OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Air India flight AI 158, AI 332

Friday 17 th of August 2018 and BOOM! My alarm went off at 4 o´clock and my holiday had come to an end. Time to go home after my 6 weeks European wildlife adventure. And it had been, well, unbelievably nice. I have had the luxury to see some very very nice things. And I can update my list of things to do before I'm too old.

Updated list:

• To experience a hangover
• African safari
• To see Polar bears and icebergs
• Whale sharks “Failed”
• Tiger safari
• Whale sharks(second try)
• Koala and Kangaroo adventure in Australia
• Swimming with Humpback whales
• Drinking water from a stream with melting water
• Wildlife tour in Sweden and Finland to look for Bear, Wolf, Beaver, Moose and Wolverine
• Kiel - Brunsbüttel - Bicycling along the Kiel Canal
• Antarctica
• The Amazon in Brazil

Most of my things were packed already, but I had my last oatmeal and a mug of Earl Grey tea in my room just after 4 o´clock. And I used my only souvenir from the trip, the beer mug I got at Hotel Tum Stüürmann back in Büsum and I have used it every day since. And so today at my last morning at Holiday Inn Ellesmere Port. I will most likely,Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be back here for birding next year and I will stay here at Holiday Inn Ellesmere Port again.

Scandinavian Airlines flight SK 540 from Manchester to Kastrup, Copenhagen departs at 10:15 and latest check-in at 09:15. Taxi was here to pick me up at 8 o´clock and we were soon on our way towards Terminal 1 at Manchester Airport.

TAXI to Manchester International Airport
Enough space in the back seat

Manchester International Airport
Arriving to Manchester International Airport

Manchester International Airport
Departure hall at Manchester International Airport

Manchester International Airport
Departure hall at Manchester International Airport

Manchester International Airport
I left the sandwiches behind

Manchester International Airport
Waiting to board Scandinavian Airlines flight SK 540

Can´t say that I like Manchester Airport. Driving in to a parking house and enter the terminal. Not a window for long as I can see and it felt very underground and claustrophobic. I checked in and the seat next to me will be empty on the way to Copenhagen, very good.

Everything had been much quicker than expected so I had plenty time to kill, and there wasn´t really much to do. I bought two sandwiches and two bottles of MAX at one of the fast food places. Potato/ leek sandwich sounded very good, but I left them behind as they wasn´t near as tasty as it sounded with the potato / leek filling.

And no network coverage so I could not use internet with my phone to read the news. Time passed slowly slowly and I left for the gate early.

Scandinavian Airlines flight SK 540
Boarding Scandinavian Airlines flight SK 540

Kastrup, Copenhagen International
Arriving to Kastrup, Copenhagen International

Kastrup, Copenhagen International
Arriving to Kastrup, Copenhagen International

Kastrup, Copenhagen International
Arriving to Kastrup, Copenhagen International

Kastrup, Copenhagen International
Arriving to Kastrup, Copenhagen International

Scandinavian Airlines flight SK 540 from Manchester to Copenhagen was, well, maybe not nice and enjoyable, but it was OK thanks to the empty seat next to me and the extra bottle of Pepsi MAX that I bought back at Manchester International.

Landing in Copenhagen and I went to SAS service desk to see if I could check-in to my Air India flight to Bangkok and I could spend the time in the lounge. But millions of people waiting and no staff. Yeah, remind me again why I avoid SAS. All of their service as what we call self-service.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stBut they never miss an opportunity to give you the full song and dance about their excellent service. Well, I avoid them and on my last long haul with SAS I woke up in the morning when they dropped a brown paper bag in my lap.
- Breakfast!!!

Who is the idiot in charge? Why fly with SAS when you can fly with a proper airline with proper service? Just wait for them to go belly up.

Copenhagen flight service
Copenhagen flight service

Copenhagen flight service
Copenhagen flight service

Copenhagen Airport hotel
Copenhagen Airport hotel

Copenhagen Airport hotel
Copenhagen Airport hotel

I give up the idea to get any contact with someone from the Copenhagen flight service and I go to get my bag and I walk to Copenhagen Airport Hotel where I will spend a few hours drinking tea and eating my dinner. They called from Maersk and they wanted me to join a ship but as I´m here it is not possible. And I have other plans for the remaining of my holiday.

I will buy a video camera and a new lens coming back home so I will need to fly to Singapore to try them out and to get my VAT in return.

I ordered a three course meal and they had the tea coming to the table all the time. The food was good and time turned quick and I was soon on my way back to the terminal to check-in to Air India´s flight AI 158 to New Delhi and flight AI 332 from Delhi to Suvarnabhumi International.

