OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Eastern Thailand

Friday 24 th of August 2018 and the taxi will be here to pick me up at 7 o'clock. I will go to Chanthaburi to have a look at the Brahminy kite in Chanthaburi. I had found the web page Top Things to Do in Chanthaburi, Thailand And item #12 got my attention: 12. Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village

So I called the Chanthaburi CBT Travel, a company I found on the internet and I booked two days with the Red Hawks as they call the Brahminy kite in Chanthaburi. I booked 2 nights at the D Varee Diva Rimnaam hotel in Chanthaburi. Plus a car and driver for 2 days as I want to go look for birds at the Khao Soi Dao Wildlife Sanctuary.

A place I found thanks to Nick Upton's excellent web page thaibirding.com by Nick Upton

Anyway, I asked for them to arrange for me to go yesterday, but I changed my mind. Coming back home from Europe and I bought a new video camera, the Panasonic HC-W585 and a new Canon Lens, Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens and I wanted to try them first. So the plan was to go to Suan Rot Fai yesterday morning to try my new equipment.

Fruit salad
Buying fruit

Fruit salad
Healthy food is coming up

Fruit salad
Fruit salad is ready

My alarm went off at 4 o'clock and it went of another 2 times before 4 thirty, But it was quarter to 7 when I woke up. A very quick shower and I skipped breakfast in order to make it to Suan Rot Fai.

A few almonds and hazzel nuts and a few sips from a Pepsi MAX and I was off. My belt is now full of equipment. My action Canon G7X, my new video camera, the Panasonic HC-W585. My ZOOM H5 Handy Recorder and my Canon Speedlite 600EXII-RT

And of course, a power bank. I get out and BOOM!! Bumper to bumper traffic and I will never make it to Suan Rot Fai

Sukhumvit Road Soi 23
Sukhumvit Road Soi 23 and I gave up the idea of Suan Rot Fai

Well, this is why you need to leave at 6 o'clock. But I wanted to try me new stuff so I gave Sukhumvit Road Soi 23 a chance. I just need to try the stuff and I will be back home in a jiff.

The first bird was a Spotted Dove, well, I saw another bird but the lighting was no good. A female Olive-backed Sunbird showed up and I got a few pictures. I was very happy with the new lens. The “extra” 100mm make a difference

Spotted Dove, Spilopelia chinensis, นกเขาใหญ่, นกเขาหลวง
First bird taken with my new Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens

Spotted Dove, Spilopelia chinensis, นกเขาใหญ่, นกเขาหลวง
Spotted Dove - นกเขาใหญ่, นกเขาหลวง - 23 August 2018
First bird taken with my new Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens

Spotted Dove, Spilopelia chinensis, นกเขาใหญ่, นกเขาหลวง
Spotted Dove - นกเขาใหญ่, นกเขาหลวง
First bird taken with my new Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM lens

Olive-backed Sunbird, Cinnyris jugularis, นกกินปลีอกเหลือง

Olive-backed Sunbird, Cinnyris jugularis, นกกินปลีอกเหลือง
Female Olive-backed Sunbird - นกกินปลีอกเหลือง

I walk back towards my condo and there is a Zebra Dove sitting on the wire. OK, just sitting there but I decide to try my new Panasonic HC-W585. Zooming in on the bird and I realised that the inbuilt anti shake thing would not help. And the video stabilizer in my PowerDirector didn't do much good to the experience. I was sea sick when I was finished watching the movie.
- Hey Twat! Why don't you buy a tripod?
- I already have a tripod, but no more space in my belt to carry stuff around.

I will practice with my camera, but I was kind of happy with the picture quality so this will be good if I can make videos without the shakes. I found a Male Olive-backed Sunbird back at my condo.

My first video with the Panasonic HC-W585

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove - นกเขาชวา

Zebra Dove, Geopelia striata, นกเขาชวา
Zebra Dove - นกเขาชวา

Olive-backed Sunbird, Cinnyris jugularis, นกกินปลีอกเหลือง
Male Olive-backed Sunbird - นกกินปลีอกเหลือง

My alarm went off at 4 but I didn't got out of bed until 6 twenty when the taxi driver called. World’s quickest breakfast and a quick shower and I was down on the parking lot just after 7. We left for Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam in Chanthaburi. We will make a stop at Bang Pra Non-hunting Area, in the Chonburi province.

