Rewriten onboard M/T Ek-River July 2010

M/T Dala Corona - I was AB from 1st of August 1991 to 13th of September 1991
M/T Dala Corona
M/T Dala Corona
I got this picture from Photo by Bengt-Rune Inberg

M/T Dala Corona was built 1976 in Brake and rebuilt 1978 in Gothenburg. She is 116m long and on 8205 DWT. I was AB and I had been AB there back when her name was Corona 1985.

I signed on 1st of August 1991 in Kalundborg, Denmark. Dala Corona was discharging in Kalundborg. We drove a rental to Kalundborg from Gothenburg. The company didn't care about the money when it came to the comfort of the crew. They had rented a Sukiyuki something for us. It was me together with an AB and the new Cook. They wanted us to load the car with a TV and 2 25lit drums with oil and spare parts.
We went to pick up the car at the company,Hmm, where to put our luggage.

When we had managed to get our luggage in the car we had toM/T Dala Coronause a cannon and shoot ourselves in to the car. When the Cook was seated inthe back seat there was not space even for a canary back there even if we used the biggest cannon available.

Our Cook must have been close to 200 so the back seat looked like a chair when he was sitting back there with 2 litres drums and a TV.

Get me out of this car ASAP and I was driving between 170 and 180 km/h all the way from Göteborg to Kalundborg Now imagine how happy we were when arriving to Kalundborg. We had to call the fire brigade to come cut us lose from the car with a torch.

Dala Corona had loaded in Mongstad, Norway. They had a collision in Norway so we should go toM/T Dala CoronaÖresund's Varvet shipyard in Landskrona after discharging in Kalundborg. They had planned for a week or so at the shipyard.
- Hmm, I had just signed on and it willstart with 1 week of spending money having a good time.

When I signed on I meet Mr. Johan, a Motorman I had worked with on M/T Bellona 1990. So we made up plans for allthe fun stuff we wanted to do during our visit in Landskrona.

It was plenty so we would be pretty busy in Landskrona. He was to sign off when we were leaving the shipyard as well so we will have aM/T Dala Coronafew days together. And it's summer so the party will be in full swing the whole week.

We arrived to the Shipyard in the afternoon and ofM/T Dala Coronacourse, we wanted to go ashore to check out Landskrona's nightlife.

Johan and I asked 1 of the AB's if he wanted to join us for a night of fun in Landskrona. Yes, I know that it sounds stupid. Is it possible to have a good time in Landskrona? Well, we wereM/T Dala Coronayoung so never mind as long as there was music and beer.
- If I take a drink I know how it will end, he replied.
Hmmm, I didn't know anything about not being able to stop drinking so I said:
- Well, nothing will happen.

So he came with us and, oh no, after 1 week we had to call the ambulance. Then he had been in his cabin the last few days. Captain said:
- I cannot get any contact with him. He's just laying in his bed staring in the ceiling.
First time for me that someone had signed off in an ambulance.

Well, anyway, that was one week away. We went ashore on the first night. We ended up in a placecalled Oskars (At least I think the name was Oskars) and we had a good time. We were young and handsome, no problems and the pockets full of money with a bright future ahead of us. Saving money, never even thought about it and of course we had a good time.

M/T Dala Corona
M/T Dala Corona
During day time we painted the ship from a raft. Nice weather, good music and cold drinks.

Back then it was enough with a hot shower for the hangover to disappear. We started to kick ass on deck every day at 8 o'clock in the morning. Well, I don't know if we kicked any ass but we were on deck at 8 o'clock ready for work.
- Hmm, when I'm thinking of it I don't know exactly how ready we were.

M/T Dala Corona
M/T Dala Corona
During day time we painted the ship from a raft. Nice weather, good music and cold drinks.

They had borrowed a raft from the shipyard that we had on the outside of the ship. So we spentM/T Dala Coronamost of the days painting the hull. Of course, back then it was not a problem to have a beer while painting. And I had my entertainment centre on deck so we had Kal P Dal on full blast.

