Aladdin's adventure in FUNKY TOWN/ Bangkok

November 2011 - Part 2

Wednesday 9 th of November 2011 and I got out of bed at 9 even though it was 5 or 6 before IAladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfelt asleep. I was at Chacrit Muay Thai School before 11 o'clock and this must be a record for me.

I left at 12 twenty something, I was in a hurry to get back home and then I will take off to make new driving licenses. I had not done my medical examination, I wasAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhoping for them to miss this when I was applying for my driving license.

But they did not miss the fact that I didn't have a medical examination. The girl told me to take a motorbike to the Doctor's office.

I went outside to the motorbike stand and we were soon on the way to the Doctor. I really like the motorbike taxi drivers in Bangkok. They are helping with the flood, directing the traffic and all kinds of things. On the way down to Sukhumvit there was a car that had engine problem. 2 motorbike taxi drivers were helping the ladies in the Mercedes. So they are very helpful inAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmost cases. But I try to avoid using their service, I just don't like to sit on a motorbike in the middle of the Bangkok traffic.

Today was an emergency, I didn't know where the clinic was located and I was in a hurry and I didn't had time to look for a taxi. And the motorbike driver would wait outside while I got my health certificate.

The Doctor charged me 80 Baht and she did not even have a look at me. Hell, I don't even know if she was a Doctor. But I got my certificate and we returned to the driving license office at Sukhumvit Soi 99.

I had to do some tests when I was back from the Doctor. Reaction and different vision tests before they could process myAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNapplication. Almost 100 people in front of me so I went toAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNa coffee shop next door.

I didn't see the coffee shop last time I was renewing my driving licence. Improvements.
- Hmm, or not?
I had a big tea with 1 piece of cake and I ordered 2 more pieces before I left so I'm not sure the coffee shop was an improvement.

When I was finished at the coffee shop it was only 70 people to be served before me. The staff recognised me which I thought was strange. Here must be a million of people renewing their driving license every year and they still recognize me. Well, it was almost 4 thirty when I got my driving licenses and I walked back down toAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNSukhumvit to get a taxi back home.

They still refuse to give me driving license valid for 5 years.
- You must have a visa
Well, I don't want to go through the trouble applying for a ED visa to get a driving licens for 5 years so I will have to stick to the one year driving license.

I can get a ED visa at Chacrit Muay Thai school, but the ED visa isn't what I had expected so tourist visa and one year driving license is good enough for me.

I asked the driver to stop at my local 7 Eleven and I got inside to buy Snickers. This 7 Eleven is ready to close any day now. There were 2 Snickers left and I bought them. I have not felt anyAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgood the last few days, it is like I have lost all my energy and I will try my “Trekking in Nepal” trick with the Snickers.

The Snickers didn't helped and I felt asleep on my bed and I woke up 10 minutes past 8 and the session at Bangkok Fight Club was about to finish. DARN! Our Teacher had bought a moth guard for me and I have to go to Bangkok Fight Club to pick up my mouth guard.

I felt much better after my short power nap and it must be because I can't sleep that I'm feelingAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNso down that I can't hardly move. It has not been very fun with the sparring at the boxing the last days, it is like I have a ton over my chest. Can't breat or move as I like. When I arrived to Bangkok FightClub they were doing the sit ups and they would be ready in a few minutes.

My Teacher called me before I went to renew my driving license and he asked if I wanted a head guard. Well, I want to try it on before I buy it so it isn't too small. But he would buy one that I could try.
- No helmet! Just to cover my ear!

He had bought something that looked like a swimming cap and I tried it on. Maybe a wee bit small,Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbut I will try it next time sparring.

Good, I have both a mouth guard to prevent me from biting of my tongue and a head guard that willhopefully prevent my ears and earrings.

I had the Polish guy to punch my head a few times andthe ear guard seems to be working. This was the last day for the Polish guy. He will leave for Kho Chang and then to Singapore. But heAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmight be back in December before going back home to Poland. So I might have a chance to do some sparring with him again using my new head guard.

I walked back home with the American girl and the Polish guy. We passed a bus stop and there were SEVERAL VERY BEAUTIFUL girls and when we had passed the bus stop there was a girl that was running after us screaming.
- What the

Well, turned out that it wasn't a girl from the bus stop. It was the Light Designer that I had not seen since Bangkok Fight Club was located at Thonglor.
- Aladdin, don't you recognise me?
- No, I can't say.
Then I recognised her, I had only seen her in her training outfit and as I told her.
- You look good! Maybe because you're not wearing your training clothes.

I have not meet her since I left for Ternvik back in March and I got the souvenir boxing gloves forAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNher car in Belfast. But as I have not met her since I have the gloves hanging on my mirror inside my entrance door at home.

She lived next to Bangkok Fight Club due to the flooding. Her house at Don Muang was flooded so she lived in her condo on Asoke trying to avoid the flood. I have my doubts about the flooding, I think we will be flooded at Sukhumvit as well. They have sandbagged with SUPER sandbags but that is only delaying the waterAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNto reach Sukhumvit. Maybe if they can pump out the water
Loy Krathong

is held on the full moon of the 12th month in the traditional Thai lunar calendar. In the western calendar this usually falls in November.

"Loi" means "to float". "Krathong" is a raft about a hand span in diameter traditionally made from a section of banana tree trunk (although modern-day versions use specially made bread 'flowers' and may use Styrofoam), decorated with elaborately-folded banana leaves, flowers, candles, incense sticks etc. During the night of the full moon, many people will release a small raft like this on a river. Governmental offices, corporations and other organizations also build much bigger and more elaborate rafts, and these are often judged in contests. In addition, fireworks and beauty contests take place during the festival.

