OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

Marunong ka mag-tagalog? Walang problema! Magpunta sa kabilang pahina pindutin ang “NEXT” button sa itaas

Faites vous parlez le français? Pas de problème! Pour arriver à la page suivante faites s'il vous plaît un déclic le bouton “Next” ci-dessus!

Haga usted dice el español? No hay problema! Ver la siguiente página sólo hacer clic el botón “Next” encima!

Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

Вы говорите по-русски? NJET PROBLEMA! Просто нажмите синюю кнопку "Next" с левой стороны и Вы моментально переместитесь на следующую страницу!

E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Birding/ Bird watching at Bang Pu and Mahachai Mangrove Research Station, Thailand

Monday 8 th of February 2016 and I want to start by thanking Nick Upton with his page www.thaibirding.com and Peter Ericsson's excellent bird identifier Pretty much everything you needFamily Mart Sukhumvit Soi 23to know about birding in Thailand in just 2 web pages. Anyway, my alarm went off at 5 o'clock.

I was going to meet my friend outside Family Mart on Sukhumvit Soi 23 at 6 o'clock. I had called the taxi driver and he would be there at 6 o'clock.

I approached the Family Mart on Sukhumvit Soi 23 when our taxi arrived, it was a few minutes before 6 o'clock and I got a SMSFamily Mart Sukhumvit Soi 23from my friend. He was in a taxi and he would arrive in 10 minutes or so.

I went over to Family Mart and I bought two bottles of Diet MAX and I was soon back in the taxi waiting again.

We observed the early morning traffic on Sukhumvit Soi 23 when I got the second SMS. My friend was crossing Rama IX and he would be here in just a few minutes.

Suddenly we had a taxi stopping in front of us and my friend stepped outside. We discussed where we wanted to go. We had 4 sites that we had selected from Nick Upton's web page www.thaibirding.com. We had decided to check out Bang Pu and Muang Boran Fish Ponds.

Site #1 and #2 on www.thaibirding.com and Khok Kham and Mahachai Mangrove Research Station, #8 and #11 on www.thaibirding.com We decided to take Bang Pu and Muang Boran Fish Ponds. Morning at Muang Boran Fish Ponds and the afternoon birding at Bang Pu.

Sukhumvit Soi 23
My friend arrives


Then we will take Khok Kham and Mahachai Mangrove Research Station another day. We left Sukhumvit Soi 23 and it was still dark. We could not find the Muang Boran Fish Ponds, we ended upBirdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkokat the Ancient City. Muang Boran Fish Ponds is just up the road toward the Bang Pu. But according to Nick Upton we would have to go by motorcycle taxi and we decided to go straight to Bang Pu. We would spend the afternoon at Khok Kham or Mahachai Mangrove Research Station on the west side of Bangkok. And we have planned to have our lunch while going there. Should be some restaurants driving there on the highway.

We arrived to Bang Pu and we started by walking out on the pier to see if we could see the Brown-headed Gull that Bang Pu is famous for. There were already several girls on the pier withBirdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkokcameras when we arrived. A few words with the girls before we attended to the Brown-headed Gull. The birds were just swimming around at a distance pretty far away. This would not give us any good pictures of the birds.

Our Driver that we thought was waiting in the car was suddenly next to us throwing popcorn in the sea andPop Corn Smileysuddenly we were surrounded by Black-headed Gulls. We got our pictures and we left. I asked my friend if this wasn't cheating.

But we were happy, without the help from the Driver and his popcorn we might have wasted a full day waiting for the Brown-headed Gull. And there would for sure not be any guarantee that the Brown-headed Gull would have coming close to the bridge. So we had saved a lot of time and we could move on with the Bang Pu birding.

Mangroves at Bang Pu
Bang Pu mangroves from the pier

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

Brown-headed Gull, Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus, นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา - Bang Pu, Bangkok

We left the pier and our Driver stayed behind continuing to feed the Black-headed Gulls. WeBang Pu map from www.thaibirding.comturned left when we left the bridge and the plan was to follow the roads between the mangroves. As you can see on Nick Upton’s excellent map that I took from www.thaibirding.com

Visit his page and print the two maps from Bang Pu or bring your smart phone and have his web page online. Excellent help when you're going for birding!

It seems like the pier and the Black-headed Gulls are the reason for people to come here. We could not see any one leaving for where we were going and that is OK by me.

