“Aladdin's adventure on board Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior was updated with new and bigger pictures during March '14 while on board Roy Maersk”
I also update with a few names I found on the internet while looking for information about the Mediterranean Tour 2006.
I usually never put names on my web page, but these names were all over the internet so why not?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006

Monday 26 th of June 2006 and the action was in full swing at midnight. They confirmed that it was a drift net and now we were busy trying to position the ship head towards the direction of the net. Then we will try to attach a messenger (line) to the end of the net and we have to haul it in on our port side (left side of the ship). We're using a power driven roller (or whatever they call it)

While we were connecting to the net the fishing boat was far away and he didn't notice anything, but he soon realized that something was going on. He came towards us with search light on trying to illuminate the net. Most likely he thought that we were a ship that had got caught in his net.

But when he was a few hundred meters from us he discovers that it was a Greenpeace ship. The drift netters are under a lot of pressure from the government and different organizations trying to stop the illegal fishing. So he knew what was going on when he saw Rainbow Warrior and they arrived prepared with beer bottles to throw at us.

Well, this guy was not happy, he steamed towards us and he stopped under our bow and the four fishermen were screaming BASTARDO all the time while throwing full beer bottles on the Fo’c’s’le where the crew were working with one end of the net.

The crew on the fishing boat managed to get a boat hook on the net and the pulled it onboard. They cut the net and start to haul it in with their winch and they disappeared.

Our AVON was on the side of the fishing boat filming and taking picture and one of the beer bottles they were throwing at the AVON didn't got crushed so we got a nice souvenir. But seriously, what are they thinking when they come on deck with their hands full of beer bottles calling (with a friendly voice):
- Friends come here!
But anyway, it was impressing, they must have thrown the beer bottles some 50 meters and every one hit the AVON. Maybe they have a lot of practice of scoring a bull.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
The crew in the attack boat tie a rope around the drift net so we can pull it on board
As we can see on the quality it is a picture from one of Greenpeace's professional Photographers

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
The fishing boat under our Fo’c’s’le
As we can see on the quality it is a picture taken by Aladdin

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
The fishing boat under our Fo’c’s’le
As we can see on the quality it is a picture taken by Aladdin

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
The fishing boat under our Fo’c’s’le
As we can see on the quality it is a picture taken by Aladdin

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Looking at the fishing boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Pulling up the net with our roller

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
The threw beer at us

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
The crew pulling up the drift net on the Fo’c’s’le

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
The crew pulling up the drift net on the Fo’c’s’le

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Drift net being pulled on board Rainbow Warrior
As we can see on the quality it is a picture from one of Greenpeace's professional Photographers

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Skipper checking out the net

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Clear the deck after the action

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Clear the deck after the action

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Webbie waiting for someone to interview

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
She threw herself over our Spanish Deckhand

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
She threw herself over our Spanish Deckhand

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Hard work on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
We're ready to leave and there is time to relax a bit

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
We're ready to leave and there is time to relax a bit

All nets we take are being brought ashore to the authorities. Now we can only guess what the civilYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stservant is thinking sitting behind his desk doing foock all. They are chasing the illegal drift nets, but they are no exactly coming down hard on them. More like doing foock all.

So we can easily imagine the mood this civil servant will be in, after 14 years of sleeping behind his desk when Greenpeace are knocking on the door. Greenpeace are dropping a few ton of illegal driftnets on his floor, nets that he had said never excited.

We left the area while the fishing boat was busy retrieving the rest of their net, but we were only going for some 3 NM. When we approached the fishing boat we saw that it was two fishing boats. The end of the other net was 3 miles away and we wanted to CHECK it out.

We found the net, or actually we ran over it and we were lucky we didn't get caught in it. We were drifting while investigating the direction of the net so we could find the end. We discovered that we were somewhere in the middle of the net.

We saw the fishing boat on the radar, he was approaching with a speed of 1, 5 knots so we understood that he was retrieving their net.

We had time to send our diving team to check the net before the fishing boat arrived. We had seen big grey objects in the net during the approach and we wanted to check if it was Flippers or sharks. But the diving team came back with big plastic bags and at least we managed to clean the Mediterranean a little. I doubt that the fisher men had kept the plastic onboard until they would have found a bin for plastic garbage.