Letting a Khom Fai float in to the air at the Loi Kratong festival in Mae Jo Thousands of Khom Fai in Mae JoThe festival probably originated in India as a Hindu festival similar to Deepavali as thanksgiving to the deity of the Ganges with floating lanterns for giving life throughout the year. According to the writings of H.M. King Rama IV in 1863, the originally Brahmanical festival was adapted by Buddhists in Thailand as a ceremony to honour the original Buddha, Siddhartha Guatama. Apart from venerating the Buddha with light (the candle on the raft), the act of floating away the candle raft is symbolic of letting go of all one's grudges, anger and defilements, so that one can start life afresh on a better foot. People will also cut their fingernails and hair and add them to the raft as a symbol of letting go of the bad parts of oneself. Many Thai believe that floating a krathong will create good luck, and they do it to honour and thank the Goddess of Water, Phra Mae Khongkha.

The beauty contests that accompany the festival are known as "Noppamas Queen Contests". According to legend, Noppamas was a consort of the Sukothai king Loethai (14th century) and she was the first to float decorated krathongs. The Loi Krathong festival is also associated with the start of vegetable carving.

The Thai tradition of Loy Krathong started off in Sukhothai, but is now celebrated throughout Thailand, with the festivities in Chiang Mai and Ayutthaya being particularly well known.

In Chiang Mai Loi Kratong is also known as "Yi Peng". Every year thousands of people assemble to float the banana-leaf krathong onto the waterways of the city, honouring the Goddess of Water. A multitude of Lanna-style sky lanterns (khom fai) are also launched into the air where they resemble large flocks of giant fluorescent jellyfish gracefully floating by through the skies. These are believed to help rid the locals of troubles and are also taken to decorate houses and streets.

Kelantan also has the same celebration, especially in the Tumpat area. The ministry in charge of tourism in Malaysia recognises it as an attraction for tourist. Many people visit the celebration each year.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
quicker than it enters, but I have my doubts. That would have to be some SUPER pumps.

It is Loy Krathong tomorrow and I can see that the Karaoke bar on Asoke Soi 2 have a inflatable pool outside the door for the Loy Krathong festivities.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I popped open a Diet MAX first thing when I was back home and I opened a can of tuna. I yellow can so I expected it to be yellow curry. This was a can that I bought in Pattaya together with the Nautilus Matsaman tuna, the best tuna ever. The Nautilus Matsaman tuna is in a red can and I must have got the yellow can by mistake.

The yellow can is also Nautilus Matsaman tuna, but with theaddition PED something in the name and the first thing I discovered when I opened the can was whole chilli.

DARN!! It was spicy and I had to throw away the tuna. I checked my stock and this was luckily enough the only can with this tuna.

Well, I willhopefully be able to sleep tonight so I can get up to Chacrit Muay Thai School tomorrow. Leaving early and I will have the whole day to spend doing stuff. It was very nice to get to the boxing session early today and I had time to do my driving license business. Of course, falling asleep on my bed missing Bangkok Fight Club was a setback.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Bangkok Post today

Thursday 10 th of November 2011
and I was out of bed 20 minutes after 9 o'clock. I took the time to watch the news before getting out of bed. I had my tea and a tomato & onion omelette before going to Chacrit Muay Thai School. I got an e-mail from my friend and she wants to go to Loy Krathong tonight but I have my session at Bangkok Fight Club.

I called her when I was back home from Chacrit Muay Thai School and I will call her when I'm back home from Bangkok Fight Club tonight. I think it will be too late, but we have to see.
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Loy Krathong according to The Nation

Our Teacher at Bangkok Fight Club was going to celebrate Loy Krathong so we left Bangkok Fight Club at 8 and I was back home 20 minutes later. I had a shower and I went to meet my friends at Benchasiri Park. I was on my way to meet them at Terminal 21 but they called when I was about to leave and we decided to meet at Benchasiri Park instead.

Makes sense, why meet at Terminal 21 and then go from there to Benchasiri? And there were plenty people celebrating Loy Krathong and there were even traffic jam on Sukhumvit.
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We walked around Benchasiri park for a while looking at the people celebrating the Loy Krathong.Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWhen we had had enough we left the place and weAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwalked down Sukhumvit.

They were making and selling Loy Krathongs along Sukhumvit and I guess they are making good money. When we reached the zebra across Sukhumvit weAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcrossed and we ended up at Coyote, a Mexican restaurant.

They ordered Margaritas and I had to make a decision, soda water or beer? BoxingAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNor not tomorrow? Well, I asked for a Tiger Light and 10 minutes later I asked for my second TigerAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNLight.

And yes, I ordered a third Tiger Light and the Waitress brought 2 bottles.Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNTurned out that it was HAPPY HOUR from 10 o'clock. I don't mindAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNgetting a second Tiger light for free, but it was a strange time for HAPPY HOUR. Aren't happy hours usually earlier in the evening/ afternoon?

4 beers before we left and I had passed my “go home to sleep” limit. I decided to go to Nang Len on EkkamaiAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbut I needed to go home and leave my camera. I stopped at GLOW for a beer on my way home and there was no people and the bar tender decided to join me to Nang Len.

Coming to Nang Len and the place was packed, I hadAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNexpected much less people on a Thursday night. I avoid the place during the weekends because there are so much people. We managed to get a place in the bar and I had no chance to order before the bar tender brought me a soda water.

I have not been here for a long time, and back in the days I always stopped at Nang Len for a soda water when I was out on my evening constitutional
- No soda, a bottle of vodka and orange juice.

He brought me a shot of vodka on a plate and a glass of orange juice. Obviously someAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNmisunderstanding.
- A bottle please!

We got our bottle and I knew for sure that I will miss my session at Chacrit Muay Thai School tomorrow.

