“Aladdin's adventure on board Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior was updated with new and bigger pictures during March '14 while on board Roy Maersk”
I also update with a few names I found on the internet while looking for information about the Mediterranean Tour 2006.
I usually never put names on my web page, but these names were all over the internet so why not?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore

Tuesday 9 th of May 2006 and pilot was ordered for 0900. We had singled up in good time but 0910 we got the news that pilot was changed to 10:00. It was very hot on deck and I went down to my cabin while waiting for the pilot. I sent some e-mail and I listened to Swedish radio on the internet. Now we don't know when we have internet the next time.

At 0930 they called me:
- Pilot is onboard!
The departure wasn't much to write home about. 2 stern lines and 1 spring and the rope were the size of a shoestring. Hmm, maybe a little bigger but it was just to pull them in and we were ready to leave in a few second. We left the jetty behind @ 09:50 bound for the Immigration anchorage where the Immigration will come onboard and stamp our passports. We had to drop anchor for about 45 minutes and the Immigration Officer came onboard with a small boat.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Waiting for the Pilot

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Waiting for the Pilot

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Waiting for the Pilot

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Waiting for the Pilot

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Rainbow Warrior leaving Singapore

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Rainbow Warrior leaving Singapore

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Rainbow Warrior leaving Singapore

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Bosun from New Zeeland dropping the anchor at the immigration anchorage

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Bosun from New Zeeland dropping the anchor at the immigration anchorage

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
The crew washing deck while at the immigration anchorage

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
The crew washing deck while at the immigration anchorage

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Bosun showing the new crew how the sails are working

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Leaving immigration anchorage in Singapore

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
Captain on the bridge when leaving immigration anchorage in Singapore

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in Singapore
One of our Deckhands, volunteer from India

We have a small anchor winch on the Fo'c's’le. This is the smallest anchor chain I have ever seen. You could pull it out by hand, but as the English teacher uses to say:
- Well, as long as it works.
Yes, and it does. We put 3 shackles in the water. Visit my web ship for all about shackles andPorky, The Human Balloonanchors. I'm a little concerned about my exercise. I'm used to a few hours walking every day. Here is no space to do the walking, well, unless you care to walk up and down the 5 meters on deck. But I will have to come up with something. There are girls onboard and I can't walk around looking like Porky The Human Balloon.

Everything is small onboard, hmm, except maybe me. But this is what we are going to change now because I must look good at the arrival to Italy. It looks like we're going on a promoting tour in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. I don't want to appear on TV, but if (by accident) someone caught me with a camera I don't want them to think that we have a walking Yokohama fender on Rainbow Warrior. I can just imagine the horror, children are crying and viewers are screaming: HEY! Yoko is on the telly!

We left the Immigration anchorage at 11:40 and we dropped the pilot at 12:12 and we changed course to West. It was a hot day with a wind blowing force 3 from SSW.

After lunch we had a meeting on deck in front of the bridge. All the new and the rest of the crew were informed about the piracy in Malacca Strait and off the coast of Somalia, where we will pass in a few weeks.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
The bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Some of the crew waiting for the meeting to start

Greenpeace's crew on board Rainbow Warrior
The Green Team

After the meeting I took a picture of the crew, it turned out nice except for the Chief Engineer. We can hardly see him sticking up his head behind the rest of the crew.

We worked our way west through Malacca Strait with a speed of around 9,5 knots. It's not very fast, but who's in a hurry? Well ask me again in 3 or 4 weeks.

Wednesday 10 th of May 2006
and there were plenty ships around us when I came on my watch at midnight. There was thunder and lightning around us, but there was no rain until a few minutes before we got of our watch at 4 o'clock. The two deckhands on my watch were lucky. We have two man on pirate watch while passing the Malacca Strait, one looking out aft and one in front of the bridge. We were lucky and there was no sign of any pirates.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

I was relieved by our Chief Mate when we passed Port Dickson in Malaysia andToastI was off to our mess room for a few toast. Hopefully the last “ after night watch meal ” on this trip.

