SeaLink Ferry to Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island

is Australia's third-largest island, after Tasmania and Melville Island. It lies in the state of South Australia 112 km southwest of Adelaide. Its closest point to the mainland is Snapper Point in Backstair Passage which is 13.5 km from the Fleurieu Peninsula.

Friday 29 th of July 2016 and I gave up trying to find the booked car so I went to the taxi queue.Kangaroo IslandThe first taxi didn't wanted to go. But the second driver was ready for a road trip to Cape Jervis.

2 hours and 10 minutes to SeaLink's ferry departure to Kangaroo Island so we had no time to hang around socializing. We put my bags in the back andAdelaide to Kangaroo Island by roadwe were soon on our way to Cape Jervis and the ferry to Kangaroo Island

I had bought a bottle of diet drink that I was enjoying in the back seat while puffing on the e-cigarette. We drove through the suburbs for about 30 minutes and I asked if there was a highway.

I was a wee bit worried to miss the ferry, but when we were at the last traffic light before the highway we passed SeaLink's feeder bus.

This is the bus for the 6 o'clock (last ferry for the day) but I didn't wanted to take the chance to get to the bus in time. And that was good because it was obvious that I would have missed theAdelaide to Kangaroo Island by roadbus. And as we drove along the highway I was very happy that the flight had been full as it was a beautiful drive down south.

In the desert in the morning and now I was driving through a beautiful green landscape. We could see cattle and sheep on the fields and it didn't take long before we passed the first warning sign for Kangaroos along the road.

So yes, I was happy that I had taken the taxi. Same at Ayers Rock. I wanted to go by bus to Ayers Rock to get the desert “experience” and I had really enjoyed the landscape

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road
We're on the highway

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road
We're on the highway

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road
We are driving through wine and olive plantation

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road
We are driving through wine and olive plantation

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road
We are passing many kangaroos

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road
A sunny afternoon turned gloomy and grey as we approached Cape Jervis

Adelaide to Kangaroo Island by road
We can see the ferry at Cape Jervis

SeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island
Cars waiting to drive on board the ferry

SeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island
Cars waiting to drive on board the ferry

SeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island

SeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island

We arrived to the ferry terminal around 5 thirty and I went to check in. I got my ticket for the ferry and it was not needed with any ticket for the shuttle bus between the ferry terminal atSeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo IslandPenneshaw and Aurora Ozone hotel in Kingscote

I was happy that I had made it in time, but I was also hungry andSnacks on SeaLink's terminal at Cape JervisI bought two bags (very small bags) of potato chips at the small coffee shop at the terminal. Nothing to drink as they only had Coca Cola products.

I was half way through my first bag when it was time for boarding. I walked up the gangway and I went out on the aft deck to see when we took off leaving Cape Jervis behind.

SeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island
Leaving Cape Jervis behind

SeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island
Leaving Cape Jervis behind

SeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island
Leaving Cape Jervis behind

SeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Island

I was enjoying two Snickers and a bottle of water on the aft deck while I watched the ferry depart. There is a coffee shop on board and I bought two snickers and a bottle of water firstSeaLink ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, Kangaroo Islandthing after coming on board the boat.

I saw Cape Jervis disappear and I went inside and I sat down and I looked at some information video about Kangaroo Island.

The trip is scheduled to last for 45 minutes and I was off the boat at SeaLink's ferry terminal in Penneshaw at 7 o'clock. According to the girl at the check-in back in Cape Jervis I should just walk down the ramp to reachSeaLink's shuttle from Penneshaw, Kangaroo IslandSeaLink's mini bus. The driver had my name on a list.
- Aladdin, to Ozone in Kingscote
- Yes Sir
- Step on board Sir

We were soon on our way and the island is much bigger than I had imagined. It was 44 km to my hotel in Kingscote and we didn't arrived until after 8 o'clock. I had asked if there was any supermarkets in town, yes there was. But they had been closed for a long time when we arrived.

Of course I was disappointed, no breakfast and no diet drinks, I had 2 litre of diet drinks from Ayers Rock in my bag, but how long will this last? And I will have to eat breakfast on the hotel and I have not any high hopes toSeaLink's shuttle from Penneshaw, Kangaroo Islandfind any healthy bread and smoked salmon for breakfast.

SeaLink's shuttle from Penneshaw dropped me outside my hotel and I stepped inside to check-in. The hotel looked nice and the restaurant was open.

I spoke with the girl in the reception and she told me that I had to stay in their room across the road as they were much nicer. She explained about the meal times, breakfast buffet included andAurora Ozone Hotel in Kingscotethey open at 06:30.

I got my internet vouchers and by now I was impatiently jumping up and down in the reception. I wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stabout to piss my pants and I really wanted to have the key to my room.

I got all my stuff and I was off to my room, I had misread the room number so it turned out to be a small adventure to find my room. But I managed and I put down my bags and I was soon back in the restaurant. I took aAurora Ozone Hotel in Kingscoteseat and I called a Waiter and I asked for the menu.

This didn't went down well. The Waiter told me that I had to come to the register to get a table.

We went over to the register, a small desk at the entrance to the restaurant. He grabbed a pen and he opened a drawing over the restaurant and all the tables.
- A table for how many people?
- One
- Where to you like to sit?
- What theYet another Smiley on, at the same place I was sitting before!!
- AH!
He looked at the drawing
- That will be table # 31

I turned around and I went back and he was soon calling me back again and he asked about my name. I told him that my name was Pelle Plutt. I went to the table and when I was at table #31 I discovered that I liked table #30 better. So I took my seat at table #30.

I asked for some bread and kangaroo sausages and their honey cake for dessert. 2 pots of tea and the food was excellent. Now I think I have tried every piece of kangaroo there is, and theKangaroo Islandsausages have been the best so far. The bacon & cheese bread was also very good and I was happy when I went back to my room.

I didn’t need to get out of bed until 7 o'clock tomorrow morning and I cannot remember the last time I could sleep until 7. The will pick me up at 9 o'clock here at the hotel tomorrow morning.

So I could easily have been sleeping longer. But lolling around in bed, not the reason for me to come to Australia. So 7 it is and we just need to click HERE to find out about the Wilderness 'Wildscapes' tour of Kangaroo Island

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