And vodka, I should have kept to the beers, but I remember Nang Len as a Singha beer place so vodka taste better. But I don't remember coming home after all the vodka. So it washopefully the last time I drank vodka. But it is convenient when there is so much people, will take some time to get the beer when ordering if there is 50 people ordering before you in the bar. And waiting for the drink in a bar is the worst thing.

Friday 11 th of November 2011
and I discovered hangover milk in my fridge when I came out in my kitchen so I had obviously stopped at 7 Eleven on my way home.

Luckily enough I didn't bought any ice cream so I could not make any hangover milk shake, good for my diet. I spent the day in bed watching DVDs. 3 movies and 2 was so bad that I spent most of the time sleeping in front of the TV.
But I surprised myself by getting out of bed quarter to 7. I left for Bangkok Fight Club and Iarrived 15 minutes late. But better late than not to go. We spent the whole session doing sparring and I regretted that I had left my bed. Well, no, it felt pretty good when it was time to leave Bangkok Fight Club. Feeling good that I had done the session, otherwise I felt like shit.

No more drinking for me, from now on it is boxing and health food every day. No more beer and late nights. And checking Bangkok Post online edition was a chock. FLOODING in Thailand!! Coming home from the clubs waking up with a hangover it is easy to forget that we have a disaster in Thailand. Same when the red shirts occupied parts of Bangkok last year.

The army shooting at people and a little bit down the roads the restaurants and pubs are open and the party is in full swing. A very strange feeling to read the news paper the day after.

Saturday 12 th of November 2011
and I left for Chacrit Muay Thai School at 11 o'clock.Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNWalking up Sukhumvit and I could see that they continued to prepare for the flooding so they are obviously expecting the flood to reach Sukhumvit.

There is a shop at the corner of Soi 20 and they are doing something with water. As it says on the windows: “Keep inspiring water solutions” I don't know what they are doing, but they started to cover the shop with boards and sand bags today.

So they are expecting something and that's even though I read Receding water levels were observed yesterday on Vibhavadi Rangsit, Phahon Yothin and Ratchadapisek roads, which are linked with inner Bangkok. in today's Bangkok Post. The flooding will soon be over is also something that I read, but I believe it when I see it.

So they are continuing to sand bag the shops along Sukhumvit and we will have to see if the water is coming. And even if the water is not coming it is better to beAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNprepared. So many houses and cars damaged by the water and so many people without insurance.

I had a good session at Chacrit Muay Thai School, I was alone and we did several rounds. But I started the session by scolding my Teacher. I had a girl calling me three times this morning, a friend of the girl my Teacher had set me up with. SHE IS 17!! What theI asked the Teacher about the girls.
- She is only 17!!
- I heard wrong, I thought she said 27
- What the? Is this your friend?
- Yes
- Don't you know if your friend is 17 or 27?
- I heard wrong, I thought she said 27
And now they are calling all the time and this is getting embarrassing.

I didn't know where Kitchen & more is located, just that it is close to the BTS station called Ari. IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfound a taxi and Ileft for BTS station Ari at 6 o'clock and I arrived 15 minutes later. That gave me good time to find the restaurant Kitchen & more before our meeting would start at 7.

It took me 2 minutes to find the place and I had plenty time to spend and I went to get a haircut whilewaiting. I cracked a few jokes with the girls at the barber shop while I got my navyAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcut. 0 on the trimmer and when my hair was gone I went to Kitchen & more and I ordered a beer.

The Waitress showed me to the long table, but I preferred to sit in the bar. There were 2 people at the table so I didn't want to join them until there were more people.

Our host arrived just before 7 and I joined them at the table. I only knew the host so this was a good time to join them so I took my beer and I moved over to the table. It was between 25 to 30 people joining the meet up, and it was mostly ladies. WeAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwere maybe 6 guys at the meet up. Girls from all over the world. Hong Kong, England, Kenya, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, USA and some other countries.
I was sitting at the end with the host on my left side and a guy from Japan on my right side.

One of the guys joining us recognised me.
- Didn't you live on Rompo Mansion?
- That was a long time ago.
Well, the world is small. Our host and I were the only one getting drunk, well, tipsy is more like it. Yeah, the concrete haton would be a real dream come true. So this was Charisma Man's evening, at least until the dinner was over.

The didn't had San Miguel Light or Tiger light so I had to drink Stella Artios with ice from a wine glas and the beer tasted, well, not bad after 6 or 7 bottles.

Pictures by our host

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At Kitchen & more

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American and Indonesian girl with a guy from Japan

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The bar at Kitchen & more

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Our hero with the host

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The kitchen

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Our hero

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At Kitchen & more

The food, I don't know if this is a place I will come back to for eating. The food was good but there wasn't much of it. But the staff was very friendly and they had beer and ice coming my wayAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNall the time so I felt like a million. It was like the place in Denmark, yeah, who can forget that drama? Spending 4 to 5 hours at the darn place. Well, anyway, it was more about presentation than fill your stomach.

Our host and I was the last one to leave the place around 10 o'clock. I stopped a taxi and I took off towards Khaosan Road. I f@cked up when I was going to turn on my TAXI CD. I inserted the CD above the CD slot and the CD was slot even though the driver tried to save the CD.

Change of plans, we had to go to Sukhumvit Soi 23 to pick up a new TAXI CD before we could go to Khaosan Road. Well,we discovered that the CD player wasn't working when we left my place so I had to change taxi.

We took the Phetchaburi Road so we could make a stop at Hollywood to see if there was any goodAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbands playing. We continued to Khaosan Road after a short stop at Hollywood, there was no people and no good music. The driver cranked up my CD to full blast
- What do they call this kind of music? House?
- No, it is Hip Hop
- Where can I find this CD?