We don't want to see Mr. Yoko (Porky The Human Balloon) on the telly. They forgot to call me for my afternoon watch and I woke up by a knock on the door at 12 o'clock.
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior- It's 12 o'clock.

I got out of my bed, no time for a shower. And by now we know that I need a hot shower to wake up. I got dressed and 2 minutes later there was a new knock on the door.
- It's over 12 o'clock!

I was still drowsy when I came on the bridge. Captain told me that they had forgot to call me and he asked if I wanted to go eat my lunch.

I said no as I still had the picture of Mr. Yoko (Porky The Human Balloon) fresh in mind. And I'm aiming for a V-shaped torso.
- I'm on diet, better handsome and hungry than going around looking like a Yokohama fender.

I relieved Captain just when we were leaving the One Fathom Bank TSS . The weather was gloomy and grey and the crew was washing the ship when I came on my watch and Rainbow Warrior willGreenpeace's Rainbow Warriorsoon look like new.

Just after 3 o'clock we passed a palm tree in the middle of Malacca Strait, our Chief Engineer was on the bridge drinking coffee and he thought it was a man standing on something. But it was a palm tree coming towards us.
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior

3rd Engineer/ Electrician told me later on that he had been in the mess room drinking coffee with the rest of the crew when he had seen the palm tree passing outside the porthole. He could not believe his eyes. No one of the crew believed him when he said:
- Look there is a palm tree, he had said pointing out of the porthole.

After my watch we put up the new safety plans that we got in Singapore. They were bigger than the old safety plans so we had to order new frames as well. Now we had to attach them on the bulkhead with screws so they don't fall down in bad weather.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Washing on deck

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Our Spanish volunteer doing something in the forward mast

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Our Spanish volunteer doing something in the forward mast

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Practicing to making knots

I was busy with this work until 5 o'clock when I went to the ECR to get our FW and bunker figures for the noon report. While sending the noon report I sent an e-mail to my friend and I asked forGreenpeace's Rainbow Warriorthe times and frequency for Radio Sweden.

I could not help thinking about MV Pegasus, aE-mailpretty new ship and no e-mail onboard. Here we have e-mail and no one is complaining when sending e-mail.

And no one is hungry on a Greenpeace ship, or as it says in the mess room:
The Cook is happy to replace anything missing in the refrigerator.

When I was ready with the noon report I went to my cabin where our 3rd Engineer/ Electrician were waiting with his new hard drive. He wanted the pictures I had taken in Singapore and when we were ready it was time for dinner.

Thursday 11 th of May 2006
and still in Malacca Strait when I came on my watch at midnight. We had nice weather the whole watch. But when our reliever came to relieve us at 0400 there were some rain on the radar, same as yesterday. We're on pirate watch both aft and forward of the bridge during the dark hours until we are out of Malacca Strait.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Looking out for pirates

During the afternoon the crew continued to wash the deck and I was studying a little about sailing. I had never been sailing before, well, except a little optimist dinghy. And once I sailed my friend's sail boat after much nagging. They had been on me for a long time that sailing was the only real thing to do on the sea. Going by engine is for landlubbers etc.
- You are not a real sailor until you have been sailing, blah - blah- bla and there was nothing stopping them. Actually, quite tiresome listening to the trite

I joined them for a tour in the archipelago outside Gothenburg. I was sailing the boat back to portSalty Sailorand when we came close to the port this two salty “ sailors ” told me that we had to go by the engine.
- We cannot sail in to the berth, they told me.
- We must use the engine in the port! They said almost wetting their pants.
- Don't touch the sail, now we're sailing, I said.

We had the wind from behind and I had the sail standing out 90° from the boat so we made full speed. We were going to berth between two other sailboats and when we were just about to reach our berth I told them to take down the sail and I changed course 90° to the right. We came in between the two sailboats while my friends were screaming in fear. There were people sitting drinking coffee on the sailboat moored on the left side of our berth. They were screaming and crying and I'm sure they had to change their underwear.

We glide in to our place. The screaming and pissing their pants people in the sailboat next to us started to applause and scream of fear was instantly turned in to scream of admiration
- Make fast the boat, I said and I got off the boat.
- I don't want to hear anything about real sailors and stuff again, I said when I was off the boat.
They had never asked me to sail again.

