“Aladdin's adventure on board Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior was updated with new and bigger pictures during March '14 while on board Roy Maersk”
I also update with a few names I found on the internet while looking for information about the Mediterranean Tour 2006.
I usually never put names on my web page, but these names were all over the internet so why not?

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean

Tuesday 23 rd of May 2006 and the sea was still rough when we came at our watch at midnight. I came to my watch without any diet drinks, first time this happens since I came onboard.
- Let's see if we can have a watch without diet drinks, I said.
At 01:30 I was down in my cabin for a Diet Surprise.

Well, it was the dawn for a new French Hip Hop era as well, we all remember toHip Hop extravaganzalast one in Bayonne 2003. It was French Hip Hop almost the whole watch and I even taught my look-out a few French words.
- Bonjour mon chèri!

Later on in the afternoon he said Bonjour mon chèri to our French volunteer and she looked sohappy. But he added the phrase (against my strong recommendations) “Va tö vae fotre” and her smile turned in to a extended finger

- Where did you pick up the phrase “Va tö vae fotre”? You might ask.
I got it from a Swedish guy talking the French langue. He had been in Morocco and swinging from a lustre on a 5 star hotel in Casablanca.
The police arrived to the scene with the blue light on and he said:
- Bonjour mon chèri!
No no, he said, yeah, you guessed it “Va tö vae fotre” and from there on things turned worse

Hit the PLAY button for some extravagant French Hip Hop. FULL BLAST!!

The French Hip Hop extravaganza made the time turn quick and it was soon 04:00 and we wereGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Indian Oceanrelieved by our New Zealand/ Australian Female section of the crew.

I don't know if these two girls try hard enough or if I'm still in chock after the statement that United States had invaded France 1944 (or maybe I was in a good mood after the French Hip Hop spectacle during my watch), but I found it hard to get angry.

Today we discussed vegetarians and there is nothing wrong with it.

I have decided many times to become a vegetarian, I think we all remember when I spend one summer only drinking tomato soup and beer.

Being a vegetarian because we treat animals badly is worth respect and I was ready to go to bed. You know, there wasn't really that much to discuss. On the way down to my cabin I found out that she had leather booths and now I really got started. Her booths really got the discussion started and it was fun. We treat the animals poorly so we decide not to support this by being a vegetarian, and then you wear leather shoes. Like leather grows on trees.

Sea sick on board Rainbow Warrior
Sea sick

Sea sick on board Rainbow Warrior
She felt better after a little food

Sea sick on board Rainbow Warrior
Or was it because of all the handsome guys on board?

Sea sick on board Rainbow Warrior
Or was it because of all the handsome guys on board?
And no, our HERO is not wearing a hanky on the head to look cool. He just follows well known and good advice for LIGHT HAIRED people.
Cover the head in the sun and as he had forgotten his COOL baseball caps he had to wear a hanky.
Protection from the sun and not a “cool” Greenpeace thing.

When I came on my afternoon watch our French volunteer was on the bridge, she was avoir le mal de mer (SEA SICK) and she spent the afternoon divertir moi. We talked about her BLOG and she told me that the web master in France took the pictures from my web page to her BLOG.
- Doe's he speak English? I asked
- No, he is anti American and he don't want to learn English, She said
I was thinking one thing but I said another thing:
- How did he found the picture if he didn't know English?
- He said it had been very hard, but he had managed to get to the right page after a very long time.
Now I was thinking something again, but I told her about when I work with Pilipino crews
- They send my web address to their wife's and family and they can follow all the excitement happening on board from home. I tried the same with the Russians but none of their wife's managed to find my page because they didn't knew English.
Or as our good old English teacher use to say:
- Well well cyckelställ!

I don't know how they do with the English text on the pictures, but as an extra service I will put a few pictures with French text for the French Greenpeace web master to choose from. I'm sorry, but it will be French only for a few minutes from now on. If you don't understand just hit the pg dn button a few times.

Division la Français

Responsable du réseau la feuille “ vert paix ” njet comprendre anglais www.aladdin.st avoir service laParisextravagant.

Vert paix ” bureau de Français avoir BLOG de matelot volontaire de Français. Image de BLOG choisi de Responsable du réseau la feuille de www.aladdin.st. Problematique grande!! Légende language Anglias, avoir confiance de www.aladdin.st Service the spectacular, pour “ Vert paix ” bureau de Français Aladdin fabriquer réseau la feuille deux language spectacle.

Librementen avant de choisir suivant merveille images:
Mr Aladdin
Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior

Fine du la Division la Français

OK, we're back in the English section again.

I just had to make a few pictures for Greenpeace's French web master (Responsable du réseau la feuille), now he have a few pictures to choose from.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in storm on the Indian Ocean

We had, well, not rough sea, but Rainbow Warrior was moving up and down and some of the crew suffered from sea sickness. Our Spanish girl was washing the bridge on my watch. AndGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Oceanshe wasYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.streally scrubbing.

