OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises

Saturday 6 th of August 2016 and damn! Was I lucky? I had my alarm on the “luxuary” setting andWildlife Coast Cruisesit went off at 7 as I thought the whale watching tour was at 12 o'clock something.

I enjoyed my shower and I was relaxing with a diet drink. I was in the kitchen at 8 thirty and I checked the exact departure time, 09:30!!!! Was I lucky that I had checked the departure time? I very quick cup of tea and I wasWinter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Islandoff for some whale watching fun.

It is only a 5 minutes’ walk down to the jetty where the boat leaves from. I was lucky that we passed the jetty with Go West Tors when they dropped me off. Our Guide pointed out the place for me so I know where it is.

I walked down towards the jetty and I saw a few black Cockatoos but I never got any pictures. I passed theWinter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Islandparking lot and a girl was parking her car and I asked her if she was going for the whale watching tour. And yes, she was so I was on the right way.

I passed the ticket office, but I already had my ticket so no need for me to go in there. I was walking right down to the boat. I was surprised, and not pleasantly surprised by all the people. I had expected the boat to be almost empty, for sure notWinter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Islandpeople around in Cowes when walking around.

But the Wildlife Coast Cruises Winter Whale Cruise are obviously famous and people are coming from all over the world to look for whales around Phillip Islands.

I boarded the boat and as I was almost the last one to board we were soon taking off for our whale watching adventure. And I learned that we would make a stop at the Seal Rock to check out the Australian fur seals. The Seal Rock is just west of the Nobbies that we had seen yesterdayWinter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Islandbefore we went to the penguin parade.

We took off towards west and it was not warm. It was actually quite cold and I was really happy that I hadYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbrought my pantalongas and the jacket from Nisses in Malmö. I was sitting in the back of the boat enjoying myself even if it was cold.

As no surprise the forward part of the boat was full. Same on the top deck, it was full. So I wasWinter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Islandhappy to sit in the back looking outYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stover the ocean.

And there was a loudspeaker so I could hear Captains commentary. In Australia they have commentary about everything we pass and I like it.

Interesting stories while we travel along. But here the PA system was high tech airplane standard.

So it was not possible to hear anything if you didn't stand right next to the loudspeaker.

Even if it would be nice to hear the commentary it is never mind the commentary, I'm happy if IWinter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Islandcan hear when they see any whales as I expect them to announce this on the PA system.

We were soon passing the place we had been yesterday to look at the Nobbies. We could also see the top of the blue building they call circus penguin parade.

And as I was in the back I never noticed when we arrived to the Seal Rock. Suddenly there was a rock on my side and I could see plenty seals in the water and on the rock.

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
We pass the Nobbies

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island - Seal Rock
Fur seals on the Seal Rock

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island - Seal Rock
Fur seals on the Seal Rock

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island - Seal Rock
Fur seals on the Seal Rock

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
Leaving the Seal Rock behind

We left the Seal Rock behind us as they had got a report of a sighted Humpback whale west of the Seal Rock. We continued and I was kind of happy to leave the seals behind. I have seen seals and to get pictures you will have to be on land. Or to have a very good spot on the boat.

And it was a Humpback whale and we saw him cruising towards East. So he will soon be outside Sydney and I might see her again.

Anyway, I was shooting in myself on the whale. Checking shutter speed to get the right exposure. I was checking the pictures when BOOM! The Humpback whale breached just next to the ship. DARN! I only got the picture of the whale landing with a splash.

BOOM! The Humpback make a second breach and this time I got it on picture. Of course, a wee bit out of focus. When this megaton missile breaks the surface you only have a second before the splash. Of course, I have seen it before but you never get tired of seeing it. I have never got any pictures. Well, a few outside Brazil, but that was so far away so I don't count them.

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
BOOM! And the Humpback lands with a splash

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
The Humpback is back up again

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
I have a very hard time imagine something more impressive than this at sea

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
I have a very hard time imagine something more impressive than this at sea

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
I have a very hard time imagine something more impressive than this at sea

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
I have a very hard time imagine something more impressive than this at sea

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
I have a very hard time imagine something more impressive than this at sea

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
I have a very hard time imagine something more impressive than this at sea

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
Out of focus

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
Up again and swimming towards East

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
Preparing to dive

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island
Here we go

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises on Phillip Island

We were back in Cowes 4 hours after departure. AND WHAT A DAY IT HAD BEEN! Most of the whales have passed here already on their way North and tomorrow is the last whale watching tour for the season. We only saw one whale, but what a show she put on for us!

2 Breaches just next to our boat and, well, never mind the pictures. It was beautiful, a majestic sight and seriously. I have been on the oceans for more than 30 years and I cannot think of anything more impressive to see on the oceans.

Yeah, what a day! I walked up the jetty and I passed a group of Silver gulls and they are making a lot of screaming in the marina. Even more noise than the parrots flying around here.

Silver gull, Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae

It is a beautiful gull and I stopped to take a few pictures. I walked up the main road towards the supermarket to see if they had any diet drinks. I stopped at the ATM to get some cash for the remaining of the stay in Australia.

Well, that is depending on if I'm going to drink beer in Sydney or not. They only had Coke at theColes SupermarketSupermarket and I went back to my apartment. I will go to Coles in the afternoon. The trees outside my apartment is full of parrots and wattle birds so I will also see if I can get any pictures

This place and my apartment in Ayers Rock have been the best places to live here in Australia. A complete home and I have really missed my tea. And to sit “home” and enjoy the tea. No need to sit in a restaurant where my self-discipline comes to a defeat when I ask for the menu.

And sometimes it is just nice to enjoy your Earl Grey in quiet in your own room. No need to get out and about. No need to plan anything, just to turn on the kettle.

Cowes, Phillip Island
Cowes, Phillip Island

Cowes, Phillip Island
Cowes, Phillip Island

It was a wee bit too dark for any bird pictures when I finally got on my way to Coles Supermarket. I bought a bread and 10 bottles of diet drinks. Tomorrow, and I know that the whale watching boat departs at 9 thirty and I have set my alarm to go off at 6. Just click HERE to find out if we will have the same luck tomorrow as we have had today.


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