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
French volunteer washing on deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Spanish volunteer washing on deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Spanish volunteer washing on deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Busy washing deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Busy washing deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Busy washing deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Busy washing deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Busy washing deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Busy washing deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Busy washing deck

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
Our “Attack boats” get cleaned as well

Cleaning Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior
View from our bridge (Click picture for a bigge picture)
Well, as we can see my skills in Photomerge left a lot to wish for 8 years back.
Of course, I didn't save the pictures so it is impossible to re do it now when I have gained more skills on photomerge

After my afternoon watch Bosun showed us a little on how to use the sail and I sat my first real sail ever. It was fun and ISailinglearnt a lot about sailing. I had always thought that the wind should blow away the boat. But our sail works as a wing on the airplane and can push us forward even when the wind is coming from an angel less than 90° to the ship. 0° is forward and 180° is aft. We have 4 sail onboard: Jib, Forward sail, Main sail and the Mizzen and today we worked with the jib, but the other sail works in the same way.

When I have time and I know more I will update my web ship with a little section about sailing, this could be fun. But first I must learn a little about sailing.
- Hmm, if I ever learn more about sailing that is!

Greenpeace's sailing school on board Rainbow Warrior
We learn to sail
Björn o J, detta är riktig segling, inte som er jolle.
Oj vad ni sketpå er när jag sladdade in på kaj platsen på Salthomen. Byxorna fulla på noll komma fem!

Greenpeace's sailing school on board Rainbow Warrior
We learn to sail
Björn o J, detta är riktig segling, inte som er jolle.
Oj vad ni sketpå er när jag sladdade in på kaj platsen på Salthomen. Byxorna fulla på noll komma fem!

Greenpeace's sailing school on board Rainbow Warrior
We learn to sail
Björn o J, detta är riktig segling, inte som er jolle.
Oj vad ni sketpå er när jag sladdade in på kaj platsen på Salthomen. Byxorna fulla på noll komma fem!

Greenpeace's sailing school on board Rainbow Warrior
We learn to sail
Björn o J, detta är riktig segling, inte som er jolle.
Oj vad ni sketpå er när jag sladdade in på kaj platsen på Salthomen. Byxorna fulla på noll komma fem!

Greenpeace's sailing school on board Rainbow Warrior
We learn to sail
Björn o J, detta är riktig segling, inte som er jolle.
Oj vad ni sketpå er när jag sladdade in på kaj platsen på Salthomen. Byxorna fulla på noll komma fem!

Greenpeace's sailing school on board Rainbow Warrior
We learn to sail
Björn o J, detta är riktig segling, inte som er jolle.
Oj vad ni sketpå er när jag sladdade in på kaj platsen på Salthomen. Byxorna fulla på noll komma fem!

Greenpeace's sailing school on board Rainbow Warrior
We learn to sail
Björn o J, detta är riktig segling, inte som er jolle.
Oj vad ni sketpå er när jag sladdade in på kaj platsen på Salthomen. Byxorna fulla på noll komma fem!

Greenpeace's sailing school on board Rainbow Warrior
We learn to sail
Björn o J, detta är riktig segling, inte som er jolle.
Oj vad ni sketpå er när jag sladdade in på kaj platsen på Salthomen. Byxorna fulla på noll komma fem!

Det luktade ju fan i mig beckbyxa på Salholmen i flera veckor efter det äventyret!

Well, it was fun and when we were ready it was almost time for dinner and we watched a movie after the dinner. Well, I gave up after 2 hours and I went to my cabin.

My cabin is very small, maybe 4 m³. But as I said, it was a pleasant surprise that I had my own cabin. I don't have my own shower, but I can learn to live with that. Well, believe it or not, but it's soon midnight again and time for my watch. We will retard ships time by 1 hour during my watch.
Anyway, I'm off but I see you tomorrow!Smiley
My cabin on Rainbow Warrior
My cabin
Well, as we can see my skills in Photomerge left a lot to wish for 8 years back.
Of course, I didn't save the pictures so it is impossible to re do it now when I have gained more skills on photomerge

My cabin on Rainbow Warrior
My cabin
Well, as we can see my skills in Photomerge left a lot to wish for 8 years back.
Of course, I didn't save the pictures so it is impossible to re do it now when I have gained more skills on photomerge

Friday 12 th of May 2006
and we were still in Malacca Strait when I came on my night watch. But the extra watch was withdrawn and I was alone with my deck hand from India. He's working for a human right organization in Bombay. He just finished law school and he only needs 1 year of work to become a layer, or to get his license.