And it is great to do birding with my friend, we separate and we walk around alone and then we meet and walk together for a while before splitting up again. Birding is most of the times best done alone. But it is more fun to do itBirding at Bang Pu/ Birdwatching at Bang Putogether, but to split up at times. I stop at some places and my friend stop at some places to look so it is better to walk alone.

We left the pier and I cannot say that I was surprised. I had expected some garbage, but as it is one of the attractions in Thailand that are mentioned as a “lush area” I wonder when they had a representative from the Tourism Thailand to visit Bang poo last time. It was for sure not yesterday. I was instantly reminded about Pench

adjective (of vegetation, especially grass) growing luxuriantly: lush greenery and cultivated fields.

♦ opulent and luxurious: a hall of gleaming marble, as lush as a Byzantine church.

♦ (of colour or music) very rich and providing great sensory pleasure: lush orchestrations.

♦ (of a woman) very sexually attractive: Marianne, with her lush body and provocative green eyes.
Jungle Loge scam, it was all about lush and luxury. Seriously, imagine a family on the other side of the world planning for a holiday. They visit www.tourismthailand.org and they find Bang Pu.

Located in Tambon Bang Pu Mai, Bang Pu is famous for the relaxed getaway that is very closed to Bangkok at only 37 kilometres. The placeAmazing Thailandis operated by the Quartermaster Department Royal Thai Army and soit’s popular among the soldiers. This lush area also has many bungalows and restaurants worth driving for. Take note that during November to July is a good time spotting the large flocks of migrating seagulls that gather here along the shore.


Yes, restaurant, no restaurantS worth driving for (we bought two coconuts on the pier) so the wholeTaking offfamily hop in to the taxi and take off to the airport with smokin' and screamin' tires.You end up on a flight full of passengers delirious by anticipation bound for Thailand. Imagine their disappointment when they discover all the garbage laying around. Jeez, this would have been a very nice area if they could have kept it clean. It was really nasty. And there were houses or barracks and I guess it is housing for military personnel.

And I have seen it before, Philippines, India, and Laos where people just throw the garbage around their houses. Imagine to live among this shit.

Anyway, we took off along the mangroves and my friend walked on and I stayed behind to take pictures of a Brown shrike sitting in a tree.

Brown shrike, Lanius cristatus, นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล
Brown shrike - นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล

Brown shrike, Lanius cristatus, นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล
Brown shrike - นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล

Brown shrike, Lanius cristatus, นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล
Brown shrike - นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
Walking through a lush area

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
Keeping an eye on the lower branches under the leafs

I studied the Brown shrike before continuing through the lush area. One new bird and I was soon running in to my second new bird. As we can see on Nick Upton's map there are small streets goingBirdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkokthrough the mangroves and water. There were vegetation with thick leaves and I was walking slowly keeping my eyes out for birds on the branches under the leaf.

Again, it was a lovely area and it would have been a paradise if it wasn't for the garbage. The sky was full of Egrets, and there were also Egrets and Pond herons in the bushes in the mangroves. And I didn't saw them until I had scared them and they took off just in front of me approaching the mangroves when I wanted a closer look. I spotted a new bird I had not seen before and later on my friend told me it was a Malaysian Pied Fantail.

Malaysian Pied Fantail, Rhipidura javanica, นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ
Malaysian Pied Fantail - นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ

Malaysian Pied Fantail, Rhipidura javanica, นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ
Malaysian Pied Fantail - นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
Keeping an eye on the lower branches under the leafs

There were Kingfishers flying around but I never got any pictures as they were very shy. The first Common Kingfisher I passed looked like a leaf and when I stopped the bird flew away. IBirdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkokcontinued and I was soon meeting my friend. We spotted a Kingfisher in one of the many dead trees. Easy to see that it was a Kingfisher, but what kind of Kingfisher?

I checked my phone and it was a Collared Kingfisher. He flew away and I followed him up the street keeping an eye on in which tree he was landing. I saw more of the Malaysian Pied Fantail but I never got any good pictures of the Collared Kingfisher.

I started to walk back towards my friend and he started to wave at me. He had spotted 3 Collared Kingfishers and they were not shy, almost like the Kingfishers in India.

