The Tat Sae Waterfalls,

also referred to as the Tad Sae Waterfalls are waterfalls located along a tributary of the Nam Khan River in Luang Prabang Province, Laos. They are located about 18 kilometres (11 mi) southeast of Luang Prabang and about 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) from the village of Bak En. The falls flow over limestone formations amongst trees.

From Wikipedia

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Sunday 28 th of December 2014 and I woke up at 7 o'clock. What the foock happened to the 6Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sto'clock wake-up call? I was out of bed 30 minutes later and I tried to take a shower. Ice cold water and believe me when I say that I didn't spent much time in the shower.

They were soon knocking on my door to say that my driver was here. I asked about the wake-up call and he told me he had knocked on the door two times this morning. I told him that he had to kick the door. But he told me that then he would have woken up the whole hotel. I understood and we went for breakfast. Tea and fruit was OK. The fresh baguette was nothing like the fresh baguette at L'Elephant. And the omelette was, well, I will have my lunch at L'Elephant.

I will have dinner at another restaurant I passed yesterday. There was a sign with some Newspaper naming it to the best Lao restaurant, so I will try this. Dessert at JOMA Cafe at 7 o'clock tonightAladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laosas agreed with them yesterday.

And it will be nice to eat Lao food again, I love it but after the Kamu Lodge Experience I have put the Lao food on a waiting list. The mushy smelling mash they served for dinner was for sure nothing I wanted to experience again.

And this hotel, a beautiful building, or it could have been if they just renovated it. This place could have been a real it, the most talked about place with good food and accommodation. The breakfast was, well, I was not impressed. And I don't care, it is not my place but I always feel a wee bit of pain when they destroy laces like this.

And when I was eating I heard the other guests complaining about hot water. They stay one time and no one is coming back again, way to go! Well, I got in to the van and we took off for a full day of excitements. When I aid for the car yesterday I had asked for things to see. The guy told me about the waterfalls, and the caves etc. I had seen the cave and I told him that I wanted to see the country side and he said that we could drive around slowly having a look at different “points of interest” We took off and the driver stopped after about 20 minutes
- Where are we? I asked
- This is a silk factory

This is exactly the shit I was traveling around Chiang Mai to see with Sue. Totally pointless. I had been looking for tours in the North of Thailand and there was nothing. I did Chiang Mai with Sue 10

years ago and I said never again.
• Paint the foocking umbrella
• Watching the foocking umbrella dry
• Look at the silkworm
• Look at some Carpenter
• Look at some glass shop
• Visit a silver place
• Look at someone painting a foocking cup
• More of the same stuff as the above excitements
• Show with local dancers. Let's jump in front of a bus!
• Eat traditional lunch (traditional lunch means some cheap lunch along the road. Of course, sold expensive as it is “traditional”)

And of course, shops at all the places with the opportunity to buy a souvenir. And it was exactly the same program they offered me this year and I decided to go to Laos. And I understood the couple from Switzerland, Thailand have nothing to offer except souvenir shops. And I wonder how many more people that have cancelled their trips to Thailand. Seems like quite a lot as tourism is down by 20% or so.

We turned around and we started to drive towards the village where the boats for the Tat Sae Waterfalls departed from. WOW, I will experience the Nam Khan River as well, this has really been an adventure. And I grow to like Lao mere and more. Never a dull moment

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Buying a ticket for the boat

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Departure terminal for the Tat Sae Waterfalls

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Departure terminal for the Tat Sae Waterfalls

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Departure terminal for the Tat Sae Waterfalls

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
It is me and a Japanese girl in the same boat

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
We're departing for the Tat Sae Waterfalls

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Nam Khan River

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Leaving the departure terminal behind

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
I expect the bottom to fall out of the boat any second

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
I expect the bottom to fall out of the boat any second

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
A boat departures from the Tat Sae Waterfalls

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
A boat departures from the Tat Sae Waterfalls

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
A boat departures from the Tat Sae Waterfalls

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Nam Khan River

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Leaving the jetty behind

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Ticket office

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
The place was destroyed by bridges, houses, concrete platforms and other constructions

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
The place was destroyed by bridges, houses, concrete platforms and other constructions

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
The place was destroyed by bridges, houses, concrete platforms and other constructions

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
The place was destroyed by bridges, houses, concrete platforms and other constructions

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
The place was destroyed by bridges, houses, concrete platforms and other constructions

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
The place was destroyed by bridges, houses, concrete platforms and other constructions

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
The place was destroyed by bridges, houses, concrete platforms and other constructions

It looked more like a construction site. Or an amusement park

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
There were elephants

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
There were elephants

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
There were elephants

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
I'm back at the jetty

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
I'm back at the jetty

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
I'm back at the jetty

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
We're leaving the Tat Sae Waterfalls behind

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
We're back at the departure terminal

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
We're back at the departure terminal

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
We're back at the departure terminal

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Coming alongside

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
The jetty

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Full activity in the port

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Full activity in the port

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Full activity in the port

Aladdin's adventure at the Tat Sae Waterfalls in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laos
Full activity in the port

Picture by Aladdin

It was nice to be back on the parking lot again. I had spent maybe one hour at the Tat Sae Waterfalls, and that was including the boat ride and that I had to walk around two times. First time I had my camera in “NIGHT” mood. I had taken some night pictures yesterday evening and myAladdin's adventure at L'Elephant in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laoscamera was still set to that.

Professional Photographer, setting up the camera, checking light etc.

Then the picture is taken, I just shot from the hip and many times I forgot to change any settings. But today I was lucky and discovered it before I had left.

It is easy to imagine the Tat Sae Waterfalls as a beautiful place, but they had destroyed it with all the shit around the area. This could as well have been a man-made park. We were soon on our way back to Luang Prabang and L'Elephant. I will have lunch at L'Elephant before we would take offAladdin's adventure at L'Elephant in Luang Prabang - VISA run to Laosto the Kuang Si Falls. I was drooling just by thinking about L'Elephant and their Pork Filet Mignion.

I only had one basked of bread today as I expected them to bring us to the Kuang Si Falls with a canoe again. So I need to be as light as possible in case there are people watching me getting in and out of the boat.

There were possibilities to swim at the Tat Sae Waterfalls and there was a rope so you could swing yourself out in the water. I would like to do that, if I only had a stomach for it. Imagine 2 tons of Aladdin swinging from the rope with a flapping belly. And the trees and rope coming down behind me with a crash. An embarrassment I can live without.

Anyway, I finished an excellent lunch at L'Elephant and we took off towards the Kuang Si Falls. And I learned that there was no need to go in any boat, nice. You just have to click HERE !

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