Friday 9 th of October 2009 and today was the first day with my new alarm settings 08:45. Does it feel any better? I woke up before my ordinary time, almost 1 hour before the planned alarm.

And of course, it was impossible to fall asleep again.

I had my “TUNA SURPRISE” and my GOOD MORNING tea and I was not in a very good mood.BangkokWell, maybe I can have an afternoon nap after school. Even though I was up before my normal EARLY wake up time IBangkokwas almost too late for school.

I got stuck in front of my computer and I arrived 5 minutes before class. But 5 minutes before the hour is not too late so I didn’t disturb anyone in class when I arrived. But we had to wait for our Teacher. She was 5 minutes late, so I guess they are not taking the 10 o'clock to strict around here.
It was only me and 2 girls in class today, one from Burma and one from The Philippines. So it wasBangkokpretty good, the only thing was that I was so tired after a few days of not enough sleep. But it was fun and time turned quick.

Last hour was mostly spent by larks. Suddenly when I was reading out load the Teacher sneaked up on me and took of my wrist watch.
- Oh, your watch is very heavy!

I always sit in the same corner in the class room and when it's getting to boring I starts to play with the paper flowers and the paper insects they have in the corner.
- If I move the flowers to the other side of the room I think that you will move after, she said.

Well, I don't sit here because of the paper flowers, I always sit here and I have my own place in the class room on the 3rd floor. Same when I go to a restaurant, I always use the same table. So it got nothing to do with the paper flowers. I chose this place because I like the corner and I will sit here even if the paper flowers are at the other end of the class room.
I gave the paper flowers to our Teacher and she was soon playing with them. And the Filipino girl wanted a picture of her. Well, why not, and soon everyone was taking pictures and the 3 girls kept me busy taking pictures of them.
Coming home from school, with a quick stop at Tops Supermarket in the basement on Robinson. IBangkokbought diet drinks and orange juice. Well, anyway, coming home and my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” was busy training the Thai script on his computer. He was also drinking Cognac, and only God knows how many glasses he had have while I was in school.

Well, it turned out that the bread crumbs we bought yesterday had salt added to it. So obviously this wasn't intended for apple pie, at least not for SkånskApple pie.BangkokSo we needed to go to Villa Market to buy bread crumbs. But first I had to boil 4 potatoes to mix in the meatball mixture.

Of course, you can take the short cut using bread. But then it will not be SkånskaBangkokmeatballs. We had our lunch next to Villa Market and when we returned home I started with the meatballs while my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” hade yet another Cognac.

When I was ready with the meatball mixture I tried to get some sleep, but in vain. My French class mate called and, well, I got out in the kitchen and I started with the meatballs.
Our Italian Cook will be a wee bit delayed, but I expect him between 7 thirty and 8 o'clock.
By the time I was ready with the meatballs my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” was staggering andBangkokI was off for a shower. I will leave for my school just after 8 o'clock to pick up my Teacher. And Friday night, so traffic jam can be expected and I'm better off leaving a bit earlier.

Our Italian friend arrived with his girlfriend just before 8 o'clock.

I asked what they wanted to drink and he wanted a beer and his girlfriend wanted water. Well, I poured water in a glass and I took 2 of my Dutch beer glass and a bottle of beer to the living room. When I served the beer forBangkokour Italian cook his girlfriend changed her mind and had a beer. The second glass was for me, well, no problem I went to the kitchen and tookBangkoka glass for me. It tasted good with a cold beer, especially when drinking from my favourite beer glass. The stapelbar has always been my favourite.

Back in the days you paid one Guilder for a glass of beer at the bars in Holland. But everything changes and now it's Euro and I haven'tBangkokseen the Stapelbar for years. I think they call the glass for Stapelbar because you can pile up the glasses in each other.

Well, anyway, when our Italian Cook and hisgirlfriend started the cooking I left for school to pick up my Teachers. Friday night and NO TRAFFIC!!?? I was at school much earlier thanexpected so I went to 7-11 to buy an orange juice.

I walked back to school and I had to waitBangkok5 or 10 minutes before my Teachers were ready. We were back in my apartment a few minutes after 9 o'clock and the CookingBangkokwere in full swing. People had arrived when I was in school.

Of course, my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” had found 2 Swedish guys and he was busy forcing them to drink with him.

Well, the cooking was in progress and I could relax with a beer while the food was preparing. Good, I didn't have to bother, the meatballs were ready and I just needed to put them in to the oven to heat team. And of course, my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” had to put the apple pie from Skånein the oven.
My Teachers caught sight of my hats as soon as they stepped inside the door and I had to dragBangkokthem away from the hat stand.

And the apple pie has to be spectacular. He had talked with my guests about this apple pie to the extent that theyBangkokwere running away as soon as they spotted him.

While waiting for the food to be ready I was drinking beer and beer only.BangkokWise from previous experience I will not touch the wine or booze. But even though I only drank beer I was making good progress getting tipsy. TheBangkokfood started to get ready andour Italian Cook called us to the table.

It turned out to be delicious, but I only had a little. There were girls present and then I usually do it J's way.
Only a little so no one thinks, or even suspects, that I'm sufferingfrom some strange eating disorder.
- Well, like it shouldn't be enough just to look at me??!!

The more we drank the louder the music and we listened to Pleng Isaan and Pong Lang. The spiritBangkokwas high and it was soon time for the, by now, so much talkedBangkokabout apple pie.

It was an instant success, or as you can read on the poster for the classic movie “En Sjöman till häst”: EN NY RIKSSUCCÈS

Well, Mr. Apple Pie were soon open his second bottle of Martell Cognac and my Teacher was having vodka shots. I brought a bottle of Tequila, but I didn't had any lemons so they wereBangkokdrinking Vodka Citron with salt. Well, I don't know if IBangkokwant to try that. We all got drunk and I think our Italian Cook's girlfriend would have been better off drinking water which was her first intention. It didn't take long before she crashed on my sofa.

Our Italian Cook brought Grappa, I don't know what it is. But my friend had been drinking this on Sicily and he said that he had had the worst hangover the day after. I stayed well clear of the Grappa, and when I told the others that it was like jet fuel they just sniffed suspiciously on the bottle.
Time turned quick and it was soon 2 o'clock in the morning. By now the crowd wanted todance. Yeah, I know, I'm not much of a dancer even if I can give that impression with a few of my moves.
And my French class mate, worth his weight in gold. Every time we have had a drink he had been inBangkokcharge getting everything back in order. Coming up in the morning the day after a night on town just to find garbage, empty bottles and dirty dishesBangkokall over the place hardly does anything to alleviate your hangover.

Well, anyway, it was around 2 o'clock (I know this thanks to the clock in my camera) when we took a taxi to a disco on Soi 11. And we bought a bottle of vodka at the entrance. No more “Only beer” for me.
I was back home just before 4 o'clock. (Yet again the clock in my camera) And I pretty much felt asleep as soon as I hit my bed.

Saturday 10 th of October 2009 and it was almost 12 when I woke up, good! And I had to take a fistful of B-12s. Yeah, B-12 is the thing I have to rely on since the magic blue become a NO GO.BangkokSleep, yeah, sleeps makes wonders and the hangover isn't all that fierce. Maybe the fistful of Ginseng I had withBangkokthe B-12s helped a bit.

I stayed in bed all day watching Family Guy. At 9 o'clock I left for Beer garden with “Mr. Pattaya People Man's” valet. I had 2 beers before I left. Yeah, Beer garden is a sad place. I left for Ratchadapisek Soi 14 and I arrived there around 22:30.
I waited for my friends at a bar having a beer. They arrived 10 minutes later and we had a fewBangkokbeers while waiting for my French class mate's girlfriend. WhenBangkokwe were finished we decided to go down to Khao San Road.

We took the toll way from Rama 9 so it only took us about 15 minutes to get to Khao San Road. But we had to walk the last few hundred meters because the Police had closed Tanao Road.

