“Aladdin's adventure on board Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior was updated with new and bigger pictures during March '14 while on board Roy Maersk”
I also update with a few names I found on the internet while looking for information about the Mediterranean Tour 2006.
I usually never put names on my web page, but these names were all over the internet so why not?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006

Monday 10 6 th of July 2006 and we had an extra look out on our watch. One of the Greek volunteers wanted to do a night watch....
- That's the spirit we are looking for!
... before leaving in Piraeus. Was it because of our pasta nights? The whole ship knew about them and it was the talk of the town. We even had complains but nothing we took too seriously. Well, anyway, I was happy to have the Lebanese Doctor on watch. She did an excellent job showing our Greek volunteer the equipment on the bridge.
I will always owe her a thank you for that, and there is a special place for her in my heart.HeartI hope that there is no angry brother reading this.

Our Italian Campaigner spent the night on the bridge and, well, we had planned for a festival of rejoicing with Spaghetti di Campione del mondo by our Cuoco di Notte. But our exult turned out to be a meal spiced with sorrow and distress as this is the last night for our Italian Campaigner, he will leave us in Piraeus.

Well, instead of a Spaghetti Campione del mondo we got a Spaghetti di Triste per Ultimo Pasto diSmileySmileyNotte mancare di Campaigner Straordinario. As usual we had our meal camping style and we were served by our Campaigner.

The Spaghetti was very delicious and I don't know how we will manage from now on. For sure, the watches won't be the same after he leaves us in Piraeus.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Greek volunteer wanted to stay on one watch before leaving us

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Greek volunteer wanted to stay on one watch before leaving us

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our beautiful Doctor doing a hell of a job showing him the ropes
Of course, he wanted to do a watch with me, beautiful girls and the best pasta Cook in the world on my watch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our beautiful Doctor doing a hell of a job showing him the ropes
Of course, he wanted to do a watch with me, beautiful girls and the best pasta Cook in the world on my watch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
She is so sweet
Of course, he wanted to do a watch with me, beautiful girls and the best pasta Cook in the world on my watch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
She is so sweet
Of course, he wanted to do a watch with me, beautiful girls and the best pasta Cook in the world on my watch

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our friend making Spaghetti di Triste per Ultimo Pasto di Notte mancare di Campaigner Straordinario
Thai is something like Pasta “The sad last night with our to be missed extraordinary Campaigner”

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our friend making Spaghetti di Triste per Ultimo Pasto di Notte mancare di Campaigner Straordinario
Thai is something like Pasta “The sad last night with our to be missed extraordinary Camapigner”

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our volunteer/ Assistant Cook having a sandwich

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our fantastic Doctor is everywhere helping

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our fantastic Doctor is everywhere helping

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Coming on the bridge with the pasta

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Coming on the bridge with the pasta

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Time to eat our last “middle of the night” pasta

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Time to eat our last “middle of the night” pasta

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
It is hard to enjoy the last “middle of the night” pasta

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Last pasta with our friend

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our extra watch man enjoying middle of the night food

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Last pasta with our friend

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Doctor will miss the night time pasta routines

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Hands in the pocket while on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Rosita comes for her watch at 04:00

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Italian volunteer/ Assistant Cook

Our Greek volunteer thinks he takes a picture

I will forever remember him for teaching me the name of Huey, Duey and Louis (Knatte, Fnatte och Tjatte,hmm, eller om det var Tjatte, Knatte och Fnatte) in Italian. Qui, Quo and Qua. That means here in Latin. Well, you got me going there and when I'm at it, Donald Duck is Paperino.

We changed course at 04:30 and now we steered towards the bridge between Ákra Ríon and Ákra Andírrion. This was pretty much the last thing I did on my watch. I had time to call Rio Traffic on VHF CH 14 and I told them that we had 12 NM to go before arriving to the bridge.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
I was sleeping, but Roger Grace took this picture when we passed Návpaktos

Our Canadian Outboard Mechanic knocked on my door at 11:20. He told me that they wanted me on the bridge. They had stopped to pick up the Journalist and Photographer at Návpaktos during the morning while I was sleeping so there were new people on board when I came up from bed.

When I came to the bridge we were approaching the jetty in Aíyion.
- Are we going alongside? I asked.

I had expected us to be anchored and I was not unhappy about going along side. Maybe I could go ashore. And talk about a warm welcome. There was something flying around us and several boats with smokes and fire. And we could see the people waiting for us on the jetty.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Something is flying around us

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Smoke and fire when we arrive to Aíyion in Greece

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Smoke and fire when we arrive to Aíyion in Greece

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Ready for arrival on the poop deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Videographer ready for arrival to Aíyion

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
People are waiting for us

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
People are waiting for us

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
People are coming on board Rainbow Warrior to have a look

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Greek volunteer showing people around while we're having lunch in the mess room

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Greek volunteer showing people around while we're having lunch in the mess room

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Having lunch in the mess room

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Having lunch in the mess room

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Having lunch in the mess room

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Having lunch in the mess room

We had all fast at 11:55 and I went ashore with our Webbie at 12:30. There were plenty people waiting on the jetty and when the gangway was down there was a rush of people coming onboard for a peek on the ship. We were going to stay as long as our Greek/ Swedish girl held the press conference with 32 Mayors in the restaurant next to the jetty. This can't take very long so we were in a hurry to get to town to buy supplies.

We got held up by some visitors that wanted a picture of me. I asked for a picture of them and then I asked if they could arrange a TAXI.
- Are you going by TAXI? Our Webbie asked.
- Of course, we have no time to waste.
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our new Greek friends

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Original picture uploaded 2006

When I'm coming to a new city I feel better with one of the locals to take you around, and if it'sGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006in the comfort of a TAXI, very good. We should be back at 14:30 for departure at 15:00.