I had a few beers at the Danish guy's bar and his wife was happy to see me.
Yes, business must be slow. I had 3 beers before I left for Brick Bar on Khaosan Road, one of the best places in Bangkok, if it wasn't for all the people. There is way too much people at the place and IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNcan hardly stand it when I'm on “beers only” After a bottle or two of vodka it would be never mind.

They have some very good bands playing at Brick Bar and it is a friendly crowd, but take away a third of the guests and the place would be a price winner.

Time turns real quick when you have a good time and it was around 2 o'clock when I left Khaosan Road and we stopped at a 7 Eleven for a beer to drink in the taxi. Coming in to this 7 Eleven was something else, the shelves was full of strawberry and cocoa milk. The fridge was full of SanAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNMiguel Light, I have not seen them for a long time now.

I bought a can to the Cashier.
- We're not allowed to sell beer now.
But this was no problem when I paid 100 Baht for the beer.We took off towards Sukhumvit and I ended up at GLOW. DARN! There were some very beautiful girls at GLOW.

It was 3 thirty when I left for NARZ around the corner. Stupid, I should have turned the other way and got back home to bed instead. I never learn.

Sunday 13 th of November 2011
and I woke up to a real cross-examination. I had 73 missed calls and 1 new number and it turned out to be the 17 years old.
- Why don't you answer the phone?
- Are you alone?
- What do you do?
- Do you want to have a girl friend?
Help! How did I end up in this? I asked her how old her mother was.
- 34
- Even if I married your mother people would raise their eyebrows because of the age difference!
Aladdin watching hangover DVDs in Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Well, otherwise it was yet another day lost in bed watching DVDs. Until I turned on The Smurfs.What a waste of money and time! I could stand 15 minutes before I got out of bed at 3 thirty. I had called my Photo Teacher and we will do an 1 on 1 taking pictures in the dark and we would meet outside Emporium at 6.

But The Smurfs drove me to a Japanese restaurant where I had some avocado & salmon sushi before I walked to Emporium.

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At Benchasiri Park

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
At Benchasiri Park

I meet my Teacher outside Emporium at 6 o'clock and we started in Benchasiri Park and now it was getting dark very quickly. We took a few pictures at the pond, the very same pond where we had looked at the Loy Khratong.

We experimented with the flash. I can adjust the a lot of things in the “flash control” menu and we started with shutter sync. There are 2 options, 1st curtain and 2nd curtain. At 1st curtain the flash fires as soon as i take the picture.

So if I have long shutter times and I use 2nd curtain, the flash fires when I take the picture and one more time just at the end of exposure. I get a trail as you can see on the pictures below.
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At Benchasiri Park

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At Benchasiri Park

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We ended up at a ball game at Benchasiri Park and this was an excellent opportunity to test the flash. And no one seems to mind having their pictures taken. When we finished we walked towards Sukhumvit and as we passed 2 girls on a bench I took a few pictures.

Sunday evening and there were plenty people in the park and it was quite fun to walk around watching people in the park. Of course, it would have been better if it wasn't for the hangover.
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At Benchasiri Park

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At Benchasiri Park

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Gong Shi or what they call it in Benchasiri Park

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Sukhumvit outside Benchasiri Park

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The car is a wee bit out of focus, but we have the background blur

When we came out on Sukhumvit we decided to try taking pictures of the passing cars. Same as weAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdid with the joggers at the Chinese graveyard, but the cars willhopefully be faster than the joggers. But as this is Sukhumvit we can expect heavy traffic and it can as well be the opposite.

I use shutter speed 1/30 and I pan the camerafollowing the car in ALSERVO mode and when I take the picture the flash stop thecar and the slow shutter speed will get me a blurred back ground from the camera movement.

We started to walk down Sukhumvit and I took plenty pictures. I bought this camera because I like to take pictures without using the flash. The pictures getting a wee bit too bright when use the flash. But my Teacher told me that there is a flash exposure compensation menu on the camera.

And if I set this to minus I can get a picture and it will look like no flash is used. A very good function and I took plenty pictures with different flash exposure compensation levels.

I only wish they had this control easy accessible on the camera so I could do the adjustments without having to go in to the menu.
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Different flash exposure compensation

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Flash exposure compensation set to -2 and the security guard is to dark

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Flash exposure compensation set to -1 and the security guard is well lit

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Flash exposure compensation set to ZERO and the security guard is too bright

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Interchange Building on Sukhumvit Soi 23

When we reached the walk over at Soi 18 we crossed Sukhumvit and we walked up Sukhumvit Soi 23 trying to get through the Interchange Building so we could walk under Asoke. But the building wasAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNclosed and the whole thing was sand bagged so they are expecting the water to come to Sukhumvit.

We had to walk through Soi Cowboy and we entered the tunnel under Asoke from Asoke road instead of from Sukhumvit Soi 23. There weren't much people on Soi Cowboy, but it was still early in the evening. We passed under Asoke and we came up at Terminal 21. And they had really did some work with the sand bags since I passed last time.

And not only with the sand bags, the Christmas trees were ready and now I just wait for the Christmas songs to start blasting from the loudspeakers.
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Soi Cowboy

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Soi Cowboy

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Soi Cowboy

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Going down the tunnel under Asoke

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Coming up on the other side of Asoke

They were selling boats and collecting money for the flood victims outside Robinson. Strange that they have to beg for money for the flood victims when Thailand is such a rich county. As soon as weAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhad passed Terminal 21 and Robinson we ran in to Refugee camp Sukhumvit.

Terminal 21 and this stretch of Sukhumvit is free from Vendors. But the traffic is terrible, but I guess it will be back to normal in a month or two when they have seen the place.

Right now it seems to be the weekend trip of choice to do. I don't understand what's so exciting with a new shopping centre but it willhopefully soon be back to normal.
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Sukhumvit Road

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Sukhumvit Road

We passed a restaurant and my Teacher told me that he used to eat there back in the days. I told him that I would refuse to eat at the place, or any place like it. This is the same as the roadside food stalls even though the guests are sitting under roof.