We cut the net at the buoy marking the middle and we put the radar reflector that we caught from the first net and we started to haul in the net. When the fishing boat realized what we were doing the just dropped their net and they came steaming for us, they were not happy.

BASTARDO seems to be the word of preference in Italy when they don't like someone. At least the Fishermen seems to like the word BASTARDO

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Here they come, and they are not happy

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Here they come, and they are not happy

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Here they come, and they are not happy

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
They are angry and they want their net and sword fish back
As we can see on the quality it is a picture taken by Aladdin

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
They are angry and they want their net and sword fish back
As we can see on the quality it is a picture taken by Aladdin

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
They are angry and they want their net and sword fish back
As we can see on the quality it is a picture from one of Greenpeace's professional Photographers

WarningA word of precaution for you people of delicate nature. The video contains foul language, violence and other things that might upset you.

I never claimed to know Italian but on the video you can hear them screaming, BASTARDO, and I got a pretty good picture of what they mean.

Peter, du får vara MYCKET försiktig med volymen så dom inte tror at du blir överfallen på kontoret och ringer poliser.
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
They are leaving escorted by three of Greenpeace's attack boats
As we can see on the quality it is a picture taken by Aladdin

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Press conference on the poop deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Press conference on the poop deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Press conference on the poop deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
We took one of their swordfishes

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
We took one of their swordfishes

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Clearing deck after the action

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Clearing deck after the action

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Spanish deckhand with the swordfish

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Spanish deckhand with the swordfish

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Spanish deckhand with the swordfish

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Cleaning the swordfish and we have dinner for a few days

We cut the net so they could get their swordfish back as you can see on the video and they left us to retrieve the rest of their net. We stayed around just to make sure they took everything with them. We don't want any part of the net left drifting around the Mediterranean embarrassing the wild life and the shipping.

We saw them pulling the last piece of net onboard and we left the area steaming WNW. We had one swordfish onboard from their net and the crew was gutting the fish. Dinner for a few days.

Our Italian Campaigner had to make a statement for the TV with our inflatable boats in the back when leaving the fishing boat behind. Then they sent the statement via satellite to, well, most likely Greenpeace so they can distribute it to different TV stations in Italy and beyond.

I was off to bed at 06:30 and I woke up at 15:30 and I had a shower, I had to take the risk of being lynched, but I need a shower. I took a bucket of tea and I went to relieve our Chief Mate.

We were drifting when I relieved her and she told me that we will start looking for drift nets when it's getting dark. But we had a briefing in the mess room at 19:00 and when I came to the messGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006room I could not find my tea bucket.

The only one around to suspect was our Video guy, he's got this thing for my tea bucket.

Well, I didn't say anything when I left for my cabin and I returned with a new cup. (I bought enough to last me the trip when in Singapore)
- How many tea buckets do you think I have? I asked him.

The whole meeting/ debriefing were delayed because of this, I had to go make me some tea and when we finally could start it were SEVERAL minutes after 19:00. But no one seemed to care. Well,Hands in the pocket areawhen I went for a refill our Chief Engineer took my seat and, well, there's always room for a friend. But I had to make sure that he keeps all his hands in his pockets before IGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006took my seat.

Well, it was fun to see our Videographer when I brought out my second tea bucket. Always spare buckets if you lose one. And I have a few buckets in my cabin.

We got the latest news from our Italian Campaigner. At a meeting at the Italian Ministry of Fishing they had said that they would cooperate with Greenpeace to catch all the drift nets. We also sent a message to the US embassy that we had caught illegal drift nets.

In USA it's illegal with drift nets and they had demanded an insurance from Italy in the 90's that they were not using drifting nets and Italy had said to them that they were not using drifting nets. USA had threatened Italy with some trade embargo or something and now they got proof of the use of drifting nets.

The Ministry of Fishing they had said that they will launch a major operation against drift nets with airplane and stuff, well, we see about that. I reallyGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006didn't get everything they said, I was busy holding on to my tea cup. And I really don't have the energy to write all about it here. But I'm sure there are places where you can find the information if you are interested.

When the debriefing was over our Video guy came with his own tea cup. He brings it where ever he goes. He told me that he had packed the cup in a box when he had been moving a long time ago. He forgot about this moving box and he found the cup 5 years later and now he brings it with himGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006everywhere. And yes, always nice with people understanding how to appreciate a good cup of tea.

