OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use the button. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


Wednesday 18 th of November 2015 and I left my room quarter to 12. Aurora Af Helsingborg departs at 12:15. It is a 2 minutes’ walk to the ferry, but I got my new cards yesterday and I need an ATM so I can change my PIN codes.

I had called Scandlines earlier this morning and there were only 82 people booked for the Christmas dinner. I asked how many seats they had and it was 180 or so. So I was looking forward to sit alone. Enjoying my Christmas food and the Christmas drink “Julmust”

Julmust is a special Christmas soft drink they only sell at Christmas. At least they only sold it at Christmas when I was a child. I think it is available the year around now a day. Anyway, IKnutpunkten, Helsingborgcannot help but thinking about the BIG JULMUST SQUABBLE in Go:teborg 10 - 15 years ago or something like that. You can read all about it by clicking HERE And believe me, you cant make up things like that. THETRUE STORY!

I could see how they were decorating the ferry/ trainFuck Christmasterminal for Christmas.

I entered the terminal and I looked around for an ATM so I could change the PIN for my new cards. I was disappointed, I could only choose my own PIN for one of the cards. So it is just a matter of time before I forgetKnutpunkten, HelsingborgChristmas with Scandlinesthe PIN for the card with the unchangeable PIN. I took the escalator to the departure level and I bought a ticket.

One ferry was leaving at 12 and Aurora Af Helsingborg was departing at 12 fifteen. They opened the door 5 minutes after 12 and we were soonChristmas with Scandlinesstanding in front of another closed door.

We saw the last passengers getting off the ferry and we were soon on our way on board. I stopped in the cafeteria and I asked for the restaurant with the Christmas dinner. They pointed at the stairs and asked me to go up to the next deck.

Aurora Af Helsingborg
Aurora Af Helsingborg arriving to Knutpunkten

Aurora Af Helsingborg
Aurora Af Helsingborg

Aurora Af Helsingborg
Passengers waiting to come on board

Aurora Af Helsingborg
Leaving Helsingborg

I got a window table, not a very nice place to sit, but it was the last window table available. OfAurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbordcourse, it would have been nice to sit up front looking at Denmark as we were approaching.

Never mind, I'm here for the food and I went to check out the traditional Christmas buffet. And they had what I was looking for.
Prins korv
Ris ala Malta

I asked for water and a Julmust and I went to the buffet. I grabbed a small plate, even called a side plate. I filled the plate withAurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbordBrunkål and prins korv (Prince sausages)

I topped the plate with meatballs. I asked around and I was directed to the mustard and there were 3 kinds of mustard to choice from. And as no surprise, I choose the Skånsk mustard. I went back to my seat.

It was very good, the mustard from Skåne was the thing that made the food excellent. OK, the meatballs left a whole lot to wish for. Not even close to the meatballs we make in my kitchen in Bangkok.Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord

Second plate, and this time I had creamed kale and more sausages. I asked for a second bottle of julmust and I was full.

I needed some space for the Ris ala Malta.

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord

I went to get my third plate and I found a small bowl at the dessert table and I had aRis ala Maltaspoon or two with the Ris ala Malta.

I was full and I had finished the Christmas food before we reached Denmark. 20 minutes to cross Öresund to Denmark. Julmust, well, it was OK with one bottle but I didn't touched the second bottle.

Well, I poured the Julmust in my glass but I didn't drank any of it. Now I just need to wait until we're back in Sweden to get off. And really, I can't wait to get off the ferry, good food, but as soon as I was full the interest disappeared.

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
Scandlines julbord

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
Scandlines julbord

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
We pass another Scandline ferry

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
Scandlines julbord

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
Scandlines julbord

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
Approaching Helsingør, Denmark

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
Kroneborg in Helsingør through a dirty window

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
In Helsingør

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
In Helsingør

Aurora Af Helsingborg - Scandlines julbord
In Helsingør

We were back in Sweden one hour after we had left. I went to the train station and I bought a train ticket to Bjuv to go see my nephews. Now I have had my Swedish Christmas dinner and I'mPågatågen i Bjuvgood for another 10 years. Well, I don't need to have any more Christmas dinners before I die.

But spring rolls at Österns Pärla is something I can have more of and I will have my dinner at Österns Pärla tonight. I got on the rain to Bjuv 20 minutes before 3 o'clock in the afternoon and we left Helsingborg @ 14:47 and it took about 15 minutes to reach Bjuv.

