OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland

Tuesday 14 th of May 2019 and I leave the hotel around 4 thirty driving towards the bridge to the mainland. I will start at Stora rör, a place not far from where the bridge ends on Öland.

09. Stora rör
Click HERE for information about Stora rör

I parked in the harbour and it is a few minutes’ walk to the bird watching platform. And it is really just overlooking the sea. A place for binoculars looking at the birds flying north in the spring and south in the autumn.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stora Rör
Today´s trail

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stora Rör - Black-headed Gull

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stora Rör - Grey Heron
Grey Heron

But it was a beautiful stretch of the western side of Öland. I spotted one Black-headed Gull foraging in the water. Of course, wagtails, if I had one ¢ for every White Wagtail and Chaffinch I would have been a millionaire by now.

I spotted the Grey Heron when I walked back to the car, the bird was on the other side and I decided to walk along the sea front to check out the bird. I could see another Grey Heron coming from the south flying at a quite altitude.

When the bird approached my new friend from the other side of the marina went out to say hello to the new heron passing. The bird made a few sounds flying around in the marina, most likely to mark territory, and the other heron continued towards north.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stora Rör - Grey Heron
My new friend the Grey Heron flying around over the marina

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stora Rör - Grey Heron
My new friend the Grey Heron flying around over the marina

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stora Rör - Grey Heron
My new friend the Grey Heron flying around over the marina

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stora Rör - Grey Heron
Landed on the breakwater

I walked along the sea front but when I came closer the heron took off and landed on the breakwater. Too far away for any picture. I walked back to the car and I knew that I would never come back here. I spotted a Goosander pair in the marina when I walked back to the car.

My eBird checklist from Stora Rör, click HERE

I drove back to road #136 and I turned left and I continued towards my next stop, Halltorps Hage. Halltorps Hage is #8 on Visit Öland´s web page.

08. Halltorps Hage
Click HERE for information about Halltorps Hage

Entering the nature reserve at the gate just across the road from the parking and there is a board walk in the the forest. I followed the orange coloured trail and it went through the forest and then I walked across a big meadow. The forest was full of birds, at least I could hear a lot of birds, not so many seen.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Halltorps Hage
Today´s trail

But it was a gorgeous morning and I really enjoyed the morning constitutionalYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stin the green. After crossing the meadow and I was back in the forest again. The board walk came to an end already before reaching the meadow.

But the trail was very easy to walk on and I could keep my eyes out for birds while walking. I spotted one Eurasian blackcap sitting in a tree and that was pretty much it before I came out on the sea front. The birds was easier to spot on the sea front, no trees to hide in.

Eurasian Blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla, Svart Hätta
Eurasian Blackcap / Svart Hätta

Eurasian Blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla, Svart Hätta

Common Redstart, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Rödstjärt

The last bird I spotted at Halltorps Hage was a Common Redstart / Rödstjärt. Not many bird pictures at this stop, but it had been nice walking around Halltorps Hage.

My eBird checklist from Halltorps Hage, click HERE

Next stop will be Kapelludden, #8 on Visit Öland´s web page. I will have to get over to the east side of Öland. Driving along the beautiful landscape and suddenly I run past a deer with a baby. Light traffic and I stop on the middle of the road to take pictures.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
3 deers on the meadow

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
With a new born baby

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
With a new born baby

Common Shelduck, Tadorna tadorna, Gravand
Female Common Shelduck / Gravand

Common Shelduck, Tadorna tadorna, Gravand
Female Common Shelduck / Gravand

Approaching Bredsätra and I spot 2 Common Shelducks on a roof top next to the road. Again, no traffic and I could stop on the road to get pictures. Reaching Bredsätra and I turn right and drive down towards to Kapelludden.

07. Kapelludden
Click HERE for information about Kapelludden

Parking the car at Kapelludden and I start by having a picnic breakfast / lunch in the car. I enjoy the picnic while studying the surroundings and it is a beautiful area.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Today´s trail

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden

Walking down to towards the marina and I could see thousands of gooses sitting on the fields south of Kapelludden. Coming down to the marina and there are a couple of people looking for birds. They told me that a White-tailed Eagle had passed just before I arrived.

We were talking about the Barnacle Gooses on the fields, there must be millions, well, not millions, but many many thousands of gooses on Öland. Suddenly the gooses were scared, the eagle? All of them took off and it was an impressive sight.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Barnacle Gooses taking off

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Barnacle Gooses taking off

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Barnacle Gooses taking off

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden - Common Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Charadrius hiaticula, Större Strandpipare

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Mute Swan is coming in for landing

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Mute Swan is coming in for landing

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Mute Swan is coming in for landing

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Mute Swan landing water ski style

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Mute Swan landing water ski style

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Safe on the water

I realized afterwards that I should have made a video instead of taking pictures when the gooses took off. A Mute Swan was coming flying straight at me when I was on the breakwater.

The swan is very impressive when they come flying and I never get tired of watching them land on the water. Water ski style and they are sliding on their feet with water splashing around them, a beautiful sight.