The kitchen, well, I wonder when the kitchen had a good scrub last time. A toilet bowl in the kitchen and, well, to make it short. It was nasty.

The reason for me to be a wee bit picky chosing restaurant

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Easy to make the choice to go home for a can of tuna instead

We continued to Sukhumvit Soi 15 where we turned up the Soi to see if we could find any challenging object to take pictures of. Sukhumvit is pretty well lit so we wanted to get out of the bright light to practice some photography in the dark. We ended up outside Manhattan Hotel on Soi 15.

There was a girl waiting outside the hotel so I took her picture and she didn't mind. I took several pictures in the area and I tried different flash exposure compensation with different aperture.

We continued up Sukhumvit Soi 15 and it was fun taking the pictures. And the people we took pictures of thought it was fun and I must have take 200 pictures, of course, most of them was deleted when I came back home. I can't save all these pictures that I will never look at. I put a few on the web page and then I delete them and I only save a few of the pictures.
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Outside Manhattan Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 15

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Outside Manhattan Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 15

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Grande Millennium on Asoke from Sukhumvit Soi 15

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Grande Millennium on Asoke from Sukhumvit Soi 15

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Sukhumvit Soi 15

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Sukhumvit Soi 15

We came to a house with colourful lights and I looked up on the second floor. I could see people dancing and it was not disco dance. So we decided to go inside and check out the place
- Maybe we can get some interesting pictures with this colourful light

We went up to the second floor and people were dancing tango. A guy and a girl came to talk with us and it turned out that it was Bangkok Tango Club having one of their weekly dances. They were on the way outside to have a smoke and we walked with them as we were leaving. The guy and girl was very friendly and they told us to go ahead to take some pictures. So we went back inside and I went to the bar to see if I could order a hangover milkshake. They didn't have milk shakes and it felt stupid to hang around just taking pictures without drinking anything so we left.

When we came outside the guy and girl that were smoking asked us if we got kicked out.
- Didn't they let you take pictures?
- Yes, but we don't want to disturb.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

It was time for me to get home and we split up when we reached Sukhumvit. I walked back home with a stop at Tops Market to buy some fresh milk. I checked for Pumpernickel, but there wasn't any Pumpernickel. But they had tuna, but I have plenty tuna so I didn't bought any.

Monday 14 th of November 2011
and I got out of bed at 9 o'clock when my alarm went off. I had my morning tea and tuna and I went to prepare myself for Chacrit Muay Thai School when I feltAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNasleep on top of my bed. I didn't woke up until 1 and I had to skip Chacrit Muay Thai School

There were plenty people at Bangkok Fight Club today. 12 people and a couple of new faces I had never seen before. We started with warm up and then we did 4 different stations, 4 teams with 3 ineach team. When we finished it was time for the punch bags, kicking, punching and kneeing. It was almost 9 o'clock whenAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwe finished with the cool down and sit ups.

Our Teacher had a camera and he kept himself busy taking plentypictures during the session.

I walked back home with a guy from Belgium, he is on aAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNone week holiday so he joined Bangkok Fight Club for a few sessions. He lives at a hotel next to me so we walked together all the way home.

I had two cans of Matsaman tuna when I was back home. A shower and I went to bed and I willhopefully be able to get out of bed at 9 tomorrow morning so I can go to kick arseat Chacrit Muay Thai School.

Tuesday 15 th of November 2011
and I don't know what happened to my alarm, but I didn't woke up until 12 o'clock when my Teacher at Chacrit Muay Thai School. DARN! I cannot miss today's session at Muay Thai School so I had a quick cuppa before I left for Chacrit Muay Thai School.

I arrived to Chacrit Muay Thai School at 1 thirty and I was back home between 3 and 3 thirty in the afternoon. So I had time for tea and tuna before leaving for Bangkok Fight Club and today we were 5 people training, way better than 12 people yesterday.

Wednesday 16 th of November 2011
and I didn't felt asleep until 7 o'clock in the morning. So I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 9 and I didn't get out of bed until 10 twenty something. IAladdin's adventure at Chacrit Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhad a quick cuppa before I left forChacrit Muay Thai School.

It was very hot outside and people were walking down the street with umbrellas to protect them from the sun. Well, it kept me busy trying to dodge the umbrellas.

The American girl was just about to finish when I arrived to Chacrit Muay Thai School. We have discussed if we wanted tochange boxing club for a few days and we decided to go have a look at another boxing club for our mid days boxing sessions.

There is a Muay Thai school close to Bangkok Fight Club that I discovered when IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwent to Bangkok Fight Club the first time after their move to Asoke. The maintenance and cleaning at Chacrit Muay Thai School left a little to wish for.

They have some nasty foam rubber patches covering the floor and no one had bothered to attach them properly so Ihave been very close to falling during sparring because of skidding patches.

So we're looking for a new Thai boxing school and we wanted to check out the school close to Bangkok Fight Club. So I skipped today's session at Chacrit Muay Thai School and I left with the American girl. We walked down Sukhumvit and we crossed Sukhumvit atAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe walk over. We walked up Sukhumvit Soi 23 towards Srinakharinwirot University.

Well, we were half way up Sukhumvit Soi 23 when the American girl started to complain
- Where is this club? It is very far to walk!

We reached Srinakharinwirot University and I was not sure of the way, I was not even sure where the Thai boxing school was located. I have not been there for a very long time and it was dark outside when I was here by accident last time.

We found the place, very easy, just next to the university. But the Thai boxing school looked closed when we arrived around 1 thirty. There was a lady cleaning the apartment complex and we asked about the place. She told us that they opened at 3 o'clock and she offered to call the Teacher.