I don't know if she was sea sick and tried to cure it by hard work. But she was really energetic and as soon as she was ready on the bridge she dashed off to the poop deck with her sponge and bucket.

But it was fun watching her working and of course, IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stcould not help it, but I was busy pestering her.

Yeah, maybe she was sea sick. She never got upset, just smiling.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
Spanish girl on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
Spanish girl on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
Spanish girl on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
Spanish girl on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
Spanish girl on the poop deck

I was just about to go off my watch when the wind changed from SW to NE in 1 minute. I have never seen something like this before. We could see the wind changing 180° in 60 seconds and itGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Oceanwent from a force 5 -6 from SW to a force 9 from NE.

Rough sea from SW disappeared and now it was rough se from NE, it changed in a jiff. We changed course to SW for a while until the worst had passed.

My second day with no walking and I'm starting to feel bad about it. I really want Mr. Yoko to be off the ship at arrival to Italy.

After my dinner I went to my cabin, it was too much rolling for a shower, so I'm stinking, or as we say in Sweden:
- Här luktar det basfiol och flöjt!

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
The Australian girl on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
The Australian girl on the bridge

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean
Chief Mate on deck in the rain and wind

I really hope the sea flattens a little before midnight so I can have a shower, but as we say here on www.aladdin.st, we see what happens!

I'm out of here, cykeln på köpet på er and see ya tomorrow!

Wednesday 24 th of May 2006
the weather was nice when I came on my watch at midnight. We enjoyed our watch until 03:30 when Rainbow Warrior started to roll again. And I was lookingGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Indian Oceanforward for my evening walk after the bad weather and now it starts again, DARN!

At 4 o'clock when I we were relieved by the 4 - 8 watch we talked about the upcoming action in Italy. I told them that I hope there were plenty beautiful Italian girls coming onboard on the opening day and that they all wanted to take me out for dinner and disco.

Now the girls on the 4 - 8 watch volunteered to teach me how to speak Italian.

When I came to my afternoon watch our French volunteer was on the bridge and I asked her if she could check my French spelling today.

I asked her yesterday if she could help me writing a few lines in French on my web page.
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in bad weather on the Indian Ocean- Yes, of course I can, she said.

She only had to help 3rd Engineer to correct his French and I will help you.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st?!!!! 3rd Engineer had written an e-mail in French and needed some help with the spelling check.

I fåcked off out of there, he writes letter in French and I need help with a few words. Comparing to writing long e-mails in French and translate the holy bible to French she will think I'm a troglodyte with no finesse asking for “ What's your name ” in French.
- When do you need help? She asked.
- Never mind, I said

Hmm, maybe stupid to turn down the help, but she read through my French during the afternoon and she said that she could understand it. And actually, never mind the spelling, for me it’s enough they understand.

Well, we spent the afternoon watch rolling our way towards the Gulf of Aden. My watch passed very quickly with all the company on the bridge. The bridge was full, French volunteer reading my web page with our Indian and Spanish deckhand.

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
Reading my web page

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
Steaming towards Gulf of Aden

Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
The wind is picking up during the afternoon
And we're making 5, 5 knots according to the GPS in the lower right corner of the picture

Chief Engineer is coming by at the lunch and coffee breaks for a smoke and a chat, and our Radio Operator came by and it was soon 16:00 and I was off to my cabin.

At dinner the boat started to roll even heavier and plates and stuff were flying around in the mess room and now it's about time we see the sun again.

We watched an Ali G movie and Buffalo Soldiers after dinner and then it was time for a shower and a few words on my web page before going on watch.

Thursday 25 th of May 2006
and the weather was bad and the boat was still rolling when I came on my watch at midnight. We kept 275 ° on the auto pilot when I came on my watch, we tried to keepGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Indian Oceanthe sea coming in from the port bow to minimize the rolling. It was confusing sea so we rolled heavily at times, but it was pretty smooth during our watch.

The watch turned quick as usually and it was soon 4 o'clock and time for a few Italian phrases from our relievers. I had decided to try to do Italy on 5 carefully selected phrases, and who knows?

The rest of the world with the same phrases? I will start with Italy and fromYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthere who knows, maybe, and note that I say maybe, this can be a whole series of phrase books that will make me a millionaire or even a billionaire.

Italian FlagI could feel that this morning’s lesson was a, yeah, maybe the only lesson I will ever need in Italian. I will not have to buy any ItalianSmileyphrase book but after reading about the success on www.aladdin.st you will rush off to buy one of my phrase books. Well, it will be cheaper just to copy the below phrases, it's all for free.

Si! Accetto il tuo invito alla cena e il disoteque noche. This means: Yes, I gladly accept your invitation for dinner and disco.