I was attacked by a girl getting of the train in Bjuv. I was holding my e-cigarette and she had one as well. She started to interrogate me about my juice and battery. What mode are you using?Pågatågen i BjuvMode, what do I know?

My brother and my youngest nephew were waiting for me at the station and we were soon on our way.

My oldest nephew had to do homework and then they were off to Jiujutsu. I try to get them to get started with boxing. But Jiujutsu it is and it was a 5 minutes’Smileydrive to the club. When we arrived there were 2 other children but when I left there was around 10 children or so playing Jiujutsu.







Karate smileyThere was a guy with blue belt and I told my nephews to stay clear of him. I discovered a guy with white belt and I told my nephews that this was the guy to get

I took the train back to Helsingborg and a stop at Österns Pärla for four quick spring rolls before going to my room. The staff at Österns Pärla recognise me by now, just as I like it. No need toBjuv train stationorder any food. I just sit down and they bring what I want.

But tis is the last time eating Swedish spring rolls for a very long time.

I don't know when I come back next time, maybe next summer. For sure, I will try to avoid coming here in the winter again. It has been very cold for the last 3 days and I'm not sad to leave for the winter in Thailand.

I booked a ticket with Nettbuss leaving Helsingborg at 9 thirty tomorrow morning arriving to Kastrup at 11 o'clock. I decided to try the bus to Kastrup instead of taking the train. The train is very crowded and there are no space for the luggage, strange for a train going to an international airport. So I will try the bus, just but my bag in the luggage room under the bus and take the seat and enjoy the ride to the airport.

Österns Pärla
Österns Pärla

Thursday 19 th of November 2015
and I was dead tired when my alarm went off at 6 o'clock in the morning. Lucky me, I cannot find my sleeping pills so I need to be tired on board Thai Airways flight TG 951 to Suvarnabhumi. DARN!

I repacked my bag and computer bag but the sleeping pills were nowhere to be found. My upbeat “good morning ”mood was soon turning in to, not a bad mood, but I was not very happy. I hadNettbuss Expressalready booked a ticket with Nettbuss Express from Knutpunkten to KastrupNettbuss ExpressInternational Airport. I had been very happy with the Nettbuss Express from Go:teborg so I decided to take the Nettbuss again.

The breakfast was a disappointment, same good stuff as always, but they must have changed the guy delivering the sausages. Today they were full of whatBarf bagI suspect was gristle. That was not very nice and my breakfast adventure turned in to a bad experience. And the girl that usually works there had her day off and I never got my tea mug and I only had water.

Checking out and I was soon at Nettbuss Express stop. The buss arrived in time and we were soonNettbuss Express to Kastrupon our way to Kastrup with a just a stop in Malmö

I left Sweden in the nick of time, heavy rain and cold and I have no business coming back here until it is warm again.

The bus ride was nice and the time passed very quickly, we were in Malmö in 50 minutes or so.

I was sitting alone and it seems like I was the only one reserving a seat. This cost 3 US Dollars extra so people are saving thisNettbuss Expressmoney. Same on the bus between Go:teborg and Helsingborg. We stayed in MalmöNettbuss Express logofor 5 to 10 minutes before we left and next stop is Kastrup, Copenhagen International Airport just across the bridge from Sweden. First time for me crossing the bridge in a bus.

Strong wind and the buss was wobbling a wee bit while we crossed the bridge, but noting to be alarmed about,Nettbuss ExpressI think. >Our Driver handled it like a real pro and we were soon in the tunnel on the Danish side.

We will stop at terminal 2 and I'm flying rom terminal 3. I will have to go look for the tax refund place and I think it is located between the terminals. So this is my first destination, Global Blue. It is a company so I only get about 14% in return instead of the 20. Global Blue keep the rest as a fee. And yes, that is how they make their money.

Nettbuss Express to Kastrup
Ship passing under the Öresunds Bridge

Nettbuss Express to Kastrup
Ship passing under the Öresunds Bridge

We arrived in time and I was soon inside looking for the tax refund place. Nettbuss Express, PLEASE STAY AWAY! This is a service I don't recommend. The train is much better. And if you go by train, then I can take the bus.