Saturday and it was brimmed with people. We went to Tempo Bar and there wasn't so much peopleBangkokand we could get a table. Techno music on full blast for about15 minutes before the band started to play.

We left Tempo bar between 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning. We had a beer outside while waiting for our Italian friend, but henever showed up so I guess he felt in love with someone at Tempo bar.

We left Khao San Road and we ended up at Scratchdog and of course I was back home way too late. I took a picture of the clock in the taxi when we rolled in to my condo.
If I can do this every time I will always know when I came home.

Sunday 11 th of October 2009 and exactly how fun was it to get out of bed today? Not very, but Imanaged to get to the fridge and my B-12s and Ginseng. I drank water and orange juice like there was no tomorrow. Yesterday I spent the whole day watching Family Guy and I guess that I will have to watch Simpsons today.

Its days like this that make me wish I was back onboard again. OK, I will not say that I will stay home next weekend because I know how it feels next Friday when I'm coming home from school. But it would be nice if I can stay home, even though it's boring. Yeah, we remember last weekend and it was not very fun sitting home both Friday and Saturday.
But it was OK to be home last Friday night because I knew that I had toBangkokgo up early Saturday morning for the bike tour.

Well, I was in my bed looking atSimpson when my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” called. And it was time for yet another light lunch, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. 3 o'clock is a good time to call on a Sunday. He arrived 20 minutes later and it didn't take him long before he had a Martell Cognac.

And of course, I discovered that my “LIFE COACH” had called me 9 o'clock this very morning. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM?WHO THE F@CKBangkokIS CALLING 9 O'CLOCK ON A SUNDAY MORNING? For sure, something is wrong.

We had a HAKKEBØFF and I had a diet drink. His friends are coming back from the golf around 6 o'clock (A rough estimation) and we had planned for a dinner on Marriot.

My friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” had another friend callingand he wanted to join us at Marriot and we left for their hotel. We had a cup of tea (3 pots) while waiting for his friends. They were a little bit later than estimated so it was almost 7 when they arrived. We took the walk to their hotel and we arrived just in time to see them unload their golf bags.
They put their bags in their rooms and we left for Marriot. In the nick of time I would say. There was a 50 year old lady working in the reception and she was chasing me while I and my friend
Bangkok “Mr. Pattaya People Man” waited in the lobby. She was all over me while we were sitting at the lobby. She refused to let go of my hand and, well, I asked her to scratch a little on me. So at least I got a scratch out of the waiting. My friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” got nothing out of the waiting, OK, maybe a good laugh.

And of course, the food was delicious at Marriot. But IBangkokdidn't had too much to eat. 2 plates, the first one with fish and the second plate was lamb chops. This went down with tea and water. Onesweets and mango to finish off the dinner.

With all the stuff at Marriot it's easy to lose control, but with the help of my self-discipline and strong willpower it went well. When we finished we went back to our friend’s hotel and I got 4 boxes of Aladdin chocolate.

They will leave for Pattaya tomorrow and they will stay there for 10 days playing golf every day. I might join them later on in the week. But this time I will bring all my golf shirts and there will only be golf and exercise. No drinking to the early morning.
Monday 12 th of October 2009 and I turned off my alarm when it went off quarter to 9. I felt asleep again and I didn't woke up until 11 o'clock. So as you guessed I skipped morning school today. I spent the afternoon reading and it was soon time for my late afternoon school.

Leaving school at 5 oclock and I could hardly walk. I had a terrible pain in my back so I walkedhome, slowely, and I skipped the gym.

Tuesday 13 th of October 2009 and today I didn't get out of bed untill 11:30. OK, now I really have to put my foot down because I can not stay in bed all day long and tomorrowI will be up for my morning school.

But I made it in time for my school at 1 o'clock and when I finished I stopped at a drug store for a few pain killers. My back is killing me and tha pain didn't made it any easier to get up from bed in the morning. And I skipped my gym today as well, I was limping home from evening school with my aching back and I really didn't feel like going to the gym.

Wednesday 14 th of October 2009 and I was out of bed at 07:30, 1 hour 15 minutes before the alarm was set to go off. Never mind, I went to bed at 9 o'clock yesterday and I managed to sleepall night long. Well, waking up and it felt like I had a cold coming my way.

Plenty time before it was time to go to school and of course, when I had plenty time I was almostBangkokcoming too late for school. I had plenty time so I started to do a lot of stuff and suddenly it was 20 minutes to 10 and o sign off any taxi. But I made it to school and I had 3 minutes before class started.

Time went quick and it was soon 12:50 and it was time to go home. I and my French class mate waited for a guy that would be waiting for us outside school. We went down to the ground floor and no sign off him. We went back to the third floor and one of our Teachers arrived.
- Your friend is waiting downstairs.
When we came down there was no sign off him and weBangkoklooked around and we tried the third flooragain. Still no sign of him and we left for 7-11 at Soi 12.

My French class mate returned home and I took a taxi to Ari BTS station and the PSTower. I went to American Express office on the 11th floor.
- Hello! I'm here to pick up my new card.
- You have to go to the 10th floor.
When I had my card I took a taxi back home and the taxi waited while I went to pack my bag. After 25 minutes I was ready to leave and the driver came knocking on my door when I was putting on my shoes. We went down and we were soon on the way to Pattaya.
On the way to Pattaya
On the way to Pattaya
We were plunging down the highway and we were approaching the pit stop. I don't know, maybe I was a wee bit too excited and delirious with anticipation closing in on the pit stop. I asked the driver to take off and we got off too early. When I discovered my mistake I told the driver. He stopped and he put the taxi in reverse.
- Whoa Whoa!!!
I really didn't feel like coming down the highway BACKWARDS against the traffic. I said so to the driver and he went out in the verge starting to do a U-turn.
OK, going backwards down the highway against the traffic is nothing that I fancy, but I don't really like to go against the traffic head on either.
On the way to Pattaya
I managed to talk the driver in to continue and when we were off the highway we just made a U-turn and we were soon back on the highway.
1500m to go to the pit stop. We stopped at my favourite place and they were really surprised when I bought 4 diet drinks and a can of iced coffee for the driver.But I will stick to water, diet drinks and tea this weekend. Well, the intentions areOn the way to Pattayagood, but you never know. And as I use to tell my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” :
- I have holiday so if I fell like it it might happen that I have a drink orOn the way to Pattayatwo! And if I make a tit out of myself I don't care about being reminded about it every second!

My driver filled up the car with gasoline before we headed out on the highway again. We left a rainy FUNKY TOWN and I was afraid that we had to go slow due to the risk of aquaplaning. But the sun was shining even though we had black clouds at the horizon. We were hauling arse and we were soon in Chonburi.
On the way to Pattaya
Lucky to have sunshine, and while going in a car it's the only time I'm happy for the sunshine in Thailand. I don't think they know anything about aquaplaning around here. I remember one time going back from Pattaya and I had to tell the driver to slow down. The sky just opened up and the rain poured down and the road was soon full of water, but the driver insisted on going 150km/h. And this was pre Bangkok-Chonburi Motorway so the road was in a pretty poor state. The driver just looked puzzled when I told him to slow down and he didn't slow down until I got angry.
On the way to Pattaya
We were soon passing the old airplanes and I think they will be around, at least as long as I'm alive. Well, when we passed the airplanes I know it's not long before we pass the sing showing thatOn the way to Pattayait's time to exit for Pattaya. This sign has been around for as long as I remember. I think this sign has been around since they.

Well, I'm not sure, but I think the plan was to build a motorway from Chonburi to Rayong. I'm not sure, but the road was in a terrible state until they built the new motorway to the new airport in FUNKY TOWN a few years back. But now it's excellentPattayaroad all the way to Pattaya.

When turning off the motorway it's just a few minutes to Pattaya and we did the trip in less than 2 hours. There is a terrible traffic, or it use to be, when turning down on Pattaya Klang. But today theOn the way to Pattayatraffic was running and I were soon stepping in to my hotel room.