We will pass the area on our way to Chanthaburi. Bang Pra Non-hunting Area is yet another birding site I found thanks to Nick Upton's excellent web page thaibirding.com by Nick Upton

7 Eleven on Sukhumvit Road Soi 23
7 is closed for the first time ever

We stopped at 7 Eleven for some refreshments for the trip to Chanthaburi. And I was surprised, the door didn't open and it was dark inside the shop. There was a notice on the door saying “ไฟดับ ”, black out and they could not open. Well, we will stop on the Bangkok - Chonburi motorway to buy the refreshments.

Light traffic as soon as we had put Bangkok behind and we were making good speed. We made a quick stop at the service point on the Bangkok - Chonburi motorway. I expect to be at the hotel in Chanthaburi between 12 to 1 o'clock so I don't have very much time to look for birds at Bang Pra Non-hunting Area

Pepsi MAX
Some refreshments for the trip

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Will be updated with pictures when I'm coming back here

We arrived to Bang Pra Non-hunting Area around 9 o'clock and according to the map on thaibirding.com there should be a parking lot. But we were stopped by a guy trimming the vegetation. He told us to drive back and park the car before the boom.

I spotted an Asian Openbill Stork sitting on a branch just next to the parking area. We walked along a bricked walk path and there was a lot of people fishing and there were some noise. But there were many birds. I saw that the taxi driver came walking after me and I was not happy about it. I want to be alone and quiet. But as with his friend, that use to take me birding, they are excellent in spotting birds

He pointed in to the bushes and he said that there was a big bird. I looked but I could not see anything in the dark. When the bird moved I saw that it was a Green-billed malkoha.

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Drive slowly our you miss the dirt path down to the Bang Phra Reservoir

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Drive slowly our you miss the dirt path down to the Bang Phra Reservoir

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
We could not continue on this dirt road

Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Bricked walk path

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Picture towards the north from the walk path

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Picture towards the south from the walk path

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Picture towards the north from the walk path

Green-billed Malkoha, Phaenicophaeus tristis, นกบั้งรอกใหญ่
Green-billed Malkoha / นกบั้งรอกใหญ่

Green-billed Malkoha, Phaenicophaeus tristis, นกบั้งรอกใหญ่
Green-billed Malkoha / นกบั้งรอกใหญ่

Green-billed Malkoha, Phaenicophaeus tristis, นกบั้งรอกใหญ่
Green-billed Malkoha / นกบั้งรอกใหญ่

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Common Kingfisher

Green Bee-eater - นกจาบคาเล็ก
Green Bee-eater - นกจาบคาเล็ก

Green Bee-eater - นกจาบคาเล็ก
Green Bee-eater - นกจาบคาเล็ก

Malaysian Pied Fantail, Rhipidura javanica, นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ
Malaysian Pied Fantail, Rhipidura javanica, นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ

We walk back to the car and we continue down the dirt road where we had not been allowed to drive. On the right side we have the Bang Phra Reservoir and on the left hand side we have a small pond. At least I think it is a pond as the area is covered with vegetation.

We make a quick walk down the dust road and we turn around, we need to leave or I will miss the kites in Chanthaburi. So we left Bang Pra Non-hunting Area. I had not had any time to explore the area so I will have to come back. A lot of birds but I had to “RUSH” through the area as we didn't had any time.

Maybe next holiday, December/ January and it will be cool and nice to walk around here. I have planned to stay in Thailand my next holiday. I'm kind of feed up with travels now, the older I get the more comfortable I am staying home.

