Whale Watching Sydney
2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Our 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on our largest purpose built Whale Watching vessel is designed to provide a superior cruise experience at the lowest price.

Whale watching time is maximized with this cruise as it only takes 15 minutes from Circular Quay to the open ocean. You get the same amount of whale watching time as other 4 hour cruises, as we don't spend 2 hours inside the harbour just to get to the whales and back!

This is the only Whale Watching vessel on Sydney Harbour that provides 360 degree viewing on 3 outside decks. Travel in style and comfort taking advantage of the top deck open air platform which provides unobstructed panoramic views. The greater height of this vessel provides an ideal perspective from which to sight and photograph whales and other marine life.

Vessel Features:

• Three levels of outside viewing decks, perfect for whale watching
• High speed vessel for minimal travel time to the whales.Comfortable cushioned seats.
• Climate controlled cabin. multimedia presentations on screens around the boat.
• Wheelchair accessible Toilets on board (1 disabled)

Cruise Details

• 2.5hr Whale Watching Cruise on 30m Catamaran.
• 15 min from Circular Quay to the open ocean.
• Don't waste 2hrs travelling in the harbour.
• Commentary provided by experienced crew.
• Professional photographer onboard every weekend selling USB stick with pictures from your cruise.

Friday 12 th of August 2016 and I took a taxi from the hotel to Circular Quay. I had been here yesterday to look where the whale watching cruise departed from so it was no problem to findWhale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2wharf 6 and Whale Watching Sydney's berth. And I had some time to kill before the departure.

When the boat came we boarded and there wasn't so many passengers so I was happy.

I checked the bar and only Coca Cola products and I went ashore to buy some real diet drinks. We left wharf 6 and Circular Quay behind and it startedWhale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2good, no one screaming on the PA system.

Gorgeous weather and I was wondering if it was possible for the day to get any better start while we were steaming towards theWhale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2open sea leaving Port Jackson behind. We started with a safety instruction on how to done the life west after the departure.

As son as the safety demonstration was ready they went in to full speed and we were soon leaving the port behind us. We started to look for whales and it didn't take long to find a humpback whale that was swimming toward the north.

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2
Safety demonstration

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2
Start to look for whales

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Black-browed Albatross, Black-browed Mollymawk, Thalassarche melanophris
Also known as the Black-browed Mollymawk

Black-browed Albatross, Black-browed Mollymawk, Thalassarche melanophris
Black-browed Albatross - Thalassarche melanophris
Also known as the Black-browed Mollymawk

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Whale Watching Sydney - 2.5 hour Explorer Cruise on Ocean Dreaming 2

Well, a beautiful morning looking for whales had come to an end. We were going back to Sydney and I will get off the boat at Circular Quay. I will have about 1 hour before I will take off on the 3 hour afternoon cruise with Whale Watching Sydney on board the Ocean Tracker

And I decided to go to have lunch while waiting for the 3 hour Discovery Cruise. Rossini Cafe is just off the jetty and I went there to see if they had something to eat and I was pleasantly surprised when they had smoked salmon and avocado.

I took my seat and I had soon ordered a salmon pasta and a pot of Earl Grey tea. The avocado and smoked salmon was wonderful. And the salmon pasta was also very good and, yeah, the Earl Grey was of course very good.

When I finished the food I asked for some dessert. There was some pastry with chocolate and vanilla custard. Chocolate and vanilla, not a mix I regard as something delicious. So I asked for two of the Italian pastries, one with vanilla custard and one with chocolate custard.

And while I was waiting for the dessert I did some bird watching. Yes, from the comfort of my chair at Rossini restaurant I could watch a Noisy Miner as we had one of them that had flew in to the restaurant. So I enjoyed the bird flying around in the restaurant.

Noisy miner, Manorina melanocephala
Noisy miner - Manorina melanocephala

Noisy miner, Manorina melanocephala
Noisy miner - Manorina melanocephala

Noisy miner, Manorina melanocephala

Rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus moluccanus
Rainbow lorikeet - Trichoglossus moluccanus

Rainbow lorikeet, Trichoglossus moluccanus

Rossini at Circular Quay in Sydney
The jetty is just outside the restaurant

Rossini at Circular Quay in Sydney
My dessert is coming

Circular Quay in Sydney
I have a few minutes before departure and I walk around Circular Quay

Circular Quay in Sydney
I have a few minutes before departure and I walk around Circular Quay

Circular Quay in Sydney
I have a few minutes before departure and I walk around Circular Quay

Sydney opera house
I learned that Jacki Chang is making a movie on the opera house

Circular Quay in Sydney
A Whale Watching Sydney boat arrives to Circular Quay
I learned that Jacki Chang is making a movie on the opera house

Circular Quay in Sydney

Circular Quay in Sydney

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker

Our premium 3 hour Discovery Cruise provides the ultimate whale watching experience.