Grazie! Ti penso sei bella ancora. This means: Thank you! I really think you look great too!
Smiley(This will keep you going during the dinner, embarrassing to sit there and have fåck all to talk about)

Ti amo = I love you!( A killer on the dance floor )

Hai contanti per me per il taxi? This means: Do you have money for my taxi? (Waking up in the morning without local pezetas can be a real inconvenience. Ask for a bottle of water as well, you're probably have a hangover force 9,9, she treated you on a evening on the town so you drank like there was no tomorrow)

HjärtaHeart   Smärta   90 000 Doctor

Mi non chiami, chiamero tu. This means: Don't call me, I call you!Smiley(Jo du Danne, denna e ju själförklarande. Du kommer ju ihåg när man fick säga att man skulle iväg på en Business trip och man skulle vare tillbaka om ungefär en cirka 5 år after allt jävla ringande.)

The above phrases should be enough to keep you going for a while, at least in Italy.

Well well, Our Spanish Deckhand called me at 11:55, an itty little too late for a shower (my watch starts at 12:00) so I took a quick shower in my sink in the cabin and a dashed off to the bridge to relieve Captain. Or the Skipper, on this ship we're Mates and skipper, not Captain and Officers.

The whole crew (except the sea sick crew that was in bed) were on the bridge when I came up, it was bad weather and the ship is rolling so there is not very much work that can be done.

Sea sick on board Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
The crew are on the bridge when I come on watch, well, except for the sea sick crew that are in bed

Sea sick on board Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
The crew are on the bridge when I come on watch, well, except for the sea sick crew that are in bed

Sea sick on board Rainbow Warrior on the Indian Ocean
The crew are on the bridge when I come on watch, well, except for the sea sick crew that are in bed

During the afternoon I was interviewed by our French volunteer. She introduces the crew on her French BLOG and I had to answer a few very personal questions:
- How old are you?
- How much do you earn? By now I had my doubts about the reason for this interview.
- Could you ever consider marry a girl from France? Now I was convinced that this interview was not for her BLOG.

She wanted a picture to go with theMeinterview and I got one for her. She didn't like the picture, but what can I do? Well, what I did was that I asked her to write down my 5 phrases in French for me.

Who knows? Maybe we will end up in France.

Division la Français

Merci! Je rouis heureux d' accepter ton invitation pjun le direr le nightclub. This means: Yes, I gladly accept your invitation for dinner and disco.

Merci Je te trsube tres belle aurri. This means: Thank you! I really think you look great too!Smiley(This will keep you going during the dinner, embarrassing to sit there and have få.. all to talk about)

Jet' aime = I love you!( A killer on the dance floor)

As-tu de la monndie pour le taxi? This means: Do you have money for my taxi? (Waking up in the morning without local pezetas can be a real inconvenience. Ask for a bottle of water as well, you're probably have a hangover force 9,9, she treated you on a evening on the town so you drank like there was no tomorrow)

HjärtaHeart   Smärta   90 000 Doctor

Ne m' appeles pls, je te rappelle. This means: Don't call me, I call you!Smiley(Jo du Danne, denna e ju själförklarande. Du kommer ju ihåg när man fick säga att man skulle iväg på en Business trip och man skulle vare tillbaka om ungefär en cirka 5 år after allt jävla ringande.)

The above phrases should be enough to keep you going for a while, hmm, I think so, I'm not sure about her handwriting. Viva la merde!

Fine du la Division la Français

Well, at the end of my watch the wind decreased to a WSW force 5 and the sun showed up. I don't think I will be able to do my walking tonight, but maybe tomorrow.

I spent the time waiting for dinner in my cabin writing on my web page, I was in an up-beat mood. I had called to Sweden during the afternoon. I didn't know how the world championship in ice hockey had ended. I was told that Sweden had won the gold and our Cook from Finland looked disappointed when he asked me for the result.
- Don't be sad, I'm sure Finland ended up on 7th or 8th place and that's nothing to be ashamed of, I said

Well, after the dinner the crew wanted to play cards, all the wind was gone and I decided to give my constitutional a try. There was no wind but some pretty rough swell. I walked for an hour and I felt on deck once. But it felt good to have been moving a little.

I gave up just after 8 o'clock and I went for my shower and then I was off to the mess room for my tea. The crew were still playing cards when I came.

Mess room on board Rainbow Warrior
Playing cards in the mess room

Mess room on board Rainbow Warrior
Playing cards in the mess room

Mess room on board Rainbow Warrior
Playing cards in the mess room

Mess room on board Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl coming up from the steering engine after her fire round

Mess room on board Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl coming up from the steering engine after her fire round

Mess room on board Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl coming up from the steering engine after her fire round

I hadn't been there for a long time when our Chief Engineer came, he's always in the cookie jar and I caught him red handed with my camera. We were sitting there talking until it was almostRainbow Warrior on the Indian Oceanmidnight. I had 3 buckets of tea and two diet drinks, and this without our Australian girl said a word about oral fixation.

Our French volunteer was writingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.ston her BLOG and I must say that there wasn't much that I recognized from the interview. Half of it was on the BLOG and the important stuff was skipped.