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
Collared Kingfisher - นกกินเปี้ยว

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
Collared Kingfisher - นกกินเปี้ยว

Malaysian Pied Fantail, Rhipidura javanica, นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ
Malaysian Pied Fantail - นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ

Malaysian Pied Fantail, Rhipidura javanica, นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ
Malaysian Pied Fantail - นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ

Malaysian Pied Fantail, Rhipidura javanica, นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ
Malaysian Pied Fantail - นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
Collared Kingfisher - นกกินเปี้ยว

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
Collared Kingfisher - นกกินเปี้ยว

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
Collared Kingfisher - นกกินเปี้ยว

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
We leave the streets to walk down a path towards the sea

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
We end up off the beaten tracks

We took pictures of the Collared Kingfishers and we continued on a paved path down to the sea. We reached a fence over the paved track and we turned in to a very small pathBirdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkokthrough the jungle. And it was not only the jungle we had to walk through as there was enough garbage, rubbish, lumber and junk laying around.

On our left hand side we had a row of houses, well, huts that looked to be about to fall apart.

And the dwellings/ hovel were in the middle of a marsh looking area covered in red coloured water. I can imagine to have to live here, spiders would be the least thing to worryBirdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkokabout. I'm shitting my pants when I see aSmileycockaroches so this would not be a place for me.

Yet again I was reminded about how hard the birding is. Make enough noise toBirdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkokscare away nasty snakes, but not enough to scare away the birds. As an ex. commandoCommando smileyI never ran in to any trouble on the path that was mostly reminding me about a steeplechase course. I wasBirdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkokup the rubbish path about 50 to 100 meters when I gave up and we turned back.

But I was handsomely rewarded for the struggle walking through the garbage, rubbish, lumber and junk.

I spotted a small Golden-bellied gerygone, at least I'm 99% sure that it is a Golden-bellied gerygone after having consulted my book “A Field Guide to the Birds of Thailand and South East Asia” by Craig Robson and then double checked it on the internet. And the Golden-bellied gerygone is a beautiful bird.

Golden-bellied gerygone, Gerygone sulphurea, นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง
Golden-bellied gerygone - นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง

Golden-bellied gerygone, Gerygone sulphurea, นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง
Golden-bellied gerygone - นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง

Golden-bellied gerygone, Gerygone sulphurea, นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง
Golden-bellied gerygone - นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง

Oriental Magpie Robin, Copsychus saularis, นกกางเขนบ้าน
We also see an Oriental Magpie Robin

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
We end up off the beaten tracks

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
Collared Kingfisher

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
A fish

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
Bicycles used as water pumps

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok
Bicycles used as water pumps

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok

Birdwatching/ birding at Bang Pu in Bangkok

Brown shrike, Lanius cristatus, นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล
Brown shrike - นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล

Brown shrike, Lanius cristatus, นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล
Brown shrike - นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล

Brown shrike, Lanius cristatus, นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล
Brown shrike - นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล

We split up again when we were back from the path through the bushes and I continued straight towards the dam. I would walk around the dam and when I was back here again I would walk along the sea wall back to the pier.

I saw several Common Kingfishers and something I think was the blue eared Kingfisher but no pictures as they were flying away as soon as they saw me approaching. I took some more pictures that was going straight to the garbage bin. There were plenty of the Malaysian Pied Fantail and I saw the Brown shrike again.

There was another bird that looked like a Heron but it was grey and I really don't know what it was. But as soon as I approached they went away. But I saw one in the mangrove. But it looked like a wader and I saw one of the grey birds jumping in to the water to catch a fish. No pictures, but I managed to get a pictures of the Black-winged stilt, and that makes it the 6th new bird for me today.

Brown-headed Gull / นกนางนวลธรรมดา
Brown shrike - นกอีเสือสีน้ำตาล
Malaysian Pied Fantail - นกอีแพรดแถบอกดำ
Collared Kingfisher - นกกินเปี้ยว
Golden-bellied gerygone - นกกระจ้อยป่าโกงกาง
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

So it had been a very good day here at Bang Pu and it would have been a paradise if it would not have been for all the garbage laying around the area.

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

I walked back to the pier along the sea wall without taking any pictures. I met my friend on the pier and we bought two coconuts that we enjoyed on the pier. It was around 11 thirty and we hadHouse Sparrow / Eurasian Tree Sparrowspent about 4 hours at Bang Pu and it was time to get to the taxi and take off to Khok Kham and Mahachai Mangrove Research Station for more excitements.