Always the same hotel and it's good that they know me. When I called from FUNKY TOWN to make my reservation I just had to sayPattayahello and they recognised me.
- Aladdin!
- Yeah, I will be at your hotel between 5 and 6 o'clock this evening
Stepping in to my room and the first thing I did was to put my school books on my bedside table. Then I hanged up my shirts and golf shirts in the wardrobe. First time ever in Pattaya and this time I will be serious. No drinking and only golf and adventure.

But of course, I have to use all my discipline and the first test was not far away. My friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” called when I was hanging up my shirts.
- I'm at my friend’s hotel on Soi 10.
Pattaya- I will be there in 10 minutes.
- Good it's time for dinner.

I meet my friends at their hotel and we walked to a restaurant and I passed the first test. I only had salad and water. OK, I had two salads but its health food.

I went on a web page the other day, or something like that. I had to fill up the weight I wanted to comePattayadown to (MY GOAL) and I filled up what I ate during the days. I was a flat liner from Sunday to Thursday. Yeah, looking good!

Friday started good and when I filled up 2 cases of beer the flat line just took off through the roof.
And of course, Saturday with a few bottles of wine didn't make anything looking better.
So I have to give up the drinking and when I was drinking wine I still lost weight, but instead I got dead drunkand I started withPattayathe beer. Takes longer to get disgracefully drunk, but you drink millions of calories.

But two salads were OK and I was a wee bit proud of myself. After the dinner we took a walk and I had a soda water before it was time to go to bed.

Our Swedish friends wanted to go to bed, they will be on the golf court tomorrow morning and I and my friend “Mr. PattayaPattayaPeople Man” will take off to the driving range.

Before going home we passed Central and I bought mango. So tomorrow morning I can avoid the restaurant. They have a very nice cheese and ham omelette. Actually this is so good so I use to order 2 of them with tea and toast.

So I will try to order tea from the room service tomorrow morning and I can drink the tea and eat the mango in my room and I will never have to see any omelette again. Mango might be sweet, but I'm sure that it’s healthier to eat mango than to eat omelette and toast.

Thursday 15 th of October 2009 and my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” called me at 08:25 and IPattayafelt like I just felt a sleep. Well, anyway, I ordered tea and I have some time for some GOOD MORNING MYS before he arrives around 10 o'clock.

When I finished my tea and my hot shower I opened my school books. Ifinished my tea and mango at 9 o'clock so I had plenty time.

We talked about renting a moped yesterday, but my cold. OK, my cold hasn't developed to a full blown cold yet, but I'mPattayabetter off being careful.

20 minutes past 10 my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” arrived to my hotel and we left for the moped shop. I stopped at the drugstore to buyPattayasomething for my cold.
I got 4 TYLENOL® COLD tablets. I popped one right on in the drug store and it didn't take long before I felt better.

Door to door was VC travel and they had mopeds outside with a sign FOR RENT. 230 Baht per day and IPattayatook one moped for 2 days.

We left for the driving range and now they recognize us there. The girl gave me two boxes with golf balls and I started to shot. But it didn't felt all that good today. Of course, myPattayaback pain and beginning cold didn't help very much.

Well, anyway, the girl asked where I had been.
- I have been home.
- Where do you live?
When we finished the golf we went down on Pattaya Tai and a Swedish restaurant. By now IPattayawas hungry and I should have returned to my hotel and the mango and tea onPattayamy room. Yeah I wish I had returned to my room.

At the restaurant I ordered both Korv stroganoff and meatballs. Yeah, I'm not proud of myself. But tomorrow it will be both breakfast and lunch on my hotel room, Tea and mango.

When we finished our lunch we went down Pattaya Tai to fill up our mopeds with gasoline. We were running low on cash so we filled our valets at the ATM next to the gas stop.
We went out on Sukhumvit and down on Pattaya Klang and Carrefour. I bought tea and some bread that looked like pumpernickel. Tomorrow I will not go to any restaurants.
- What kind of diet is it when you eat both Korv stroganoff and meatballs?

Well, tomorrow will be another day. I put on the kettle first thing when I came back to my room. Not long after my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” called.
- BAD NEWS! Have you checked out the Thai stock market today?
I opened my online stock broker SETTRADE and I was shittingmy pants.I have lost 100 000 Scooby dollars in a few hours. What the! Obviously some speculation about the Kings health hadPattayastarted to set the SET in to a free fall. I called my guy at Baulang in Bangkok.
- What theis going on??!!
- I think it’s some of the Thai investors taking home the profit. And there is a rumour about the King's health.
I told him that I would keep my stocks. No use trying to sell when everyone wants’ to sell. There are no buyers.

My friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” arrived after 20 minutes and I kept my self updated on the SET. SETTRADE is a good online program and I'm onlinePattayawith the Thai Stock Exchange. Online trading and real time updates and I could see that I went from -100 000 to -75 000 before the SET closed in the afternoon. And hopefully I will be a little better off when they close tomorrow afternoon.

Well, when SET closed we left for a Thai restaurantat Central. Pattaya Golf fair and they had a big sale on everything. I found a set for 10 000 and according to my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” this was very cheap. He called his friend at their hotel, they just came back from the golf court and they were soonPattayaover at Central. They also told me that this was very cheap for golf clubs like this. Wilson, a full set with a bag and my friends checked out the clubs for me.
- Good quality!

I will have to think about it. I don't fancy having a golf set taking up space at home if I don't use them. I already have tennis,badminton and squash rackets at home that I never use.Well, one of my Teachers spotted my squash rackets last Friday and she wanted to play. So maybe I can find use for them after all this years. Then at least it has not been a total waste of money. Well, anyway, we went up to the top floor and a Thai restaurant. The food was very good, but the service left a lot to wish for. And they didn't have sticky rice with mango.

We searched the whole of central for sticky rice with mango without luck. Good, at least for my diet. We went back to our respective hotels “Mr. Pattaya People Man” returned home to his apartment. A long day tomorrow and we need sleep.

Friday 16 th of October 2009 and I woke to a rainy day. I will see if I manage to get to the drivingPattayarange. I woke up before my alarm, but I had have 6 and half hours of sleep so I felt good. We went home early last night and I was reading my school books until 1 o'clock or something like that. I could hear the rain and thunder when I woke up and I hope our 2 friends doesn’t sit in the taxi on the way to the golf court.
- Hmm, I don't think it matters. These two guys are real enthusiasts and I would be surprised if the cared about the weather.

And it looks like it will rain for quite some time by the look outside. So I don't know how long I will be stuck here in my hotel room. I made tea and I turned on Swedish radio on internet. I also opened SETTRADE and I was drinking tea waiting for SET to open, I think they open at 09:30. HopefullyI can gain some of the lost from yesterday.

My friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” called and I was stuck at home due to the rain. But we were hoping for some sunshine so we could take pour mopeds for a ride to the driving range. While waiting for the rain to stop I watched SET and it took right off. Within minutes my 75 000 lost turned in to a 63 000 lost. So hopefully it will get back to Wednesday's levels. But it's all green figures so it looks good, but you never now, at the end of the day it can be -200 000 and no reason for party.

My friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” called me at 12:45.
- I'm at Soi 10 with a moped that won't start. Heavy rain and 1m water on 2nd Road.
Pattaya- Why thedid you get out in the water!!?? You must have seen the water, 1m and the water should be up in the shops and restaurants.

Well, I cancelled the search and rescue mission in Manila and off I went to Soi 10 to rescue “Mr. Pattaya People Man” on my green hornet. I arrived to Soi 10 after a few minutes and now he had managed to start his moped.

We had to go down to the Beach Road and then to Pattaya Tai up to 3rd Road. We turned left at the 3rd Road and we were soon at Pattaya Sports Club and the driving range on top off 3rd Road

We started by buying drinks and I rented 2 clubs and we went out on the driving range. I got 2Pattayaboxes of balls and I started to shot. Well, with the help of my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” I managed to get a little better in my swing. But I might have forgotten it tomorrow.