He had been a volunteer in Greenpeace for a few years by now. He told me that they had been in Alang 1999 and that they had chained themselves to a ship going for scrap on the beach. I was glad that they didn't chain themselves to President Jefferson when we delivered her to Alang with Master Cody. That's what I like with Rainbow Warrior, all the Deckhands are from all over the world. You meet Doctors, Sheppard and all kind of people joining the ship because they want to save the environment.

We retarded ship time by 1 hour at 0200 and it was very nice when the clock finally became 04:00

Deckhands on board Rainbow Warrior
Our Bosun and our 3 volunteer Deckhands

When I came on my watch at lunch we had left Malacca Strait behind and we steered 269°(t) towards Sri Lanka. It was nice weather and our Deckhands were busy on deck chipping and painting. The ship has to look nice at arrival to Italy.

Well, the ship isn't the only thing that's going to look good at arrival to Italy. Everyone asks me why I don't eat lunch.
- I only eat dinner, this is “ Aladdin's looking good 2006 ” tour.

I spent the afternoon correcting charts and taking pictures of the crew while they were working with the chipping hammers aft of the bridge. It was very comfortable on deck in the cooling wind, but as soon as you came in lee it was hot like BIP .

At 1630 it was time for a fire drill and this was the first time some of the crew ever held a fire hose, so it was more like a familiarization. Tomorrow we will have another drill again.

All the excitement makes the time go fast and it was soon time for dinner.
- BIPPING BIP it's hot, I thought while eating my salad
Our AC broke down and it was quickly becoming very hot and humid, not so hot but humid. I hope they manage to repair the AC before soon.

I was sitting in my cabin and the boredom drove me silly so I went out on deck. I came out just when our Radio Officer had caught a tuna fish. He was cleaning the fish when I came and true to my habit I had my camera in my back pocket.

Deckhands chipping and painting Rainbow Warrior
Deckhands busy painting and chipping

Deckhands chipping and painting Rainbow Warrior
Deckhands busy painting and chipping

Deckhands chipping and painting Rainbow Warrior
Deckhands busy painting and chipping

Fire drill on board Rainbow Warrior
Fire drill

Fire drill on board Rainbow Warrior
Fire drill

Fishing on board Rainbow Warrior
Our Radio Operator caught a Tuna

I had received e-mail from my friend with Radio Sweden's timetable and frequencies. So I Malmö FF will soon be tuned in to Radio Sweden and I can follow Malmö FF in the Swedish soccer table. I wasGreenpeace's Rainbow Warriorvery disappointed after their visit to Kalmar, but that is all forgotten now.

But it was nice to see all the beautiful girls from Skåne come to see the game.

Well, I ended up next to a girl, yeah, she wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stgood looking. She wasn't from Skåne , but she had probably moved to Skåne from some godforsaken place in Sweden and now she was supporting Malmö FF.

She really tried to speak Skånska and she tried to imitate the supporters from Malmö. Yeah, I can't help it but there was a tear rolling down my cheek and she got 5 out of 5 points for trying. This is the spirit we're lookingSkåne flagganfor. OK, honestly, it wasn't very sexy when she tried to speak Skönska, förfärligt var det!

But beware! This is a true story and the only reason why I haven't told you this before is that it is an unbelievable story. But it shows also that you can't be sure of anything in life. Of course,Greenpeace's Rainbow Warriorshe cannot fool a real Skåning, but let's say that I had been from Göteborg, then I would have returned home telling everyone that I had meet a “real” Skåning.

While on my IMDG course in Sweden my friend called me when I was on the way home from school.
- We're drinking beer at Krögers! Come here!
There were all kind of people showing up, among other people a Skånepåg from my course. He told me a story about a counterfeit Skåning.