We stopped at a sculpture on a piece of lawn to check out a few Eurasian Tree Sparrow. My 7th new bird today, well, the Eurasian Tree Sparrow is so common you don't even notice the bird. They are all over the world and it must be the most common bird in Sweden together with the House Sparrow. They almost look the same.

This is the kind of birds we have in Europe so of course I didn't showed any interest in birding. But here in Thailand they have so many colourful birds so it is kind of fun to see them. And now it have turned in to a collection. And as my friend said: I'm happy if I can get good pictures of 2 new birds per day.

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, นกกระจอกบ้าน, Pilfink
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / นกกระจอกบ้าน

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, นกกระจอกบ้าน, Pilfink
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / นกกระจอกบ้าน

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, นกกระจอกบ้าน, Pilfink
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / นกกระจอกบ้าน

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, นกกระจอกบ้าน, Pilfink
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / นกกระจอกบ้าน

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, นกกระจอกบ้าน, Pilfink
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / นกกระจอกบ้าน

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, นกกระจอกบ้าน, Pilfink
Eurasian Tree Sparrow / นกกระจอกบ้าน

We had been up and around since 5 o'clock in the morning and we were hungry. So we told the driver to stop at a Central shopping mall or something like that so we could have lunch before weBang Pu to Mahachai Mangrove Research Stationcontinued to Khok Kham and Mahachai Mangrove Research Station. He must have misunderstood us because my friend discovered that he was driving back towards down town Bangkok by looking at his GPS.

I had been up since 5 o'clock and I was relaxing in the back seat.

We told him to skip the Central, we could stop anywhere on the way. We also decided to skip Khok Kham and only go to Mahachai Mangrove Research Station. I have been on the roads in Thailand a few times and we have never been driving longer than a few minutes between the restaurants. Today we didn't find anything, well, some places and it was enough to imagine how the kitchen looked to make us drive by.

We reached all the way to Mahachai and we had not found anything. We had passed a sign saying Tesco Lotus and there should be some restaurants. We drove on and we never reached Tesco Lotus.KFC at Tesco Lotus in MahachaiIt said 1,4 km on the sign and by now we had been driving longer than 1.4 km.

We stopped to ask for directions and we returns to an intersection where we turned left and we were soon at Tesco Lotus.

There was not really any restaurants at Tesco Lotus. KFC, so it was not any fine dining and the food was, well, I made a mental note to never come back to KFC again. I gave one of my fish burgers to my friend. I had expected them to have fish fingers and Tatar sauce but there was no sign of any fish fingers on their menu.

OK, the egg tarts are something very good and if I ever come back it will be to buy the egg tarts as they are excellent. But then I will have the egg tarts “to go” and I will bring them to a placeKFC at Tesco Lotus in Mahachaiwhere I can enjoy a proper cup of tea in nice surroundings.

We were not satisfied when we left, but we were not hungry anymore and we were ready to take on Mahachai Mangrove Research Station. We started by missing the road but we were soon on the right track again. Crossing the river Tha Chin and we turned left at the first road after the bridge.

It took 10 to 15 minutes and we were reaching the Mahachai Mangrove Research Station and we parked the taxi. We got out of the taxi eager to get started with the birding. I don't know what I hadMahachai Mangrove Research Stationexpected of the Mahachai Mangrove Research Station. A big house with a lot of Scientists running around. No sign of any Scientists, a few dogs.

The house was a nice looking house, but there was no sign of any activities. There were two paths from the parking lot and we took the one leading towards the sea. After 10 meters there was a bridge built in bamboo on our right hand side. The bamboo bridge lead in to the mangrove and we could walk over the sea bed, now dry as it was low water.

Bang Pu to Mahachai Mangrove Research Station

Bird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailand
Bamboo bridge over the mangrove

Bird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailand
Bamboo bridge over the mangrove

Bird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailand
Bamboo bridge over the mangrove

Bird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailand
Bamboo bridge over the mangrove

Bird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailand
Bamboo bridge over the mangrove

The bamboo bridge came to an end at a platform down at the beach. And there was a few scary creak and cracks when I walked on the bridge and I was really happy when we came to the end. And the only thing I got out of it was a Malaysian Pied Fantail. So it was not much. We saw some birds from the platform but they were too far away sitting on poles out in the water.

We walked back on the path towards the parking lot. We passed a concrete bridge going out in to the mangrove on the other side of the walk path. The concrete bridge looked at least to say flimsy. My friend went up and I followed him.

