OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo

Friday 15 th of September 2017 and my alarm went of at 6 o'clock. Of course I was tired. But the excitement made me jump out of bed. I was in the restaurant at 6 o'clock with 2 bags of Earl Grey. I had a jug of tea and a few toasts before we left the restaurant and the Tabin Wildlife Resort behind. And after the start I have had here on Borneo I was at least to say excited and full of hope. I will see a lot of birds, and if I get to see an orangutan it will be a great bonus.

They had not seen any orangutans for 4 days so it should be about time now. And bird watching is much more fun if you know that there is a possibility to see more exciting wildlife.

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
The car is waiting for me

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
The car is waiting for me

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Misty morning

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Working our way in to the forest

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Working our way in to the forest

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
There are some really beautiful trees in the park

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
There are some really beautiful trees in the park

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
There are some really beautiful trees in the park

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Working our way in to the forest

We drive for as long as we can towards the Orangutan release area. It is restricted area of the wildlife reserve. On the way here was had seen several birds, but not one single picture. The Dusky Munia was all over the place, but they were very scared and no chance for any pictures.

We had also seen a beautiful Hornbill flying across the road in the morning, no picture. We also saw the very beautiful and endemic bird the White-crowned shama.

We had a Drongo sitting on a branch over the road and he stayed until I had my camera ready and she took off. No pictures of the Drongo. We got of the car at the end of the road and my Guide and I walked back the same way we had come. The driver would come after us after 30 minutes or so. We saw blue flycatchers and a lot of other birds. The Brown Fulvetta, maybe the bird with the most beautiful song. We had heard the bird all the way coming here.

Listen to the Brown Fulvetta
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Now we saw the bird, but no pictures. DARN!

We got on the car again and we drove until we reached the road leading to the Rhino Centre. They have, well, they had 3 Rhinos remaining in Malaysia and one died in cancer. Now they have 2Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserveremaining and the female have cancer and cannot have babies.

They had asked Indonesia if they could borrow a Rhino from them, but still no answer. I suggested that they should offer them cigarettes, the universal answer for anything in Indonesia.

And they have built a full Rhino quarantine centre. They have plantation with Rhino food, but now no Rhinos. Anyway, we walked the dirt track towards the Rhino Centre. It was very hot and we didn't spot one single bird trekking towards the Rhino place.

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
I reach the Rhino place

When we reached the Rhino place the Guide tried to call the driver but no network. So he walked back to get the driver and I continued in to the Rhino Place. No birds and I turned around when I reached the new but unused buildings at the Rhino place. I turned around and I was soon meeting my guide who came with my water bottle.

We got on the car and we left the Rhino place behind. No birds so I was pretty excited when I saw something flying in front of the car. We stopped and it turned out to be a big grasshopper sitting on a plant next to the road.

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
A big grasshopper

We drove back and we turned left just before we reached the creek at the Tabin Wildlife Resort. We came in to the Rhino food plantation and a Crested Serpent Eagle took off from the ground and landed in a tree. My first bird picture for today, a beautiful eagle.

We left the Rhino food plantation behind and we came to a small lake/ pond and they had built a Kingfisher hide there. We could see one Oriental Darter. But we were lucky and we spotted a Raffles's Malkoha in the tree, well, there were three of them but I only got picture of one. And not a good picture as the bird was covered by branches and leaves.

Anyway, I was happy, picture of one new bird and good pictures of the eagle. I had seen the eagle in India and Sri Lanka before. But we got to see some birds and I got some pictures.

11 O'clock and it was time to drive back to Tabin Wildlife Resort. 4 hours break before we start again at 3 o'clock. I was hungry and I had tea and omelette when I came back. So I skipped lunch and I felt asleep. When it was time to go for my walk along the creek to look for birds it was raining and I had to stay in my room

Crested serpent eagle, Spilornis cheela
Crested Serpent Eagle - Spilornis cheela

Crested serpent eagle, Spilornis cheela
Crested Serpent Eagle - Spilornis cheela

Raffles's Malkoha, Rhinortha chlorophaea

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Elephant poo

We had seen some birds during the morning:
1 flying unidentified hornbill
White-crowned shama
Brown Fulvetta
Raffles's Malkoha
Crested Serpent Eagle
Dusky Munia

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
We left Tabin Wildlife resort at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and we were going to check out the big road. A famous place for the Hornbills. I have seen 4 of the 8 Hornbills they have here at Tabin. And I really want to see the Rhinoceros hornbill, one of the Hornbills I have not seen yet.