Whale watching time is maximized with this cruise as it only takes 15 minutes from Circular Quay to the open ocean. You get the same amount of whale watching time as other 4 hour cruises, as we don't spend 2 hours inside the harbour just to get to the whales and back!

This is our longest cruise onboard our brand new boat equipped with state of the art technology, comfortable indoor/outdoor seating located fore and aft and multi level viewing decks. It is the best way to maximise your time viewing and experiencing whales in their natural habitat. Informative, expert commentary provided by our marine naturalist and professional photographer. No need to be concerned if you miss that elusive whale photo, our professional photographer will have that covered.

Vessel Features:

• Three levels of outside viewing decks, perfect for whale watching
• High speed vessel for minimal travel time to the whales.
• Comfortable cushioned seats.
• Climate controlled cabin. multimedia presentations on screens around the boat.
• Wheelchair accessible
• Toilets on board (1 disabled)

Cruise Details

• 3hr Premium Whale Watching Cruise.
• 15 min from Circular Quay to the open ocean.
• Don't waste 2hrs travelling in the harbour.
• Commentary provided by experienced crew.
• Professional onboard photographer on every cruise selling USB stick with pictures from your cruise.
• Whales guaranteed or free return cruise.
• Includes complimentary fruit, biscuits,coffee, tea and bottled water.

Well, it was a few minutes after 1 o'clock and I went down to the jetty to board Ocean Tracker for the 3 hour Discovery Cruise. I had seen the boat when they arrived as I had been enjoying the sunshine and the sights of Circular Quay while waiting for the boat. They recognised me when I stepped on board.

We were soon on our way and I spotted a group climbing the Sydney Bridge and the people climbing the Sydney opera was still on top of the building. I had seen ads for climbing the bridge, but not for climbing the opera house.

We were informed by our Guide on the PA system that Jacki Chang was making a movie and that they were going to jump out from the opera house. So if you ever get to see the movie you know that I was on a whale watching boat below them. Yeah, something to think about.

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Climbing the Sydney bridge

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Climbing the Sydney bridge

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Making a movie on the opera house

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
We pass the light house and we're on the Pacific Ocean and we start looking for whales

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Our Guide looking for whales

It takes us about 10 to 15 minutes to get out of Port Jackson and we're on the open ocean. No wind, but there is always some swell and there are always someone getting seasick. And we had been out for a few minutes when we spot the first humpback whale.

The sun is giving a glare on the water and we try to stay between the sun and the humpback whale. But sometimes you can get very nice pictures with the whale in the glare.

We followed the humpback whale on its way north to the breeding ground outside Queensland.

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Northbound humpback whale

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Two northbound humpback whales

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Two northbound humpback whales

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Two northbound humpback whales

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Time to return to Sydney and cold beer

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
Thousands of tons of rocks have felt of the cliff last Wednesday

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker

3 hour Discovery Cruise on Ocean Tracker
They are still on top of the opera house

Yet another beautiful day on the Pacific Ocean outside Sydney had come to an end. I was back in my room around 4 thirty. A shower and I was soon off to Kings X to go have a beer. There wasn't much going on, nothing like when I stayed there 25 years ago.

They had suggested Oxford Street and I asked if this wasn't an area for guy people. When I was here 25 years ago it was a guy area. It is still today, but there are all kind of people going there. So I took a taxi there and just as last time in Sydney, my first beer was at a guy bar. But the music was good.Hmm, most likely because I filled the jukebox with coins and I made a funky play list. Nothing like the “Taxi CD” but way better than the crap they had going when I came.

I had 3 beers, and yes, I had asked for San Miguel Light, but they didn't had any. So I had to drink something else and, well, the third beer was OK. I walked around the area and Oxford Street must be the most boring “party” area in the world.

But that was until I learned that it was in Tokyo, the music places are either in the basement or on the second floor. So you walk by a boring restaurant when they have the best music going in the basement. So the night turned out pretty well with funky music and when I took a taxi back home I knew that I would miss the morning whale watching tour.

Well, the Sydney adventure continues HERE , hangover or no hangover.

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