Well, I returned to the bridge and when our new Skipper came on the bridge he was drinking orange juice from one of my tea buckets.
- Are you drinking from my tea bucket?
- Oh, sorry. I didn't know it was yours. I like big cups.
- Well, let's make it yours then, I said.

A good thing with having spares on board, you can give away some of them. And of course, we remember when I turned the mess room on board Pegasus in to OK Corral. I had a glass of juice, and not the size our Skipper brought. Of course, I had to tell him that story. But this is Greenpeace so no problem to drink juice.

We finally started our engine at 21:00 and we start moving towards WNW in search for new drift nets. I left the bridge for my cabin and my web page. I had a tea and sandwich break and while there they came and told us that they had found something.

Time was 22:50 and we will see what happens. It was fun with all the action during the nights, but no time for our Spaghetti sessions during the watch.

Tuesday 27 th of June 2006
and we had just got the last inflatable back onboard at midnight. We had found a long liner and not a drift net. We steamed towards next buoy, some 9 miles away and we launched our boats just to discover another long liner. When we had all our inflatable boats back onboard we steamed towards NW to a point marked X in our chart. Sights of people up to no good had been reported in the area and we left for the area with the enthusiasm bubbling in our blood. We had about 15 Nm to go and we passed many long liners on the way.

When we were ashore in Napoli I bought cookies for our Spanish Deckhand and I bought a few. The baker got all excited (He expected a stroke of business) and pointed at all kind of pastries.
- This is from Roma, this is from Genoa and this is from Ravenna and this is from DisneylandMickey Mouseand this is from Sicily.
- Where?
- Sicily!
I thought about our Campaigner, our own Cuoco de notte, he is from Sicily. I bought a box of Sicilian pastries and I kept it in the refrigerator. We had planned to eat them during the night, but as you remember we got busy with the drift nets.

Well, anyway, steaming towards point X I thought we could eat the pastry and I went down to the galley and my box. FÅCK, some asshole had ripped the box open and eating all the pastries, well,Giftthey left two. I got furious and squeezed the FÅCKING box and stamped on it and I throw it back in to the refrigerator.

Who the hell opens a box, it looked like a Christmas gift in the golden gift-wrappings with a golden ribbon, without asking first. There is always people never buying anything and when there is something for free they are all over the place like flies. Well, as my good old friend from nautical college use to say.
- There are always people that have to go on the toilet when the bill is about to arrive.

I returned to the bridge furious and our Campaigner tried to comfort me.
- I can make Spaghetti.
- No thanks, I said
- Well, I will go get some nice Italian cheese, he said.
He was soon down in the galley and he returned with bread and cheese. It was an Italian cheese they store in grass and we had to remove the grass before eating the cheese, the cheese was delicious.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Cheese on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Cheese on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Cheese on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Keep your hands in the pocket

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Keep your hands in the pocket

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
She is having a good time on the 12 to 4 watch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
04:00 and they are tired when they come to relieve us on the bridge

I was soon back in my Aladdin mood and the clock was soon 4 o'clock. We reached point X at 03:45 and I changed course to 145°(t) when I could not discover any bad people around.

Today's plan was to dive at Isla Filicudi, one of the islands in Isole Eolie. Isole Eolie is a group of Islands North of Sicily and there are 2 of 4 live volcanoes in Italy. The island Volcano and theGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006island Stromboli.

Who can forget the drama with the belching lava when passing Stromboli on the way to Genoa?

We were some 8 miles North of Isla Filicudi when we saw tuna fishing boats with a tugboat and a tuna farm. So we changed course towards them to check it out.

There is an airplane searching the sea for schools of tunas and 2 fishing boats are putting a net around the schools and wait for the tug boat to arrive with a big cage behind. When the cage arrives the fishing boats pucker the net and empty the tunas in to the box. Then they tow the cage to shore and feed the fish in the cage and in October the price is at the top and they sell the fish.

We sent our AVON the check out the boats and they invited us to dive in the fish farm. So we sent our diving team over there and the diving at Isla Filicudi was soon forgotten.

