Aladdin's adventure with Bangkok Photographers in Bangkok

Thursday 11 th of June and it is time for a new “One on One” and this time we will do it in the dark. And as I used my new Canon EF 28-300/3,5-5,6 L IS USM last Monday. So today I willBangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Parkbring my new Canon EF 70-200/2,8L IS II USM with the Canon EOS 5D Mark III.

I left for Benjasiri at 4 o'clock in the afternoon,after my breakfast. My alarm was set to go off at 8 but I felt asleep again and it was 12 before I got out of bed.

Well, it is holiday and I need some sleep, hell, IYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthave been busy doing homework, yes, HOMEWORK! And I got more homework yesterday that I will have to finish before my Thai language class on Monday evening.

School, keeps me busy. I got an e-mail from Mærsk and they want me to go back to Romø Mærsk midAugust. Otherwise I would have taken up my afternoon classes again, but I will do this on my next holiday.

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park

I walked up Sukhumvit Soi 23 and I passed Bradman. I spotted a friend sitting on the terrace drinking a soda water and I stopped to join him with a soda water.

When I reached the new shopping mall opposite of Emporium, I think the name is EM, I was surprised. The new shopping mall had have the grand opening while I was away and this area of Sukhumvit Road is beyond recognition. A huge shopping mall connected with Emporium via the sky train station. There is a new plaza under theBangkok Photographersstation and above Sukhumvit Road so it is pretty convenient to go between the shopping malls.

I stopped at a coffee shop and I had a pot of tea and three almond croissants at the EM Quartier shopping mall before I crossed Sukhumvit via the square under the sky train station. I looked at some wrist watches as I need a new LUMINATOR since I threw away my latest fiasco, the Luminox. They sold the Luminox and there was models of the space shuttle in the Luminox display. What a foocking joke!

I was outside Benjasiri Park at 6 o'clock and my friend was waiting for me. We went in to the park and the sun was starting to set. There was a girl sitting on a bench and I took a few pictures with different ISO speeds. Looks good but of course, you can see the noise when looking at the pictures at 100% in the computer. But for a web page, perfect and I'm sure I will get nice pictures bringing the lens with me to the Amazonas.

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 1600    f/3,5    1/250sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 2500    f/4    1/320sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 6400    f/5    1/500sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
A pigeon refusing to fly away when I try to scare him

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Thaare she blöööössss

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Practicing taking pictures of the pigeon taking off

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Practicing taking pictures of the pigeon taking off

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Practicing taking pictures of the pigeon taking off

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Practicing taking pictures of the pigeon taking off

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Practicing taking pictures of the pigeon taking off

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Evening in Benjasiri Park

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 800    f/5    1/500sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 8000    f/9    1/1600sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 25600    f/11    1/2500sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 800    f/5    1/500sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 8000    f/9    1/1600sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 25600    f/11    1/2500sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
I'm not the only one in Benjasiri park to take pictures

There are plenty pigeons and I was practicing taking pictures of pigeons flying around. And of course, they didn't want to fly away when we wanted them to fly away and my friend did his best
Sepak takraw

(Malay: sepak raga; Jawi: سيڤق راڬا; Thai: ตะกร้อ, RTGS: takro, pronounced [tā.krɔ̂ː]; Khmer: សីដក់ Sei Dak; Lao: ກະຕໍ້ ka-taw; Filipino: sipa; Vietnamese: cầu mây), or kick volleyball.

Sepak takraw is a sport native to Southeast Asia. Sepaktakraw differs from the similar sport of volleyball in its use of a rattan ball and only allowing players to use their feet, knee, chest and head to touch the ball. It is a popular sport in Southeast Asia.

In Malaysia, the game is called sepak raga or takraw. It is also kataw (Lao: "twine" and "kick") while in Thailand it is called takraw. In Myanmar it is known as chin lone, and isAladdin's adventure in the Benjasiri Park in Bangkokconsidered more of an art as there is often no opposing team, and the point is to keep the ball aloft gracefully and interestingly. In the Philippines, besides "takraw" it is also known as sipa, meaning "kick".

The earliest historical evidence shows the game was played in the 15th century's Malacca Sultanate, for it is mentioned in the Malay historical text, "Sejarah Melayu" (Malay Annals). The Malay Annals described in details the incident of Raja Muhammad, a son of Sultan Mansur Shah who was accidentally hit with a rattan ball by Tun Besar, a son of Tun Perak, in a Sepak raga game. The ball hit Raja Muhammad's headgear and knocked it down to the ground.

In anger, Raja Muhammad immediately stabbed and killed Tun Besar, whereupon some of Tun Besar's kinsmen retaliated and wanted to kill Raja Muhammad. However, Tun Perak managed to restrain them from such an act of treason by saying that he would no longer accept Raja Muhammad as the Sultan's heir. As a result of this incident, Sultan Mansur Shah ordered his son out of Malacca and had him installed as the ruler of Pahang.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
to try to scare them so I could take a picture when they took off.