And when it was 5 o'clock we went for a shower and we were pretty much ready to go ashore again. We had a few beers in the mess room talking about how much we had been working during the day.
- Are you shitting me?
- OK, we didn't manage to do very much during the days. At least nothing worth mentioning.
M/T Dala CoronaA little daubing on the hull while drinking a few beers and enjoying the summer weather.

Yes, being ashore drinking beer all night long and coming back onboard in the early morning. And forM/T Dala Coronahow many days can we keep this up.

I don't know, but for sure, the ship was not in the state that made itpossible to be sober onboard, at least not withoutfeeling very bad mentally. And if it would have been today (Year 2010) I would not have joined the ship. And yet again, we were young and we didn't had any developed sense for responsibility. Well,M/T Dala Coronawe didn't had any responsibility back then.

Ok, to be honest, the cushions for the chairs in the mess room were sent ashore for new upholstery. But anyway, it was sub standard by today’s measurement.

But 8 o'clock we we're ready for work. Well, at least most of the mornings and we continued to mess about with the painting of the hull from the draft. One thing is for sure, today when I have responsibility I would have fired any AB performing their duties like we did back on Öresunds Varvet 1991. I would have been furious and of course, I have forgotten all about our adventures in Landskrona when I see something like this today.

M/T Dala Corona
M/T Dala Corona
During day time we painted the ship from a raft. Nice weather, good music and cold drinks.

During day time we painted the ship from a raft even if it could be hard to start some mornings, butM/T Dala Coronaa glass of water and a hot shower. Nice weather, good music and cold drinks.

When we finished work and had had our dinner it was time for action again. We played Kal P Dal in the mess room while drinkingM/T Dala Coronabeer that we had arranged during the day.

We had only been at the shipyard for 2 days when we ran out of beer so we had to go ashore to buy. So there was beer to drink and when we were handsome enough we ordered a taxi and went ashore.

I and the Motorman went around Skåne in taxi. Were ever we thought there was a party going on.M/T Dala CoronaYeah you know, summer and party everywhere.M/T Dala CoronaSecond night in Landskrona we went to Lund for a few drinks.

we took a taxi from Landskrona and if I remember it right it's about one hour to Lund. We meet up with our Motorman's brother and we went to a few pubs and discos.

M/T Dala Corona
M/T Dala Corona
During day time we painted the ship from a raft. Nice weather, good music and cold drinks.

Yes, never mind that we had spent the night in Lund. we were up and about at 8 o'clock in the morning. we were on the raft painting when it started to get close to dinner time. The guys on deckM/T Dala Coronahad had a few beers too many and when they lowered the ladder to us it disappeared in Landskrona port. It sank like a stone. They threw the pilot ladder after the ladder, but our 2nd Officer on the raft managed to save the pilot ladder.

I was standing on the raft screaming oflaughter, theM/T Dala Coronaladder came first and then the pilot ladder. I think they misunderstood us when we asked them th throw down the ladder. We didn’t mean for them to throw it in to the sea. But again, I think they had hadM/T Dala Coronaa few beers too many.

I and our Motorman decided to go to Helsingborg after dinner and aM/T Dala Coronafew beers in the mess room. We called a taxi and off we went.

Helsingborg, never any problem to get in to the pubs and discos. Believe it or not, I used to box atHelsingborg's Boxing Club and thus I knew most of the Bouncers around town.

Yes, boxing, and excellent way of keeping fit. Sadly enoughI gave it up when I joined my first ship. I tried during my first year in Navigation school inGöteborg. But I didn't know anyone there so it was no fun. Skipping rope, push ups and sit upsall the time and I was looking good. And when you’re boxing you have to keep on going until the bell no matter how tired you are, or you get punched.

M/T Dala Corona
M/T Dala Corona

Maybe it was my boxing days and my good condition that helped me last for the whole week inM/T Dala CoronaLandskrona. I would have been dead if I tried somethingM/T Dala Coronalike this today.

