OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo

Saturday 16 th of September 2017 and we are going to try to get to the mud volcano today. I asked my Guide about the place and my concern is the muddy trails. Before I came here I had expected to walk around the trails here in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, but the trails are just mud. Tabin Wildlife Resort only have boots up to size 43. But never mind the boots, my concern is the slippery mud. I don't want to slip and fall destroying my camera.

But we will give it a try and we left the resort at 6 thirty when I had finished my tea and toast. But I didn't feel too good, I woke up with a sore throat and I could feel that I had a cold coming on. But the throat felt better when we left Tabin Wildlife Resort.

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve
We arrived to the Mud volcano trail, we had passed the Rhino food plantation and the Kingfisher hide. We got out of the car and we started to walk towards the mud volcano. I gave up after 100 meter as it was too muddy. It would be easy to slip and destroy my camera. And imagine coming to Tonga without my camera.

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
My Guide and I are ready to get to the Mud Volcano

We are back out from the jungle, my Guide got attacked by two leeches but I managed to dodge them. We drove to the Kingfisher hide up the road. We spotted a Oriental Darter and that was the only bird we saw. We spent some time in the hide trying to call a Stork-billed Kingfisher. No luck, and as my Guide said. The pond looks dead. Before you could see the fishes in the pond, but now, nothing.

So this might be the reason for the birds to have disappeared looking for new and better places to catch fish. But the Oriental Darter didn't gave up. We could hear a Black-and-yellow Broadbill from the same tree we had seen the Raffles's Malkoha yesterday. We went across the road to see if we could see the bird. And it seems like our luck is turning. We could see the bird, a beautiful bird, but not any good pictures.

Kingfisher hide in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
Kingfisher hide

Kingfisher hide in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
Kingfisher hide

Kingfisher hide in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
Kingfisher hide

Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Eurylaimus ochromalus
Black-and-yellow Broadbill - Eurylaimus ochromalus

Green broadbill, Calyptomena viridis
Green broadbill - Calyptomena viridis

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
We leave the car at the end of the road and walk back

Our luck had for sure turned. I saw a bird coming flying towards us on the dirt road.
My Guide and I was looking for the bird when our driver discovered a Green Broadbill in the forest. Now I thanked my God for the good idea to buy the flash. Would have been impossible to get a picture of the bird 20 meters away in the dark rainforest.

Yes, we were in a very good mood when we continued towards the orangutan centre where we have to stop and turn around. RESTRICTED AREA! We walked back leaving the car and driver behind, not a bird to be seen and I told my Guide that we would take the car instead.
- You don't like to walk?
- How many bird pictures have we got while walking?

We have not had any luck with the birds while walking, all the birds we have seen have been from the car. Again, the birds get scared when they see us walk. We went back to the car and we had been driving for 5 minutes when my Guide discovered a Orangutan in the top of a tree. A little later on we discovered that there was a baby as well. Very good, now I don't have to come back to Tabin Wildlife Reserve again.

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
We are very lucky to see an Orangutan + the BONUS baby

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
We are very lucky to see an Orangutan + the BONUS baby

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
We are very lucky to see an Orangutan + the BONUS baby

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
We are very lucky to see an Orangutan + the BONUS baby

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
We are very lucky to see an Orangutan + the BONUS baby

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
We are very lucky to see an Orangutan + the BONUS baby

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
We are very lucky to see an Orangutan + the BONUS baby

What a morning this turned out to be, starting with 2 Broadbills and then an Orangutan. It was a mom and baby and we get to see the mom training the baby in how to climb. We also got to see them coming down from the tree. What a show! A beautiful sight!

We were in a very good mood driving back to Tabin Wildlife resort for lunch. And at 3 o'clock we will go for another drive to see what we can find.

Second day today that it is raining during the lunch break. But today it didn't started until I was in Jan's Hide 50 meters from the restaurant. I spent 10 to 15 minutes in Jan's hide before I gave up and walked back to my room. I had seen exactly ZERO birds.

Tabin Wildlife Resort, Borneo
Jan's hide

Tabin Wildlife Resort, Borneo
Jan's hide

Tabin Wildlife Resort, Borneo
Jan's hide

Tabin Wildlife Resort, Borneo
Hillside rooms

Tabin Wildlife Resort, Borneo
Walking back to the coffee shop

Tabin Wildlife Resort, Borneo

Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife reserve

My camera wa snot working when it was time to leave for the afternoon drive. It must have been the rain during my birding around the Tabin Wildlife Resort. So I had to use my camera in fully MANUAL mode during the afternoon. First stop was a flying lizard sitting on a tree trunk. But we never saw the lizard flying.

We saw yet another new bird, the Little Green pigeon, a beautiful bird. But they were kind of scared so I never got any good pictures. Further up the road and we ran in to a Bearded Pig. But the animal looked sick, or at least not how I had imagined a pig to look like.

Birding/ Bird watching in Tabin Wildlife Reserve, Borneo
Flying lizard

Little Green Pigeon, Treron olax

Bornean bearded pig
Bornean bearded pig

Bornean bearded pig
Bornean bearded pig

The Bornean bearded pig

(Sus barbatus), also known ambiguously as the bearded pig, is a species in the pig genus, Sus.

It can be recognized by its prominent beard. It also sometimes has tassels on its tail. It is found in Southeast Asia—Sumatra, Borneo, the Malay Peninsula, and various smaller islands like in Sulu archipelago such as Tawi-Tawi, where it inhabits rainforests and mangrove forests. The bearded pig lives in a family. It can reproduce from the age of 18 months, and can be cross-bred with other species in the family Suidae. The San Diego Zoo was the first zoo in the Western Hemisphere to breed them.

As of January 2016, it is held in the London Zoo, Berlin Zoo, Hellabrunn Zoo, Gladys Porter Zoo, National Zoo of Malaysia (Zoo Negara), Zoo Taiping, Singapore Zoo, Capital of Texas Zoo, and Southwick's Zoo.

Conservation status
Little Green Pigeon, Treron olax
Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Our friends from this morning

Our friends from this morning

We spotted the orangutans from this morning, now they were in another tree and we stopped to watch them. All in all it had been a very good day even though it started bad with the mud volcano set back. My cold had got a little worse, but I really hope it will get better tomorrow. So, will we find any exciting things tomorrow? Just click HERE to find out.


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