The Teacher and the owner arrived 5 minutes later and they showed us around. The place looked nice and the shower was clean. I decided to come try a session at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and the American girl would come by around 4 o'clock. 300Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBaht per session or 3300 Baht for 12 sessions.

We walked out to Asoke when we were finished so I could show the American girl where we were. Just at the zebra across the Asoke Road to BangkokFight Club. I'm looking forward to trying the new place tomorrow. If I like the place I will use my remainingAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhours at Chacrit Muay Thai School on Saturdays.

I had a shower when I was back home before taking off to Tops Market to buy onions and milk. I took a picture of the buckets for sale on the side walk outside my condo. The girl don't even bother to attend the darn buckets anymore and the new price is 399 for a big bucket and 299 Baht for the small buckets.

Yes, it is easy to forget the flooding living here on Sukhumvit, but I read in Bangkok Post today that Bang Kapi communities advised to evacuate so the flooding has not disappeared. So there is still a chance for her to sell her buckets, but I think the chances are slim here on Sukhumvit.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
I left for Bangkok Fight Club and I took my normal route passing through Srinakharinwirot University and I ran in the same girls I run in to every day. They were sitting on a bench flirting with some of the Security Guards.
- Where are you going? (Same question every day)
I usually ask them if they have any boyfriends.
- NO!!

When I'm arriving to Bangkok Fight Club there were 4 people present plus our Teacher. The American girl, a new Thai guy, a Thai boy, The Teacher's daughter and her friend.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
20 minutes later and our American friend arrived and our Thai friend arrived few minutes afterAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhim. It was almost 7 thirty before we started the sessionand we got right on with the warm up and shadow boxing.

First out with the sparring was the young Thai boy and the young Thai girl. They were throwing punches at each other for one round and when they were ready the Thai girl had a rest and the young Thai boy had to take on one of the other Thai guys.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I started my sparring with the American guy and then I took on our Thai friend.I only sparred for 2 rounds and I think the others were sparring for 2 rounds as well.
So we took turns with the sparring and time turned pretty quick as always when you have fun.

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

The American girl have a new match o the 28th of December and she needs all the practice she canget. She was kicking arse with the Thai guys and when we finished with the sparing she did 2 extra rounds with our Teacher. And it looks like Bangkok Fight Club will be closed on the 28th of December if they can't find a stand in for our Teacher because he will be in the American girl's corner during the fight.

And if I'm in Bangkok I can go watch the fight, and I hope the seating's are better than in Pattaya where the ropes on the ring obscured the fighters.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
When the sparring was completed it was past 8 thirty and I thought that it was time to go home.Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBut no, now it was time for the punch bags and we started with 3 rounds of speed kicks and then we did a few rounds of spring knees.

We finished with some cool down exercises and it wasAladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwell over 9 o'clock before we left Bangkok Fight Club, value for money.

I walked down Asoke Road together with the American girl until I turned of at Soi 2. A shower and a episode of SPOOKS season 9 before I will (Hopefully) fall asleep. I can't stand yet another night tossin' and turnin' in my beduntil 7 o'clock in the morning. I need to get up early so I can get the most out of myday tomorrow. My first boxing session 3 o'clock in the afternoon so I will maybe have time to go to Pantip Plaza in order to get rid of my old DELL laptop. The laptop has served me well, but the darn thing is 3 times heavier than my new laptop and I had had enough of carrying around a cubic ton of computer.

Thursday 17 th of November 2011
and I got out of bed at 10 thirty. My alarm went off at 9 but I was asleep after a few seconds. Well, I can't say that I'm in a hurry to get any place. I can do Pantip Plaza tomorrow and I can spend my time relaxing until 2 thirty when it is time for me to go to my new Thai boxing school. So I have a few hours, time for my Thai books?
Aladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
They called from Singapore and they told me that they would send over a few online tests and I willAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNattend to the tests as soon as I'm back from my ThaiAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNboxing school.

I left 20 minutes before 3 and when I approached Asoke Road I realised that I was on my way to Bangkok Fight Club. Yes, I guess I'm like an old horse.

So I turned around and I continued through the Srinakharinwirot University area until I reached theAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNsmall gate leading to the Soi where my new Thai boxingAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNschool was located.

The club was located next to the swimming pool in an apartment complex 20 meters down the Soi from the gate to the university.

The Teacher and the owner was at the gym when I arrived togetherAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwith a girl. I don't know if it was the Teacher's girl friend. I didn't had any clue what the gym was called and I asked theAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNTeacher.

The place is called Sophia Muay Thai School after the owner's wife. So now I know that.

We got right on with the session and the first thing I noticed was that the ring was on foam rubber so it was very hard to walk. Like walking on a mattress.
- For safety, the Teacher explained.

This was not a nice experience, but when I get used to it it will be nice. And it is perfect for theAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNAmerican girl. When she have her match in a normal ring it will be very easy to move for her on the hard floor. Pretty much as carry around a weight for a month and when you let go of the weight it is easier to move.

They were taking the Teaching serious at Sophia Muay Thai Gym and I was half dead after an hour. I decided to continue my lessons at Sophia Muay Thai Gym and I will be back at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. They haveAladdin's adventure at Sophia Muay Thai School in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNtime for me at 3 o'clock on Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays.

Mondays and Wednesday they only have time for me at 4 o'clock. But 3 times a week is good enough for me. I can finish my hours at Chacrit Muay Thai School on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays. And when I'm looking a wee bit better I will take 2 days a week for a Thai language school.

When I left the American girl arrived from her job and she would start her session.

I had my afternoon tea and tuna when I was back home from Sophia Muay Thai Gym and when IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfinished my tea I started withthe online Fighter jet pilot/ Astronaut tests.