I saw a Oriental Magpie Robin while walking on the concrete bridge otherwise nothing. We walked, well, maybe 200 meters and the walking bridge was in a really poor condition. We came to a place where the bridge had a passage we didn't feel like passing so we turned around.

Bird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailand
Concrete bridge over the mangrove

Bird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailand
Concrete bridge over the mangrove

Bird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailand
We spot a Red and yellow spotted twatter (great chested bustard)

Bird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailand
We spot a Red and yellow spotted twatter (great chested bustard)

We walked back towards the parking lot and I spotted a Collared Kingfisher in a tree. Otherwise no birds at all. Well, that is the thing with the nature, some days nothing.

When I was finished with the Collared Kingfisher I continued towards the parking lot. My friend had turned in to the other path from the parking. I turned in to the path and my friend wasBird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailandleaving. He told me that the path ended at a pond and he would go out on the road to explore the area.

I told him that I would walk to the end of the path and then I would join him on the road.

There was exactly nothing to see in the grove and when I reached the pond I turned around again. I saw a very strange looking spider and that was it. Not one single bird in the grove and I was a little disappointed. I was back out on the parking lot and I walked up theBird watching/ birding at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center, Thailandroad looking for my friend. He had told me that he would walk down a path on the other side of the road.

I could not see him looking down the path so I continued down the road. I passed a small dirt track going down to a huge building that looked like a deserted factory building. I saw my friend and he started to wave at me and he gave me the internationally recognised sign for “HURRY THE DUCK UP AND GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE” I could see that he was looking at a raptor sitting on the top of a telephone or whatever pole.

I hurried up and then I stopped as it looked like he gave me the internationally recognised sign for “PORKY! IT IS LIKE A DUCKING EARTHQUAKE OVER HERE! SLOW DOWN OR YOU SCARE THE BIRD” I was soon understanding that the internationally recognised sign was him pointing up at the raptor. But the bird was not scared and I got a few pictures before the bird flew away.

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Black-winged Stilt, Himantopus himantopus, นกตีนเทียน
Black-winged Stilt - นกตีนเทียน

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

The Brahminy kite was soon growing tired with us and the bird took off and we went through a grove to check out a small lake/ pond. There were a few Black-winged Stilt and we saw the Brahminy kite landing in a dead tree.

We could see the Kite taking off and when we walked back we could see the Kite sitting on top of the pole again. And when we came back to the parking lot I discovered a Brahminy kite on top of the building. The same Brahminy kite? I don't know, but I went to have a talk with the bird. The sound of the Brahminy kite was pretty easy to make their sound and the kite was looking down at me thinking “that is a huge kite” But a very handsome kite.

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง

Brahminy kite, Haliastur indus, เหยี่ยวแดง
Brahminy kite - เหยี่ยวแดง
Of course, all bird pictures available on my Thailand
bird checklist of bird I have seen by clicking HERE

So, we were ready with the birding for today and we had killed a full day in Bangkok. So how did these birding places turn out? Check out my review below:

How to kill a day in Bangkok #22
Review: Birding/ bird watching at Bang Pu


Web page:No official web page. But visit Nick Upton's web page Thaibirding for information about Bang Pu Here you find all the information you need about Bang Pu, maps and what bird you can expect to see. And of course info on how to get there

Sukhumvit Road. As I wrote in my review about the Ancient City: I took the sky train to the Baering sky train station (The stretch to the crocodile farm will be ready in about 2 years,Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reservealmost all the way to the Ancient City) I took a taxi from the sky train station and it took about 20 to 30 minutes to the Ancient City. The trip set me back with 153 Baht (as it was a nice Driver I gave him 180 Baht, about 6 US Dollars)

Just drive a few km past the Ancient City coming from Bangkok and make a U-turn and you are at Bang Pu recreation. BE AWARE!! There are several different spellings of Bang Pu - Bang pu Bangpoo. And when you have passed the Ancient City you can follow the road signs to Bangpoo.

And by the way, Bang Pu means the home of the crabs or something like that.
ปู Poo means crab
บาง Bang means settlement, village

Tel:02-323-9138, 02-323-9983     From www.tourismthailand.org - February 2016

Opening Hours:: 08.00 - 18.00

We got out of the taxi at the pier. We saw some golf carts taking people out to the restaurant at the end of the pier so I guess there are this service available. But we walked, and there were many of the Black-headed Gulls. And there was a kiosk where you could by cold water and food to feed the Brown-headed gulls with.