And Thanks to Greenpeace's divers/ Photographers you will soon know how a tune farm looks like.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Tuna cage North of Isla Filicudi
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Spanish volunteer after the dive in tuna cage
Picture by Roger Grace - The famous Greenpeace photographer from New Zeeland

We will be delayed here, we had planned to leave at 19:00 so we could search for drift nets north of Isole Eolie and then we would have passed North of Stromboli and we could have chance to see the volcano again. But we have to be in Reggio Calabria in Stretto Di Messina at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. We are taking provision, change some people and put ashore some of the nets we confiscated.

Well, our diving team was back just before 22:00 and we left around 22:30 to continue our search for drift nets. They had got a position from the tune people where they claimed that they had spotted a drift net yesterday.

This position were some 21 NM NE of Stromboli and the course will make us pass 11 NM North of Stromboli.

At 11 o'clock our Famoso cuoco di notte celebre started to make spaghetti. How will we be able to live on after he left us in Greece? We are used to Spaghetti everyday and we will for sure miss both him and the spaghetti.
- I will make a Spaghetti De Mare of the roe from the swordfish, he said.
- Ahh! The famous Spaghetti Mal Di mare, I said.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Making the famous Spaghetti Mal Di mare

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Making the famous Spaghetti Mal Di mare

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Making the famous Spaghetti Mal Di mare

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Making the famous Spaghetti Mal Di mare

We had time to eat the spaghetti and crack a few jokes before it was time to go on watch again. I also got a bucket of tea with my spaghetti and I was in a good mood and ready for action.

Wednesday 28 th of June 2006
and most of the crew were on deck in front of the bridge when I came on my watch. They were all waiting to see Stromboli, we expected pass the volcano at 02:30 something but our Spanish volunteer saw it already just after 1 o'clock.

Well, we passed a small buoy with strobe light so we decided to check it out and at 01:50 we had launched NOVI 1 & 2. They discovered that it was a long liner and at 02:10 they were back onboard. Lucky or not, we were delayed and we would not be able to make it to Reggio Di Calabria if we would continue to the final search area.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our French volunteer navigating around Stromboli

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our French volunteer navigating around Stromboli

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Steaming towards Stromboli

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Crew on deck waiting to see Stromboli

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
“Action Man” looking for Stromboli

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Crew on deck waiting to see Stromboli

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Looking for Stromboli

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Watching Stromboli

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Disturbing me in the navigation

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Spanish Deckhand coming on watch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Coming on watch in the middle of the Stromboli excitement

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Coming on watch in the middle of the Stromboli excitement

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Watching Stromboli

At 03:00 we changed course to SE and this course would take us just 2 NM NE of Stromboli.

Well, when we were ready with the boats most of the crew gave up, but a few enthusiasts were still on deck watching for the volcano to belch lava in to the sky. At 4 o'clock we were passing the closets point and at 04:30 I gave up and I went to bed satisfied with my 4 pictures I got of the volcano. Now I have seen all the Volcanoes in Italy. Mount Etna, Napoli and Stromboli. And I think theGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006volcano in Napoli is named Vesuvius. But I'm not sure, can as well be the name of a pizza.

When I came on my watch at 12:00 we were anchored at Rada Di Pentimele, the roads of Reggio Di Calabria. We were about 180 meters from the beach and we had a few minutes with our AVON to the jetty in the port. Our Cook and Bosun were ashore shopping and I saw a new girl on deck when I came on watch. We swapped 1 male Greek volunteer for 1 Greek female volunteer.

I was in for a chock when I went in to the shower before my watch. NO WATER! Our fresh water pump had seized and our Electrician went ashore with the AVON to get a new pump. Siesta between 13:00 and 16:00 and we had to wait for our showers.

Our world famous photographer Roger Grace came to the bridge during the afternoon to get a few pictures of the beach. I took the opportunity to get some action pictures myself, I'm desperate to spice up www.aladdin.st a notch.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Roger Grace taking pictures of Reggio Di Calabria
I never put names on www.aladdin.st but in some cases it is never mind, his name is already all over internet
So I guess he doesn’t mid having his name and pictures spread on the internet

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Shower on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Shower on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Shower on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Shower on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Shower on deck

I'm happy that were about to leave June behind us so I can start a new page. This page is blown out of proportions with all the pictures and people have already complained via e-mail of the long downloading time. But it's 2006 and visitors are demanding pictures, sounds and video action.