And when I was ready it was time to leave for Bangkok Fight Club so I got dressed in a new set of boxing clothes.

There is a food stall 50 meters down the Soi towards the Srinakharinwirot University. They close the food stall in the afternoon and when they have packed their gear in the pick-up they relax with beers.

And since I answered that I didn't felt good the first time they asked me a year or two ago or so they always stop me to ask how I am. I always say that I feel bad and they always ask me why and I'm busy coming up with different answers.
- Hmm, maybe I will have to start taking a different route to Bangkok Fight Club
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

I continued my walk towards Bangkok Fight Club and there was as it used to be students practising some dance at Srinakharinwirot University. I think the schools are closed because of the flooding, but there is usually some students doing something in the area. I don't know if they are cheerleaders or if it is a theatre group or both. Or maybe something totally different.

But they are dancing and jumping and screaming. Today I took a picture of the students when I passed on my way to Bangkok Fight Club and when I came up to the plaza leading to Asoke Road the girls were sitting on the benches. Today one of the girls called me darling when I passed.
- Hmm, maybe I will have to start taking a different route to Bangkok Fight Club
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
There were only 3 people at Bangkok Fight Club when I arrived. For the boxing that is, MMA class was full. But it was only the 2 young girls and a British guy for the boxing. The American girl arrived a few minutes later, she had had a 2 hours session at Sophia Muay Thai Gym.

We started with shadow boxing and technique before we started with the sparring. I and one of the young girls did a round of sparring and she kicked my arse. But she is professional.
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure at Bangkok Fight Club in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
And yet again it was 9 o'clock before we left Bangkok Fight Club and I walked back home. I took a shower and I went to 7 Eleven and I bought 2 bottles of Minute Maid. I have not seen a Diet MAX in Bangkok for several weeks now. I finished my last can of Diet MAX today and I have no clue when I will see a Diet MAX next time.

I willhopefully have given up the Diet MAX by the time when they are available again

Friday 18 th of November 2011
and I woke up at 10 thirty when they called from Singapore. DARN! What happened with my 9 o'clock alarm? I turned it off as usually and I felt asleep again. It is thesame every night. I'm dead tired and I go to sleep at midnight and as soon as I'm in bed I'm wide awake and I spend the night tossin' and turnin'.
But I came up with BRILLIANT IDEA # 1000 000!

I have a timer on my air condition and if I set the timer to turn off the AC at 7 I will wake up because it is hot in my bed room.
- Who do you call stupid?

I said that this was a brilliant idea! Before going to bed I turn on the AC and then I put the remote control in the kitchen and I will have to get out of bed. Who is stupid now?

Well, anyway, obviously they had been impressed with the result of my online Fighter jet pilot/ Astronaut tests in Singapore.

I left for Sophia Muay Thai School at 2 thirty and we started the session 5 minutes before 3. I was half dead one hour later when it was time to go home. It is very hard to move in the ring due to the soft floor. I stopped at 7 Eleven to look for Diet MAX , what a waste of time. No Diet MAX Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNand I bought 2 bottles of Minute Maid. For the second day and I'm on a dangerous path switching from Diet MAX to orange juice.

I had time for tuna and tea before leaving for the drug store at the beginning of Soi 23. I was back home at 18:35 and I grabbed my water bottle, gloves and boxingshoes and I took off to Bangkok Fight Club.

The market was in full swing on the street when I left for my boxing session. But theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNbucket lady was a no show today so I guess she have given up trying to sell her buckets.

Friday night at Bangkok Fight Club and there were 5 of us plus the Teacher. And we spent the whole session with sparring. And the last rounds were done with both hands and legs so we had to have shin covers. Kicking and punching and I didn't wear any shin protection as I don't like to kick. So I had to keep close to my opponent to prevent him from kicking me. It was fun with the added excitement “KICKING” even though I didn't kick.
But I stayed very close to my opponent and he was flat on the floor 2 times.
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN

Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWN
It was almost 9 when we left Bangkok Fight Club and I walked back home without any stop at 7 Eleven. I had a bottle of Minute Maid at home, but I will try to stick to water when this bottle is empty. Friday night and the week have come to an end. Boxing at Chacrit Muay Thai School tomorrow morning and then it will be nice to rest until Monday.

Saturday 19 th of November 2011
and I got out of bed at 9 thirty. Lo and behold, finally! I woke upAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNat 9 and I watched the news before I got out of bed. A quick tea & tuna before going to Chacrit Muay Thai School.

I arrived around 11 o'clock and we did almost 10 rounds before I returned home. A quick shower and I left to look for a taxi to Boonthavorn. I meet my Electrician yesterday and he will come to change the spot lights in my kitchen. I change a broken spot light almost on a daily basis and I decided toAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNchange to low energy lamps.
I have low energy lights in almost every lamp in my condo and I can't remember last time I had to change a light bulb. Back when I had conventionalAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNlight bulbs I changed the bulbs on a daily basis.

And of course, to have 6 spot lights in the kitchen is like to have a radiator on the ceiling and that is something I can live without in Bangkok. I had to walk all the way to “Banana Leaf Kitchen” restaurant before I found a taxi and I ran in to the staff from my local 7 Eleven outside “Banana Leaf Kitchen” restaurant. They came with stores for 7 Eleven and I thinkAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthey had been at the 7 Eleven on Asoke to get the stores.

I don't know what's going on, maybe they are swapping stores between the shops. The other night when I passed my 7 Eleven on my way home from Bangkok Fight Club they were busy moving stores out of the shop.
- Are you closing?
- No, we're sending it to another shop
- Good, any Diet MAX ?

My guess is that they are feed up with me asking for Diet MAX 3 or 4 times per day.