He knew a guy that had moved to Skåne from Stockholm when he was 6 years old something. His parents had put him at a speech trainerGreenpeace's Rainbow Warriorand today he speak Skånska like a real Skåning. A counterfeit Skåning, who would have believed that?

Our Cook was busy cleaning the Tuna our Radio Operator had caught. The RadioYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stOperator was very happy when he caught the tuna.

And Aladdin is Aladdin and I could not help myself, I just had to ask him.
- Isn't this why we're here, to save the Tuna?

Well, I'm off to read a book that I found the other day and then I'm off for my watch at midnight and a new exciting day.

Saturday 13 th of May 2006
and Bay of Bengal was like a mirror when I came on my watch at midnight. I really enjoy my watches standing on the foredeck in the cool breeze with the full moon. Otherwise I spent my watch listening to Eddie Meduza. The crew likes Eddie very much, but I'm lucky they don't understand the lyrics. I don't know if they would have appreciated Eddie's philosophy regarding some parts of the life. But as it is in Swedish we can enjoy the music together.

The day was the same, no wind for sailingSmiley sailingand I had been going through all the trouble bringingGreenpeace's Rainbow Warriormy NEW sailing shoes. The ones I bought in Brazil, and yes, I bought them the very same day I meet Miss Beautiful in Itajai.
My heart still beats a little quicker when I think of her.

Our Radio Officer and a Deckhand, a biologist from Spain, were busy with the fishing, but they had no luck today. The fish were lucky I guess.

And yet again, I could not help myself and I just had to ask them:
- Aren't we on the way to the Mediterranean to save the tuna?
Well, there is a difference between fishing with drifting nets several km long and trying to catch fish with a fishing rod.

Fishing on board Rainbow Warrior
Trying to catch fish

Fishing on board Rainbow Warrior
Trying to catch a fish

After dinner I finished the movie we had started in the afternoon and the 3rd Engineer and I started a new movie again. But this was a real low water mark and I left for my cabin.

After writing a few words on my web page I went to the bridge for a talk with Captain and our Spanish biologist. It was a beautiful night with full moon and the Bay of Bengal was like a mirror. We talked about the good old days in India. The time turned quick and it was soon time to brush my yellowSmiley brushing teeth on Rainbow Warriorand go and relieve Captain at midnight

Sunday 14 th of May 2006
and, well, it would have been nice with a stop now. Promoting Greenpeace in Sri Lanka so we have time to go to the beach, but I think I have to wait until Italy before coming ashore. But I'm saving money while staying on board

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stIt's Sunday and the crew are off. So they spend the day with a ping pong tournament in the cargo hold. Rainbow Warrior is an old fishing boat so there is an old cargo hold they used for the fish. And they have a ping pong table in the hold

Ping Pong tournament on board Rainbow Warrior
Playing Ping Pong in the cargo hold

Ping Pong tournament on board Rainbow Warrior
Playing Ping Pong in the cargo hold

We are also storing charts in the hold and I was on my way forward to do a little chart work. They asked if I wanted them to move.
- NO no, I do this tomorrow instead, I said

I took a picture of them playing and ISmiley washingleft with my fresh washed laundry, we also haveRainbow Warrior music mixthe laundry machine forward under the Fo’c’s’le.

I returned to my cabin, I had plenty music to sort out. Captain knew a DJ in Goa and heRainbow Warrior and Greenpeace musichad made some “Trance” mixes. I copied them and now I had to sort out which music to keep and which music to send to the recycle bin.Smiley recycle bin

I spoke with the Radio Officer today and he will give me my pin code so I can call on the satellite phone. I will call to Sweden and see if there are any unpleasant bills. I expect a real killer from AMEX, but we're used to this by now. After dinner I asked around if someone wanted to see a movie. I didn't receive the respond I had expected.
- Are you crazy?! It's watching the sunset time on deck.
- Ohh!

I was sitting there like the village idiot. This reminded me of India again, everyone went down to a pub on the beach. I forgot the name, but everyone were dancing and listening to RAVE music until the sun had disappeared when the place went pretty much empty. But there were places elsewhere, but that's another story.