When I finished my balls “Mr. LIGHT LUNCH” was hungry and I could see my diet go down the drain. I have had my breakfast in my room, tea and mango, so I didn't feel likePattayadestroying a good start of the day. I suggested the German restaurant close to Soi 8. I know they have a very good salad there.
- OK, let's go, Mr. LIGHT LUNCH said.
We took off on our mopeds, via Pattaya Nua, Beach Road and we parked our mopeds at my hotel on Soi 8 and we walked the last 200m.

I ordered a salad and “Mr. LIGHT LUNCH” ordered a Gulach. The food was excellent as always and their salad is especially good. One salad and a bowl of steamed rice is enough to make you full. And you feel good when you leave the restaurant. Not like when you have munched on hamburgers or something like that.

Saturday 17 th of October 2009 and I woke up without a hangover. NICE! But it was a close shot, yeah, I was so close to get drunk yesterday. I was going to eat with my friends and we were meeting up at Beefeater. I was waiting and waiting but they never came and I decided to return my moped. Coming back to my room after returning the moped and I was thinking about taking a taxi to Beefeater. “Mr. Pattaya People Man” called and said that they were waiting at Beefeater. Well, now it was too late to go eat at Beefeater so I went to a new Fish & Chips restaurant at 2nd Road.

When I finished my meal, I had a wee bit too much to eat. Not only Fish & Chips, but I finished the meal with a rhubarb crumble with custard. And they really understood the right proportions between the crumble and the custard. The rhubarb crumble came in a bowl of custard. Delicious, of course, not as good as the rhubarb pie on Tärnvåg. But it was very good.
The custard was very good but not as good as Skånskvanilla sauce, especially not as good as the one my friend “Mr. Pattaya People Man” did last Friday in FUNKY TOWN.

And they also had a real tea pot so when I left I was full and tired. So I felt like going to bedinstead of going for a drink. But a constitutional before going to bed is never wrong. I walked down to the Beach Road and from there I walked to the end of the Walking Street.

And it looked like there was a Beach Guard convention in town. Everyone, or atleast 9 out of 10 were dressed like Beach Guards. GOOD MORNING BOOTS and Singha tank tops. So the Beach Road was full of hookers and Beach Guard look a likes.
Well, they didn't look like they had the condition to be Beach Guards so it was most likely a beach bum convention in town. And if you never been down at the promenade at the Beach Road you have to take my word for it. Some of these people really are disgrace and you wonder how they were allowed to enter the country. But I should not complain, if it wasn't for all the hookers and beach bums it would most likely not have been half as funPattayawalking up and down the beach road.

But something must be wrong when you see foreigners walking around with big sacks over their shoulderslooking like they were collecting garbage, and I have also heard rumours about foreign beach bums sleeping on the beach. I saw one guy driving around with a moped and a small trailer. He was going between the trash bins looking for bottles. So I guess he is pretty desperate to stay in Thailand.

I went to Central in the afternoon to check out golf clubs. I ran in to the 12th Southeast Asian MachinePattayaRowing Competition . There were competitors from Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and The Philippines. I watched one race, the competitors had one rowing machine each and we could follow their positions as boats on the screen. The girl from Vietnam was in the lead but the Filipina took the lead halfway in to the race. Vietnam 2nd, Thailand 3rd and Malaysia came in last.

After the race I went for a salad at the German restaurant and then I was off to the drugstore for 4 TYLENOL® COLD tablets. My cold was, well, not bad, but I was remindedabout it all the time so I bought 4 more tablets. And I can imagine how it would have felt today if I had been drinking yesterday. So I'm better off not drinking today, I was already on my way back to FUNKY TOWN. But I guess I will stay one more night before going back home. 3 days in Pattaya is more than enough.

Sunday 18 th of October 2009 and, well, it's time to go home. I can not sitt by the beach gaining weight and loosing hair. But a weeken without any drinks and I guess I have dodged millions of calories during this weekend.
- Hmm, OK, the pizza yesterday was a set back.
On the way back to BangkokBut it's still better than all the beer and vodka redbull. WAY BETTER! And I feel much better. WAY BETTER! And seriously, it was a long time ago I felt this good waking up a Sunday morning.

My cold was s wee bit worse when I woke up. I went to the drugstore for another pack of 4 TYLENOL® COLD tablets before gpong to get a taxi. I found a taxi on 2nd Road and we went to my hotel to pick up my bags and to pay my bill.

I had a quick fagbefore we took off towards FUNKY TOWN with screamin' and smokin' tyres.

On the way back to Bangkok
On the way back to Bangkok
Our driver stopped on the way to buy some sweets. He asked if I wanted to have some but as weOn the way back to Bangkokknow I'm on diet so I turned down the offer. But a diet drink would be nice so I went to explore the market, but no diet drinks in sight. Well, anyway, I'm better off without the diet drink.

He bought something in bambo, I don't know what they call it, but the driver told me it was some kind of sweets. It took us less than 2 hours for me to get home, including the stop. I had called my Teacher when we left Pattaya and she will come at 3 o'clock. So I have plenty time to go to my local 7-11 and buy some milk. Back home from7-11 I made a “TUNA SURPRISE” and a pot of tea.

I havent had my “TUNA SURPRISE” since last Wednesday so it was real good. No more pizza and bad stuff, not until Friday when it's BBQ at my class mates condo not very far away from my place. A few minutes walk up to the University.

“TUNA SURPRISE” and I had my diet back on the right track. But my satisfaction was soon turned in to agony when my Teacher and I ended up at my favorite Thai restaurant on Soi 22.
I received an e-mail from my friend with an invitation to his birthdayparty, on a Monday!What about my school?And do I feel like going when I'm goingto end up as the scapegoat when the Police and neighbours complains about the music, broken loudspeakers and so on?
And of course, he sends me an e-mail full of spelling errors complaining about my spelling errors. At least he could have run the e-mail trough the spell check before sending it.

Monday 19 th of October 2009 and school time again. I haven’t been in school 5 days now and I have missed school so it will be nice to be back. 5 days of not doing much is at least 3 days too much.

And for sure, missing school helped me out of bed. I was dead tired when the alarm went off atBangkok08:45. Typical, I have been out of bed before 9 o'clock every day in Pattaya without any problem. But of course, when I HAVE to get out of bed I'm dead tired.

I was lucky and I got a taxi right away when coming out on the street.BangkokI arrived to class 5 minutes before the hour. Only 4 students today, 1 Filipina and one Burmese girl. A guy from Taiwan and me.

I finished school 10 minutes before 1 o'clock and I crossed the bridge to Robinson and Tops Supermarket in the basement. I bought some stuff before taking a taxi home. Always in a hurry, I will have an omelette before going to my school at Soi 18. I will walk to school so I need to leave 20 minutes before 3 o'clock.

Tuesday 20 th of October 2009 and my alarm went off at 08:30, 15 minutes earlier than usual.When I was walking back home from Foodland yesterday I decided to start walkto school. That means 20 minutes bonus exercise.

And I really need all the exercise I can get. Every minute counts when you are chasing aV-shaped torso. So start walking to school must be one of the brightest ideas in quite some time. And honestly, I have had a few too many of my bright ideas backfiring on me lately.

I made my “TUNA SURPRISE” yesterday so my GOOD MORNING tea was a quick thing. I have also prepared my portions on 4 plates in the fridge. So now I only use one prepared load of “TUNA SURPRISE” for 2 days, or almost 2 days.

When you keep it in a bowl it's easy to lose control over yourself when you see all the tempting “TUNA SURPRISE” and you take more than what's healthy for you. Suddenly 2 plates has became 4 and if can keep it like this I will soon look good.

