October 2008
Wednesday 1 st of October 2008 and it's the first day of a new month. Time fliesand in a few days it's time to go home.

A beautiful morning and the sea were like a windmill pond. I started my watch with a bucket of tea and some crispbread. I save my “ Oatmeal Surprise® ” for the end of the watch and hopefully I will not be hungry at lunch.

Thursday 2 nd of October 2008 and we were steering an NW course West of Cuba when I came on my morning watch.I brought two new CD's that I downloaded from iTunes yesterday.
Danish Hip Hop. Nat Ill & Static and Track72 and now the Hip Hop will be blasting high on the bridge.

Yet another dawn of a new Hip Hop era and this time its Danish Hip Hop. Last time we had a Danish Hip Hop era was in Fredericia, Denmark a few years ago. we were running around screaming DJ Clemens and we spoke Danish so the girls asked us if we were from Norway.

2 CD's and all tracks were good, excellent! I came across Nat Ill & Static for the first time 2002 with P3 Hip Hop. I turned on the first CD before preparing my tea and soon we had good music on the bridge.Coffee breakAnd I saw something I never thought that I would see. Our Captain trying his moves!Totally unexpected and I got a shock.
- What the ...??!!

Well, turned out that Captain was the oldest Hip Hopper onboard Bro Provider.
Cadet #2 came to the bridge a few minutes later and I told him that he missed this music.
- You were so quick to copy my Music Treasure yesterday so you missed the latest updates!

OK, honestly, he was more disappointed that he had missed Captain's moves than the music.
- OK, what are you doing on the bridge? Shouldn't you be on deck with Pump man to check our tank cleaning machines? I asked.

Before Cadet #2 left for deck he went to get a case of diet drinks from the CCR. OK, I gave up the diet drinks yesterday, but I called the galley this very morning and I asked for them to bring a case to the CCR.
And I got a sudden urge for a diet drink and luckily enough our Cadet was on the bridge.
Go out again and come back when my camera is ready
Delivering diet drinks
Delivering diet drinks
2 days' supply of diet drinks
Cadet #2 came running in on the bridge with my diet drinks.
- WHOA WHOA!!! You can't come rushing in on me like this! I must have my camera ready! Let's try it again.

I finished our ballast change after lunch, we will transfer bunker tomorrow and we have to fill up some more ballast in the FP tomorrow. Cadet #2 was onHard workdeck working with our tank cleaning machines and I went out to take a picture. Cadet #1 was busy with the discharge plans, his last chance. He will sign off in discharge port as well. So next time he is on a tanker he is on his own, no one to ask.

So, time to sign off and I have to write evaluation on the Cadet #1, handover report and stuff.
- Hmm, I will land in FUNKY TOWN 10th of October, Friday and disco. OK, I have 8 days to make myself look good beforecoming home. PLENTY!

I spent the afternoon in my cabin drinking diet drinks and writing on my web page, but our internet disappeared so I could not upload anything. Maybe the funnel is in the way, the satellite is on W 22° on the equator and with thiscourse the funnel is between the satellite dish and the satellite.

Coming on my night watch and the Danish Hip Hop extravaganza just continued from where we stopped when I got off my watch at lunch.

My AB on watch, I swear to you, he was dancing for 4 hours. And I canas well admit that some of his moves were quite impressive.

Captain told me that he was going to buy a iPod.
- Maybe I can copy the Music Treasure® ? He asked.
- Of course, I said.
- You have very good music, different music, but very good.

So go ahead have a try with Nat Ill & Static before you rush away to buy all their albums. Artistslike this needs all the support they can get so they can continued making good music. Just use the controls below for a sample.
Just go ahead, enjoy Nat Ill & Static, over and over again
And guaranted, the whole album contains hits. Excellent music, Danish Hip Hop is back on top, well, most of the good Hip Hop is from Europe and Denmark is back ontop. Since Østkyst Hustlers it had been a few years with German and French Hip Hop.
But I can sense that it will be Danish Hip Hop on the bridge until I sign off next week, and for sure, the AB on my watch will enjoy it.

And what a surprise Track72 turned out to be, an album full of excellent songs, and seriously, how often do you buy a CD with more than 3 good tracks? Anyway, yet another Danish group that I will keep my eyes out for.
- YOO!!

Friday 3 rd of October 2008 and nothing exciting happened on my morning watch. Well, Captain spent most of my watch on the bridge making trouble with me, and that was fun. I also got my flight details:
Booking ref23X5KN
KL662   08OCT 3 IAHAMS  HK1    D 1530 0750+1
KL877   09OCT 4 AMSBKK  HK1      2045 1230+1

Yeah, I'm looking forward to that one.

