Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden

Where to find birds in Sydney

Two parks and a botanic garden close to the centre of Sydney are rich in bird life.

• Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney
A wonderful place to wander and discover common bird species. Watch for the Buff-banded Rail darting between garden beds. If you are lucky you may find the Powerful Owl.

• Centennial Parklands
Has many large ponds attracting a diversity of species. The trees and undergrowth at Lachlan Swamp and around the Kensington Ponds attract water birds and songbirds alike.

• Sydney Park, St Peters
Formerly a brickworks and rubbish tip, it is now a green haven for recreation. Its wetlands, newly planted trees and gardens attract many species of birds.

In the brochure are some of the birds you are most likely to come across – how many have you seen? Download the information by clicking HERE and tick the boxes!

Go birdwatching:
To find out more about birdwatching and field outings, visit
Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden

Thursday 11 th of August 2016 and it was not very easy to get out of bed at 6 even though I had 2 alarms and one phone call. Maybe because of the diet drinks, but I had a hard time falling asleep yesterday. Or more like just a few hours ago.

But after a few cups of tea I felt ready to take on the Botanical Garden and whatever bird they had to throw my way. I walked down Williams Street and I entered the Cook and Phillip Park. And as I entered the park the Australian White Ibis in the palm tree was about to wake up. The other night I watched them prepare for the night. And now I see them wake up.

Australian White Ibis, Threskiornis moluccus

Sulphur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua galerita

I will walk through the Cook and Phillip Park and then the Art Gallery Road through the Domain and then in to the Royal Botanical Garden. I was soon running in to the noisy Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, as I had expected.

I saw a few birds but I heard a lot of birds in the trees as I walked along. I was almost walking by the entrance just after having walked over the highway tunnel.

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Walking along the Art Gallery Road

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Walking along the Art Gallery Road

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Walking along the Art Gallery Road

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
I'm walking over the highway tunnel

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Entrance to the Royal Botanical Garden

Common Myna, Acridotheres tristis

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Entrance to the Royal Botanical Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) in the tree above the entrance

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Walking my way in to the Royal Botanical Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Walking my way in to the Royal Botanical Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Royal Botanical Garden in Sydney is a beautiful place. Worth a visit even if you're not watching birds

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Beautiful tree

Dusky moorhen, Gallinula tenebrosa

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Sydney Bridge and the opera house from the Botanical Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden

Sulphur-crested cockatoo, Cacatua galerita

Australian White Ibis, Threskiornis moluccus

Australian White Ibis, Threskiornis moluccus

Australian White Ibis, Threskiornis moluccus

I saw that many of the Australian White Ibis had something yellow on their wings and when I got closer I saw that it was a number. I had been walking through the Royal Botanical Garden and I had reached the port and I could see the Sydney Bridge and the opera.

There was a tee full of noisy Sulphur Crested Cockatoos. A terrible noise and yet, many of them looked to be a sleep. There was a pond and I saw ducks and more of the Dusky Moorhens and I was surprised to see them swimming.

They don't have swimming feet, maybe they are like the Australian Pelican, and they cannot sink even if they want to. I also saw two cormorants. The Little Black Cormorant and the Little Pied Cormorant around the pond. Actually, the tree in the pond was full of Cormorants and Ibis birds.

I stayed around the pond for a while to watch the birds. It is a very beautiful place and I enjoyed to walk around the Botanical Garden. And it is a big garden so there is plenty to see. And I can see the high risers behind the garden and if I look towards north I see the Sydney Bridge and the opera. And I will walk to the opera house and the Circular Quay to check-out the departure jetty for tomorrow’s whale watching tours.

Little black Cormorant, Little black shag, Phalacrocorax sulcirostris

Little Pied Cormorant, Little Shag or Kawaupaka, Microcarbo melanoleucos

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden

Masked lapwing, Masked Plover, Spur-winged Plover, Vanellus miles

Australian Magpie, Cracticus tibicen, Magpie-lark, Grallina cyanoleuca

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
A Noisy miner

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
This is the whale watching boat I will go with tomorrow

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
I have come to the end of the Botanical Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Leaving the Royal Botanical Garden behind

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Circular Quay

Silver gull, Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden
Leaving Circular Quay behind

I had had a gorgeous morning in the Royal Botanical Garden and when I reached the opera house I had about 2 hours before my whale watching tour. I found tomorrows whale watching jetty and Ileft Circular Quay behind walking towards the Darling Harbour and the whale watching.

I will look for the first camera shop I visited here in Sydney as I wanted to buy a camera cover I saw there. Can come in handy if I run in to rain.

I found the camera shop and I bought the bag and I continued towards the Darling Harbour. It was perfect weather for walking and I got to see the sights of Sydney on the way to Darling Harbour

Shell Ultralight Camera Cover | Peak Design

Protect your camera from water, snow, dust and abrasion, whether it’s in your hands, on the tripod, on your backpack or in your bag. Shell’s unique form-fitting design uses stretchy fabric with a waterproof membrane to keep your camera safe without adding bulk or impeding your workflow. Use Shell with the Capture Camera Clip or any Peak Design strap (sold separately) to keep your camera accessible in any environment.

Birding/ Bird watching in Sydney's Botanical Garden

When I arrived there was still an hour to go before departure. Well, what to do? I tried the new camera cover and it fitted OK and I'm looking forward to new adventures in the rain.

Anyway, today's main event is the whale watching and we just need to click HERE to find out if we see any whales during the afternoon cruise.

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