Yes, that was back in 2006. Then we had about 600 pictures for the whole trip. Now I'm on picture #1100 plus all the slideshows and videos, and we have not yet reached the end of June 2006.

Our AVON returned with the first load of provision just before 3 o'clock and next load with fresh vegetables is expected between 16:30 and 17:00.

No fresh water pump onboard and the good ol' bucket shower became popular again. But the bucket soon becameFreezingtoo small and the crew jumped overboard for a swim. The water was only 21°CYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stso it was cold. But it was OK for our Canadian outboard mechanic, he is used to much colder water.

Well, when I got relieved by our Chief Mate at 16:00 I went out on deck trying to kill myself with a cigarette. There was a group of optimist dinghy with children sailing around us. Exactly the same kind I used to sail when I was a child.Hmm, I wonder if I could fit in an optimist dinghy today. Maybe if they dropped me from a helicopter.

Well, anyway, the sailing instructor came up to us and asked if the children could come onboard to have a look at Rainbow Warrior. He was told no , we were busy, blah -blah - blah.

They left and I could see that the children were disappointed even if they wereGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006several hundred meters away. The optimist dinghies looked very dejected when they sailed away with slacken sails, he•l, it made me miserable just to watch them go away. I could as well have one more cigarette, to speed up the process of dying a little.

Well, I was down to get my external hard drive, our Chief Mate wanted to copy my pictures from the trip. Good, that will keep me busy for a few more minutes, and the more time I put between me and the crestfallen children in their optimist dinghies the better it is.

First the disappointed children and then I was my turn to get disappointed. Our Bosun came back from shore he told me that he could not find any nicotine chewing-gum.I'm giving up smoking tomorrow and I don't have any nicotine chewing-gum!

I put all my hope to our Campaigner, the 12 - 4 watch very own Famoso cuoco di notte celebre. We're expecting a visit by Italian volunteers from the local Greenpeace office in Reggio Di Calabrio. Our Campaigner calledSmileythem and asked if it was possible to arrange some chewing-gum.

Our local Greenpeace group arrived just after 6 o'clock and I recognized one of them from Genoa. Well, it was he recognising me. Our guests were showed around on board rainbow Warrior.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Enjoying the afternoon on deck
In the back we can see the local Greenpeace group approaching

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Enjoying the afternoon on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Dinner on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Dinner on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Dinner on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Videographer and 3rd Engineer playing the tree branch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Videographer and 3rd Engineer playing the tree branch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
2nd Engineer on deck enjoying the tree branch music

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Heaving up the anchor leaving Reggio Di Calabria

I meet our Skipper outside my cabin and he told me that I could take a shower now. I thought I was beating all the other crew to the shower so I was laughing all the way. But later on I found out that our 2nd Engineer had beaten me.

PrizeWell, anyway, we're still in June but I have already decided to whom I want to give the
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st Employees of the month ” prize. Our showers are very important and it was very very nice with a hot shower. And I was like a new guy after the shower

Employees of the  month

Our visitors were leaving us after 7 o'clock and we could leave the anchorage at 1930 steaming south in search of drift nets. We will search an area South of Italy during the night and we will be back to pick up a photographer tomorrow at Catania on Sicily. Well, it's just some 45 Nm South of Reggio Di Calabria and we can do a little searching during the night.

When we left Reggio Di Calabria there was an old ship coming to visit us. he ship belonged to an Italian environment group called Golleta Verde. I never heard of them before, and it seemed like no one else onboard had.

Visitors from Golleta Verde

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde approaching with their sail boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde approaching with their sail boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde approaching with their sail boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde approaching with their sail boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde approaching with their sail boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde approaching with their sail boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde coming on board Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde coming on board Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Of course, our Videographer document the whole Golleta Verde adventure

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Of course, our Videographer document the whole Golleta Verde adventure

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Of course, our Videographer document the whole Golleta Verde adventure

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Of course, our Videographer document the whole Golleta Verde adventure

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Greenpeacers on board Golleta Verde's sailing boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Greenpeacers on board Golleta Verde's sailing boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde on board Rainbow Warrior to have a tour around the ship

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Videographer coming back from Golleta Verde

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our 3rd Engineer looks like Björn Borg

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior with Golleta verde in Reggio Di Calabria - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Golleta Verde leaving Rainbow Warrior

Well, they came alongside outside Reggio Di Calabria and their crew came onboard to see Rainbow Warrior and our crew went onboard their ship to have a look. But we didn't have time to hang around for long, even if we wanted to. There is a•s to kick and we left for new exciting tasks.

