OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Skåne

Friday 17 th of May 2024 and my alarm was set to go off at 4 o'clock, but I woke up at 2 o'clock.

My suitcase is gone, and with the suitcase my tea cup. But I made tea and I had to use a small cup while having my breakfast.

I studied www.artportalen.se that they had spotted a pair of Black-winged Stilts at eBird hotspot: Klingavälsåns utlopp at Lake Vomb, south of Skåne. Will take me about an hour to drive there.

It is a gorgeous morning and I drive through a beautiful landscape.

Gorgeous Skåne
Beautiful Skåne

Gorgeous Skåne
Beautiful Skåne

Gorgeous Skåne
Beautiful Skåne

Gorgeous Skåne
Beautiful Skåne

I stop to fill up gasoline when I reach Eslöv. I take the opportunity to buy SNUS and some refreshments as well before I continued.

I leave Eslöv behind and it is not long to go to Klingavälsåns utlopp at Lake Vomb. I take off the paved road and I end up on a gravel road and I reach a parking area after 100 meters.

There were a couple of cars parked so I was not alone to come have a look at the Black-winged Stilts in the wetlands along the stream.

I started the eBird app at 12:03 and as I missed the NO ENTRY WITH CARS sign I drove along the stream called Klingavälsån until I reached the wetlands on my left hand side.

I had the stream on my right hand side and the road after the parking lot was not more than a dirt track. So I was a wee bit worried how the track would end.

Will I be able to turn around or do I need to back all the way back to the parking lot.

Bird watching at Klingavälsåns utlopp at Lake Vomb, Skåne
Many birds in the wet land

There were several hundreds of the Greylag Gooses and many Mute Swans. I pass a group of bird watchers staying at the fence next to the dirt track.

I stop and ask them if they had seen the Black-winged Stilts. I had already given up the idea, the wetlands and the birds were too far away and a huge binoculars would have been required.

I reach the end of the dirt track and as I had feared, not possible to turn around so I had to put the car in reverse and navigate on the small track going backwards.

And I had to go in reverse almost all the way back to the parking lot. But I came to a place where I could turn around. Reaching the parking lot and I stop my eBird app.


eBird Report

Klingavälsåns utlopp, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
May 17, 2024 12:03 - 12:41
Protocol: Traveling
2.88 kilometer(s)
9 species (+1 other taxa)

Greylag Goose 500
Mute Swan 28
Mallard 5
Northern Lapwing 3
Common Tern 1
tern sp. 14 Too far away for proper ID. At least 14 on a small grass area in the pond. Looking to have nests
Red Kite 2
Common Magpie 2
Eurasian Jackdaw 4
Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S175026884

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Bird watching at Klingavälsåns utlopp at Lake Vomb, Skåne
Today's track at Klingavälsåns utlopp

I start do drive back to my cottage. I will go to make a medical examination in Båstad at 7 o'clock in the evening. I went to pick up some meat to bring to my brother. We will have some BBQYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbefore I leave for the Doctor in Båstad.

I fire up the grill first thing and I am assisted by my nephew while my brother is picking up my niece at school.

The food was excellent and it did not take long to finish all the meat. Meat only so I was full and I felt good. Eating fries and all the other extra just makes you feel bad after eating.

BBQ in Skåne
Meat on the grill

BBQ in Skåne
Meat on the grill

I drove north on the highway and I passed Båstad continuing towards north. I have some time to kill and I will look for birds at the beach in Skummeslöv.

You can drive on the beach so I hope to see some birds foraging on the sand next to the sea.

Coming down on the beach and the first bird I see is an Hooded Crow and after 50 meters or so I spot two Common Ringed Plover.

Bird watching in Skummeslövstrand, Skåne
Common Ringed Plover

Bird watching in Skummeslövstrand, Skåne
Common Ringed Plover

Bird watching in Skummeslövstrand, Skåne
Common Ringed Plover

Bird watching in Skummeslövstrand, Skåne
Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail

Bird watching in Skummeslövstrand, Skåne
Skummeslövstrand, Skåne

Bird watching in Skummeslövstrand, Skåne
Eurasian Oystercatcher

Bird watching in Skummeslövstrand, Skåne
Eurasian Oystercatcher

Bird watching in Skummeslövstrand, Skåne
Driving along the beach

I turn off my eBird app and I restart it again after having changed the hotspot. Both hotspots have the same name: Skummeslövsstrand . Continuing towards the north along the beach and I am soon spotting one Eurasian Oystercatcher.

I see more hooded crows and wagtails, otherwise there was no birds and I left Skummeslövstrand behind. Driving to Båstad and I still had some time to kill so I drove through Båstad. My plan was to drive to Kattvik to see if there were any birds.