After lunch we made our last course change before reaching the safety fairway leading to Sabine PilotGood musicstation. Our internet kicked in again after the course change. So the satellite dish is in shadow at a course 330 ° and when we changed to 309° we got internetagain and I could upload my web page.

I power nap during the afternoon and then I filled up the last ballast before arrival. I had some cantaloupe for dinner and I was off to my cabin preparing myself mentally for my night watch.

DJ Aladdin stepped in on the bridge just before 2000 and we had the Danish Hip Hop blasting high after a few minutes.

Music is important and I still remember our Bosun on Asian Progress.Good musicI was always walking around with my Walkman®. Yeah, yeah, today no one knows what a Walkman® was. But when our Bosun finally got in touch with me on deck (I had the music blasting high in my headphones) he told me:
- YOO!
Yeah, I had been onboard for only 2 days when everyone onboard was walking around screaming YOO! Same here, during the night watch the AB told me that he was walking around saying “ EH EH EH EH!” to everything
OK, never mind, Bosun told me that the reason for me to feel young (and more important) look young was that I was always listening to music.

We had Østkyst Hustlers high on the Richter scalewhen Captain came on the bridge.
- Who is this playing? Excellent music as always between 8 and 12!
- Don't you worry! When you copy the Music Treasure® you will have all this good music, I said.

Saturday 4 th of October 2008 and this day will go to the history as a pretty uneventful day. When I came on my night watch we approached Sabine Pilot in the safety fairway. ETA around 2330 and I tried to call the pilot station 1 million times, but without any answer.

We were almost at the pilot boarding area when the pilot boat called us.
- We will be onboard at 0100.

Sunday 5 th of October 2008 and Captain woke me up at 0330 something.
- We will connect the tug boats in 10 minutes!
I had time for a quick (very quick) shower and a quarter of a diet drink before going to the bridge. Well, at least I got to sleep30 minutes, more than expected. I expected a full night and I slept until 1950 yesterday evening and I never expected to fall asleep after my watch at midnight. 30 minutes is better than nothing.

I wanted to surprise Captain with a white shirt on the bridge, but when I donned my shirt I found out that a button was missing. So I got in to a t-shirt Never mind, it's dark on the bridge. It was so dark so the Pilot didn't recognized me until he was on the bridge wing with the Captain and they ordered “Dead slow astern!”. I repeated the order on the radio.
- Deeeeeaaaad sloooooow astööööööööööörrrrrrn!
I could hear Captain and the Pilot speaking on the bridge wing.
- Singing Chief Officer......... blah-blah-bla
And from there on the pilot was singing the engine orders to me on the bridge and when they cameGood musicback in to the bridge our pilot said:
- The singing Chief Officer! I didn't recognize you in the dark.
- Well, it might be my diet, I said.

Our Pilot was not the only one recognising me. We will have an Inspector onboard while discharging and when he stepped in on my office he recognized me even though it was a long time since I was here last time.
- Hmm, good to know that I don't look any older!

The first thing our Inspector said afterAlways busytelling me that he recognized me was that it was good music. (Always good music blasting high in my office)

Our Agent really liked the music and he handed me his hard drive and asked me to copy my Music Treasure® for him.
- No problem! I said.
We had a good morning in my office, drinking soda pops talking about the good old times while waiting for the Surveyors. It was fun and the people coming onboard were very nice. I asked the Surveyor if he wanted to start with the gauging or sampling.
- Up to you, he said.
- You're the boss, I said.
- No, this is your show, he said.
- You have done nothing but kickin' my arse since you sat foot onboard, I said.

Our Agent disappeared with his camera and when he came back he showed me a picture of a barge lying on the jetty across the dock.
- The hurricane Ike blew it right out of the water, he said.
Hurricane IkeHe took me out on deck and he showed me the barge on the other side of the dock.
- During the hurricane the water lever raised with 20 feet, he told me.

Same in Houston, our Surveyor in Trinidad lived in Houston and he showed me pictures. The oil terminals were covered with several feet's of water and the oil was leaking out from collapsed oil tanks.

Port of Houston was full of oil and I asked if anyone had to go to jail for this.
- No, it's a natural disaster.
If a ship has an accident and there is an oil drop coming in to the water its millions of dollars in fine and imprisonment. Coast Guard have hundreds of oil spill boats around you in a jiff and you become a suspected terrorist before you know it. Here they spilled so much oil so the port was covered in it and no one gave a shit. Of course, I understand, it's easier running around pointing fingers at someone throwing an apple-core than to take care of millions of gallons of oil.