She asked if I wanted to say something to the Greenpeace members in France and I wanted them to buy American and to turn thing they wanted to buy upside down. If it was made in China they should put it back.

Well, I wasn't very pleased with the outcome of the interview and now it looked bad for me. I will have to leave a secret message for the French web master so he can remove my interview from the BLOG. So excuse moi, I have to write a little French again and I will be back in English in just a few sec. So hang on! STAY TUNED!

Secret la division la Français
Amoureux Raymond! Toi lire la du loin moi espérer. Mamsele Anne mal comprendre tout petit interview.

Aladdin volontaire voir le monde entier. Moi volontaire gouverner la city. Moi volontaire rencontrer petite amieet être le propriétaire de mansion et fonder une famille.SmileySe marier et fournir 2 - 4 enfant la et fournir chez-soi spectaculer.

S'il te plait! Volontaire moi profile spectaculer la de journal des internet bon couper et coller tout au-dessus.

Fine du la secret division la Français

Friday 26 th of May 2006
and we were 47 Nm North of Suqutra (Socotra) when I came on my watch at midnight. We kept 295° on the autopilot and the weather was nice.

DARN! The Banana monkey and Banana Radio and all the custard-pie throwing were in full swing on the VHF. The custard-pie humour hit an all time low during the night, and we had to take all this bull for an extra hour because we retarded ships time by 1 hour at 02:00.

Me and me look out had planned to study our 5 Italian phrases during the watch, but this was impossible when we had (like it seemed) all the cheap labours in the world on the ships around us. It was unbelievable bull we had to listen to on the VHF.

Well, when our Australian girl came on watch at 0400 we were a little ashamedwhen we had to tell her that we hadn't study any Italian. Well, there are 2 - 3 weeks until arrival so we have time to study, but never the less, it was embarrassing.

There was a thing I had been thinking of and I had to ask our girls when they came on watch. But sexual harassment and sexism is a dangerous territory, not that I want to harass anyone, but I had to tread very carefully.

I had always wonde... Well, we were talking Elvis and yes, you guessed it, throwing knickers came on my mind. So I hadSmileyto ask the girls where the girls (I have never seen any men's underwear been thrown) at a concert get the desire to throw their knickers up on stage.

Everyone is screaming and gets excited and Elvis looks very happy up on stage. Well, for sure no one was screaming in excitement when I was down on my local pub swinging a few pints a few yearsSmileyago. There was a troubadour playing in one corner and when he played Hotel California for the 7th time that evening I just got too excited and I threw my underwear at him.

Oh oh and motherfåcking oh! This was a bad idea. There were no screams of excitement and I had the bouncersBoxingall overTroglodyteme and I was on the street within 2,3 seconds.
- What ever happened with peace and love?

I didn't get any clear answers from the girls so I left them for my bed.

When I came on my watch at lunch we changed course from NW to 160°(t) towards Aden and BabPlease don't burn the American flag, you will miss it when there is only the North Korean flag around to burn.el Mandeb. It was a nice afternoon and after my watch I went for a constitutional and I skipped dinner. I will try to skip every dinner from now on and only drink tea and a slice of bread and fruit after my walk.

Pirate watch on board Rainbow Warrior

Our Spanish volunteer wanted me to take a picture of our black board in the mess room and I said that I can do a picture with him and the black board and now it's on the internet for all of you to see. The last 10 days or something like that we have had a problem with the water pressure in the showers. But when I took my shower after my constitutional I was almost blown out from the shower. The water pressure is back, good.

As you can see on the black board we're having pirate watches from today.

Saturday 27 th of May 2006
and we were steering 260°(t) towards Aden when I came on my watch at midnight. It was aToday the beautiful night even though there was a little haze in the air.

I had been walking for 2,5 hours yesterday listening toSmileyGerman Hip Hop I had got from the Ship Mechanic onHip HopPegasus when I was there.

During my walk I really learned to like eins zwo and I started the watch with eins zwo. It was “ Achtung! ” and “ he knows the technique ” blasting from the loudspeakers on the bridge. Thanks to our Radio Operator making the bridge iPod ready. Thank you for that, without the music it would have been pretty boring.

I don't want to go so far saying that is a dawn for a new German Hip Hop era onboard, but prettyPirate watch on board Rainbow Warriorclose and for sure there will be much German Hip Hop before I sign off.

The time turned quick and we were soon relieved by the girls on the 4 - 8 watch, they were assisted by our Spanish volunteer. Our Australian girl asked me if I wanted some Australian Hip Hop.
- Is it good? I asked.
- It's political, she replied.
- Nothing is ever allowed to be fun, I said
So one of these days I will listen to it and see if it's any good. I put it on my computer during the afternoon and well, maybe...

When I came on my afternoon watch I could see that they had used our masts during the morning. I was told that they had been sailing for 2 hours in the morning before the wind disappeared. And I was disappointed, I was really looking forward to use the sails.
- DARN! I will never find any proper use for my sailing shoes.