Reaching Kattviksvägen and I started my eBird app. Driving along Kattviksvägen keeping my eyes on the rocks in the water and I am soon stopping to try to get pictures of some Great Cormorants sitting on the rocks.

There are also some Great Black-backed Gulls sitting on the rocks.

Bird watching in Kattvik, Skåne
Great Cormorant

Bird watching in Kattvik, Skåne
Great Black-backed Gull

Bird watching in Kattvik, Skåne
Great Black-backed Gull

Turning around when I reach Kattvik and when I am back in Båstad there are still time to visit the eBird hotspot: Båstad Marina .

Gorgeous evening and there were plenty people in the marina, and the restaurants looked to be full. Friday evening and I suspect that there will be a few drunk people today.

There were quite a lot of birds, mostly gulls/ terns too far away for proper ID.

Bird watching at Båstad Marina, Skåne
Black-headed Gull


eBird Report

Båstads hamn, Skåne län [SE-12], SE
May 17, 2024 06:28 - 06:39
Protocol: Traveling
0.88 kilometer(s)
8 species (+1 other taxa)

Mute Swan 9
Black-headed Gull 2
Common Gull 5
gull/tern sp. 30 To far away for proper ID. Most likely Black-headed Gulls and Common Terns
Great Cormorant 4
Hooded Crow 2
Barn Swallow 3
House Sparrow 1
Pied Wagtail/White Wagtail 1

View this checklist online at https://ebird.org/checklist/S175106115

This report was generated automatically by eBird v3 (https://ebird.org/home)

Bird watching at Båstad Marina, Skåne
Today's track at Båstad Marina

I leave the Doctor at 7 thirty and I drive back to my rented cottage. Update from previous medical examination, no need to wear glasses. I discussed my eye sight with the Doctor after that we had found out that I could read without glasses.

I have been diabetes free for two years and he told me that this could improve my eyes. I wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthappy, and disappointed at the same time. Now I have bought so many “cool” glasses. So, what to do? Maybe change the lenses for ordinary glass.

Straight to be when I was back at my rented cottage with my alarm set to go off at 4 o'clock.

Saturday 18 th of May 2024
and my plan is to go down south in Skåne today again. I will visit Revinghed just next to the eBird hotspot I visited yesterday.

I made a stop in Eslöv again, filling gas and buying refreshments. Revingehed is a huge military exercise area and there are many eBird hotspots.


is a military training area located at Revingeby approximately 20 kilometers east of Lund in southern Sweden. Revingehed is one of the largest military training areas in Sweden. It includes 4,600 hectares of forest land and open water. The area is primarily used by the South Scanian Regiment (P 7), which is also located adjacent to the training area.

Revingehed covered approximately 20 hectares in 1887, but was expanded to 100 hectares in 1888. During World War II, the training area was expanded to 1,000 hectares. Since the South Scania Infantry Regiment (I 7) was reorganized into the armored South Scanian Regiment (P 7), the training area was expanded to 4,400 hectares, and with it became Sweden's largest armor training area.

The training area was put into use in 1888 and is often used for large military exercises, but over the years has also been used for other purposes. At the end of World War I, Revingehed had to house foreign prisoners of war waiting for them to return home.

There are many hotspots so I used the GENERAL AREA hotspot in my eBird app. Revingehed is a beautiful area and it was pleasant to drive around. Many of the dirt tracks were closed for NON military traffic so this was a wee bit disappointing.

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Eurasian Jackdaw

Toxic food

There are cattle on the open fields, but no Cattle Egrets. But a lot of Rooks all over the fields, so many so I gave up counting them.

And there are Eurasian Jackdaws all over the area. Both the Rook and the Eurasian Jackdaw are very shy so it is not easy to come close for pictures.

But I managed to get a few pictures. And we had Red Kites flying in the area. I have seen alot of Red Kites, but not one single Common Buzzard.

Otherwise the buzzards are all over Skåne. And many of them!

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Red Kite

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Red Kite

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Red Kite

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Red Kite

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Red Kite

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Red Kite

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne

Leaving Revingehed and I drive along the highway and after a couple of minutes I spotted a group of Common Woodpigeons in the field and I leave the highway getting on a dust road.

I see one Eurasian Skylark on the dust road but the bird takes off when I approach. A little later there was another Eurasian Skylark looking to have a sand bath on the road. I took several pictures through the windshield.

The bird refused to move and I was afraid to run it over. I was relieved when the bird took off and I was very happy when it landed next to the car.

I think this is the first ever Eurasian Skylark that is not scared for me. I could get a few good pictures and the pictures through the windshield went to the garbage.