We took off on the dust road and it didn't take long before we spotted out second Crested Serpent Eagle for today. We could hear the Black-and-red Broadbill and we could soon spot the bird on a branch. A beautiful bird, but the pictures didn't turn out any good. We hanged around as the couple was flying around, but I never got any more chance to take any pictures.

Same with the Lesser coucal, refused to come out from behind the leave the bird was hiding behind. We stayed for 10 minutesYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthoping that the bird would come out. But we gave up.

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Time to leave for the afternoon drive

Crested serpent eagle, Spilornis cheela

Crested serpent eagle, Spilornis cheela
Crested serpent eagle - Spilornis cheela

Crested serpent eagle, Spilornis cheela
Crested serpent eagle - Spilornis cheela

Black-and-red broadbill, Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Lesser coucal

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve

We continued along the main road and I spotted a big black squirrel in a tree so we stopped to get a picture. We were soon running in to our third or fourth Crested Serpent Eagle. So there are plenty Crested Serpent Eagle in Tabin Wildlife Reserve. We see a lot of other raptors as well, but in a far distance so no pictures.

And the Dusky Munia, the one bird I really wanted to have on picture. There are many of them but no picture. It was enough we approached from 10 to 20 meters away and they took off.

But we had more luck with the Blue-throated Bee-eater and I got a few pictures. We spotted Black Hornbills and the Oriental Pied Hornbill. But they were sitting in the top of high trees in a far distance. No photo but it is fantastic to see the big hornbills flying across the sky. Almost like Jurassic Park when the hornbills flying over you.

Crested serpent eagle, Spilornis cheela
Crested serpent eagle - Spilornis cheela

Blue-throated Bee-eater, Merops viridis, นกจาบคาคอสีฟ้า

Blue-throated Bee-eater, Merops viridis, นกจาบคาคอสีฟ้า
Blue-throated Bee-eater - Merops viridis

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Black Hornbill in the top of a tree far away

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
We drive along the palm oil plantation

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Oriental Pied Hornbill

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Oriental Pied Hornbill

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Monitor lizard tree

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
Monitor lizard sleeping in the tree

On the way back and we pass a tree. We see a Monitor lizard sleeping on a branch 10 to 15 meters up or so. The big lizards are eating the small ones so they have to sleep in the trees to stay safe. I was happy with the day, a very slow start but we got some pictures in the afternoon. No pictures of any Hornbills, and we spotted a few groups of the smallest hornbill, the Bushy Crested Hornbill. Some of the birds we have seen during the afternoon:

Black Hornbill
Bushy Crested Hornbill
Oriental Pied Hornbill
Red and black Broadbill
Lesser Cucoal
Blue-throated Bee Eater

Dinner and at 8 o'clock we were going for a night drive. We saw exactly nothing, well a butterfly and some fireflies. The most interesting was my favourite tree. It was majestic in the dark. 200 years old but it have started to lean and my Guide think it might fall soon. But if you are 200 years old, how long time is soon then?

Night drive in Tabin Wildlife reserve
We are ready to go for the night drive

Night drive in Tabin Wildlife reserve
We are ready to go for the night drive

Night drive in Tabin Wildlife reserve
We are ready to go for the night drive

Night drive in Tabin Wildlife reserve
My favourite tree in the dark

Night drive in Tabin Wildlife reserve
My favourite tree in the dark

Night drive in Tabin Wildlife reserve
My favourite tree in the dark

Night drive in Tabin Wildlife reserve
A butterfly or something

Well, we were back quarter past 9 o'clock and I went to look at some of the pictures I had been taking during the day. My alarm is set to go off at 5 thirty so I went to bed early. So, the big question is, will we see any exciting birds tomorrow? Will we see Orangutans? Just click HERE to find out.


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