Our Surveyor made my day. Ever since our Captain signed on in Rio De Janeiro he has complained about me don't keeping a port log
- No port log...blah-blah..log book hard to move....blah-blah...better in the good ol' days... - Well, why should I keep 2 or 3 different logs? Hard to interpret some handwriting, now you getAward winning port loga printed port log. Easy to read!
- Better in the good ol' days....blah-blah-bla.....

Our Surveyor asked for the times and I printed my port log.
- WOW, the best I have seen!
- Captain is complaining about my port log. I will tell him that you like it!
- This is the best! Award winning!
We started to discharge at 0755 after a morning filled with laughs and jokes and it had been fun.

But the best was the discharge rate, 500m³/h and we will stay here until Tuesday morning before we're ready to shift to Beaumont. My reliever can't come tomorrow and we have to wait until Tuesday. We expected me to stay until Venezuela.
- Then I stay to New York, I told Captain.
But it looks like I can go home on Tuesday evening and that will be nice.

Monday 6 th of October 2008 and I was still tired when they called at 0715. I haven't had a good sleep for the last 2 days. I'm dead tired but as soon as I come in bed I just toss and turn.

Our Inspector went ashore to buy news paper and when he came back he told me that shore wouldAlways busystop the discharging to change the shore line.
- Maybe we can crank up the rate to 5-6000 Bbls/h from 3300.
- I'm in no hurry!
Turned out that they wanted to change to shore line because theyAlways busyneeded the line for a barge.

During the morning our crew launched the MOB and life boat and now we're good for another 3 months.

We resumed discharging at 1225 after the stop and a new line displacement. I was a little worried that we would increase the rate and thus complete discharging too early my reliever arrives tomorrow evening and we don't want to leave before he arrives so I can go home.

But it looks good, maybe 2 hours earlier and we will be in Beaumont tomorrow morning and we estimate the discharging in Beaumont to 12 hours and I should be on my hotel tomorrow night.

Tuesday 7 th of October 2008 and we completed discharging at 0015. Paper work was soon done and the Surveyors left at 0130. Pilot ordered for 0300 and I was glad that I managed to get 3 hours sleep yesterday evening after 2 hours of turning and tossing in bed.

I was back in bed at 4 o'clock when we were on the way to Beaumont. At 0530 they called me again and I was on the bridge after a quick shower. Waiting and waiting, paper work was ready at 0945 and now we had to wait for the cargo sample analyse. And I was tired and it will not be better when it's time to start discharging and this is the time we need a vigilant Chief Officer and not a Chief Officer half asleepin a hurry to get to bed.

Deck Cadet #1 signed off today and now we're only waiting for my reliever to arrive. He will getright on the tank cleaning, next cargo Methanol and as an extra bonus he will have a girl from the company in Norway to watch him doing the tank cleaning.
Well, did I say that it will be nice to leave? The sooner the better.I will drop dead at my hotel room sleeping for 12 hours after several days with no sleep, well, no good sleep. 1 hour here and 30 minutes there.

We were up and discharging with full rate just after 1400 and I was in bed at 1430. I was so tired I could not speak and I hope I manage to fall asleep.

I woke up at 1645 when Captain called me. I asked him to wake me up before I went to bed, I don't want to wake up at midnight and I expect my reliever to be onboard. Obviously there must have been a million signals before I answered.
- Where you fast asleep?
- Eh??!!
- You're not allowed to stay at hotel before you have been at the Immigration!
- Eh??!!
- You must stay onboard tonight and go to immigration tomorrow morning!

I ran in to my reliever when I went down for dinner. We had the hand over and I was off to my cabin to pack my last things.

Wednesday 8 th of October 2008 and They called me at 0720 and I was happy that I had got a full night's sleep. Captain told me that the driver would come to pick me up at 10. So I had timeLast hugfor a bucket of tea and a last few words with my reliever.

We were in Captain's office cracking a few jokes when the AB on watch came and told us that my driver was waiting on the jetty.
- He should be here at 10!

I was at the gangway when our Bosun cameLast hugrunning and screaming. - Aladdin!
- OK, a last hug!
Our Pump man took the picture, OK, I took the first one and I only got the top of our heads when I applied the “Shoulder up only”, but pump man obviously didn't get the “Shoulder up only” instruction. But never mind, I got aI'm soon homepicture of our last hug on Bro Provider. Well, do you think they will continue with the GOOD MORNING HUG routine when I'm gone? For sure, our BosunI'm soon homewill miss our GOOD MORNING routines.

Well, I was off the ship, 2 steps behind the AB carrying my suitcase.
- You can take the small bag, I suggested.
OK, it was a half hearted try. But he told me that he was signing of in next port and he needed the practise to carry his suitcase and I will not stop him.

OK, I'm off for my holiday and school !
Bro Provider in Beaumont
The best picture

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

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