I took a few pictures of the top of Terminal 21 with different ISO speed. 25600 is still OK, but we can see the difference between 800 and 25600. All the details are gone in the picture taken at ISO speed 25600. We were slowly walking to my favourite place of the Benjasiri Park, the takro court.

I like to watch them play and I was delirious with anticipation to try out my new 2.8 lens.

If you need to kill an evening in Bangkok I can highly recommend the Sepak takraw court here in the Benjasiri Park. Amazing to see them play and as soon as I start watching them time turns very quick.

But today I was here to try out my new camera and lens. And a 70 to 200mm lens is not a lens for this sport, but again, I'm just here to try out my lens. I will soon be back with my 28 to 300mm, a far better choice for this.

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 5000    f/3,5    1/320sec    Focal length: 200mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 10000    f/4    1/400sec    Focal length: 190mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 10000    f/4,5    1/320sec    Focal length: 190mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 10000    f/2,8    1/500sec    Focal length: 70mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 10000    f/2,8    1/320sec    Focal length: 70mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 25600    f/4,5    1/500sec    Focal length: 70mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 25600    f/4,5    1/400sec    Focal length: 70mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 25600    f/5,6    1/320sec    Focal length: 70mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 25600    f/4,5    1/500sec    Focal length: 70mm

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 10000    f/3,2    1/500sec    Focal length: 70mm

OK, we can see the difference between ISO 25600 and 10000. And we have a shutter speed of 1/320 to 1/500. F stop 2,8 to 5,6 is not enough to give us enough a good depth of focus. And as we are shooting quickly moving targets we want to increase the aperture. I put on my flash and adjust the aperture to f/8 and a shutter speed of 200. A shutter speed of 200 would not be enough without the flash, but the flash stop the action.

I don't like the flash, as we can see on the below pictures the natural colours are gone. But a good thing with a good camera is that you can adjust the flash exposure. I put the flash exposure to -1 after have tried with -2. Minus 2 was too much and the pictures turned out very dark

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 10000    f/4    1/200sec    Focal length: 70mm
No exposure compensation on the flash

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 3200    f/8    1/200sec    Focal length: 70mm
Flash exposure compensation: 0 and ISO speed changed to 3200

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 2000    f/8    1/200sec    Focal length: 70mm
Flash exposure compensation: -2 and ISO speed changed to 2000

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 2000    f/8    1/200sec    Focal length: 70mm
Flash exposure compensation: -1 and I think we're on to something here.
Not possible to see that we're using a flash, exactly as I want it

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 2000    f/8    1/200sec    Focal length: 185mm
Flash exposure compensation: -1

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 2000    f/8    1/200sec    Focal length: 70mm
Flash exposure compensation: -1

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 2000    f/8    1/125sec    Focal length: 70mm
Flash exposure compensation: -1 Shutter speed changed to 1/125 trying to get the
Motion blur and letting the flash stop the action to get a feeling of movement in the picture

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 2000    f/8    1/80sec    Focal length: 70mm
Flash exposure compensation: -1 Shutter speed changed to 1/80 and now we can see
the motion blur and the flash have stopped the action as well. Well, you get the picture

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 2000    f/8    1/60sec    Focal length: 70mm
Flash exposure compensation: -1 Shutter speed changed to 1/60 and now we can see
that the motion blur is over the top. So 1/60 is too long shutter time

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
ISO Speed 2000    f/8    1/60sec    Focal length: 70mm
Flash exposure compensation: -1 And we can see that shutter speed 1/60 won't make it

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Time to leave the Benjasiri Park

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Flash exposure compensation: 0

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Flash exposure compensation: +1

I was quite impressed by the small flash I bought. I managed to lit up my friend under a tree some 25 meters away. My friend was chocked, and as he is a professional photographer I had consultedBangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Parkhim before buying my new Canon equipment.

We have sent messages back and forth while I was on board m/t Romø Mærsk. My biggest concerns had beenCanon Speedlite 270EX IIabout the flash. He was at least to say sceptic when he saw my small flash. But he was soon impressed by the small Speedlite 270EX II flash.

We stepped out on a road behind the Benjasiri Park so my friend could have a fagYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stbefore going to EM Emquartier shopping mall. He told me about a garden at EM Emquartier that he wanted to check out when I met him at 6 o'clock.

We walked through the Benjasiri Park and we entered Emporium shopping mall at street level. We had spent a few hours in the park and it was nice to come in to the air condition. We took theEmporium shopping mallescalator to the second floor, BTS sky train station, and we walked across the plaza under the BTS station and we were soon in the EM Emquartier shopping mall with courtesy air condition again.

My friend told me that the garden was on the 6th floor.

We took the escalators but when we came to the fourth floor there was no more floors. We walked around and we were suddenly at a cinema and from there we walked across a bridge. We were in another building and we took the escalators againEM Emquartier shopping malland we were soon seeing what we thought was the garden.

It is a huge place and easy to get lost. But no people, Emporium was redecorated for 16 Billion Baht (if I remember it right fromBangkok Post) when they built the EM Emquartier. Emporium was redecorated to match the new EM Emquartier.