Well, our visitors on the left hand picture called us a TAXI and the guy in the orange t-shirt showed us around the town. Two of them had a Swedish mother so they spoke Swedish

I bought some DVD writable so I could burn my pictures for some of the people leaving us in Piraeus. We also stopped at a supermarket so I could buy someYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st“ Freshness ” on spray both for me and my cabin. So far I had to clean my cabin with soap for hand cleaning.

OK, I will most likely be doomed to be called a NAZI for as long as they can rememberGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006me for bringing this onboard. But who cares? They use vinegar for cleaning. Have you smelled a shower washed with vinegar? It makes you more than motion sick. But as they say, it saves the environment, butthen they pour Metal Brite over the ship to make it look nice.

Flipper have been swimming belly up after us since Singapore, and it's not because of the smell from the vinegar.

I had an argument about my spray with our Webbie in the Supermarket. She could not believe that I was going to buy the cleaner, but I just told her:
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006- Now you shut up or I go home and buy myself the biggest American car I can find. At least 2,5 litres of Super duper gasoline per mile.

This was an argument she could not win and I never heard anything about it again. We found a taxi and we were soon back on the jetty again. We went to have a look at the press conference and it was still going on. So we will not leave for a while.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Coming back on board Rainbow Warrior and I felt like handling contraband taking onboard my new “forbidded” stores.

We left Aíyion at 1510 and when we had left we could not find our Italian Campaigner. But he turned out to be on the toilet so we could continue our journey to the Corinth Canal.

We have one Journalist and Photographer more than when we left Assos and the Photographer haveGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006to live in my cabin, but it's only for one night and I hope that we arrive to Piraeus 4 in the morning. So I will never have to see him in MY cabin.

Before going ashore I found a yellow box in the mess room and obviously it's our Italian Radio Officers birthday today. How many of these birthdays are there going to be?

I had brought many socks but now I was running very low on socks. All theseBirthday party on board Rainbow Warriorbirthdays and a pair of socks is a great gift. Lucky I brought new socks, a pair of used socks isn't a very great gift. I put my last pair of socks in the box.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Departure Aíyion - Piraeus next via the Corinth Canal

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Departure Aíyion - Piraeus next via the Corinth Canal

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Departure Aíyion - Piraeus next via the Corinth Canal

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Aíyion - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Departure Aíyion - Piraeus next via the Corinth Canal

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Taking pictures of our chart

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Wrapping gifts for our Radio Operator

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
And now she is in my cabin

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Is she drunk or not?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Dinner waiting for the Radio Operator to open the gift

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
A Penny for your thoughts

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
French volunteer having her dinner

I was actually present in the mess room at the dinner even though I didn't eat anything. Not even the cakeand I'm proud of myself, with all right. But it was fun with the socks.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stI had lost track on how many birthdays we have had, but it have been a few pair of socks going down the “Birthday box”

Socks again, someone thought (remember my master plan) it was the same pair circulating. They even tried to figure out who was guilty for giving the socks.
- There is a Greek label on the socks. (Easy to mistake Russian fro Greek)
- My birth day was before arriving to Greece, the Australian girl said.
- But our Greek crew arrived in Genoa, someone said.
- It’s not the Greek Goddess because she borrowed socks from me, our Spanish deckhand said.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Finally, time to open the gift box

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Finally, time to open the gift box

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
The socks, the best gift ever

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
The socks, the best gift ever

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Having cake

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
How many fingers do I hold up?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
Chief Mate steering towards the Corinth Canal

Well, I'm out of grey socks and next time I have to give a pair of slightly used socks. Now I'm up to deck so we can pass the Corinth Canal.

Well, when I came out of my cabin at 9 o'clock I could hear them dropping the anchor. There was a convoy coming from the other way and we will enter after 11 o'clock. Hmm, we miss the daylight, I hope the full moon is enough.

It was pitch-dark when we heaved our anchor around 11 o'clock. The pilot came onboard some 15 minutes later. The whole crew was on deck to see the Corinth Canal. Well, we missed the daylight and my pictures are not as good as I had wished for I wished for.

I need to use a few of Roger Grace's pictures as my pictures turned out to be nothing but useless

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior defending our Mediterranean 2006
2nd Engineer enjoying the sunset when approaching Corinth - Picture by Roger Grace

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Moon is coming up over Corinth - Picture by Roger Grace

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - Picture by Roger Grace

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - I think this picture is by our British Photographer Nick Cobbing

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - I think this picture is by our British Photographer Nick Cobbing

Well, I think I will have to throw in a few of my own pictures to make it a wee bit more exciting

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Doctor and Videographer on monkey island while passing the Corinth Canal

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - The adventure of a life time and she looks gloomy

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - At least they look happy

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - Easy there Cowboy

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - Everything to impress the girls

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - Excited to pass the Corinth Canal

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - What is this? Rainbow Warrior's new hot couple?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - What is this? Rainbow Warrior's new hot couple?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal - What is this? Rainbow Warrior's new hot couple?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Passing the Corinth Canal

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our British Journalist/ Photographer Nick Cobbing

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Webbie

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Monkey island full of photographers

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Roger Grace and our British photographer on Monkey island

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our Italian girl are very excited to pass through the Corinth Canal

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Our World Famous photographer from New Zeeland

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Enjoying the Corinth Canal from deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006
Monkey island full of photographers

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior passing the Corinth Canal - Defending our Mediterranean 2006

We were out of the Corinth Canal just after midnight and now we have a few hours to Piraeus. This is something we look forward to so just click HERE to follow Rainbow Warrior's adventure in Piraeus. Maybe we can find a beer or two in Piraeus/ Athens.

Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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