porvoo. Before leaving tomorrow afternoon I will take the MOB boat and pick up our new Chief Officer at Fortum's Oil Harbour. He will land at 10:40 and I will pick him up just before lunch. We see what happens tomorrow.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
West coast, East Cost, old school, I don't know what the fåck they call it

Thursday 7 th of July 2005
and it was raining when I came on my morning watch. I hope the sun is shining when it's time to pick up my reliever. Pilot is ordered for 14:00 so my reliever should beAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriaon board by then. We were lucky, the sun started to shine just before it was time to leave with the MOB boat.

We left just after 11 o'clock and we had to wait for 15 minutes (maybe) before the new Chief Officer arrivedwith a taxi from the airport.

The first thing he said when stepping out from the taxi was:
- I recognize you.
Well, big surprise. I asked him from where he recognised me. We had been working on M/T Aurum together and it was almost 20 years ago. It's always nice to hear that you look the same as 20 years ago, especially when you were very handsome 20 years ago.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Picture from the MOB Boat

We were back on board just in time for lunch. I have had problem with my GPRS since last time in Finland and I haven't been able to upload my web page. I have 2 phones and no one is working, well, I don't have the correct settings. I borrowed our Engine Apprentice phone as well, but no luck.
I called customer care in Sweden and I asked them to send new settings for my phone. I don't know where they sent them, I for sure didn't get them to my phone.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st Bipping bip!!!!!!

Well, I have to upload my web page next time in Sweden when I can get my settings. Anyway, we left the anchorage at 14:10 and I was busy showing our new Chief Officer our cargo computers and stuff so he will be ready to take over next time in Finland.

Friday 8 th of July 2005
and the sun was shining when I came on my morning watch. There were no wind and the sea was like a mirror. Well, the sea was also yellow from the algal bloom and thatAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriadidn't look very nice.

I had planned to change one of the oxygen sensors in our pipe tunnel after my watch. This oxygen sensor had been broke for a few days now, but I wanted to wait until my reliever came onboard so I could show him how to do it.

First thing we did was to get a volt meter in the Engine Control Room.

Our Engine Apprentice was sitting there doing some work with his book. He hasa book from the school and he have to answer some questions during his time onboard. Of course, not more job than that he can find the time for his finger signs.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Engine Apprentice with his book

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Engine Apprentice with his book

We got the volt meter and we went out to the pipe tunnel. I mounted the new oxygen sensor with only one cord and I adjusted the sensor to 0% oxygen. This is done by adjusting the voltageAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriato 40mV (+/-2mV).

When I had 40 mV on the volt meter I went to the bridge and we zero adjusted the sensor on the alarm panel as well.

When we were ready with zero adjusting the oxygen sensor we talked a little with 2nd Officer. It seems like the Hip Hop have an influence on everyone onboard.

The other day I even saw Captain pointinghis fingers in all directions while saying:
- 5-0 Mother Fåcker!
And Captain is a old guy, well, he'solder than old.

Well, we're never getting too old and that's nice to know. I use to say that the first sign of getting old is when all music sounds like chopping wood. Hmm, we got a little off track here, but when we had zero adjusted the sensor onAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriathe bridge we went down and connected the last wire on the sensor. We had to let the oxygen sensor settle down for about 10 minutes after reconnection.

After 10 minutes we adjusted the voltage to 175mV (+/- 5mV) and we were almost done. We had to go back to the bridge and calibrate the sensor reading to 20,9% oxygen.

On the way back to the bridge we meet our Chief Engineer enjoying the sights and the nice weather on our poop deck.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
New Chief Officer on deck

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Captain making sure I'm not eating

After calibrating the sensor to 20,9% it was time for dinner. I had my salad and when I was ready I asked for the key to the slop chest. I had just a few cans left of my diet drinks. We're drinking way too much, but I blame our Captain for the increased consumption.
MIF, Malmö ice hockey, RedhawksWell, anyway, I needed more of the stuff.
- I'm running low on diet drinks and I need a new case, I said.

I took my case of diet drinks and I stopped at Motorman's cabin on the way to my cabin. The whole Hip Hop crew were there listening to music. Motorman had copied all my music to his new computer so he has plenty.We had a diet drink and I was off to my cabin. I started to watch a movie but I got tired of the movie after about 12 minutes.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Motorman's cabin

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Motorman's cabin

I tried to sleep but I could not fall asleep. So I worked a little on my web page while drinking diet drinks and it was soon time for my night watch. I was very enthusiastic when I left my cabin for the bridge. We dropped anchor at Baltiysk anchorage at 23:45 and they expect us to enter the Canal around 3 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Saturday 9 th of July 2005
and we were alongside jetty #4 in Kaliningrad when I came on my morning watch. Our Surveyor was on deck dipping the tanks and the Loading Master was on theAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriabridge. Our Agent and the Immigration Officers arrived at 8 o'clock and we were soon readyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwith all the paper work.

We could start loading at 9 o'clock and it was the first time for my reliever to load M/T Astoria. It was my last time loading M/T Astoria.