The whole area is called The EM District. Click HERE for a map. Billions of Baht spent and no customers, the only place full at the shopping malls are the food courts. Imagine how many schools they could have built for this money!

Well, anyway, we found the garden and we were soon to find out that the garden was called Quartier Water Garden.

The first thing that stroke me was of course that it was a nice place and the visitors was walking around taking pictures. Well, strange, they make a manmade garden and it is pictures and coloured lights. In real life, they go to Khao Yai national park and throw garbage all over the place. No respect for the nature at all. The whole country looks like a landfill and no oneEM Emquartier shopping mall - Quartier Water Gardendoes anything about it. Well, they have the State-aided scam going on on Sukhumvit.

TAT, Tourism Authority of Thailand, an Government organisation attracting tourists to come here, then we have the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration's (BMA) inspectors, better known as the Cigarette police another government organisation scamming the tourists along Sukhumvit.

I mentioned it while in Africa, tourists are important and it had come from the highest authorities, TOURISTS ARE IMPORTANT! DON'T HARASS THEM!! THEY BRING MONEY!

The ordinary people were stopped every few kilometres and some “gratitude” were handed to the Police. When they saw a white guy in the car they just waved at us to continue. In Thailand it is a wee bit different, they see you and you can see howEM Emquartier shopping mall - Quartier Water Gardentheir faces start to glow. Shining up and you can really see how they are calculating on how much they can get from you.

So no, no one do anything to stop the pollution and garbage is thrown anywhere. I have, and not only in Thailand, been thinking about what an alien would think about us when coming to visit in a few years when everything have come to an end.

No more clean water and air, we're already running out of fish, only polluting and environmentally devastating farmed fish remaining. All in the name of economic growth! What have we done? Alien landing and they must think that the globe must have been inhabited by morons. Like sitting in a life raft, the only one available. Finish all the food and water while everyone stabbing the inflatable life raft with knifes and sticks.

EM Emquartier shopping mall - Quartier Water Garden
At Quartier Water Garden

EM Emquartier shopping mall - Quartier Water Garden
At Quartier Water Garden

EM Emquartier shopping mall - Quartier Water Garden
Sukhumvit from Quartier Water Garden

EM Emquartier shopping mall - Quartier Water Garden
At Quartier Water Garden

EM Emquartier shopping mall - Quartier Water Garden
At Quartier Water Garden

We were soon having had enough of the Quartier Water Garden at the EM Emquartier shopping mall. Now we only needed to find our way back out on Sukhumvit Road again. My friend was taking the sky train back home so he had to leave on the second level. And as I was walkingYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stback homeSmiley at Quartier Water GardenI went all the way down to the street level.

I have spent most of the two last days at home resting my feet so it was darn nice to get back in the track. An evening constitutional is always nice, but my toes started toPolar Bear Questhurt a bit. Alarming, OK, we have been up and running around for several hours, but I had planned to start wearing my “POLAR” shoes on Saturday. A short time every day and they willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be comfortable on Friday when it is time to leave.

I will do some boxing exercises tomorrow, barefoot and then I will stay home until 6 when I will meet my friend for a San Miguel Light, or maximum 2. Getting drunk is dangerous, suddenly you couldn't care less about your feet and you turn cartwheels down Sukhumvit Road. Then it s not fun to wake up unable to walk on top of the hangover Saturday morning. And Saturday I'm off for a Bangkok cityscape session with Bangkok Photographers. So MAXIMUM 2 San Miguel Light.

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
Starting up the fire when I'm on the way to Benjasiri Park

Bangkok Photographers in Benjasiri Park
On my way back home from Benjasiri Park

Sukhumvit Soi 23
A TUK TUK Sukhumvit Soi 23

Sukhumvit Soi 23
Sukhumvit Soi 23

Sukhumvit Soi 23
Sukhumvit Soi 23

Sukhumvit Soi 23
Sukhumvit Soi 23

Walking back home and I discovered that the car audio company had disappeared. They have been there for as long as I can remember, more than 15 years. Now they are opening a Lawson 108 shop inLawson 108 on Sukhumvit Road Soi 23the corner instead.

I think Lawson 108 is a Japanese convenient store and that is good news. I have not done any shopping at 7 Eleven since the fishing slavery news. They opened a Family Mart on Sukhumvit Soi 23 not long ago. But the Lawson 108 is just 2 minutes’ walk from my condo, one minute longer than to walk to 7 Eleven. So yes, this might turn out to be good news.

Just waiting for the grandLawson 108 on Sukhumvit Road Soi 23opening of the Lawson 108 here on Sukhumvit Soi 23 and I will check out what they have to offer.

Well, that's pretty much it for today. Next adventure with Bangkok Photographers will be the Cityscape Shoot and Workshop from State Tower on Silom Road on Saturday evening. You just need to click HERE to find yourself in the middle of the cityscape adventure with Bangkok Photographers.

Sverigedemokraterna fighting modern slavery in EU
Are you blind to whats happening?
NO! This was the whole purpose with EU and the globalisation!

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizen visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the red coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

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