OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Bird watching in Tiveden

Friday 3 rd of May 2019 and I leave for Tiveden National Park quarter to 6 and I start the birding at 06:01 delayed because I had to scrape is of the car windows. 2° below zero and it was cold and I cannot say that I was looking forward to the bird watching.

Bird watching in Tiveden
Ice on the car windows

Bird watching in Tiveden
Ice on the car windows

Bird watching in Tiveden
2° below zero

Tucker: Trump calls Democrats' bluff on illegal immigrants

I started at the Vitsand and it was cold and no sign off any birds. I drove to the main gate and there was snow in the forest. I also drove past a fresh wolf or Lynx turd on the gravel road on the way to the main gate.

I didn´t see any Capercaillies today. When I reached the main gate I parked the car and I wentYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stout to look for birds, for a few minutes and I was back in the car turning on the heat. Darn! It was cold.

It had gone from summer to winter over night.

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park
Cold and it is smoking from the lakes

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park
Cold and it is smoking from the lakes

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park
Cold and it is smoking from the lakes

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park
Wolf or lynx poo on the road

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park
Driving through a white forest

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park
Driving through a white forest

Bird watching in Tiveden National Park
Driving through a white forest

Back in the car and I drove around the parking to get some pictures from the car. I spotted the Song Thrush and several Chaffinches and Blackbirds. I came up with an idea, I will bring the bird seeds that I have bought and I will pour it on the parking lot.

I filmed the Common Chaffinch and the Eurasian Blackbird while they were looking for food, and the Blackbird looked very funny throwing the leafs around and I enjoyed watching them.

Song thrush, Turdus philomelos, Taltrast

Song thrush, Turdus philomelos, Taltrast
Song thrush / Taltrast

Common Chaffinch looking for food

Common Blackbird looking for food

I will do a medical examination in Örebro at 13:00 and I will call my Guide so we can decide on a time to meet at Kvismaren Nature Reserve after my appointment with the Doctor. I stopped at Kvismaren Nature Reserve on the way to the Doctor so I knew the way to get there.

Kvismaren Nature Reserve

Kvismaren is one of central Sweden’s most important breeding grounds for wetland birds. It is also an important resting-place for many birds migrating during spring and autumn. Today the area is included on the UN list of valuable wetlands.

The nature reserve is situated about 14 km southeast of Örebro and approximately 14 km east of Kumla. The nature reserve can be reached from several different directions. There are signposts from road 52 between Kumla and Odensbacken and on road 207 between Örebro and Odensbacken. The main entrance is at Öby kulle, in the centre of the nature reserve.

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
How to find Kvismaren Nature Reserve

Coming from north on highway E20 and you can take the road #207, but then you have to drive through the city of Örebro. So continue a wee bit more south and leave E20 and get on road #51.

If you drive north on highway #20 you exit at road #52 and continue until you see the signs to Kvismaren Nature Reserve. You only need to turn one time, a turn to the left and there are signs.

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
You reach the bridge across Kvismare Kanalen

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
You reach the bridge across Kvismare Kanalen

Öby Kulle

Kvismaren is a large area with many observation points, paths and bird towers. Öby kulle is the focus of the area, with toilets, barbecue and an information hut that is usually manned during spring weekends.

Many water snakes and vipers can be seen at Öby kulle when they emerge from their hibernation holes deep in the hill. This occurs on the first warm spring days when the ground has thawed.

Öby Kulle is world famous for its snakes and there are warning signs at the bridge. There are parking areas and a bird hide and one bird watching tower. Coming from the north and the parking is on the left hand side before the bridge. You park the car and walk to the bird watching tower.

If you cross the bridge you have to turn right and there is a parking and a hide / watching platform. And it is a perfect picnic place as there are tables on the look-out terrace. For bird watching it is OK, but for pictures, not so good as you are very far away from the birds. But I really recommend a visit just to have a look at the beautiful area.

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
Parking at the bird hide / watching platform

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
Board walk to the bird hide / watching platform

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
The bird hide / watching platform

Map and iformation from Länsstyrelsen, IN ENGLISH! Click HERE

It was not hard to find Kvismaren Nature Reserve and I parked at the hide/ platform and I went to have a look. It was beautiful area, but also disappointing. The bird was very far away from the platform. I had one male Common Reed Bunting sitting in the reeds singing, I got a recording of the song and a few pictures. The bird was a wee bit too far away for any good pictures.

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
View from the platform

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
View from the platform

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
Mute Swan

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
Greylag Goose

Kvismaren Nature Reserve
Greylag Goose

Common Reed Bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus, Sävsparv
Common Reed Bunting / Sävsparv

Common Reed Bunting, Emberiza schoeniclus, Sävsparv
Common Reed Bunting / Sävsparv

Listen to the Common Reed Bunting
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

Recorded with my ZOOM H5 Handy recorder. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity

Single bird sitting in the reeds below the look-out platform

I drove out on the fields and a lot of gooses took off. I turned around and I drove back to the road. I didn´t want to disturb the birds, especially as they had babies. But there was no sign saying that it was not allowed. I walked back out and now I spotted a sign saying bird protection area along the walk path to the bird watching tower.