Walking back to the car and I spotted a female Common Redstart that I chased trying to get a picture. The pictures turned out to be sub-standard and as I could not find the bird again I left a little disappointed with my pictures.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden - Common Redstart
Female Common Redstart

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Church ruin

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Church ruin

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden´s Lighthouse
Kapelludden´s Lighthouse

Back at the car and I drove down to the lighthouse. There is a small parking area so I parked there and then I walked down towards the beach. Walk along the fence to the lighthouse garden. I would like to get in to the garden to have a look as I had been told that there should be a lot of birds in the lighthouse garden.

But there was NO ADMITTANCE signs all over the place and when I arrived there were two military polices there to check the area. The lighthouse area is obviously a military area. I walked down to the beach. I walked along the beach looking out for birds and there were some of the usual sea birds and waders.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden´s Lighthouse
Kapelludden´s Lighthouse

I walked back to the car and I left the area with a mental note to come back next time I´m on Öland. A beautiful area and well worth a visit if it is just for aYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stconstitutional.

My eBird checklist from Kapelludden, click HERE

Leaving Kapelludden and I was spotting a raptor sitting on a wire along the road. I stopped to take a picture but the bird took off. I started to chase after the bird and I ended up in the middle of nowhere. All the trouble and no pictures, but it was fun.

I was soon back on the road driving very slow towards Bredsätra looking for birds along the road.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Kapelludden
Raptor on the wire

I drive north and my next stop is #6 on Visit Öland´s web page. Petgärde träsk (Swamp) and I keep on the east side of Öland. It is about 15 km from Bredsätra to Petgärde träsk (Swamp) Took me a while to understand where the swamp was.

06. Petgärde träsk (Swamp)
Click HERE for information about Petgärde träsk

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Petgärde träsk
Today´s trail

Walking towards the tower and I could see the swamp coming out from the forest walking from the car. I walk over a meadow and then behind another forest. Climbing over the last ladder over the fence between the meadow and the forest and I sit down on the ladder.

I had spotted a Marsh Tit but the pictures went to the garbage bin as soon as the bird was identified. There was a Willow Warbler that I managed to get on picture. There were 2 bird watchers in the tower when I arrived. And a couple arrived a few minutes later.

A few bird watchers coming together and hot tips where exchanged. I was informed about a camping area with a nesting Long-eared Owl.

Willow Warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus, Lövsångare

Willow Warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus, Lövsångare
Willow Warbler / Lövsångare

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Petgärde träsk - White-tailed Eagle, Havsörn
White-tailed Eagle / Havsörn

Eurasian Penduline Tit, European Penduline Tit, Remiz pendulinus, Pungmes

Eurasian Penduline Tit, European Penduline Tit, Remiz pendulinus, Pungmes
Eurasian Penduline Tit / Pungmes

I was told that there were Eurasian Penduline Tits nesting in the area around Petgärde träsk, at least there were some old nests from last year. And I really wanted to see the Eurasian Penduline Tit. And we were so lucky to get to see one when we left the bird watching tower.

No good pictures and I left with a mental note to come back here again before leaving Öland. If the weather is nice that is.

My eBird checklist from Petgärde träsk (Swamp) - 14 May 2019, click HERE

The weather is nice so I decided to stop at Naturreservat Södviks Sjömarker. I was there yesterday but I could not get out of the car as the weather was very bad. So I made it my next stop on my way north. I will try to visit all 20 places on the TOP BIRDING SPOTS before I leave Öland.

05. Södviken - Naturreservat Södviks Sjömarker
Click HERE for information about Södviken

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Södviken - Naturreservat Södviks Sjömarker
Today´s track

I park the car and I walk down to the sea front. Passing the bird watching platform and I did not even bother to get up on the platform. The birds was very far away. I spotted birds but they were so far away and I did not even bother to take up my camera.

Two dead swans was everything I could see hundred meters away, and this wa snot exactly what I wanted to see. A waste of time to come here, but now I had done this area, a waste of time.

My eBird checklist from Södviken - Naturreservat Södviks Sjömarker, click HERE

Driving north towards Ölands Norra Udde, very bad weather the first time I was there and I want to go back to have a look. I will stop at Böda Harbour on the way. So I was driving north and I was looking for a place to buy ready-made sandwiches for picnic lunch. I pass Högbystoppet and there is a flag saying: Engelholms Glass, Skånsk Gräddglass.

I stood on the brake and I went in to the minimart. I bought two ice creams and some ready-made sandwiches.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Högbystoppet, Engelholms Glass, Skånsk Gräddglass
You just have to stop when you see this flag

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Högbystoppet, Engelholms Glass, Skånsk Gräddglass
Högbystoppet have Engelholms Glass, Skånsk Gräddglass

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Högbystoppet, Engelholms Glass, Skånsk Gräddglass
Högbystoppet have Engelholms Glass, Skånsk Gräddglass

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Högbystoppet, Engelholms Glass, Skånsk Gräddglass
The first ice cread disappears like an Aspirin

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Högbystoppet, Engelholms Glass, Skånsk Gräddglass
I bring the second ice cream in the car

Böda Harbour turned in to a favourite already at the first visit and I will stop there on my way to Ölands Norra Udde. I want to see if I can come closer to the Ruff.