My sailing shoes had been a waste of space in my bag to carry the sailing shoes all the way fromItajai in Brazil. Hmm, maybe I will have the chance when coming to the Mediterranean Sea.

I had been on the bridge for about 20 - 30 minutes when our Skipper came with a hair trimmer and our Chief engineer came 3 minutes later.

Our Skipper thought it looked funny when our Chief Engineer got his hair cut through the window so I took a picture and obvious there was someone using my camera when I helped our Chief Engineer to finish the job. When we were ready he looked, hmm, about 20 - 25 years younger, not bad for 10 minutes work. Well, well is the expression I think John B's old English teacher would have used.

Haircut on board Rainbow Warrior
Haircut on board Rainbow Warrior

Haircut on board Rainbow Warrior

Haircut on board Rainbow Warrior

We were passing through Gulf of Aden and all of the sudden we have plenty fish on our hooks. We got 5 tunas within minutes, just enough for the BBQ tomorrow and we stop fishing. We don't want to over fish, Greenpeace remember?

When I came on deck our Radio Operator, Spanish Deckhand and 2nd Engineer were fishing. Before continuing I must mentionSmileythat our Spanish deckhand is a living proof of that god does not exists. She is always happy and whenever she enters a room everyone gets happy and if there would have been a God, God should have made us all like her.
Well, anyway, the spirit was high on poop deck much thanks to her.

Fishing tuna on board Rainbow Warrior
Engineer fishing for Tuna

Fishing tuna on board Rainbow Warrior
Fishing for Tuna from poop deck

Fishing tuna on board Rainbow Warrior
Fishing for Tuna from poop deck

Fishing tuna on board Rainbow Warrior
Fishing for Tuna from poop deck

Fishing tuna on board Rainbow Warrior
Fishing for Tuna from poop deck

Fishing tuna on board Rainbow Warrior
Fishing for Tuna from poop deck

Fishing tuna on board Rainbow Warrior
He caught a Tuna

If it's nice weather 5 tunas will be perfect for dinner, just enough for the crew, count me out, I'm not eating. I have not been eating for 2 days, closing in on Italy and the Discos. I must look good, OK OK, today was the second time since I came onboard I heard that I looked good.

What can I say? None of the two were a female. Where is my guitar again? I will give it a last try (nothing to lose). Push the PLAY button below and if your impressed send me an I love you” e-mail.

It's for free so please keep on listening until you madly in love (in me) or bored to death!

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
And HEY! Just to sweeten the deal I will throw in a picture of me
so you have a little something to look at while listening.

Och cykeln på köpet!

Well, I skip dinner as well and I spend 2 - 2,5 hours on the track every day so I will soon be handsome like a spring day. Well, anyway, we got of the track there for a minute. Where were we? Oh yes, fishing and as the official photographer I was called for to take pictures of the catch. We must have passed a school of fishes because within a few minutes from the first catch we had 5 tunas and we could stop fishing.
In 5 minutes we got more than during the whole trip from Singapore.

Well, times fly and it was soon 16:00 and when I got of my watch we were SSE of Ra's al Kalb, still steering 260°(t) towards Aden. Rainbow Warrior brings us to some exciting places.

Rainbow Warrior
Steering towards Aden

Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

After my watch we tested our smoke detectors and then it was walking time for 2 hours. At 2000 I went for my shower and two (2) buckets of tea, no Australian around asking about my oral fixation. But it's good that they are after me, it shows that they care.

The only black cloud on an otherwise blue sky was the e-mail from “ Gammle Ballong ”, I thought I had the prize as “ Sveriges Tjockaste Hip Hoppare 2006 ” on my bookshelves already. But now I see that “ Gammle Ballong ” are using the word “ respect ” every now and then. I wasn't prepared for this mug's game. Well, it's wee late for me to start using the word respect. Against the Hip Hop heavy weightierSmileyyou stand no chance.
- But I come back next year!

Rainbow Warrior
In one of the cabins

Rainbow Warrior
Our Bosun

Rainbow Warrior
Keep the clothes on!

Sunday 28 th of May 2006
and don't even say it. Some people are in a hurry to get old,Today the but not me. Happy birthday! This was the first thing I heard when I came on my watch at midnight.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st - FOOCK OFF!!

We were passing through pirate prone waters and I wasDon't burn the American Flaghoping that there was an American Battle ship close by in case we were attacked by Pirates.

We didn't see any pirates but the excitement made the time turn pretty quick. At 04:00 our relievers came toPirate watch on board Rainbow Warriorrelieve us and they had strengthened their watch with our Spanish volunteer as a pirate watch. Well, our Good morning forum was cancelled and this is the second day.

When they have Mr. Handsome on the watch they seem to forget about me. When the girls were alone on the bridge I was the number 1 guy around. They didn'tRainbow Warriorlet me down from the bridge, and now all of the sudden I'm number 67, dead last.
- Aladdin? Who? Well, I think I saw him around 1998, late spring. Haven't heard about him since.
- Yeah - yeah, blah - blah!