I left Kvismaren Nature Reserve and I drove to Örebro for my medical examination and I will meet my guide back at Kvismaren Nature Reserve at 14:15 As I was disappointed with the photo opportunities at Kvismaren Nature Reserve we decided to go to the Sörön Nature Reserve.

Sörön Nature Reserve

Sörön nature reserve, whose impressive oak and elm forest attracts many bird species and songbirds that breed in holes. A good time to visit Sörön is during the spring, when there is a carpet of wood anemones.

The areas that are grazed today were formerly cultivated. There are many traces of the old cultivation landscape, such as foundations of buildings, earth cellars, stone walls and cairns.

The wetlands also contain several unusual plants species that thrive in the nutrient-rich environment, such as lesser bullrush, mare’s tail, water soldier and sweet flag. The area is also home to many types of dragonfly. Every year, around 200 bird species visit the area. Many of them are rare, but a few more or less regular visitors are red-footed falcon, great reed warbler, corncrake, common quail, great snipe, turtle dove, Savi’s warbler, Lapland bunting, White-tailed Eagle and peregrine falcon.

Kvismaren is an important resting place for migrating birds such as cranes and geese and on autumn evenings large flocks fly into the area to spend the night. It is almost primeval, and a magnificent spectacle to hear and see thousands of birds coming in to land at dusk.

It is a few minutes’ drive from Sörön Nature Reserve to Kvismaren Nature Reserve. When I was there they did some construction on the bridge just before reaching Sörön Nature Reserve and we had to make a d-tour and this added 10 minutes to the trip.

Sörön Nature Reserve

Sörön Nature Reserve
Signs to find Sörön Nature Reserve

Sörön Nature Reserve
Leaving the road and it is a gravel road until the Nature Reserve

Sörön Nature Reserve
Leaving the road and it is a gravel road until the Nature Reserve

Sörön Nature Reserve
First parking after having passed the farm

Sörön Nature Reserve
The last stretch of gravel road to the last parking lot

Sörön Nature Reserve
Parking lot at the nature reserve

I was there two times and I heard the Tawny owl both times. I could also hear the Eurasian bittern. Never saw any of the birds, and we never spotted the Black Woodpecker that I had come to see.

I never got to see the Black Woodpecker but there was plenty signs of the bird as they like to peck the bottoms of the trees.

There is a trail taking you around the nature reserve and it is about 2.1 km long. I can really recommend a visit to the Sörön Nature Reserve. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy the bird song.

We stop at the first parking and we walk down to the parking at the nature reserve. We see Reed Buntings, Yellow Hammers and Eurasian Sparrows while walking to the nature reserve.

Sörön Nature Reserve
Sörön Nature Reserve

Sörön Nature Reserve
Black Woodpecker have been looking for food

Sörön Nature Reserve
Walking around the nature reserve

Sörön Nature Reserve
Walking around the nature reserve

Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus, peewit, pewit, tuit, tew-it, green plover, Tofsvipa
Northern Lapwing / Tofsvipa

Northern Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus, peewit, pewit, tuit, tew-it, green plover, Tofsvipa
Northern Lapwing / Tofsvipa

We leave Sörön Nature Reserve and we drove to the Great Grey Owl Area. We stopped to buy some picnic lunch dinner on the way. We roll down the hill towards the small private road we had been yesterday looking for the owl.

BOOM!! We see the Great Grey Owl Area sitting just next to the road. I slide out of the car and I go to get some pictures. The owl is sitting just a few meters away from the road.

Great Grey Owl, Strix nebulosa, Lapland owl, Lappuggla

Great Grey Owl, Strix nebulosa, Lapland owl, Lappuggla
Great Grey Owl / Lappuggla

Great Grey Owl, Strix nebulosa, Lapland owl, Lappuggla
Great Grey Owl / Lappuggla

Great Grey Owl, Strix nebulosa, Lapland owl, Lappuggla
Great Grey Owl / Lappuggla

Finally, some luck with the owl. The owl was sitting on a box looking for food. Listening and looking around by turning it´s head. Suddenly the owl took off flying just above the ground landing on a mouse on the other side of the road.

Lying flat on the ground and it looked like the owl was trying to suffocate the mouse. Suddenly the owl took off again carrying the mouse / rat and across the road and in to the forest to eat the mouse. Well, 7 o´clock in the evening and we drove back to Hamgården Nature Resort Tiveden.

I will come back here to morrow again to see if I´m lucky with the owl again. Click HERE to find out if I see the Great Grey Owl again.

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