Even though we were young and in a good shape, yes, we were considered as prime males, (At least by ourselves) we were pretty worn out by the end of the week. No food, only beers. You can imagine how nice it would have been to eat in our messM/T Dala Coronaroom, no chairs, and if we wanted somethingM/T Dala Coronato eat we were better of ashore.
Yes, we were getting more and more tired by the day. But we had to last until the last day at the shipyard. We had been to pretty much all the laces in Landskrona, all 3 of them. And we had been in Lund and Helsingborg.
M/T Dala CoronaAnd honestly, there were at least a few places that I didn't want to be seen at again.

Well, we will see where we end up, no chance that we were going to sit onboard a beautiful summer evening in Landskrona.

Vingavåg had collided with a ship in the channel betweenM/T Dala CoronaSwinoujscie and Szczecin in Poland. So she needed some repairs and she arrived to the shipyard. Seems like the shipyard is full of ships that had collided with other ships. Well, anyway, I meet a 2nd Officer that I knew from when I had been working on Vestria 1984 or 1985.

Well, anyway, he came to our rescue, he knew anartist living in Landskrona and he was going to take the opportunity to visit him while they were at the shipyard.
- Do you want to join me? He is a nice guy, 2nd Officer asked us.
- Why not?
So our Motorman and I joined the 2nd Officer to see the artist. We took the walk to his house (Landskrona is not very big) and we knocked on the door. It was a very old and beautiful house in the centre of Landskrona.

The guy opened the door and invited us in. He was in a t-shirt and his underwear, nothing strange with that, its summer and it's allowed to have a drink or two.When he turned around to show us the way in I could see that there was like a bag hanging from the underwear. He had dropped2 shackles in the underwear, well, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't his money he kept there. The underwear was brown as well and I don't think they had been changed for a long time.
- Would you like to have a drink? You can get a glass over there.
- No thanks, I'm in a hurry.

He showed us through the house and nothing I saw made me change my mind about go get a glass and have a drink. He took us out in the garden and on the other side of the garden he had a huge studio/ workroom full of paintings.

There was no sign of him changing his cloths or at least take on a pair of trousers.
- Have a seat!
Yes imagine taking a seat in one of his chairs, only God knows who had been sitting there wearing what. I can imagine ourArtist been sitting there in his baggy underwear and we all preferredM/T Dala Coronato stand up. He tried to offer us a drink the second time. - No tanks', we're soon leaving.
Yeah, fat chance I will touch anything around that place.

We decided to leave for a beer at a place a little bitnicer and the Artist wanted to join us. He took on some clothes and I can't remember him taking any shower before we left. him

Well, anyway, on the way to the pub I called an AB I had been working with on another ship. He lives in LandskronaM/T Dala Coronabut his mother told me that he was in CopenhagenScarlett Lineso we decided to take the ferry to Copenhagen. Back then they had a ferry between Landskrona andM/T Dala CoronaTuborg.

We bought our ticket and we boarded the ferry. Didn't take long before we had our table full of beers. The spirit was high and time turned quick. When we arrived to Tuborg we meet the AB I had worked with when he boarded the ferry so we just stayed on board and we returned to Landskrona.

We had a few beers and when we returned to Sweden we were in a good mood. Don't expect me to remember were we went, but to some nice pub I suppose.

Time to leave the shipyard in Landskrona. We got a new Motorman on board and a new AB. We remember the AB that had to leave us in anVentspils Seaman's clubambulance. I think we left Landskrona on a Friday and I don't remember where we went after Landskrona. But for sure it wasn't any exciting place. I think we went to Ventspils in Latvia. Well, I had been there before, former Russia, and what a difference.

There is a seaman's club and last time I was there (during the Soviet era) I ordered a glass of apple juice. They brought me a glass with some green/ brown gel. Please, IVentspils Seaman's clubdidn't knew what to do with the glass. I'm polite so I didn't want to tell them that I didn't want to drink this s.... I asked for the toilet and I throw the juice away. No wonder the cod fish has disappeared from the Baltic Sea.