02. The Bay of Böda and the Böda Harbour
Click HERE for information about Böda Harbour

I was here yesterday and I had spotted a SMOKED FISH shop. I saw that the shop was open and I have planned to eat smoked salmon for lunch. So my ready-made sandwiches will be saved for dinner tonight. But I started by checking out the beach for waders, especially ruffs.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - The Bay of Böda and the Böda Harbour
Today´s track

Northern Wheatear, Oenanthe oenanthe, Stenskvätta

Ruff, Calidris pugnax, Brushane

Ruff, Calidris pugnax, Brushane

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - The Bay of Böda and the Böda Harbour

I bought smoked salmon in the fish shop and I enjoyed the salmon sitting at the outdoor tables. I was happy to have seen the Ruff yet again otherwise not any pictures.

My eBird checklist from The Bay of Böda and the Böda Harbour - 14 May 2019, click HERE

I start to run out of time as I had planned to go see the Long-eared Owl before driving back to Hotel Skansen in Färjestaden. One more stop, Ölands Norra Udde (The northern head of Öland) before going south again. It was bad weather when I visited Ouml;lands Norra Udde yesterday.

Great weather today so I look forward to walk around the lighthouse looking for birds.

01. Ölands Norra Udde (The northern head of Öland)
Click HERE for information about Ölands Norra Udde

Arriving to the parking area at Ölands Norra Udde and instantly, I knew it would be a bad visit as there were several tourist busses on the parking area. Walking across the bridge to the lighthouse and I spotted on Eider having a rest on a rock.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Ölands Norra Udde
Today´s track

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Ölands Norra Udde

I spotted a male Blackbird sitting in the top of a tree coming across the bridge. Singing beautifully and I tried to make a video of the bird. As I suspected, the area was full of tourists and they were everywhere. And none of them seemed to be out to look for birds or enjoy the nature as they were a not sneaking around. And of course, no birds to be seen.

But I was happy with my Common Blackbird video and it was a gorgeous afternoon. I saw a few warblers and Yellow Wagtails behind the light house keepers dwellings.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Ölands Norra Udde
Lighthouse and light keepers dwellings

My eBird checklist from Ölands norra udde - 14 May 2019, click HERE

Walking back to the car and I was in a hurry, the Long-eared Owl are in the sought of Öland and I want to reach before it is getting too dark for any pictures. I discover that the Long-eared Owl area that had been recommended to me in the bird watching tower was site #13 on Visit Öland´s webpage. So I have done one more site by the time I´m back at Hotel Skansen in Färjestaden.

13. Stenåsabadet and Stora ören
Click HERE for information about Stenåsabadet


Some respect for the owner and the guests at the camping. I will not say where the owl is, have been nesting there for 5 years so it is there to stay. But ask the owner and he will be more than happy to show you.

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stenåsabadet and Stora ören
Today´s track

By the time I arrived to Stenåsabadet it was almost 7 o´clock in the evening. It was still daylight so I could take picture. I just have to find the Long-eared Owl. I had been given a pretty good description by my new friends in the bird watching tower back at Petgärde träsk.

I got out of the car and it didn´t take long for me to discover the Long-eared Owl. Perching in a tree and the bird was not scared as it have nested here for several years. And people are coming from all over Sweden to have a look at the owl.

I could see one of the babies in the nest. The light was not very good as I had the sun against me and I decided to be back here again, and early morning when the sun is coming in from the other direction. And I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully get better light.

Long-eared Owl, Asio otus, Hornuggla

Long-eared Owl, Asio otus, Hornuggla
Long-eared Owl / Hornuggla

Long-eared Owl, Asio otus, Hornuggla
Long-eared Owl nest with baby

Long-eared Owl, Asio otus, Hornuggla
Long-eared Owl nest with baby

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stenåsabadet and Stora ören - Common Wood Pigeon, Columba palumbus, Ringduva

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stenåsabadet and Stora ören - Common Wood Pigeon, Columba palumbus, Ringduva
Common Wood Pigeon / Ringduva

Birding/ Bird watching on Öland - Stenåsabadet and Stora ören - Common Wood Pigeon, Columba palumbus, Ringduva
Common Wood Pigeon / Ringduva

My eBird checklist from Stenåsabadet - 14 May 2019, click HERE

Driving back to Hotel Skansen in Färjestaden and I kept my eyes out for Pheasants and Grey partridges along the road back to the hotel. I had been on the “GO” 15 hours. I enjoyed my ready made sandwiches that I bought for picnic lunch was enjoyed in my room before going to bed. Alarm set to go off at 3 thirty tomorrow morning. Click HERE to find out if I found any birds.


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