Well, anyway, I left for school at 09:40, by foot! Now I only hope that I don't arrive toschool all sweaty and nice. This is the reason for me to take a taxi to school, it's darn hot out there! And I have one more school after my morning school and I don't want to smell GAMMAL HUGGORM in school.

Well, I left down my soi and I turned down to Prasanmit Plaza and Asoke. I plungeddown Asoke and the Sukhumvit intersection where I went down the subway and I came up on the other side of Asoke. From there it's a few hundred meters to Robinson and the walkover to my school.

Yeah, and now we can't wait for the pictures from my GOOD MORNING constitutional.

Of course, coming up on the other side of Asoke I realised that Robinson was closed so I had toBangkokcross Sukhumvit at Asoke BTS station. It took me around 15 minutes to walkto school.

If I was sweaty or not when I arrived? Arriving to school andBangkokmy Teacher asked me if it was hot. Well, I guess we have the answer right there.

When coming in to my class room I discovered that we got a whiteboard. Some of the students have complained about the lack of whiteboard. But the owner has his own method for learning language. WalenBangkokmethod or whatever they call it. But it sucks! I really don't know why they have changed their mind, but they have and out Teacher is using the whiteboard like there is no tomorrow.

But it was fun, and we were laughing so they could hear it in the classroom next to us. Of course, time turned quick and it was soon time to go to my afternoon school.

I made quick stop to buy a diet drink and a pack of fags on the way to my afternoon school. I had 2 coffin nails while walking toBangkokmy afternoon school and I arrived 10 minutes past 1 o'clock and I was surprised that they haven't started to study.

And I don't know if we can say that we started when I arrived. Frolics and larks and as usual ourTeacher grabbed whatever she couldand started to hit me. Bottles, rulers, books and whatever she thought suites to hit me with.

We left afternoon school half an hour earlier and I took a taxi back home. And I ended up in a terrible traffic jam and it took me more than 30 minutes to get home. I had time for a quick “TUNA SURPRISE” and to change to gym clothes before I took the walk to my evening school.

Wednesday 21 st of October 2009 and it was really nice to walk to school. You arrive to school fullBangkokof vim and the people on their way to the job recognises me when we meet on the street.

And I took a few pictures when approaching the Asoke/ Sukhumvit intersection. They are building a new house on the old Asoke Market so now I won't forget how it looked before. Of course, I already forgot how it looked before the subway station was completed. But I remember it as a row of wooden shacks were they soldBangkokstuff.

Well, never mind, now I just have to look at my pictures when I need
to know how it looked before the new house is ready.

And before and after pictures is never wrong when it goes in the right direction. And when I came to school I took a few pictures of the Asoke road. As you can see there is only Las Colonias, Grand Millennium and the new Interchange building at the corner of Asoke and Sukhumvit. And between Las Colonias and Grand Millennium you can see the Taipan Hotel, used to look huge and now you hardly see it.

I was a little bit disappointed when they built the Interchange building, if they only built it 100m further up Asoke it would be smack on Soi Cowboy and we would never had to see that place again.
Behind Interchange we have the Jasmine City where I go to my gym and behind my gym we can see the Glas Hause. If you ever have an errand to SAS this is the place. And behind the Glas House there is a skeleton, an unfinished building and I guess we can say that we're happy that we didn't invest anything in that project.

La Reffine, duplex condos with a swimming pool in every condo is behind the unfinished concrete skeleton. I guess we can say that we would have been disappointed if we had bought a condo in
BangkokLa Reffine. When they built it it’s looked just fine, but now the view is obstructed not only by the unfinished building. There is also a new building in front of La Reffine on Soi 31 so you can't see La Reffine anymore.

Coming to school in a good mood. And my mood improved when I found out that we only were 4 students in class today. Well, anyway, we had funpestering our Teacher and time turned quick as it use to do when we have fun.

I had a minor setback in the break between the first and the second hour. My French class mate asked if I wanted to go for a smoke at the fire exit.
- No, I gave up this very morning.
Yeah, I give up smoking every morning when I leave for school. I have my last fagon the way to school. I had had no problem and I haven't even thought about smoking when he asked if I wanted to go for a smoke.
Turned out that he had forgotten his coffin nails so we could not smoke.

After school I went home to do my home work and there was even time for a “TUNA SURPRISE” and a pot of tea before my evening school. I was about to do my usual stop at 7-11 for a diet drink when I realised that I had forgot my valet.
- F@CK!!
I had to borrow money from my Teacher and I went back to 7-11 to buy my diet drink. Now I must remember to bring my valet tomorrow, it would be a major embarrassment to have to say that I have forgotten my valet tomorrow again.

Well, anyway, on my way home I stopped at the gym for some exercise. I was back home in goodtime to have my last “TUNA SURPRISE” and tea for today. I also had time for a shower and to prepare a new bowl of “TUNA SURPRISE” for tomorrow before my Teacher arrived at 7 o'clock. 2 hours of study and then I was off to Foodland.
Of course, I walkedto Foodland and back home again. That's almost an hour and I lost plenty calories. I was back home at ten thirty, a shower and some home work before I went to sleep.

Today I studied 7 hours and tomorrow it will be 9 hours, just like yesterday. Friday is holiday and it will be nice to have a late morning in bed before my Teacher comes to pick me up around 12 o'clock and we're off to the BBQ. HopefullyI will be able to avoid any drinking. Someone saidsomething about wine, but by now we know how it can endup when I drink wine.
I will bring diet drinks and I really hope that this will prevent me from making a total tit out of myself. At least that is my plan.

I'm looking forward to yet another weekend without any drinking. It's boring, but it makes wonders to my diet. But my French class mate is leaving for Africa on Saturday so it is his last day in FUNKY TOWN until December. He asked if I wanted to go for a few drinks on Friday night. Yea, I know, I should have said no. But you know me by now.

Thursday 22 nd of October 2009 and of course, it was almost 4 o'clock in the morning before I5managed to fall asleep so I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 08:30. It took me 10 minutes to get out of bed and in to the shower. Well, this will be yet another day half asleep in school, unless my GOOD MORNING constitutional will pep me. And I think it will, at least according to the experience from the last two days morning walk, make me a lot more alert in school.

Well, this Thursday is no different from the other days. School finish 10 minutes to one o'clock andBangkokI'm off to my afternoon school. Afternoon school finished @ 3 o'clock and I threw myself in to a taxi outside school. No there is no time for walking.
- Soi 23, on the double!

At home I have a quick cuppa (no time for a pot) and a “TUNA SURPRISE” before I leave for my evening school. I walkto the evening school, but today I skipped the gym. I finish school at 6 and my evening Teacher arrives to my home @ 7. So I just have time for my evening meal and a shower before she arrives.

I was busy preparing my “TUNA SURPRISE” , enough to last me the whole weekend when my Teacher arrived. I was cryingdue to the 3 onions I had chopped and mixed in my “TUNA SURPRISE” . Somy Teacher took over and both of us were soon crying over the bowl of “TUNA SURPRISE” .
We finished our studies at 9 o'clock and we took a walk down to the Asoke BTS station where I left her. I continued to Foodland to get milk and tuna. Back home at 22:30 and I was in bed doing my homework before trying to fall asleep.
In bed I realized that it was holiday tomorrow.
Friday 23 rd of October 2009 and I woke up at 6 o'clock.
- MOTERF@CKER!!!!!!!
I managed to fall asleep again after some time. But I woke up at quarter to 9 again.
- MOTERF@CKER!!!!!!!
I managed to fall asleep again after some time but I woke up 5 minutes past 9 again.
- MOTERF@CKER!!!!!!!
This time it was impossible to fall asleep again.
- MOTERF@CKER!!!!!!!
Well, I got up for my GOOD MORNING tea and “TUNA SURPRISE” . And I'll be darned.
- Didn't the “TUNA SURPRISE” taste a wee bit better today?
Maybe due to the love my Teacher put down to it? Well, maybe it was plain hunger.