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Eurasian Skylark

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Eurasian Skylark

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Eurasian Skylark

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Eurasian Skylark

I reach a dead end at a farm and I turn around. Getting up on a dirt track and I drive in to theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stwilderness. I am in a hurry to get out of view as I am almost peeing my pants.

I stop and I threw myself out of the car, and of course, a car is coming an dit is the land owner. I tell him that I am here to look for birds and he say that it is OK.

He disappears to go give his cheaps water and I can finish my business.

I spot one Common Cuckoo, to far away for any good pictures but I give it a try. I play the cuckoo sound on the car stereo and the bird come closer. Now there are two cuckoos flying between the trees next to me.

Always covered by the foliage so no pictures, but I got a recording.

Bird watching at Revingehed, Skåne
Common Cuckoo

Listen to the Common Cuckoo
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

My luggage never arrived with my flight so no recorder. I had to use my mobile phone. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

At least two cuckoos seen flying between the trees.

Back ground birds that can be heard on the recording. Thanks to Mike Crawley that ID the Blackbird and Willow Warbler

I start to drive back to my rented cottage and I stop to report a Grey Heron that was flying next to the road. Stopping to fill up my e-cigarette and I discover that I have lost my pouch with my e-liquid. This was for sure not making me happy.

I drive back to look for my pouch and I cannot find it. So, I lost an hour and worse, my e-liquid is gone and drive to Hässleholm, to buy e-liquid at a shop I found on the internet.

Leaving the vape shop and I decided to go back to where I started this morning, or to Billing where I dropped off one hitch hiker to go look for my pouch.

Lucky, I found my pouch and at the same time I received an email. Seems like they have found my luggage. They wanted my phone number but they never called back so I decided to go buy new clothes on my way to my brother.

I will go to eat ice cream with his children, but as I had lost many hours driving around looking for my pouch it was too late when I reached his house. I had stopped to buy clothes on the way as well. No news from the airport and I need to change my clothes.

And on top of this there had been an accident on the road and this did not make me reach any faster. A car had crashed in to the wires between the lanes and there were fire trucks and ambulance blocking the road.

Road accident in Skåne
Road accident

Road accident in Skåne
Road accident

So, we will have to have the ice cream tomorrow, something I am looking forward to. EngelholmsEngelhols GlassGlass, the best ice cream I have ever had and I have not have had it for a very long time now.

But now it was 7 o'clock and time to go to bed. I spent 30 minutes before I drove back to my rented cottage and I was soon in bed with the alarm set to go off at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning. Engelholms Glass of bust!

Sunday 19 th of May 2024
and they call from Copenhagen Airport. They cannot deliver my suitcase before my departure to Bergslagen tomorrow morning.

Strange, they usually deliver immediately when they get the bag. Well, what do I know, it onlyThai Airways lost luggagehappened to me once. But it seems like they do things different in Copenhagen and I was disappointed.

So, my suitcase will not arrive until 23rd of May so I went to buyThai Airways lost luggageanother shirt, underwear and socks.

I will stay in the forest for a couple of days so some clothing is required. Seriously, why on earth are they not delivering my bag, should be top priority for them when their passenger don’t have any clothing.

My brother is not home when I arrive so I go to the Supermarket to buy sausages and stuff for my road trip tomorrow. Going north without sausages from Skåne is a BIG NO NO and my friends will get upset.

Of course, they want sausages from Skåne now when they have the chance.

I brought my groceries to my cottage and I drove back to my brother. My youngest nephew and I were soon on our way to get ice cream.

Ice cream from Skåne

Ice cream from Skåne

Ice cream from Skåne

Ice cream from Skåne

We sitt down on a bench and I throw the cone on the ground when I finish my first ice cream. And it does not take long before the jackdaws arrive to the scene.

I want to have a second ice cream, but darn, there is a lot of people. Never seen so many people here before and I was surprised.

But I enjoy watching the jackdaws while waiting for the people to disappear. I make a sound recording of the birds that I will upload to Xeno-canto and eBird when I am back in my rented cottage in the evening.

Listen to the Eurasian Jackdaws
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

Remarks from the Recordist

My luggage never arrived with my flight so no recorder. I had to use my mobile phone. High Pass Filter applied with Audacity.

8 Jackdaws eating from an ice cream

Jackdaw eating ice cream
Eurasian Jackdaw

Ice cream from Skåne
I decided to have a second

Ice cream from Skåne
I decided to have a second

We left and I regret to have had two ice creams, one should have been enough. Well, it is not often I have a chance for some good ice cream.

Back in the cottage and I had evening tea while waiting for my laundry to be ready. I have prepared most of my things and I will leave for Jönköping to pick up my friend.

We will continue north to visit another friend and we will stop in Tiveden to make som BBQ in the national park. Click HERE to find out how it goes.


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