We went up to the seaman's club this time as well, but I didn't want to do the apple juice trick again. Well, I was up for a surprise. There had been big changes since last time I was here. Last time I bought one ofVentspils Seaman's clubthose Russian wood dolls with all the small dolls inside (I don't know the name, but I'm sure you know which one I mean). There was a big souvenir shop for sailors and there was a bar/ coffee shop. Yes, as mentioned above I ordered apple juice (went straight down the toilet) and I had to listen to everything they told me about how good the Soviet Union was.

And what a change, no souvenir shop were you could buy all the luxury stuff from Soviet Union. Now it was disco music full blast and the coffee shop was gone, now it was a bar. A remarkable change, but I don't know if it was for the better.

Of course, the furnishing was the same old shit. And there were ladies sitting everywhere and I doubt that they were here because of the nice decoration because the place looked like shit.

Ventspils Seaman's club
Ventspils Seaman's club

We ordered plenty Russian Champagne, this time they didn't have any glass so we had to drink itVentspils Seaman's clubfrom coffee cups.

It wasn't expensive and they had plenty in stock. Plenty Latvian girls wanted to dance with handsome westerners.Well, the party was in full swing and we joined them. We drank Russian Champagne like there was no tomorrow or any night watch for me to stand.

Of course we got drunk and sadly enough I had to go on watch at midnight. But after a few cups of this Russian champagne I had forgotten all about my night duties. Yes, this is an example on how irresponsible I was back in the days. well, it only happened one time, OK, two times ifVentspils Seaman's clubyo... OK, three times and three differentships, but that's it! Embarrassing when I think of it today.
The club closed at 11 o'clock in the nightVentspilsand they had a bus that took us back to the ship.

To make things worse I and our Motorman went to my cabin to have some champagne. I don't know how I came up with this stupid idea. Yeah, a bottle or two of champagne will be good before I go on watch at midnight. Yes, stupid and I could hardly walk when it was 12 o'clock.

And when we had finished the champagne we open a bottle of vodka. Really stupid. I wasM/T Dala Coronasitting on deck when I finally got on watch. Of course, they sent me inside so I could sleep. Really stupid, well, it never happened again.

I don't know where we discharged the cargo from Ventspils. We were in Norway, both loading and discharging. Stavanger, I remember we were in Stavanger when the new platform sunk at the yard. When it hit bottom it was a 33 on the Richter Scale.

I was ashore in Stavanger, I changed watch with ourM/T Dala CoronaNorwegian AB so I could go ashore for some fun.And Norway is really fun, even though it is a wee bit expensive.

I don't remember where we loaded, but we loaded in Norway for Eastham in England and our way from Norway to Liverpool we passed north of Scotland. In the Minch we had a helicopter passing over us. They called us on the radio and asked if they could put onboard a person from the helicopter.

They use to lower down a person or Doctor to the ships when someone is sick onboard. So they need to practice and sometimes they are asking ships if they can put down someone on the ship.

M/T Dala Corona
M/T Dala Corona
Arriving to Eastham on a gorgeous summer day. Of course our Norwegian AB wanted to go ashore and I had to take his watch. It was very nice weather and I also wanted to go ashore so I asked our other AB if he wanted to make some extra money. He had to take 2 watches, my watch and the Norwegian AB's watch.
- I give you 10$/ hour if you take my and Mr. Norway's watch.

Well, he didn't want to do it. Hmm, I was thinking about the Chief Engineer. He was a real skinflint. He would have done it for 5$/ hour. But he knew that I had offered the AB 10 so I paid him 10, never mind. We went ashore and we had a good time while the Chief Engineer took 8 hours of watch on deck. Yes, back in the days I was ashore in every port. Saving money?

M/T Dala Corona
M/T Dala Corona
M/T Dala Corona
I remember one day when our 2nd officer came in to our mess room. He had a 3 or 4 inch plank thathe placed between two chairs. He told us that he could cut it in half with some secret karate technique. Of course, we were laughing.