My Teacher from morning school called me at 11:30 and she would pick me up at the gas stop @ 12:30. I will stop at 7-11 to buy a few diet drinks on my way over there so I have something toBangkokdrink at the party. Well, I wouldn't mind to have some beer or wine, but if I start to drink this early I will make a tit out of myself before 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Normally I wouldn't care, but this is the people I have to meet in school every day.

I was at the gas stop at 12:30. I bought 4 bottles of diet drink and a pack of fags. My Teacher was stuck in theBangkoktraffic and she didn't come until 2 o'clock. By then I was sitting in a bar drinking soda water. I had ordered a Lasagne but I didn't have time to eat the darn thing. Well, good for my diet.

My Teacher arrived in a bus, her daughter was sitting up front and obviously there was an Australian guy coming as well. He was waiting at the gas stop and if she had told me we could have get to know each other while waiting.

I don't know how many seats there was in the bus. Plunging down Soi 23 and I almost shat myself when our Teachers son screamed in my ear. WOW! Obviously there was another row of seats behind me and her son had been sleeping in the back.
Arriving to our class mates, both of them goes in my class, and they were a little surprised that IBangkokBangkokdidn't wanted to drink beer or wine.
- No thanks! I brought my own drinks, I said showing them my diet drinks.

I had been drinking 2 of my diet drinks when our Chinese host convinced me to have a beer and from there on it went quickly down the hill. But it wasn't myBangkokfault. As our British host said: "You can never say no to a Chinese host. So just drink and have fun" But at least I didn't had wine,Bangkokthen I don't know how it would have ended up. Beer is the thing to drink even though wine would have been better for my diet

I don't know what the time was when we left, but my Teacher dropped me at home. I was going to meet my French and Italian class mate. Our French class mate is leaving tomorrow and we had planned to go for a few drinks. But we had to do all the planning via our Italian class mate. Yeah, you remember the other night when they called from Conrad hotel when he forgot his phone there. He has not been there to pick it up so he doesn’t have any phone.

Well, anyway, I forgot my phone and I missed the farewell party.

Saturday 24 th of October 2009 and agony and pain. Yeah, you guessed it, I stopped at LITTLEITALY before going home this morning. I must go down to LITTLE ITALY and ask them toban me or to call the police next time I try to enter the darn place.

Well, if it wasn't for the LITTLE ITALY adventure I would have felt excellent today. I woke up at 10 but I had had plenty sleep. One of the advantages by starting to drink early, you knock yourself out early in the evening and you can get up early with plenty sleep behind you. Well,

Alternate name(s) Pasta alla carbonara. Pasta alla carbonara (usually spaghetti, but also fettuccine, rigatoni or bucatini) is an Italian pasta dish based on eggs, pecorino romano, guanciale, and black pepper. The dish was created in the middle of the 20th century.

The recipes vary, though all agree that cheese (parmesan, pecorino, or a combination), egg yolks (or whole eggs), cured fatty pork, and black pepper are basic. The pork is fried in fat (olive oil or lard); a mixture of eggs, cheese, and butter or olive oil is combined with the hot pasta, cooking the eggs; the pork is then added to the pasta. Guanciale is the most traditional meat, but pancetta is also used.

Cream is not common in Italian recipes, but is used in the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Australia and Russia (especially in Moscow). Other Anglo/Franco variations on carbonara may include peas, broccoli or other vegetables added for colour. Yet another American version includes mushrooms.Many of these preparations have more sauce than the Italian versions.
Yeah, I remember when I was in Roma visiting the guys from Greenpeace. We were at a restaurant and I ordered Spaghetti Carbonara. Our Italian friend told the waiter not to Scooby Doo around with the Carbonara.
- We are not tourists so no cream and stuff in the Carbonara.

In all versions of the recipe, the eggs are added to the sauce raw, and cook (coagulate) with the heat of the pasta itself.

Origin and history
Like most recipes, the origins of the dish are obscure, and there are many legends about it. As the name is derived from the Italian word for charcoal, some believe that the dish was first made as a hearty meal for Italian charcoal workers. This theory gave rise to the term "coal miner's spaghetti," which is used to refer to spaghetti alla carbonara in parts of the United States. Others say that it was originally made over charcoal grills, or that it was made with squid ink, giving it the color of carbon. It has even been suggested that it was created by, or as a tribute to, the Carbonari ("charcoalmen"), a secret society prominent in the unification of Italy.

The dish is not present in Ada Boni's 1927 classic La Cucina Romana, and is unrecorded before the Second World War. It was first recorded after the war as a Roman dish, when many Italians were eating eggs and bacon supplied by troops from the United States, and the name may be from a Rome restaurant called 'Carbonara'. More recently, a restaurant in Rimini has claimed the original recipe was born during WWII.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a fist full of ginseng and B-12s might have helped as well.

I spoke with my Italian, well, now it's my former class mate because he is in the afternoon class now. Well, anyway, his spaghetti had been a big success and now the Teachers asked him when he would cook next time.
- Hmm, strange, not a word about the meatballs and apple pie.
So he wanted to meet for a beer (OH NO! HERE WE GO AGAIN!) to plan the event. But it sounded like he wanted me to do the cooking.
- You know how to do Carbonara, heCarbonarasaid.
- Yeah, I have an extensive experience from my Italian friend's in Greenpeace.
HELL YEAH! I even know the Italian sign for spaghetti. AndCarbonarajust to refresh my memory on how to do the carbonara I checked out my pictures from Rainbow Warrior. It's pretty easy, but to mix spaghetti and stuff for 10-12 people. Well, I don't know. Maybe I need a concrete mixer.
Well, we had great fun on Rainbow Warrior. I had our Lebanese Doctor on my watch betweenCarbonaramidnight and 4 o'clock. And our Italian Campaigner waswith us looking for drift nets.

Our Italian Campaigner was also a pasta enthusiast so he made past for us every night. He was the one that thought me how to do Spaghetti Carbonara the original way. He was also the one showed me the Italian sign for spaghetti.

Well, as always, someone got bitter when we had so muchCarbonarafun between 12 and 4. I remember the Spanish girl coming on watch at 4 o'clock in the morning.
- You always have so much fun on your watch.
- Yes, of course.
No names mentioned, but then someone said:
- We are here to work! NOT TO HAVE FUN!

Well, what did we care? We continued with our pasta nights. And it could be crowded at night, our Italian Cook started to hangout on the bridge as well. She was a Vegetarian, no problem, she made a vegetarian Carbonara and it tasted almost as good as the original Carbonara.
Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior
Waking up feeling not so bad, but as the afternoon developed so did my hangover. Luckily enough Ihad 2 seasons of The Office at home so I spent the afternoon watching DVD anddrinking water. I also made a quick dash down to 7-11 for a few diet drinks.

Well, my Italian EX class mate came over with his girl friend. I wasn't in the mood to go to a restaurant so we made chicken. AladdinBangkokSurprise, yeah, we remember when I treated the girl taking care of my potted plants on AladdinBangkokSurprise. She didn't look all that happy.
- What do you call this?
- Health food!

My Italian class mate and his girl friend arrived with chicken.
- Well, you didn't have to bring the chicken. I have plenty chicken.
- Oh, I thought you said that we should bring chicken.
Well, I had plenty chicken prepared in the fridge. I bought a bottle of Teriyaki or something like that the other day. So the chicken in marinade and when they arrived I could start cock the chicken together with the white cabbage.
- So you can bring your chicken back home. And you can bring the bottle of Grappa as well.
I still have his bottle of Grappa from the last time he was here, and no one is drinking it so he can as well bring it back home.
We were soon running out of beer and we decided to have a bottle of wine before leaving for Khao San road. And I wanted to give my Italian class mate time to finish the Grappa bottle. I have had enough of seeing this bottle in my kitchen by now. Khao San road, we opened a second bottle of wine and from there it was all a blur.