The sea gulls are so use to get feed and they are almost hovering in front of you lookingFeeding birds at Bang Puto see if you have any food for them. It was very fun to watch them and here you can spend quite some time.

So there were good opportunities to see sea birds and a HOT TIP is to check out the time for low water and try to come here then if you want to see wader birds walking around in the mud looking for food. When it is low water the sea bed is dry, well, mud all the way down past the restaurant. There are plenty crabs and fishes in the mud and it is fascinating to watch them.

The birding would have been a gorgeous experience if it would not have been for all the garbage laying around as you can see on the above pictures. But we saw quite a few birds.

Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review ManRated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man

Yes, it was OK so I give it 2 stars. This could easily have been a 3 or 4 star experience if they would have cleaned up the area. But as it was now it looked terrible at places. But we will be back here for birding again.

I want to come back during the low water because there were no waders as it was high water during our visit. We saw waders in the ponds, but we want to see them on the sea bed digging in the mud.

Review Man

UP DATED REVIEW 12 February 2016
We explored the area East of the pier and they had a proper concrete bridge going through the mangrove. The gate to come here is closed but today there were students collecting mud for a research on what kind of animals that was living in the mud. So me and my friend went inside. There was not so much garbage on this side, only garbage that the sea had brought in.

There were information boards along the route above the mangrove with information about the different trees and animals. We never saw many birds here, most likely because it was midday by the time we came here. But try early morning

When you go out on the pier there is a few houses on your left hand side, 50 meters before you reach the pier. Walk up behind the houses and there is a wooden bridge and you are on the nature trail and you can reach the concrete bridge. So if you come here you just ignore the locked gate and take to the left and walk 50 meters up to the houses. Cross the bridge and there is a toilet on you left hand side and then you're on the nature trail.

And this time we were here during low water. It is fascination to see the life on the sea bed when the water is gone so a few beeches to sit on along the pier facing the water/ sea bed would have been at least to say very nice.

I saw Collared Kingfishers and Black Capped Kingfishers

Now it is a strong 2 star experience to do bird watching down here at Bang Pu. I will be back on Monday again so keep an eye out for an updated review. Will Bang Pu reach 3 or 4 stars?

Review Man

UP DATED REVIEW 15 February 2016
Me and my friend we left early morning, just after 6 o'clock to check out the nature trail. As I understand it from what I have found from the internet is that it is Bang Pu Nature Education Centre that are in charge over the Bang Pu Nature Reserve. And the nature trail is located within the Bang Pu Nature Reserve. They have a PDF that I think you will find interesting to read before you get out on the nature trail. And you can read it by clicking HERE .

You will find observation towers and hide outs along the nature trail in the Bang Pu Nature Reserve. And to enter the Bang Pu Nature Reserve in the early morning you need to cross a wooden bridge that have seen, well, the bridge is due for renovation.

There is a gate but the gate have been locked every time I have been to Bang Pu. And we were told to use the bridge to exit when we tried to leave Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reserve.

Anyway, you reach the pier and you have to start behind the buildings belonging to Bang Pu Nature Education Centre. Walk 50 meters and you will find a wooden bridge on your right hand side. Cross the bridge and you’re in the Bang Pu Nature Reserve

Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reserve
Click HERE for bigger picture

Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reserve
The wooden bridge across the water filed ditch (February 2016)

Walk passed the toilets when you are across the bridge and there is a map over the nature trail.

There are shelters along the nature trail for you if you want to do some birding. There is a big pond behind the hedges and these observation/ hide outs are excellent. You get a good view over the pond from the first observation house as there a 2 floors. And I was impressed by the pond and all the birds in the pond.

We were pleasantly surprised when we discovered a suspension bridge. There was a bird watching tower and another tower behind the bird watching tower and from the bridge there was a suspension bridge over the mangrove to the concrete trail along the ocean.

The whole birding adventure turned in to a Indiana Jones adventure.

Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review ManRated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man

Yes, I highly recommend a trek around the nature trail in Bang Pu Nature Education Centre's Bang Pu Nature Reserve. And that is even if you don't like to watch the birds. The only thing to complain about are some of the wooden bridges, they are at least to say in need of some maintenance.

Same when you come down from the suspension bridge there is a ditch with water and there was some old, at least to say flimsy planks on bamboo supports. This needs immediate attention from the maintenance staff. If you walk on the trail along the ocean it is impossible to find the suspension bridge as the bridge (flimsy heap of plank and bamboo) looks like some garbage laying around.