Well, anyway, I found a taxi and we took off towards Boonthavorn on Ratchadapisek. Last time when we were looking at theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNflooding on Ratchadapisek the flooding was at the bridge next to Boonthavorn but today it was all dry.

No sign of any flooding, except for the tents on the bridge. But the traffic was back to normal on Ratchadapisek.

I still have my credit note since the redecoration of my bathroom and I bought 7 new lamps and 16Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNlow energy light bulbs. I decided to stop at Big C on my way home to have a look for Pumpernickel. There was not any Pumpernickel, at least not what I could see. But I found Philadelphia cheese and I bought 3 packs and I returned back home with the same taxi as I arrived with. The driver was waiting for me in the garage.

Yes, finally I managed to wake up at 9 and it was only 3 o'clock when I was back home and I had managed to do a lot of things during the day. Only 3 o'clock and there is time to go drink beer on Khaosan Road. But what about my diet?

I took a taxi to Khaosan Road and I walked around Banglamphu and I had 2 beers before I decided to go back home. Getting out of bed do more than gives you a long day, it makes you tired as well. And I was pretty glad that I had finally got my plan to change my spot lights i the kitchen in to motion. I could choose between a German brand “Made in China” for 65 Baht or a Thai brand “MadeAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNin Thailand” for 380 Baht so the choice was obvious. And it should be pretty obvious which lamps I bought.

But I changed my mind on my way back to Suhkumvit and I asked the driver to take me to Sarasin.

But Sarasin was dead, most of the places were closed down. Good, I can get home and I will wake up without a hangover tomorrow. I walked to Lang Suan and I decided to check out a Jazz place I had visited 17 years ago. Of course, this place was long gone. But thereAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNwas a place called Wine Bridge, restaurant and music lounge. Music lounge sounded interesting and I went inside. I sat down in the bar and I ordered a Tiger Light.

The music left a whole lot to wish for but it was a nice place and I had too many beers. Too many to return home, I had passed “Point of no return”,i.e. I was tipsy and I had no plans to go home. So I took a taxi to Pahaya Thai Road and I asked the driver to stop at a soi I never visited before. I passed it last weekend and I saw that there wereAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNplenty pubs and a lot of people. I was on my way to House of Rock pub but I asked the driver to stop at this Soi so I could check it out.

Plenty people and I stopped at a place to order a beer. I discovered that they didn't had any San Miguel light or Tiger Light. I also discovered thatAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthey only had big bottles. Tiger and it is OK with ice. And the price, 100 Baht for a big bottle. 100 Baht would have been cheap for a small bottle. It was only 90 Bahtbut that is 100 with the tip. Of course, this cheap price come with some disadvantages,Aladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNthe bathroom. One bathroom at the parking lot serving all the pubs,not a bathroom you would use when sober. But I was not sober so no problem.

It was a friendly crowd and if I had spent the same amount of money here as I did at the Wine Bridge I would have had my concrete haton by now and I would have been on my way home.

I had a few beers before I left for The House of Rock and here were not more people than last time I checked out the place. And I think they had San Miguel Light so I stayed for 4 or 5 of them or whatever beer they had. But IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNdoubt that I would have stayed if they didn't had San Miguel Light.

The band was havingtheir sound check when I arrived and when they started to play it turned out to be quite OK so I stayed for a few tunes before I decided to leave. And there were no people at the place. Maybe 6 or 7 people plus the staff.

I bought an extra beer and I brought the bottle with me in the taxi when I took off towards theAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNBeatlounge at RCA to listen to some Hip Hop.

I could hear the music already outside the Beatlounge and I could hear that someone was speaking in a microphone. I thought it wasthe DJ but when I came inside I discovered a guy screaming in the microphone. I stepped up to the bar first thing after entering the place and I ordered a Heineken, they don't have San Miguel Light or Tiger beer. So IAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNhad to drink Heineken with ice in a wine glass.

The guy went on and on in the microphone and this wasAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNfun, for 3 minutes, then it turned very annoying and I tried to turn off the microphone.

He went on and on with all the cool Hip Hop linesand moves and it was quite pathetic. Idon't know if he was a famous Thai Hip Hopper, but he was obviously known in the Thai Hip Hop circles. And to make itworse he had brought his side kick with him and he was hanging over me screaming.
- OK
And of course he threw in a cool Hip Hop line and hand moves and he spoke like he wasAladdin's adventure in a flooded Bangkok/ FUNKY TOWNrapping. I had 2 or 3 beers before I asked for my bill. I could not see any end to the screaming in the microphone destroying the good music. But when I was about to leave the bought me beer and I had to return to my seat. DARN!

When I finally got out of there I checked out a few places at RCA and the last place I was at turned out to be a Jazz place with very good music.

It was way too late when I left to take a taxi back home. And to make things worse I stopped at GLOW on Soi 23. I really didn't need any more beer, but this was not an argument I could understand 2 o'clock in the morning. I'm too old for this!

Sunday 20 th of November 2011
and I spent the day in bed watching hangover DVDs. And this washopefully the last time with a hangover for me. It was not a severe hangover because I only drank beer, but it was a wasted day. So I will cut the month of November 2011 in to a third page and I will leave this behind me and I will start my new life tomorrow.

But before you swing over to November 2011 - Part 3 have a look at this week's pictures from Bangkok Post. And I won't be surprised if this is the last we will see of the flooding at It is still a disaster out there but seems like the inner Bangkok is spared and thus we don't read so much about the flooding anymore.

The poor farmers and the villagers outside Bangkok are on their own.I heard that there is no help so ever. No one sending food or water to the people.

But inner Bangkok is safe so now there are other things than the flooding to read about in the news papers.

Photos of the Week
Interesting images from around the Kingdom, captured by Post Photographers.

Published: 18/11/2011

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