Sunday 25 th of October 2009 and I was still drunk when I woke up on top off my bed. Good, IBangkokdon't have to make my bed today. Coming out in the kitchen was a different story, WHAT THE HELL DID WE DO YESTERDAY!!??

My kitchen looked like a battle field. Well, never mind, I was in a good mood. Sleeping for about 15 hours. At least that's what I thought. I remember 9 o'clock yesterday.
- Let's go to Khao San!
That's the last thing I remember and obviously we didn't went to Khao San so IBangkokguessed that I went to bed around 9 o'clock. This is the last thing I remember. But when I checked my camera I realized that I had got less sleep than I thought, last picture was taken 02:50 and we were still in my kitchen. Well, my friend was on the floor.

I found 3000 Baht on my kitchen floor and I guess it belongs to myBangkokfriend. I have to hand it to him next time we meet, but not in my apartment. I don't know if I can have him over again, every time we meet I end up drinking too much.

And of course, we ran out of beer yesterday so we had to drink wine. I counted 6 empty wine bottles and 12 empty beer bottles (Big bottles) and an empty Grappa bottle. So, well, as my Italian class mate said when I spoke with him on the phone.
- This is the first time I suffer from the memory lapses. Never happened before.

I also read an SMS, who the hell is sending SMS without putting their name on it? I don't have a clue who sent this SMS.
- Easy to find out! Just call the number!
- YEAH FAT CHANCE!!I will not call anyone, at least not today.
- Hmm, maybe after a bottle of wine or two.

Well, 3000 Bath, maybe I should keep the money. Easy, my friend will most likely not remember that he lost 3000 so if I keep them he will never know. OK, I guess I f@cked up already, as soon as he visit my web page he will know. And who the f@ck steal 3000 Baht from a friend?

Sunday was spent in bed watching The Office. I made a quick dash to 7-11 for a few diet drinks. And at 9 o'clock in the evening I went to an Italian restaurant for Spaghetti Carbonara. With cream and it was not a good Carbonara. I took a quick walk to Foodland and I bought canned corn for my “TUNA SURPRISE” . Back home I was back in bed watching The Office and movies. Yeah, hangover is not all that fun. It will be very hard to fall asleep so I will most likely be very tired when my alarm goes off tomorrow.

I guess it's time to leave Thailand now. They tried to get me away since August. 2 weeks ago they wanted me to leave but I said no. But now I have had a good time for almost 3 months and I think I would go crazyif I should go ahead with my 12 months of holiday plans. 3 months of fun is enough, now I need to suffer a little bit.

And our upcoming pasta night, I don't know, today it doesn’t seems like a great plan. But it will be a different tune when my hangover is gone in a few days.
Monday 26 th of October 2009 and I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 08:30. I was watching movies and The Office until 5 o'clock in the morning so I didn't have very much sleep.BangkokWell, a quick cuppa and a can of tuna (I didn't prepared any “TUNA SURPRISE” yesterday) before I left for school.

It was hot so I was soaked when I arrived to school and I still suffered from a terrible hangover so that didn't helped me. Yeah, I was feeling terrible so I will skip my gym today. I will go to evening school and if my Teacher shows up tonight I will do some studies with her and then I hope I can get some sleep.

It was only me and 3 girls from The Philippines in school today. At the break I heard them talking to a girl on the phone.(Speaker mode) One of them tried to hook me up with their friend. Of course, I tried to find out as much as I could about the girl.
- She is in class Friday evenings.
- She is 33 years old and very beautiful.
Our Teacher knew her so I asked her if she was beautiful.
- She is beautiful, but not as beautiful as I am.

Well, losing mobile phones and valet seems to be the last thing around here. My friend asked if Ihad found his valet and mobile phone.
- No, I have not found anything except the 3000 Bath.

Tuesday 27 th of October 2009 and I'm looking forward to school. My Italian EX class mate told meBangkokabout a shampoo that gives you the hair back. THE CURE FOR BALDNESS!!! A dream comes true.

Last Saturday he told me that he found the shampoo at Carrefour on Ratchadapisek and he had tried it for 6 weeks. Well, he doesn’t look like Bob Marley, but he claims that his hair is coming back.

At first I was a little sceptic, but after a few beers I had a different approach to it. So I ordered 4 bottles and he will bring it to school today. Can't wait until I look like Bob Marley, maybe when I sign off next time.
10 kr flaskan
Coming to school and we started class with the game “The Chinese Whisper”, yeah, you know the game were someone whispers a sentence to the first one and then we will see what this sentence had turned in to when the last person said it to the one coming up with the sentence.
Of course, we didn't manage to get it right once. But I don't think anyone had expected that.
I saw my Italian EX class mate coming on the bridge from the BTS so I left the class room. I wasBangkokdelirious by expectations, yeah, I even had two dragson his coffin nail. And that's even though I have given up smoking.

I got the bag and I took off, now I'm in a hurry to try the stuff. TheBangkokmagic stuff is a shampoo and from now on I will wash my hair 20 times a day.

I threw myself in to the shower when I came home. And coming out from the shower was a disappointment. No sign of any Bob Marley styled hair on my head.
- Hmm, I guess we have to let a few days pass before we see the results.

Well, coming out from the shower and I rubbed my head in coconut oil, I got one bottle of coconut oil and I had to rub my scalp with the coconut oil. I think the oil boost the effect of the MAGIC STUFF . So I was smelling of coconut oil when I went to my kitchen to make a new bowl of “TUNA SURPRISE” and a pot of tea. Yeah, I was so excited over this new MAGIC STUFF so I could not concentrate on my homework. So I went to evening school with my homework undone.
- Well, hopefullythe excitement has rubbed off when I'm back home from evening school and I can do my homework then.

I threw myself in to the shower when coming home from the evening school and the gym. My thirdshower today and I will have yet another blast of the “MAGIC HAIR STUFF” before going to bed after my trip to Foodland tonight.
- Hmm, maybe I could soak my baseball caps in the stuff. I will be exposed to the darnBangkokstuff 24/7 and thus have my hair back much quicker.

My Italian EX class mate called. He sent the instructions for the new shampoo. It wasn't all that good news. I got a little worried when I read: “WITH EASY FALLING HAIR” . What the hell do they mean? If the mean that the hear falls of easy I'm in the clear. It will do wonders for me. But I'm in the shitterif it means "LIGHT LOSS OF HAIR".

Well, he also wrote that he invited our Teachers for pasta next Saturday so I guess me pulling the emergency brake was all for nothing. Well, it will be fun and my Teachers on Soi 18 also asked me if I wanted to go for dinner and a dance.
- DANCE!!!???? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F@CKING MIND??!!FAT CHANCE I will make a fool out of myself dancing!!
But I can ask them if they want to come eat pasta.

Well, my Teacher arrived at 7 and I put the last of my Aladdin chocolate boxes on the table. Yeah, my plan was to give them away as gifts, but I had an emergency yesterday and I opened one of the boxes. So today I had to hand one of the boxes to my Teacher on Soi 18. My plan was that she would bring it home. But she opened the box and put it on the table. Well, I could not help myself and when we were finished with the first layer I had to ask her to hide the darn chocolate.
Well, my last box and my Teacher helped me finish the chocolate. She didn't like the dark chocolate so she started on the second layer before we finished the first layer. I tried to take oneBangkokpiece of chocolate. Yeah, one of the tinniest pieces and she turned bananas.
She ripped the box out of my hands and, well, I should be grateful. But it was annoying to have her scream every time I tried to reach the chocolate box. Well, as I said, I should be grateful and now it's much more fun with the diet. Now I know that I will have hair, in the near future, and hair with a
V-shaped torso is a killer combination.

When we finished the class we walked down to the BTS and it started to rain. Heavy rain and I was stuck at the BTS station for 10 minutes before I could continue to Foodland. I bought 3 cases of beers, 2 San Miguel LIGHTBangkok(Low calorie beer) and 1 case of Heineken. I also bought all the bottles of my favourite wine. I asked if they had more of the wine and they asked me to come back on Thursday.