We were not long gone when our Campaigner called me.
- Aladdin! Spaghetti time.
- PLEASE my diet.
I don't know what to do when he will leave us in Athens, for sure our night watches will never beSmileythe same again.

That will be a later problem and why destroy our nice cruise by thinking of unpleasant things. Today our Cuoco di linguaggio mimico made us some delicious Spaghetti di linguaggio mimico. And while heSpaghetticooked the spaghetti he taught me the Italian sign for spaghetti.

Two fingers, yeah, almost like the V sign. But point the fingers horizontally and twist your hand back and forth a little. Or as our Cuoco di linguaggio mimico told me:
- It's a fork picking up spaghetti.
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
When we finished the spaghetti I was off to my cabin to writeYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stabout all the excitement on my web page.

It took me some 4 hours today, but you must admit that a lot of exciting things happened today.
The volcano is of course one of the best things and the Italian sign for spaghetti is not bad either. Of course, all the nice and beautiful people have been the best. I'm soon of for my watch and I will go have a cigarette with the crew on deck before starting my watch.

Thursday 29 th of June 2006
and we were South of Messina Strait when I got on my watch at midnight. We kept course towards SE in search for our drift nets, we found some echoes on the radar during the night. There was a long liner that was 13 NM long, but we didn't found anythingGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006worth any closer investigation.

When I came on my watch at 12:00 we were steaming towards the diving place. they wanted toGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006dive at Acireale just North of Catania. It was hazy and no wind so we didn't see land until very close.

We arrived 1,5 NM off the coast at 2 o'clock and they launched the AVON and our diving team disappeared. We got a weak breeze and some of the haze diapered and I could take a picture of Monte Etna. Now I have seen all four active volcanoes in Italy. I don't know about the rest of the crew, but I'm ready to leave Italy behind for new adventures.

It was over 30°C and no wind. Our exhaust pipe comes out on our starboard quarter and we need to be moving otherwise we will all die from the exhausts, and the smell is terrible. So I was steaming with almost 2 knots while waiting for the divers to return.

As usually there were boats coming for a look and there were even an Italian navy helicopter coming to say hello. Well, as I said before, there is a slight difference in working on Rainbow Warrior and Ewing oil. And when talking about the salary there is a slightly bigger difference, but who cares about money?MoneyWe're having a good time on board Rainbow Warrior.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
2nd Engineer caught sight of Monte Etna

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Monte Etna

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Monte Etna

I had been chewing chewing-gum all day long and I had managed pretty well, well, my jaw was hurting after all the chewing. But at 15:30 I had a talk with our Greek/ Swedish girl, she was inGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006front of the bridge smoking. She gave me a cig and I could throw away the DARN chewing-gum.

I had just put a light to my cig when the called from the AVON and the divers were soon to return. I told our Bosun that our AVON was inward bound.

And I was quick to add:
- If you by accident are going to pass your cabin, can you please throw a carton of Marlboro in to my cabin?
- Do you want them to your cabin or to the bridge?
- Depends on what service you provide, I said.
- I will bring a carton to the bridge so you can get right on with the coffin nails, he said.
I ripped the carton open and I was soon sucking on a coffin nail.

After my watch I went down to the mess room to write a note about me testing the fire alarmsGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006tomorrow afternoon. I found the beer that the fisher man had thrown at us the other night. The only bottle that didn't got crushed.
- Hmm, I wonder? Hmm, no, but it would be good if they could throw some vodka and orange juice next time.

- Hmm, I wonder? Hmm, no, but it would be good if we could throw our garbage at them at the same time.

- Hmm, then I would have to sort out my old underwear. Otherwise maybe we would have sent the wrong signals.

But I must say that on the first fishing boat there was a guy blinded by anger when we got the net and he was ripping off his cloths, yes, he was literally ripping of his cloths in front of us.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Spanish Volunteer in diving suit

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Doctor chipping rust

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Doctor chipping rust

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Spanish Deckhand chipping rust

I was up for a cancer stick quarter to six and then they expected our new Journalist to arrive just after 6 o'clock, dinner time, nothing new under the sun. And by the way, I still haven’t mustered enoughColdpluck to watch the videos I got from our Webbie of me when I had the terrible cold in Genoa. Well, this is a video best not seen.