Anyway, if you are at the end of the trail, maybe 100 meter from the end of the trail you can look in to the mangrove and you might discover the suspension bridge.

There is not much garbage around in this area, just what the tide brings in. And they were putting up more wood pilings along the mangroves when we were there and this helps to prevent the garbage to come in to the mangrove.

Anyway, come on down for a day of fun at Bang Pu

Review Man

How to kill a day in Bangkok #22
Review: Birding/ bird watching at Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center


Web page:No official web page. But visit Nick Upton's web page Thaibirding for information about Mahachai Mangrove Research Station Here you find all the information you need about Mahachai Mangrove Research Station, maps and what bird you can expect to see. And of course info on how to get there.

In the middle of nowhere. But it was very easy to find the place by help from Nick Upton's description on his web page. Took us about 2 ours to drive from Bang Pu A HOT TIP: Look for Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center on the GPS as I could not find Mahachai Mangrove Research Station on the map. But it is the same place

We started to walk down a path towards the sea front and after 10 meter or so there was a bamboo bridge over the mangrove on our right hand side. We walked on the bamboo bridge through the mangrove on the South side of the Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center. I saw a Collared Kingfisher and an Oriental Magpie Robin. The bamboo bridge have seen better days and we were scared at times. But we made it to the platform at the beach front.

Walking back towards the parking place on the walk path we passed a concrete bridge and we went up to. We started to walk along the concrete bridge to explore the North Area. The concrete bridge was in worse condition than the bamboo bridge and we were soon turning around to walk back.

When we were back at the parking lot we entered another path and this was only about 100 meters long before it ended in a ditch filled with water.

We continued our birding/ bird watching on the other side of the road west of the Mahachai Mangrove Research Station/ Ao Mahachai Mangrove Forest Natural Education Center. That was in intersting area to discover with a pond with Black-winged Stilts and a Brahminy kite

Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review ManRated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man

This place would have been rated a 3 star birding place if they would have had proper bridges over the mangrove. I will never come back to walk on these bridges again. And to clean up the place would not hurt. Not so much garbage as in Bang Pu and I think most of it came in with the high water.

I saw a few Collared Kingfishers and we saw some waders on the beach front but they were too far away. The Brahminy kite is the best we saw here.

Review Man

We were soon back in the taxi and we drove back to the highway and we were soon shocked as we passed a pick-up truck. What a couple of twats in charge of the pick-up truck. They should be beaten with a cane before being thrown in jail.

Danger and stupidity on the highway in Thailand
There are really no limits for how stupid people are

Danger and stupidity on the highway in Thailand
There are really no limits for how stupid people are

Danger and stupidity on the highway in Thailand
There are really no limits for how stupid people are

Danger and stupidity on the highway in Thailand
Crossing the bridge over Chao Phraya River to Bangkok

Danger and stupidity on the highway in Thailand
Crossing the bridge over Chao Phraya River to Bangkok

Danger and stupidity on the highway in Thailand
Crossing the bridge over Chao Phraya River to Bangkok

Me and my friend had been lucky, we had a very good Driver. How many times have I been in a taxi with a driver with Formula 1 complex? And you just can see when they don't have any driving skills. Accelerating just before the light turns red, never using the rear view mirror etc. But thisPizza Houseone was very good and I had his number, this will be my driver of choice on my next road trip in Thailand.

1800 Baht and we gave him 2000 when he dropped us on Sukhumvit Soi 23. We wanted something to eat and we decided to have a pizza at the Pizza House. They have very good pizzas and the staff are nice. And it is close to my room so, well, why not?

Pizza House

Well, today is not a day to think of any diet so pizza it is. We were pretty happy with the day. Well, with that I mean the pictures, otherwise it had been a great day birdwatching in Bangkok. Or as someoneLawson 108would have said, birding in the areas around Bangkok city.

We finished the pizza and I walked back home and I had a quick stop at Lawson 108 for a few bottles of Diet Drinks.

We had plans to go to another one of Nick Upton's recommendations from his web page thaibirding.com And we will go to Phetchaburi Rice Fields on Thursday. These plans were soon down the drains. We will got to Phetchaburi Rice Fields on Saturday. Friday and we will go back to Bang Pu after my boxing exercise. Click HERE to find out what wee saw at Bang Pu.

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