Our Spanish Deckhand was cooking lunch when I came to pick up my bucket of tea before going to the bridge. When I came on my watch at lunch I was greeted with Happy birthday.

I really hate this birthday stuff, but not to the extent that a Motorman I worked with did. He was very sullen when his birthday came up and the crew just loved to annoy him. The decorated the ship with happy birthday banderols. He came rushing tearing all of them to the floor and he was not visible for a few days. Growing old SUCKS!

Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior
French volunteer baking gâteau “ FREEDOM

When I came down for my 2nd bucket of tea our French volunteer was baking a “ Freedom cake ” and I had to get my camera so I could immortalize the moment. It's also so the French webAmerican flagmaster can have the picture on our volunteer's BLOG.
Amoureux Raymond! A la photographie droite Mademoiselle Anne cuire au four gâteau de la “ FREEDOM ”.

Well, After my watch a copied my pictures to our Australian girl and then I went for my walk on deck. At 18:45 my look out came on deck and asked me to come to the mess room. It was my cleaning day and I told him that I will do the cleaning around 20:30 something when I was ready with my constitutional.
- No no, it's not about the cleaning, we want to talk with you.
- OK, I'm coming when I'm ready with my walk.
- You have to come now, we're waiting for you.

When I came down in the mess room it was all dark with only candles from the gâteau de la “ FREEDOM ”. The crew were singing and...
I'm too shy for this kind of events and I just wanted to go back out on deck and my laps around the bridge. Yeah - yeah, fat chance, I'm too shy but the crew is really nice and well, I felt stupid and old and I blew the candles. And it would have been very impolite to leave the mess room so I cut the cake and, well, I could as well make me a bucket of tea and, yeah, the cake was délicieux as we say in France. So I had a second piece (a small one, always on diet).

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

The crew had made me a card from my old diet drink boxes and the crew had been writing greetings on it. I suppose there were one or two quotes from Super Swede as well. Or what do you think about this one: Imagine a world lead by China, terrible. ;br>
Yes, this quote really set of the girls on the 4 to 8 watch and they were looking forward to our discussions at 04:00.
- Word up girls!
Hmm, if I start using the phrase “ word up ” I might have a chance to beat “50-skylten” for the “ Sveriges Tjockaste Hip Hoppare 2006 ” award, that is “ The chubbiest Hip Hopper in Sweden 2006 ” award in English.

SmileyI had not been eating for the whole day and when I left the mess room I was full. Well, I was back on deck at 19:30 and I walked for another 90 minutes and at 21:00 I left deck for a hot shower.SmileyCake, but I got my exercise so I felt quite OK even though I had the cake.

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior
Waiting for cake

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior
Bosun and Spanish volunteer taking care of the dishes

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior
Card tricks in the mess room

Birthday on board Rainbow Warrior
Now she is tired

Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior

Monday 29 th of May 2006
and we were South of Aden when I came on my watch at midnight. We had just changed course to 270°(t) and next course change would be at Bab El Mandeb. We had aGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Indian Oceanquiet night watch with a little fishing boats and not much to write home about, except that the time turned quick. It was soon 4 o'clock and the 4 - 8 girls came up the stairs to the bridge.

Today we discussed the Australian Hip Hop our Australian girl gave me.

I asked what it was about and she told me it was about immigration, Star Wars and police brutality.
- Police brutality! In Australia? They seem to be nice people in Australia

She told me that her aborigine friends were taken by the police and got beaten up.
- Happens to me about every weekend, I said.

We were in the Northern part of Bab El Mandeb when I came on my watch at 12:00. One of the tables in the mess room had been varnished and some of the crew come to sit down in front of the bridge while eating. I liked the company and we were busy talking a lot of bull, actually we were so busy that I forgot to drink my tea.

Rainbow Warrior
Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior

When I was alone I remembered my tea and I had just finished my (first) bucket of tea when someone called us on the VHF. I could not hear the position so I asked them to repeat the positionSpanish volunteer on board Rainbow Warriorand it was our position and I answered:
- This is Rainbow Warrior replying on ch 16.
- Rainbow Warrior, this is coalition war ship on your port side. Happy to see you in the Southern Red Sea!

I could not help myself, but there was a tear rolling down my cheek when I replied:
- Coalition warship! Happy to see you too when passing through thisPirate SmileyScooby Doo waters where everyone you meet is a potential pirate.
- Thank you and have a good watch!

I wished him a good day and I went to open a new coke. Strange, everyone is happy to see Greenpeace. But when Greenpeace springs in to action to prevent someone to destroy our globe we're terrorists. You meet a girl in a bar.
- You work for Greenpeace!! Let's get married!
The day after she see you chained to pipeline poring toxic waste to the sea

Well, anyway, I knew all this Diet drink drinking would pay off some day. The rest of the crew areAmerican Flag, Please don't burn me.afraid of the pirates but I have tried to comfort them.
- No worries, I drink so much Diet Drinks that the coalition against the evil can afford to have war ships around this area.