The whole crew was sitting in front of the bridge talking watching the sunset while I was wasting mytime like a moron in front of the TV watching a movie called Jarhead.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Sunset with Rainbow Warrior
Sunset on the Indian Ocean

Sunset with Rainbow Warrior
Sunset on the Indian Ocean

Sunset with Rainbow Warrior
The crew on deck watching the sun set

Sunset with Rainbow Warrior
Chief Mate watching from the bridge

Sunset with Rainbow Warrior
Chief Engineer on deck

Sunset with Rainbow Warrior
Chief Mate watching from the bridge

Sunset with Rainbow Warrior
Our HERO has the time to watch the sun set between stupid movies

Sunset with Rainbow Warrior
Our HERO has the time to watch the sun set between stupid movies

The movie was a total waste of time and I felt stupid. But they were still on deck when I came back from the movie and we talked away the time and it was soon time to go for a shower before relieving Captain on the bridge. I'm out of here! Rock on och Hip Hop på er!

Monday 15 th of May 2006
and the wind increased during the night. It changed from SW to SSW, almost head on. I called my friend in Sweden, I haven't received any e-mail, and I have only received e-mail from 1 guy. When I called he asked why I haven't sent my Rainbow Warrior e-mail address to him.
- I have sent several e-mails, I said.
He had not received a single e-mail and I gave him the e-mail over the phone (turned out to be the wrong address).
- Hmm, that explains why I haven't received any e-mails. Otherwise there use to be plenty.

As mentioned I have only received e-mail from one friend and I relayed my other e-mails to my friends through him. So let's see how this turns out, worst case scenario: I have to chain myselfGreenpeace's Rainbow Warriorto the Radio Operators cabin until the problem is rectified.

When I came on my watch at lunch it was blowing force 5 - 6 from almost dead ahead, speed about 7,5 knots. One of ourYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stvolunteers was seasick, but I hope that this will go over soon.

Otherwise there wasn't much happening, I could not enjoy my tea after the dinner because of the movements. I went to bed instead and I dreamt that we saved 4 big whales and I woke up at 21:30. 2 and a half hour to kill before going for my watch at midnight. Time for a movie?

Tuesday 16 th of May 2006
and we didn't made very much speed during my night watch. Rainbow Warrior was jumping up and down in the waves.

During the afternoon the wind changed from W to SSW and back to W. We did a little more speed that during the night. I was a little cranky, I would like to have started my day with tea, but it's not possible to enjoy the tea when the ship is jumping up and down.

Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
Closing down the hatches on deck

It started to rain in the afternoon and we had to close the hatch down to the engine room so we didn't fill the engine room with rain water.

During the afternoon our Radio Operator made our bridge iPod ready. He had made an amplifier that he connected to our loudspeakers on the bridge. Now it's just to connect the iPod to the amplifier and we have the music blasting high on the Richter scale.

Before we had a pair of Altec Lansing computer loudspeakers, well (as our English teacher would have said), they were good but now it's better and better is best.

Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
Making the bridge iPod ready

Our French volunteer writes a blog on Greenpeace's French web page, so if you have a good command of French pop by for interesting stuff. After dinner I gave her some pictures that I had taken during the trip. She wants to put the picture of the crew on her blog.
While our French volunteer was picking pictures our Bosun came by. He caught sight of the pictures from Singapore.
- Wow!! Beautiful girls!!!

We were soon ready with the pictures to our French Volunteer and Bosun asked if he could read my web page.
- Of course, I said.
He was flipping through some of the pages and when he had turn back a few pages I could see that he was disappointed.
- It's only ships! Where are the girls?
- Where is your credit card?

Wednesday 17 th of May 2006
and we had just passed Sri Lanka when I came on my watch at midnight. Me and my watchman from India were talking about the meaning of life and stuff. We were sitting in the sofa on the bridge and I was pissing and moaning.
- Its really a drag getting old, I said
- Why? You're having your own home, a job and you look good (By now I was moving a little bit further away) and you have done everything you wanted to do.