To be honest, I really don't know if I will ever watch them, maybe in 25 years when we can laugh about the whole matter. And good news, when updating this page with new pictures March 2014 I had not yet seen the videos. And I can't find them so they are deleted long time ago.

At 7 o'clock I showed our new Journalist the ropes (a new expression I learnt from our native English speaking Chief Mate) and we were ready at 19:30. I went to deck for a fag where they just caught sight of a fishing boat setting a drift net.

Rainbow Warrior started to seethe of life with people getting ready to launch the inflatable boats and getting photo and video equipment ready.

Well, our new camera man had not even unpacked his luggage before they started to scream at him to get ready. He didn't even have time to get his camera ready before entering the AVON. He had to bring the whole camera case on to the AVON and they could leave for the fishing boat.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Videographer ready to leave for the fishing boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
3rd engineer with the fishing boat in the back

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Videographer boarding the attack boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our new Camera Man isn't ready

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Videographer boarding the attack boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Attack boat approaching the fishing boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Attack boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Spanish crew in one of the attack boats and this is a photo opportunity with the banner

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Spanish crew in one of the attack boats and this is a photo opportunity with the banner

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Attack boats approaching the fishing boat

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Webbie and Roger Grace on the poop deck taking pictures of the attack

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Skipper watching from the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
everyone waiting for news

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
One attack boat is returning

When our AVON had left they launched NOVI 1 and they left for the fishing boat. By now theGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006fishing boat was retrieving the net and we could hear it all the way to Rainbow Warrior how they were screaming at the AVON. I don't understand what they said, but I don't think they were very happyHappyto see Rainbow Warrior.

I don't know what they said or did over there, but our boats were soon returning and the fishing boat continued to set the net and we were soon on our way again.

But we got a picture of our NOVI 1 with the yellow banner, this seems to be the most important thing. Or as one told me:
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006- We're a media company, didn't you know?
- Company??!!

Well, at 21:30 it was time to launch the NOVI 1 & 2 again. They had found some echoes on the radar and they wanted to check them out. It turned out to be a drift net 5 km long and maximum length allowed is 2,5km, busted! I don't know what they did, but the fishing boat started to retrieve the net and the only thing to do is to report it. Well, I'm here for the action and we have our Campaigner onboard to take care of these things.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWe were soon on the way towards new adventures again.

I thought I had wrote what I needed to wrote for today and I was just about to turn off my computer and go for my watch when our Webbie, well, I noticed that something was moving outside my cabin door even though I had “ The 18th letter ” with Rakim blasting high on the Richter scale in my headphones.
Well, I'm off to the bridge for my watch and I'm out of here, STAY TUNED!

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Webbie sneaking around outside my cabin

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Webbie sneaking around outside my cabin

Friday 30 th of June 2006
and it was pretty windy when I came on my watch at midnight. The wind had surprised us during the evening and the deck had been empty. Everyone spent the evening watching a video. Well, at 02:00 it was calm again.

Nothing happened during the night and after having grown used to a little action every night this was boring and it was nice to go to bed.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Fire drill on board Rainbow Warrior

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Fire drill on board Rainbow Warrior

When I came on watch at 12:00 we were drifting outside Punta Stilo waiting for the darkness so we could continue searching for drift nets. At 16:00 we held a fire drill with the crew and all our extra people were watching while we used the emergency fire pump and stuff. When we were ready I checked a few distances in Turkey. We had got a list of ports and they wanted the distances between the ports.
Some places were not more than very small villages. But I think they want Rainbow Warrior to come visit local Greenpeace groups.

PartyWell, during the evening our Skipper told me that I will sign off with our Bosun in Israel or in Lebanon. Then we write 9th of August or something like that, I can still spend a few days celebrating the summer in Sweden.

Around the 12th of August or something like that they close Gothenburg for traffic and all the bars and restaurants moves out on the streets. Music in every corner, so let's see if I can make it in time to Gothenburg.

Well, I thought that we would never reach the end of this month. I'm happy to carry on to July , and perhaps we can try to go easy on the pictures in July. But honestly, who cares to read a web page without all the action pictures to go with it?

Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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