H e kicked the plank and of course, it was painful and the plank was still in one piece. He left andwhen he came back he was going to try with his hand. And I'll be darned. He managed to cut it in half.

After Liverpool we had nothing to do. We waited for orders outside Rotterdam. We're running short of fresh water. Friday afternoon Captain came in to the mess:
- We're out of water. During the weekend we will not work and we don't need to shower so we turn of the water.
Monday we were back on deck chipping and painting. In the afternoon when I took a shower the Chief Engineer and Captain started to scream:
- We told you not to shower, we don't have any water!
- Well, then I won't work, I said.
Very strange attitude onboard. They cleaned deck with fresh water but there was not enough fresh water to clean yourself. When I asked why they clean deck with fresh water they told me:
- We just use a little water to clean the deck.
Our oiler went home with a speed boat. He got pissed offwhen he could not make tea.There was no water to make tea, they needed the water to clean the deck. When I asked why they didn't take fresh water in Liverpool Captain asked me:
- Why didn't you take fresh water.
- Are the AB's ordering fresh water and to keep track of our fresh water consumption in this company? Relieving Captain and Chief Engineer of the responsibility.
Finally we got order to proceed to Gothenburg to load.

I signed of 13th off September in Gothenburg. When I picked up my Seaman's Discharge Book Captain told me:
- You are lucky that I didn't put " Refused to work" in your paper.
- Well, I have time to wait if you want to change it, I said.

I signed off Dala Corona 13th of September and of course, the party continued when I was backGöteborghome. No responsibilities and I can't understand how Bjäbben could stand to have me around.

Neighbours complaining about music every now andthen. Of course, back then I had a pair ofgigantic loudspeakers and an amplifier enough for a disco.

Well, luckily enough I have grown older andhopefully a wee bit wiser,Göteborgbut I'm not so sure. After a few beers it's still full blast on the entertainment centre. when I came home from Dala CoronaGöteborgI was having a few drinks with a friend while waiting for another friend and his girl friend.

They were knocking on the door but we never opened the door. Later on he told me that he had been looking in through the mail slot.
- I saw you feet so I thought that you had passed out.

I had to go home waiting for the Proficiency in Survival Craft course. It wasMadridnot until the end of September and I really needed this course to be able to get my 2nd officer licence.

The summer had come to an end and it was a little sad to stay in Sweden even though the weather was nice. Well, anyway, Frasses and Solrosen, I had it up to my neck so I decided to get a ticket to Madrid. I called the Travel Agent.
- OK, I'll be down to get my ticket in the afternoon.
So I got an SAS flight from Göteborg to Copenhagen where I changed to an Iberia flight toMadridMadrid. A few beers in Copenhagen and they forced me to drink plenty on the Iberia plane. So I was in a pretty good mood when I arrived to Madrid.

Actually I was in such a good mood so I went straight for the bars and when it was time to go sleep I only found fully booked hotels.
- What the?

I had to sleep in the park with my entertainment centre with
Ice T on full blast. But I got a hotel room the day after and it was really nice to get a hot shower. But it could have been worse. I meet a Japanese girl and she had lost her group. She didn't know the name ofFinal courseher hotel or where here group was. well, bad luck.

I spent a few days in Madrid before I returned home to my Proficiency in Survival craft course and as it looks I completed the course the 25th of September 1991. So I took all my paper works and I sent them to the Swedish Maritime Authorities so they could issue a 2nd Officers licence for me.

Should be pretty straight forward, done in 2 or 3 days. Well, this is not how the Swedish Authorities are operating. They can make a simple job last for months. Well, of course, living a life with party all the time and I could not stay home for long. I'm better of joining a ship and Bjäbben was not sad when I left. I took a "Proficiency in survival craft" course when I came home. I signed on M/T Tärnvind 23rd of October while waiting for my 2nd Officer license.

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