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area - Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area - Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area - Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area - Asian Openbill Stork, Anastomus oscitans, นกปากห่าง
Asian Openbill Stork - นกปากห่าง

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Pond covered with vegetation on our left hand side

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
The lake on the right hand side

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
There are benches to sit down along the dust road

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
A Cormorant

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Walking back to the car

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Spider webs between the wires

Bang Pra Non-hunting Area
Spider webs between the wires

We were soon on the highway again and I was hoping for us to be in Chanthaburi before 12, but it is longer than I thought between Bangkok and Chanthaburi. We left the highway and we drove along road # 344 towards Chanthaburi.

We drove through the country side and it is beautiful to look at, same as back in the Bang Pra Non-hunting Area, and the rest of Thailand. Beautiful until you discover all the garbage that are thrown all over Thailand.

And as we were on the country side there were warning signs for wild elephant crossing the roads. And I was in the back seat looking out for elephants. I have only seen one elephant in Thailand and I would like to see one more, or many more.

Elephant crossing
Warning for elephants crossing the road

We reached road #3 and we turned left towards Chanthaburi. Highway again and no more elephant signs. We reached the hotel just before 1 o'clock. I was hungry and I had 2 hours before the car would come to pick me up. I checked in and I went to m room and I was pleasantly surprised, it was a very nice room. But this was expected when I pay 120 US per day.

My room was next to the river and as I was on the 4th floor I could see the birds in the tree tops outside my balcony. Yellow-vented Bullbulls and small Tailorbirds singing away. I had a shower and I went to the restaurant. Pleasantly surprised again. They had a proper tea pot and the food was OK.

So the hotel was OK and I will stay here again if I ever come back to Chanthaburi.

Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam, Chanthaburi
My hotel room at Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam, Chanthaburi

Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam, Chanthaburi
My hotel room at Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam, Chanthaburi

Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam, Chanthaburi
Many Yellow-vented Bullbulls in the trees outside my balcony

Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam, Chanthaburi

Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam, Chanthaburi

Hotel D Varee Diva Rimnaam, Chanthaburi
Proper pot of tea in the restaurant

The taxi was 15 minutes late and I asked the driver how old he was.
- 32 years old
- YEAH! Then you should know how to tell the time.

We leave for the boat that will take me out to see the Brahminy kites, called Red Hawks in Thailand. เหยี่ยวแดง เหยี่ยว= Hawk แดง= Red We stopped at a minimart to buy some drinks. Good to have if it gets hot on the boat.

We met the “Captain” and we drove to a park where the Captain would pick me up. We parked in the park and we could see the “Captain” coming down the river in the boat. And I was happy to see that the boat had a canvas. So there was a place to take cover if it would start to rain.

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village
“Captain” coming down the river

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village
“Captain” coming down the river

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village
Boarding the boat and the driver will wait for me in the park

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village
Steaming towards the Brahminy kites

We left the village behind steaming down the river and we could soon see the Brahminy kites. Captain had a bucket of small pieces of meat that he threw in the river and the Brahminy kites came to eat. Together of course with some black crows.

If you ever come here, unless you are a very experienced photographer of birds in flight, I strongly recommend at least 2 days. Most of the pictures went straight to the garbage as it is very hard to get the flying kites on picture. Well, to get them on picture is easy enough, but to get them in focus is another story.

Pictures or not, it was a beautiful day on the water and I enjoyed the sight of the Brahminy kites, a fantastic experience that I can recommend others to come and watch.

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village
Brahminy kites flying over the river

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village
Brahminy kites flying over the river

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Juvenile Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village
Gloom and grey for long as I could see

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village
Going back to the car

Visit the home of red hawks at Bang Chan Fishing Village
Going back to the car

Back at the car and we returned to the hotel. It had been a beautiful afternoon on the river and I'm already looking forward to tomorrow afternoon. And if you are thinking about coming here, I can really recommend it. You just follow the list below and you're soon on your way.

1) Book a hotel in Chanthaburi
The tour starts at 15:30 and you're back around 17:00 so you can make it by car back and home if you live in Bangkok

2) Find a travel company here in Chantanaburi that can book the boat. Or if you can find the number by yourself you can book direct with the boat man

Will I get better pictures tomorrow, click HERE to find out

Nigel Farage explains why gangs are torching Sweden (with Tucker Carlson)


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