Nettbuss Express was excellent, I had my seat and the luggage was under us in the luggage compartment. One stop only and no one disturbed us. But on the train, jeez, it is so full ofKastrup, Copenhagen International Airport - Thai Airways check inpassengers and luggage it is almost impossible to get up to get out of the train at Kastrup. From now on I will only take the bus, if the timing is right that is.

I was lucky to have my Thai driving license, I got my tax refunded. I had two choices:

1) Cash (Then there was a 25 US Dollar fee)

2) They would deposit the money to my AMEX

Life is full of choices, but this one was a real NUT CRACKER. Yeah, what to do? I can take the (Danish) cash that I have no use for and pay them 25 US Dollars for this. Or the convenient choice, just to let them deposit in to my AMEX card.

Yeah, it is not like I'm going to hang around here pondering my two choices missing the flight. Mypockets full of Danish cash isn't exactly a dream I'm having. So I had her to deposit the money to my AMEX and I was off to check in.

Check in was completed in a minute and I was soon on my way to the security. I was happy that I didn't had to stand in the queue to the monkey class. Then I would have had to spend much more time there.

Airport Security at KastrupSecurity must have broken some records today, I was through in a jiff. There was not that much people almost empty so it took me a minute to pass.

I stopped in the tax free shop on my way to the SAS lounge and I bought two bottles of whiskeyKastrup, Copenhagen International Airport - Tax free shopas they always come in handy in Thailand.

The breakfast turned out to be a fiasco and I was a wee bit hungry when I took my seat in the lounge. I sat up my IT Centre and I went to get 2 glass of water.

I had one small piece of bread with cheese (no butter) and a while later I went for aSAS Lounge at Kastrupwee bit bigger piece of bread with cheeses (no butter)

And that was the only thing I had, well, I had a third glass of water. But that’s it, I need to get my diet back on track so I can get in to the seat. Next level is FIRST CLASS and as they have removed first class from most of the flights I need to keep my proportions in check. Or I will never be able to leave Bangkok again.

SAS Lounge at Kastrup
I'm in the lounge

SAS Lounge at Kastrup
I'm in the lounge

I worked a little with the web page and I added some pictures, time passed quickly and it was soon time to go to Gate C 29 and Thai Airways flight TG 951. Departure time 14:00. I cannot remember last time I saw Kastrup this empty, the lounge had been almost empty. Security wasOn board Thai Airways flight TG 951done in a jiff and Immigration even quicker.

Maybe because they had to evacuate the airport yesterday due to a bag. But of course, Thai Airways was full so there were plenty people at Gate 29C

The flight was full and the waiting area at the gate was full. But it took 10 minutes or so and we could start boarding.

I checked my boarding card and the seat number was for sure not the seat number I had booked. This day, starting with the sausages and no tea mug at Marina Plaza's breakfast buffet. And now this! I asked the Stewardess about my seat. She told me it was full and I told her that I had booked another seat.

She didn't believe me so I had to fire up my lap top and the e-mail program to show her my seat number. I complained and she asked if I wanted to change.
- No, there is already another guy sitting there

Yes, I was not happy and I must have been looking very sullen because the cabin was soon full of Thai Airways ground staff.
- Mr. Aladdin, we can move you
- No worries, I can sit here. Now there is a passenger in “my” seat
- We can move him
- Never mind
- He don't mind moving
- How do you know?
- We know him, he can move

I mean, seriously, I have been using Thai a few times and every now and then I recognize some ofTG 951the crew. Of course, they recognize me. 500kg and growing so who can forget me. Recognize is one thing but to know, then you must live on the airplane.
- How do you know that he like to move?
- We know him
- How can you know him?
- We know him from the office

So, they know him from the office, this means one out of two things:

1) When they start in the office they introduce themselves with a “I like to change seat” or “I don't like to change seat” and then they keep records of this as it would be impossible to remember which of your co-worker like and don't like to change seat.

2) You are a freeloader that have to sit pretty much where the foock you are told to sit

I don't want to brag or anything, but I have been on more than 2 flights so I have learnt a wee bit about where to sit. And for this flight the seating assignment was foocked up on Thai Airwaysweb page. I could see that it was full and I wanted to make sure I got a good seat. Yeah, never mind for you, but for Porky The Human Balloon...

So I booked both in business and in premium. Then I called their office in Stockholm to make sure I got a got seat. And now there is a co-worker from the office in my seat! And I sit in the middle of a cluster of passengers. Nothing for the “Lone Wolf”

But the ground staff arranged everything and I was happy and we could start with the safety demonstrations and we were soon on our way to the runway.