Copenhagen Airport
Checking in at Air India

SAS lounge at Copenhagen Airport
I have some time to spend in Star Alliance lounge before departure

SAS lounge at Copenhagen Airport
Not many people in the immigration

SAS lounge at Copenhagen Airport
Not many people in the immigration

Checking-in and then we have to move to another counter to get a transit via for India. How complicated is it possible to make it in that country? Finally through the security and this time I didn’t had any knife with me as they took it here the last time. I had some time to spend before departure and I went to the SAS lounge for some free soda water while waiting for the departure.

I took the opportunity to add a few words to my adventure as I´m hopelessly behind updating the European adventure. I was pleasantly surprised to discover “almost” no people at the immigration when I went for the gate. Of course, someone in front of me had an ID they could not recognise so it came to a full stop. Immigration people running back and forth and they were waiting. Of course, Scandinavian style, no consideration so we all had to wait while they were waiting.

Normal thing to do would have been to take this guy to the side while processing our passports. But no, Scandinavian style, all are equally important so all of us have to suffer. It is so nice to have left this behind I thought to myself while waiting.

Air India flight AI 158
Flight AI 158 is waiting for me

Air India flight AI 158
Boarding flight AI 158

Air India flight AI 158
Not many passenger in BIZ

Air India flight AI 158
BOOM!! And I´m joined by an old friend

Air India flight AI 158

Air India flight AI 158
Leaving Copenhagen

Air India flight AI 158

Air India flight AI 158

Air India flight AI 158

Air India flight AI 158
And BOOM! We´re off the ground

Airborne and they brought the menu. I already had Pepsi at my side. I had not even stepped on board before I asked for a bottle of Diet Pepsi and they brought it to my seat when I was taking my seat. I told them that I had had my dinner already and that I was going to sleep.

I turned my seat in to a flat bed and I asked for extra pillows and I was soon asleep. And I have my Diet Pepsi and a bottle of water stand-by next to me if I wake up in the middle of the night.

A few drag on the vape and I was soon asleep hoping to sleep all the way to India where I will have to wait for a few hours for my flight to Bangkok.

Air India flight AI 158
WillYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be a comfy flight

Air India flight AI 158

Air India flight AI 158
Good night

I managed to get a good sleep, not long enough, but enough to get me through a boring flight. I woke up over India and I enjoyed some Diet Pepsi while approaching Delhi International.

I passed the same security as last time and I was off the Air India´s lounge, nothing I was looking forward to. But they have Diet Pepsi, the only thing worth having in that lounge. I was very tired and I tried to get a nap on one of the armchairs that could turn in to some flat bed looking thing.

They had showers, not working, can´t say that I was neither surprised nor disappointed to learn that the showers were not working.

Air India flight AI 158
Soon in Delhi

Air India´s lounge in New Delhi
Air India´s lounge Delhi International Airport

Air India´s lounge in New Delhi
Air India´s lounge Delhi International Airport

Air India´s lounge in New Delhi
Trying to get some sleep

I made a mistake leaving the lounge, I left an hour too early so I had to sit at the gate waiting. Gate 20 later on changed and another last minute change to gate 4 and I had been running around the whole airport by the time it was time to board flight AI 332

But I was lucky, I got a ride with one of those Lard Mobiles. Yes, I have used the Lard Mobile almost every time at Indian airports. New Delhi is a huge airport and a lot of walking so the service come in handy. And on top of all the trotting around I was very tired, never managed to catch any sleep in the lounge. So yes, the Lard Mobile service came in very handy.

New Delhi International Airport
Boarding Air India´s flight AI 332

New Delhi International Airport
Boarding Air India´s flight AI 332

New Delhi International Airport
Boarding Air India´s flight AI 332

New Delhi International Airport
New Delhi International Airport

New Delhi International Airport
Taxi to the runway

New Delhi International Airport
Waiting to take off

New Delhi International Airport
Another plane come in for landing

New Delhi International Airport
The plane is landing and the runway is clear for us to take off

I think I was asleep by the time we were airborne and I don´t remember anything from the flight. So I must have been asleep and when they come to wake me up we´re approaching Suvarnabhumi International. This was a comfy flight, not even time to enjoy a Diet Pepsi.

Not much people in the immigration and I was soon at the luggage claim. I booked an AOT Limousine and I went to buy a few bottles of Pepsi MAX and some milk on the way to the car.

Air India flight AI 332
Approaching Suvarnabhumi International

Air India flight AI 332
The highway that will take me home

Air India flight AI 332
So, just to pass immigration and to pick up my bag

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
In the taxi on the way back home

Air India flight AI 332
In the taxi on the way back home

Air India flight AI 332
In the taxi on the way back home

Nice to be back home again, even though I had have the time of my life. I had called my friend in the taxi and I will go for some boxing exercise tomorrow morning. And I will go to buy a video camera and a Canon lens tomorrow. And I will book a few days in Chanthaburi to look for the Brahminy kite to test my new lens and video camera. Click HERE to check it out.

Nya Moderaterna


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