I became in a good mood, I really have a good life. I told him that I'm reading a bookRainbow Warrior on the Indian Oceanabout people going once a year for a month of holiday to the sun. I can live like that for 6 months if I want.

Before going off my watch I walked a lap around the bridge and I measured the lap to about 25 - 30 meters. I will try to start my walking tomorrow night

During the afternoon our Bosun climbed the mast with 2 of our Deckhands. While preparing themselves we saw a shoal of big tuna fishes around the ship. Darn! I never managed to get them on the picture. I have been stand-by the whole afternoon on deck with my camera trying to catch flying fishes, but so far I have only managed to catch the big blue. Now I missed all the tunas jumping in the water.

When we were finished watching the tunas they entered the mast (I stayed on deck to substantiate the event). I really don't like heights so I stay on deck.

Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
Preparing to go up in the mast

Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
Preparing to go up in the mast

Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
Ready to get up the mast

Yet another stupid slide show on www.aladdin.st

Climbing the mast on board Rainbow Warrior

When they came down from the mast I went to my cabin to check out the pictures and I also had time to write a few words on my web page before dinner. Today it's my time to clean up the messSmileyroom so I have to wait until everyone is ready before I can start cleaning the mess room.

SmileyThe sooner I'm ready the sooner I can be on deck walking and burning calories. YouRainbow Warrior on the Indian Oceanhave to suffer if you want to look good. I have to do the floor and maybe some of the dishes, should go pretty quick, I hope.

I was on deck at 19:00 and I walked until 21:30, 150 minutes of walking around the bridge. When I was ready I went down to the mess room to refill my water bottle. Some of the crew was sitting there talking. The crew really looks forward to the action at arrival (I'm looking forward to chain myself to a night club). The off signers in Singapore wished me lots of fun when they left. I'm not used to that the off signers wish that you have fun. But the crew really thinks it’s fun.

Everyone onboard has been taken by the police, except me, and in this case it's a good thing to have been arrested. We can do one of our experiments again, hang on, this can be fun! Pick one of the two following subjects for your next Christmas dinner.
- NO! You're only allowed one subject.

Subject #1: I got arrested and thrown in jail when I was running dope.

Subject #2: I got arrested and thrown in jail when I stopped ACME Ltd from dumping toxic wasteRainbow Warrior on the Indian Oceanin the river.

During the day fighting with the police and in the evening there are representatives from the government coming onboard for a visit together with BBC and local TV channels.

When they have open days there are schools and children coming with drawings and other gifts for Greenpeace. Rainbow Warrior is full of cuddling toys from children and visitors. Dahlia Lama has been onboard. So have Fidel Castro, well, he could have stayed home.

Well, I'm off to chain myself to a night club! I have actually done this one time before a few years ago when I was a youngBack in the dayshandsome lad.
- PLEASE! PLEASE! Take us down the Memory Lane!
Well, we haven't had a “ Back in the days ” warning for a long time, so maybe it's time again.

I don't remember if I had just signed off a ship the very same day, but I was out drinking beer with my friends in Gothenburg. 2 of my friend called on the phone.
- HEY! We're in Discoville with our sailing yacht! COME HERE! Here are millions of bars and discos.

What the BIP? Summer and a sailing yacht in Discoville. I made up a picture of this in my mind, we're sitting on the fore deck on a big yacht drinking beers with millions of beautiful ladies, bars and discos in every corner. I didn't hesitate but my friends in Gothenburg didn't want to join me.

I got a case of beer from my friend and I called a taxi, Discoville is a one or two hours taxi rideRainbow Warrior on the Indian Oceannorth of Gothenburg. The taxi arrived and I opened the door, the beer case broke and all my beers came rolling out. The street was full of Carlsberg beer cans and I stole a big plastic tray out side a convenient store and filled it with the cans.

When I finally made it in to the taxi I told the driver to take me to Discoville and we left with full volume on the entertainment center and an open beer can in my right hand.

It was late, but I was in a good moodwhen we arrived to Discoville, we had made several stops on the wayfor bothSmileythis and that. Very nice to arrive and I still had a few beers to carry, but I could put them on my friend's yacht.