We see if they can get the wine. I like the wine and I was lucky when I found out. I have had it before, but then I had been a wee bit tipsy so then it was never mind. But we remember sometimes back when I had my 2 visitors over on a Sunday night.

I was planning to drinka bottle of wine while they drank a bottle of vodka and then we could leave. Well, we remember that we had 2 bottles of wine and we opened the 3rd bottle of vodka.To make a long story short: I never made it out of my doorbut I remembered the first bottle of wine as a tasty wine. Of course, with ice.

Wednesday 28 th of October 2009 and my new MAGIC HAIR STUFF makes wonders. At least it makes wonders to my ability to get out of bed in the morning. I jumped out of bed and threw myselfBangkokin front of the mirror in the bathroom. For sure, still not look like Bob.

Coming home from morning school, spent most of the time in school getting a massage from one of my Teachers. Well, it was only me and the Burmese girl in class today. We had a girl from the Philippines in class the first hour, but she left after the first hour. And the Burmese girl didn’t seem to mind that we spent most of the lesson watching the Teacher giving me a massage.
- Hmm, yeah, I think the Burmese looked like she wanted to give me a massage as well.

Nice, same at my evening school, the Teacher is scratching on me while we do the studies. But today it's the last day at evening school on Soi 18. I will finish my hours at the afternoon school on Soi 11 and after that I will see what school I will choice. For sure 4 different schools are too much.

I picked up my bag on the way to the gym after evening school. He told me that the bag would be ready on Friday, but when I went to leave my WEEKEND BAG he told me that my school bag was ready. Good. I can use it tomorrow, my Teacher was asking for my school bag today. I told her that my bag was sick and had to goto the hospital. A remarkable recovery and my bag were back home earlier than expected.

Thursday 29 th of October 2009 and some of the excitements with my new MAGIC hair stuff had worn off. It was hard to get out of bed so I had to have a quick cuppa before leaving for school.

And today was also a bad day regarding the smoking. I really wanted a cigarette and when I left for the gym I stopped at the security guard. I know he is smoking so I wanted to ask for a cigarette. But I was smoking some Scooby Doo brand so I skipped the cigarette. Good, when I was back home from the gym I wasn't thinking of cigarettes anymore.

Friday 30 th of October 2009 and yeah, it was hard to get out of bed. But after my morning tea
the word, was used as an insult in both Germany and Sweden. In Sweden from the 18th century. If you read Nationalencyklopedin they think that they started to call the bread for Pumpernickelbecause of the effect the bread has on your digestion.

Pumpernickel means a person that is clumsy, ungainly in German dialect. Pumper= fart and Nickel is disparaging for Nikolaus. Or as our German Captain on Pegasus said:
- A farting Santa Claus!

Pumpernickel is dark, dense German bread made from coarsely ground whole meal rye. Originally from Westphalia in Germany.

Hmm, I though they called me Pumpernickel because of my healthy lifestyle.
and pumpernickel I was ready to leave for school. Yeah,Bangkokpumpernickel this morning and I will mix my “TUNA SURPRISE” when I'm back home from school.

Arriving to school full of vim and I'm pretty sure this “WALKING TO SCHOOL” idea was one of the best in a long time. Sweaty, but I had walked away the tiredness from this morning.
Today we have classes on the 24th floor, but I need to stop on the third floor to give my address to the most beautiful girl at the school. She will come to eat pasta tomorrow and she doesn’t know where I live.

Well she was not there so I took the elevator to the 24th floor. The Teacher that I had beenBangkoklooking for this very morning came to teach us the last hour so I could give her my card with a handy map on the back.

After school I went for lunch with a class mate and when I came home I didn't had to mix any “TUNA SURPRISE” . I just changed my clothes and I was off to the gym. Well, I had a shower first just to wash my hair with my new MAGIC HAIR stuff. One more shower when I get home and one before bed and I get to wash my hair with the MAGIC HAIR stuff 4 times a day.

Friday, and I fell like going for a drink. But I will try to avoid it, having a hangover tomorrow and it's easy not to laugh. But my Italian EX class mate is going to test to do the Spaghetti Carbonara at home. He never done it before and he asked if I wanted to come over.
- Hmm, going to Ratchadapisek and I know that we will drink beer.
Well, coming home from the gym and I gave my hair the third blast with the MAGIC HAIR stuff in the shower. Then I was off to Foodland to pick up my wine. When the girl saw me she dashed off and she came back screaming:
OK OK, I get the picture. I bought bananas, mango, ice cream and cream so I guess there will be a (not a small) hangover smoothie for me on Sunday. I can't wait. Well, I would love to have a smoothie tomorrow afternoon watching The Office. But my diet doesn't allow me to indulge. So I came up with yet another stupid idea:
- I can have the smoothie if I have a hangover!!!
Yeah, great, and how to get a hangover? I went to Ratchadapisek and a disco. And if you're goingBangkokto a disco you're better off going alone. It's dark and the music is loud.

Hell yeah, it even took me a very long time to realiseBangkokthat it was a band playing. But since they started with the smoking ban at restaurants and pubs in FUNKY TOWN it's better to sit outside. Smoking is allowed outside (I didn't smoke, almost 1 week now)Bangkokand all the discos have lounge styled areas outside. The music isn't so loud and it's possible to talk.

And dancing, I feel stupid no matter how drunk I am, so Ialways have a fracture on my right ankle. If I can prove it? Hell, yeah, we have the x-ray drama in China fresh in mind. Unforgettable.

Well, I'm also a little proud of myself. Early morning and I felt for a Pizza. So a quick stop at LITTLE ITALY. And by the way, the staff is always smiling when I pass LITTLE ITALY on my way to the gym. Well, anyway, I skipped the stop and went straight home. VERY VERY GOOD!!!

Saturday 31 st of October 2009 and YES!! I have a hangover so I went straight to the kitchen and I made myself a big banana & mango smoothie. Then I returned to bed and The Office, well, first I had a fistful of B-12s and Ginseng.

Coming back to the kitchen and I discovered a missed call. Who the hell is this? I called and it was a girl but it turned out to be my Teacher. She was wondering if we had started yet.
- I'm sorry!
- What time is it?
- It's 2 o'clock
- Well, then I thank you for kickin' my arse out of bed!

I spent the afternoon in bed watching The Office and suddenly it was quarter to 5. It was knockingBangkokand ringing on my door and I thought “where the hell is theBangkokfire?”. Well, anyway, it was time for me to get my arse out of bed.

It was my Teacher and her 2 children. Her children came storming in like they were on a sugar rush. They found my computers and they kept me busy with questions. I was running back and forth with my hangover. I just had to pop open a beer. My Teacher wanted to learn how to make spaghetti and we were waiting for my Italian EX class mate. He should be here around 5 o'clock.
I think Spaghetti Carbonara is best if you make it for a few people. We could really need theBangkokconcrete mixer, 2 kg of past with 1 kg of bacon and 600 g parmesan with 24 egg yolks is nothing you just mix together in a jiff with a wooden spoon and fork.

But the girls did a good job with the spaghetti and it tasted veryBangkokgood.
- Hmm, maybe a wee bit too much parmesan. But this was according to the recipe.

When it was time to set the table I had to move my laptop and suddenly we had 2 kids and only one computer. Well, our Teachers daughter started to make drawings and I think we can say that she is not very impressed by my new MAGIC HAIR STUFF.
- Hmm, or maybe she was too lazy to draw my hair.
I have 2 cameras hanging on a hook in my store. One of them is the water resistant camera I boughtBangkokin Seoul back in August. Our Teachers son found the camera and heBangkokwent crazy with the camera. I later on found hundred of pictures, and it was pictures of everything.

OK, yet another page blown out of all proportions. So I will change page and we can save a little on the down loading time. So hang on!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens at my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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