Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise
Departs from King Street Wharf 8

Inclusions: BBQ Lunch Buffet, Information fact sheet on whales

Please check-in at the designated departure or pick-up point 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled time as shown above.

Oz Whale Watching is a unique half-day experience in Sydney combining a city sights luncheon cruise with whale watching in the Pacific Ocean (May to Nov). Guests enjoy a BBQ Lunch buffet whilst cruising along Sydney Harbour with full commentary.

After passing through the magnificent Sydney Heads passengers will observe whales in their natural environment whilst enjoying expert commentary on their behaviour given by a Whale expert. On the return journey passengers enjoy the ever changing moods of Sydney Harbour whist enjoying a drink from the fully stocked bar.

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Thursday 11 th of August 2016 and I had an hour to kill before departure from Darling Harbour wharf #8. I walked around and as I could not find any cafe I went in to an Italian restaurant. I asked for smoked salmon and avocado. They could not serve this so I got a pot of tea (One of the smallest pots I had ever seen) and some toast. I made a mental note to never come back.

But never mind, we were going to have a BBQ on board the boat so no need to go hungry for very long. Well, I have my doubts about the “free” lunch include. I have so far never had any good “free” meal included in any tour. Well, except the Boutique Wildlife Tour yesterday.

I watched the Silver gulls while waiting for the boat and there were quite a few passengers waiting for the boat. I was about to alleviate the boredom by jumping in to the sea when the boat came. But I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that it was our boat coming alongside.

Pleased that the boat was here and surprised that there were no sign of any BBQ. This is whatYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI had been looking for on the boats while I had been waiting. Of course, I had expected a SIZZLING BBQ, at least this is the impression I had got after reading about this cruise on the internet. Well, I was here to see whales and not to have any BBQ

Silver gull, Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
Ready to board

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
And yes, as I thought, the BBQ and no sign off any BBQ.
Something I had observed already when the boat approached

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
Leaving Darling Harbour

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
Leaving Darling Harbour

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
Watching the sights leaving Port Jackson (Sydney Port) behind
Yeah, you had not expected whale action pictures right away, or did you?

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
Watching the sights leaving Port Jackson (Sydney Port) behind
Yeah, you had not expected whale action pictures right away, or did you?

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
Watching the sights leaving Port Jackson (Sydney Port) behind
Yeah, you had not expected whale action pictures right away, or did you?

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
Watching the sights leaving Port Jackson (Sydney Port) behind
Yeah, you had not expected whale action pictures right away, or did you?

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
Watching the sights leaving Port Jackson (Sydney Port) behind
Yeah, you had not expected whale action pictures right away, or did you?

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
New Zealand fur seal on the opera house steps

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney
New Zealand fur seal on the opera house steps

I never had any of the “BBQ” and I was sitting in front of the boat. People came up front with plastic plates with “BBQ” and even though I was hungry I really didn't felt like having any food.Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, SydneyThis is exactly the kind of buffet I avoid. After 5 minutes it looks like they have been dancing in the food.

We were cruising towards the ocean leaving Port Jackson behind. And the Guide, Jesus Christ. He was screaming in the PA system. And when he shut up for a few seconds we could hear him breathing in the PA system

It was terrible and he really liked to listen to himself, and the worst part, he seems to think that we enjoyed it as well. He continued non ducking stop, from departure until we were back again and he destroyed the whole whaling experience. Lucky that I booked my two cruises with another company tomorrow.

We were soon spotting the first whale, a young humpback whale going back south. And we were soon discovering two humpbacks swimming north. This time of the year they have whales going both north and south. Late whales going north and the first babies (They are born in the warmer water up north before going back to the Antarctica)

And it is not called babies, it is called calf, but let's keep it simple. So the humpback whales are passing Sydney 2 times. Going north and about 10% more of them when they come back with their babies. So this time it is kind of not much going on.

Late north bound whales and early southbound whales. In the middle of the migration the sea is boiling with humpback whales outside the Australian East coast. But we spotted whales and it didn't took long and BOOM! The front of the boat was full of people.

As an “experienced” whale watcher I left the front and I went to the side of the boat. And by the time we returned to Sydney we have had a nice day watching whales. IF IT WASN'T FOR THE COMMENTARIES!!! What the duck! Screaming non ducking stop. AND I WAS NOT THE ONLY ONE COMPLAINING ABOUT THIS!!

So if you come to Sydney for whale watching, be careful what company you choose!

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

It had been a beautiful day on the ocean East of Sydney, if it just hadn't been for the guy in the Crocodile Dude hat and microphone. We followed 2 northbound humpback whales swimmingSydney whale watchingside by side. Don't tell the Japanese about the whales here in Sydney.

Back in Darling Harbour and I took a taxi back to my hotel. I stopped to buy a hangover pack at Metro as it is Friday tomorrow and you never know what's going to happen. But I'm better off to be prepared.

Anyway, I spent the evening in my room, I didn't bother going to see if the Japanese restaurant was open. And the alarm is set for 7 thirty tomorrow and my first whale watching cruise will depart at 09:15. Normally I would have the alarm to go off at 6, but as I might end up drinking beer I need the extra sleep. Everything to avoid sleeping along a bar, and we also note that the older you get the more preparation and things to think about there is if you want to drink a beer.

Whale Watching Luncheon Cruise - Oz Whale Watching, Sydney

And I will have a short time between the two whale watching cruises and I have planned to have lunch somewhere down at the Circular Quay while waiting. And if you want to know if we see any whales you just have to click HERE And I guess that we will also find out if there will be any Crocodile Dude screaming during this whale watching cruise.

On board Maersk Claudia outside Sydney 28th of August 2012

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