Now it was time for party, but was Discoville ready for my moves? I was soon to find out. And according to my friend I was not going to be disappointed.

I had to take a ferry the last 200 meters to the city of Discoville. OK, I got a little low-spirited when I arrived to the other side with the ferry, no people around and no sound of music.
Low-spirited, this was nothing compared to what I got when I saw their “Sailing yacht”. What the fåck!!?? This must be a mistake, even though I was dead drunk I would not call it a yacht. At best it could be called a skiffSkiff

- Hey! Where the fåck are all the fåcking discos and bars? I screamed from the jetty
I had spent millions on this trip and it turned out to be a, what the fåck! I was furious. We had had a good time in Gothenburg and now this.

- There is a place up the road, they said.
- It better be good, I said.

We entered the place and I don't know how it happened, I usually go as far away as possible fromMy movesdance floors, but now I was up there doing some of my moves (not even the best ones). Buthips were shaken and arms were swinging when I (all by accident) touched the owners bum with one of my hands.

The owner, a 160 years old lady, turned randy. A young male in its prime making a pass (her interpretation and wish) is not exactly everyday food for her.

An anti sexual harassment action was called for and I gave it a real thought.
- What's the best way to get attention for my cause?
I ended up in front of the entrance door, I could not find a chain but I managed to block the whole place pretty good.

Hmm, anyway, Discoville turned out to be a regular Hicksville, there was nothing going on. The only thing I was happy about was that I was dead drunk. Otherwise it would have been impossible to sleep in the skiff they called a sailing yacht. Sleep, it was more like being unconscious. I'm still wondering how I managed to get onboard their small dinghy. I must have been very lucky that I made it all the way from the jetty down in the boat.

My two friend have talked about my “ Misbehaviour ”
- Misbehave? I don't understand.
- Yeah, my friend works as a DJ at the place and he was embarrassed. He had never seen something like this before and blah - blah - bla.

Well, anyway, I have had to put up with this for years until the autumn 2004. My friend was throwingSmiley DJa party and the DJ from the disco in Farmerville was there.

- HEY! You in Farmerville were the best that ever happened to this place, he said.
He continued:
- I have never had so much fun in my life before, he said.
- But Mr. X says that this was the worse that had ever happened there, I said.
- He's a boring stiff. It was fun!

After this I felt a lot better about the life. It's strange how these two guys blame all the mishaps on me. At this birthday partythe neighbours and police were at the door every 30 minutes during the night. I was blamed even though I had to go to bed at 2130 due to motion sickness.

Never mind, it was just noise to clear this old story from Farmerville. I also got confirmation on my other suspicion. It was the same story on my friend's next birthday party. I was not at the party but still the neighbours and police showed up every 30 minutes.

Or as my friend at the party said. Now it was Julios Iglesias in 145db and itwas much better when you were playing “ F*** the police” in 145db.

He also told me that my parties were much funnier, good music and good looking people. At Mr. X birthday parties the mobility service has to do the transportation. Walkers all over the place and Julios Inglesias crap at 145db.

When they are at my house it's never mind the neighbours, I remember back in the 80's when we were listening to music at my place. Drinking Captain Morgan and throwing up in my new NakamichiRainbow Warrior on the Indian Oceandeck that cost me more than 1000 US in the 80's.

One of them was throwing eggs in the elevator (They came back the day after to clean it up) but then you never hear anything about miss behavior.

By the way, I still (after 10 years) have to listen to his yapping about me busting a 3$ loudspeaker at one of his parties, but a 1000$ Nakamichi full of puke is nothing worth to mention.

As I say, when you invite people home you have to treat them with ample booze and you have to accept any loss.

This pages turned out to be much bigger than expected. Back in 2006 I must have taken 1000 of pictures, plus the pictures from the professionals on board. The original page from 2006 was 1 page per month. Now, March 2014 and the month of May is already blown out of all proportions, and we have just finished 17th of May. But it is worth it with all the new pictures, and all the old pictures from 2006 is uploaded in proper sizes.

So May 2006 part 3, just click the LINK and you will be there in a JIFF!!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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