I was soon having one of the Stewardesses next to me with a menu. She was smiling, she had noticed my mood change since I got “MY” seat. Well, I think the whole crew noticed and we wereOn board Thai Airways flight TG 951all happy. And I was maybe, and I say maybe happiest of us all. Already when I took the seat in the co-workers seat I decided never to fly with Thai again. I have two upcoming bookings in Business class, but after that.

Now I can continue to fly with Thai Airways as I really like them. The food was excellent and I was full. And my Thai Airways special tea mug, I had 3 or 4 of them during my dinner and I was feeling quite good. The only dark cloud is that I couldn't find my sleeping pills.On board Thai Airways flight TG 951

I brought out my lap top but I was soon too tired and I prepared my seat for sleep. If I'm lucky I will manage to sleep, but I doubt it.

I asked for an extra pillow and by now it was late evening Thai time. I have a plan B if I cannot sleep. I will go to bed when I get home and then I will of course be full of vim tomorrow night. But I will have a few San Miguel Light with my friend and I'm soonSan Miguel Lightasleep. Getting old! Booyaa!Old fart

On board Thai Airways flight TG 951
Prepared the cabin for the night (afternoon Danish time)

Friday 20 th of November 2015
and I woke up at midnight (Thai time) and I had managed to get an hour or two of sleep. Darn! I miss the sleeping pills. Well, I unpacked my new lap top and IOn board Thai Airways flight TG 951started to install my programs. I was actually enjoying myself preparing my new computer withYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stthe crew bringing tea for me. Of course, we used the Thai Airways sized tea mug.

I was surprised to learn that we would arrive @ 05 thirty, it says 6 thirty on the ticket. And I was not the only one surprised! This is the old arrival time, but before when I had been on TG 951 from Copenhagen we have always departed at 3 in the afternoon. Now it was changed to 2 o'clock. And we have just changed from day light saving time so thereOn board Thai Airways flight TG 951are a few factors that can foock things up.

Anyway, I was enjoying myself, very much because I had got me pre booked seat. And this is the best seat you can get on board a Boeing 777.

And no, I won't tell you which seat it is for the same reason I hope you take the train to Kastrup. I want this seat! But I was tired, not much sleep and I need to get home for some sleep. My friend wants to go drink San Miguel Light tonight.

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
We have landed at Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
We have landed at Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
We have landed at Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
We have to go by bus

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
We have to go by bus

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
We have to go by bus

OK, arriving and I was soon discover that we had to go by bus. I wasn't happy about it, as always. But as usually going by the bus, I'm soon to discover that the bus is the best option. We alwaysSuvarnabhumi International Airportarrive just next to the immigrationSuvarnabhumi lugga claimand no need to trot around with my luggage.

Immigration was almost empty, same when I left a month ago, Suvarnabhumi was empty and thee still claim that there are so many tourists coming. Increasing by the day, no sign of them here at Suvarnabhumi. I booked aSuvarnabhumi Taxicar to take me home and I still had to wait for my luggage. So the whole thing getting from the aircraft to the luggage claim was done in a jiff.

Luggage and stop at Family Mart for some milk and I was in the car 10 minutes after getting my bag, the day started nicely. Next stop, my apartment!

We were hauling arse as the traffic was very light on the highway towards Bangkok city centre.Bangkok Road accidentWe had been on our way for about 10 minutes when the traffic came to a full stop.

Bangkok Road accident
We were soon discovering that there had been an accident and they towed away several wrecked cars. I had been worried that we would run in to dead bodies and other scary stuff. But nothing and as soon as we had passed the accident the traffic was moving on quite fast. I called my friend and I asked if he had time for Thai boxing in teh afternoon. Originally planned for 11, but that was when I had expected to get some sleep on the plane.

Bangkok Road accident

But he didn't had time in the afternoon, so maybe tomorrow. I went to bed when I was back home around 7 o'clock. I need rest as I expect a busy week before leaving for the whale sharks in Donsol on the Phillipines next Friday. But I had the time for yet another stupid Bangkok tourist attraction review. Calypso Cabaret at Asiatique. So just click HERE for the latest “What to do for fun when you're too old for party - How to kill a day in Bangkok” #19


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