Our Agent told us that they did not have all of our cargoMalmö FF, MFF, soccer, fotbolland that they expected us to be ready to leave tomorrow morning. But as usually we never know what's happen here in Kaliningrad, and it's no use asking either.
- Typically, I'm signing off next time in Finland and we're getting delayed in Russia.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
New Chief Officer loading M/T Astoria for the first time

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
New Chief Officer loading M/T Astoria for the first time

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Our “Veteran” 2nd Officer takes over at 16:00Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
I was not surprised to run in to a newly awakened Captain @ 16:39

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
I was not surprised to run in to a newly awakened Captain @ 16:39

I called the terminal and asked them when they thought that we should be ready with the loading.
- 6 PM
Hmm, then maybe we can leave tonight and we will be in Porvoo Monday morning.

I and the new Chief Officer were relieved by 2nd Officer at 16:00 and it was nice to come down from the bridge. Even though it's nice with company on the bridge I don't like to show people how to do things. I'm not very pedagogic and I like to do it myself. I went down to my cabin and IAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriastarted to pack my bag, it took me about 83 seconds and everything was packed.

I had packed a cardboard box with all my CD's that I have bought in Kaliningrad. It's quite big and there is no room in my bag. My bag is full of shoes.

I was playing German industrial rock on full blast (yes, believe me, this is what they call this kind of music) and I thought that I had woke up Captain with my music when Captain came out newly awakened from his cabin at 16:30. 16:30 and newly awakened, yes it's true, but I could hardly believe my eyes! After dinner I tried to sleep but I did not manage to fall asleep. I took a picture of my bag and I worked a little with my web page. Time turned quick and it was soon time to go on my night watch.

When I came on my night watch we were waiting for the Surveyor and the final density. I had time to measure the H2S contents in our tanks before he came onboard just before 9 o'clock and we could leave Kaliningrad 22:10.

My reliever took care of the departure and I could take picture of all the excitement.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Departure from Kaliningrad

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Departure from Kaliningrad

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Our New Chief Officer takes care of the departure from Kaliningrad

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Our New Chief Officer takes care of the departure from Kaliningrad

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Our New Chief Officer takes care of the departure from Kaliningrad

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Departure from Kaliningrad

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
I pass Motorman's cabin on the way back to the bridge

Sunday 10 th of July 2005
and there wasn't very much happening. I showed my reliever the last of the paperwork. After lunch I went out on deck, Motorman and our Engine Apprentice where out there watching the sludge hose while the engine department transferred sludge to our cargo tanks. We discharge the sludge with the crude oil and Fortum makes new products out of it.

I got my flight details from the company. I'm leaving Helsinki at 17:45 tomorrow evening and I arrive to Gothenburg at 18:15. (1 hour time difference between Finland & Sweden)
I called my friend on my night watch (my reliever took the watch so I could relax and answer questions) and he will meet me at the airport tomorrow evening.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Captain on the bridge

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Transfering sludge

Monday 11 th of July 2005
and it's my last day on board Astoria. When I came on my morning watch we were approaching jetty #2 in Porvoo.

My reliever was on the fo'c's'le and I enjoyed a diet drink on the bridge. It was exciting to seeAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriaall the actionon the bridge at arrival.

We had our first mooring line ashore at 08:20 and the boredom was about to kill me when we had all fast at 08:30.

I was the backseat driver when my reliever did the paperwork and started the discharging. I was jumping up and down just watching, I prefer to do it myself.

I must find myself something to do until 15:45 when my taxi is picking me up for transportation to the airport.

The time turned quite quick and it was soon 3 o'clock and time for me to leave the ship. I took my bag and I walked to my rendezvous and my taxi arrived after about 20 minutes.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Transfer sludge

We arrived to Helsinki International Airport around 16:30 and I had plenty time before my flightAladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoriawas leaving. I was looking for a pub and after much walking I found a wine bar. No more beer for me, it's destroying my diet. White wine is OK, no calories.

I worked my way to the gate and I managed to get a little merry before reaching the gate.
On the Finnair flight they served miniature wine bottles. Even though they were small they refused to serve me more than a few bottles from the “wine cellar”.

It was nice to arrive to a sunny Gothenburg in the evening. When I left Sweden for Astoria it wasFinnairwinter and snow, well that was 4 months ago. But I had planned to return home in the autumn. Stay on board during all 4 seasons, signing on in the winter and signing off in the autumn.

I managed to get a wee tipsy during the flight. IT was OK on board Finnair's flight to Gothenburg, but I was very irritated when they refused to serve more wine.

Well, there will be more when I'm in Gothenburg. My friend took my bags and we walked to his car. Back home and I was soon asleep.

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
Arriving to Gothenburg International

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
My friend take care of the luggage

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
O här ska d tas foto

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Astoria
On the highway on the way to Gothenburg

I had enjoyed my time on board Astoria, but I refuse to take part in having drunks on board and I left a few months early. Well, summertime is never wrong and I was looking forward to celebrate the summer in Gothenburg with my friends, and I won't be surprised if there will be one or two beers going down the hatch in the summer heat. Well, that's it from Astoria!

After signing off 11th of July it will be nice with some holiday. You don't have to worry, you can read all about how we celebrate the summer 2005 here


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