Rainbow Warrior
We had escort trough the pirate water

Rainbow Warrior
Looking at the man of war

Rainbow Warrior
Looking at the man of war

Rainbow Warrior
Looking at the man of war

Rainbow Warrior
Looking at the man of war

Rainbow Warrior
Looking at the man of war

Rainbow Warrior
Time to get back to work

Rainbow Warrior
Time to get back to work

I feel a lot safer when there is an American airplane flying over us when the North Korean navy is approaching. And honestly, the crew looked a wee bit relieved when we had the coalition man of war around us while in this pirate infested waters.

Our Bosun entered the mast during the afternoon and I gave him my camera. The pictures you can see from above are taken by him. By mistake he took a video as well, and don't be surprised if that video willPop uppop up at www.aladdin.st sooner than later.

Rainbow Warrior from above

Rainbow Warrior from above
Rainbow Warrior from above

Rainbow Warrior from above
Rainbow Warrior from above

Rainbow Warrior from above
Australian girl going up the mast

Rainbow Warrior from above
Australian girl going up the mast

Rainbow Warrior from above
Australian girl going up the mast

Rainbow Warrior from above
Australian girl going up the mast

Rainbow Warrior from above
Australian girl going up the mast

I spent 3 hours walking around the bridge and at 9 o'clock I went for my shower. I had 2 cups of tea while watching the end of a movie. Not a Chinese this time, I real American comedy were you were laughing all the time.

Not like the Chinese movies were someone got a flat tire on the bicycle and they can stretch this drama over a 7 hour period. To be honest with you, and that's what you have become used to at www.aladdin.st by now. I don't think anyone have ever seen this movie to the end.

Well well cyckelställ, I'm off to burn the North Korean Flag (just to make a statement).

Tuesday 30 th of May 2006
and we had just changed course to 322°(t) at Jabal Zuqar Island when I came on my watch at midnight. We saw only a few ships during my watch, but anyway, the timeGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Indian Oceanturned quick and before soon our girls on the 4 - 8 watch was on the bridge.

Our Chief Mate told me some interesting stories from the early days in Greenpeace. She has been a member for 33 years and was with the first Rainbow Warrior to stop the nuclear tests. They managed to stop the frogs from testing their bombs, but too late. Now half of the population on the small islands are dying from cancer.

It's strange, the French government spreads the radioactivity and blow up ships killing people and still they think it's the crew on Rainbow Warrior that are the terrorists.

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working on deck

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working on deck

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working on deck

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working on deck

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working on deck

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Working on deck

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Going up the mast to paint wires

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Deck on Rainbow Warrior

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Preparing to go up the mast to do something

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Doing something in the mast

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Doing something in the mast

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Doing something in the mast

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Doing something in the mast

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Doing something with the wires

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Doing something with the wires

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
She is down from the mast

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Chief Engineer

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Radio Operator repairing our radio

Rainbow Warrior in the Red Sea
Radio Operator repairing our radio

My afternoon watch was tedious enough and the only thing preventing me from jumping overboard was the good music on the bridge. But we saw some, well, actually it was plenty of flippers coming to swim with us for a few minutes and this saved my day.

This time I managed to get a good picture. I took plenty, but I was only satisfied with 3. This is the advantage with a digital camera. Take as many pictures you want and throw away the bad.

Rainbow Warrior with Dolphins
Dolphins in the Red Sea

Rainbow Warrior with Dolphins
Dolphins in the Red Sea

Rainbow Warrior with Dolphins
Dolphins in the Red Sea - Click HERE for bigger picture

A little later while I was on deck enjoying the weather our Radio Operator passed by. He had spent the day on the bridge repairing our MF/HF radio.
He was smiling and I could hear him murmur about when passing.
- Trophy, I don't care. I don't want any pictures of my fish. I just care about eating the fish, blah - blah.
- What's happening?
- I just caught a fish, he said looking proud.
- And now you want me to take your picture? I asked.
- No, I don't care about that, he said.

Well, I could see that he was proud of the fish and I could see that he wanted a picture of him and the fish. So I went to the bridge for my camera and then I followed him aft. I managed to make him attitudinize with the fish.

Fishing with Rainbow Warrior
Oh yes, he wanted a picture with the fish

I felt that something was wrong when I started my walk, I had no energy and I gave up after some 30 minutes. I went to the mess room and I ate 4 apples and a quarter of a coconut biscuit. All of the sudden I was full of energy and I went back on deck and did a 90 minutes’ walk.

Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWell, I give up trying to get any I love you” e-mail, I have tried everything and now there is only one thing left to do. My guitar solo hasn't impressed anyone so far and my inbox is running low one-mails from females. Well, actually there is exactlyZERO e-mails from females in my in box.

The only thing left to do is the old trick with an ad in the lonely-hearts column. YES! It has to go that way, obviously me and my guitarSmileyhave not made the success I was hoping for. My inbox is as empty as me valet on a Sunday morning and me and me empty valet is as sexy as picking up doggy-poo

Evening and the crew is always sitting in front of the bridge, a great opportunity to impress the girls? Someone using to hang from a wire, I don't know if this will impress the girls. Maybe worth a try? Nhaa, I don't think so. I think I'm better off with both feet on deck.

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Well, maybe this is a better way to impress the girls, hanging from a wire

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Evening on deck on the Red Sea

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Evening on deck on the Red Sea

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Evening on deck on the Red Sea

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Evening on deck on the Red Sea

Wednesday 31 st of May 2006
and we were keeping a course of 329°(t) when I came on my watch at midnight. Nice weather but the wind increased during the watch and when we got off at 4 o'clockGreenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in the Indian Oceana force 2-3 had become a force 5.

When the girls came to relieve us I told the Australian girl thatSmileythe music she gave me was good. She looked like she got a chock.
- I didn't thought you liked music like that, she said.
- It's the police brutality I don't like, the music was good, I replied.

She told me the music had been about Star Wars and police brutality. I don't like police brutality and gosh, Star Wars is a real sleeping pill. Hmm, Star Wars is way better than the 7 hour of Chinese drama about the teacher eating gravel and counting chalks.

Coming on my watch for lunch with a bucket of tea and I had 4 exciting hours ahead of me. We had nice weather and I enjoyed my watch with some Run DMC. Our Spanish volunteer came asking for the name of the group.
- You don't know Run DMC?

I also spent time watching our French volunteer and our Australian girl working aloft. They cleaned and painted the wires to our forward mast. They have a special name, but I don't remember the names now, and honestly, it doesn’t feel that important right now.

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl cleaning windows on the bridge while listening to Run DMC

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl cleaning windows on the bridge while listening to Run DMC

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl cleaning windows on the bridge while listening to Run DMC

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl cleaning windows on the bridge

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl cleaning windows on the bridge

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl cleaning windows on the bridge

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Spanish girl cleaning windows on the bridge

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Prepare to go up the mast

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
In the mast

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
In the mast

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
In the mast

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Chief Engineer study the Red Sea

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Chief Engineer and our Radio Operator

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
My watch in his new sunglasses
And he is not yet comfortable with them so no pictures

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Under the Fo’c’s’le

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
2nd Engineer filling BA set

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Volunteers painting

At 16:00 I was off my watch and I went forward where our 2nd Engineer was waiting for me. We had to fill up some bottles for our BA sets.
Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
Spanish volunteer on lower accommodation deck

After this I went to my cabin to transfer my pictures from my camera to my computer and I was off to deck for my constitutional. I did 2 hours and when I was ready we had a black out and the light disappeared. I had to wait with my shower for a while.

After asking our Chief Mate out, well, how can I say? I wasn't in the best mood.
Funky Bananas- Do you want to join me for a disco at arrival to Genoa? I asked.
She was laughing me straight to my face.Smiley

I also had a chat with our French volunteer, no no, I was not asking her outSmiley, she have the handsome bunch hanging around her, climbing masts, plying guitars, building bridges and exploring Africa.No, she told me that my interview had been censored.
- My dad had censored my BLOG, she said.
Well, censored, that's life in Greenpeace.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- But your dad? How old are you?

Oh yeah, May will end with us steaming NW in the Red Sea. As I told them when they called from Greenpeace and asked if I wanted this job.
- To protest is a luxury we have thanks to our grandparents and their grandparents fighting for their rights to a better life. It was not long ago protesters were shoot by the military in Sweden.

Now our freedom is taken for granted and we complain about America this and that. Well, I'm thankful to USA and the Western World for my right to sail around and protest. In many parts of the world we would just have disappeared.
- Aladdin??!! Never heard of him.

When I defend USA everyone starts to talk about Iraq and Vietnam., well, I was the first to protest against the war in Iraq. Or as oneAmerican flagCaptain said to me:
- If a police in Sweden hears a BANG he had to go see a shrink for months. Now they want to send bombs over children and civilians.
-It's terrible.

But as I use to say: We complain about USA because we are allowed to.
Imagine crawling around in the mud in North Korea looking for bugs to eat. While I'm thinking of all the poor people that had been tortured in Tibet we we're steaming NW towards Suez and I prepare myself for my first watch in June.

Nä, cycklen på köpet på er. May already come to an end. So let's swing over to the month of June to continue the adventure on board Rainbow Warrior

Evening on the Red Sea with Rainbow Warrior
I asked if she wanted to join me for a disco when we arrived to Genoa, Italy
All she did was to laugh, she felt off the chair screaming of laughterYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

Malmö FF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
MIF, One of the best hockey teams in the world!
HIF, One of the best soccer teams in the world!
Landskrona Bois, One of the best soccer teams in the world!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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