OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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Farla parla l'italiano? Non problemi! Per vedere la prossima pagina lo scatto per favore giusto Il bottone “Next” sopra

Sprechen sie Deutsch! Kein problem! Wenn Sie die folgende Seite sehen wollen gerade klicken der Knopf “Next” oben!

คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Monday 14 th of March 2016 and we're going to do some bird watching in the Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park. Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, I don't know, this is the big part of the park, but there are a total of 3 parks. Well, it is one big park, but have 3 different names:
1) Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park

2) Park Bang Sri Muang

3) Bhumirak Chaloemprakiarti Park

And also, the temple Wat Chaloem Phra Kiat is a part of the bird watching/ birding area. So we will be busy and my alarm went off at 5 o'clock in the morning. I went for Sunday brunch with mySunday brunch at the Huntsman, Landmark Hotelfriends yesterday and after that I went home so I could go to bed early. It was a very good buffet, English pub so it was English food.

Puddings and I don't know everything. But some of the things is something I only heard about when studying English back in compulsory school.

Like the “Bread and butter pudding” What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stis “Bread and butter pudding”? We were laughing in class thinking that those Brits had gone mental. Maybe they had a hard time after the WW II so they had to make desserts from bread and butter. There were many other puddings as well and roast etc. The food was excellent, remember that I have put the Bangers & Mash at the Huntsman to a full 5 star on my list of the best Banger's & Mash in Bangkok.

And it seems like their other food is OK as well. It was very good food and my only complaint was that they were not very good at attending to the vanilla sauce jar. The vanilla sauce was the best vanilla sauce I have had in many years, for sure the best vanilla sauce I have had in Thailand.

So what about the “Bread and butter pudding”? Much better than it sounds and it was a big surprise. Of course, the pudding was drenched in vanilla sauce.

Bangers & Mash in Bangkok

Review: Queen Victoria @ Sukhumvit Soi 23 - The original favourite

Queen Victoria on Sukhumvit Soi 23 Web page: www.queenvicbkk.com

Address:Sukhumvit Soi 23, Opposite Soi Cowboy

Tel:02 661 7417


Opening Hours:I don't know, most likely normal operating hours

I still remember my first time at Queen Victoria Restaurant on Sukhumvit Soi 23. I was actually getting very angry when my food came to my table. Imagine 500kg lard trying to hide in one of their booths. I was sitting there reading the newspaper enjoying a pot of tea when I saw a Waitress entering the restaurant from the kitchen. The only thing I could see over the dividers was her head and the top of the food.

I remember wondering who the duck had ordered all this food. For sure I was not the only one with eating disturbances in Bangkok. So imagine my chock when she came to my table.
- What theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st
I had never seen so much food before and I asked what the duck it was. She told me it was my order and she confirmed the items.
- I'm alone, impossible!

But the food was excellent and I always drop by for a Bangers & Mash when there isn't too much people. And youBangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Manmust start with the (I'm almost sure there is a law against not) Welsh Rarebit - Creamy Cheddar cheese melted on toasted bread.

Yes, as good as it sounds and it is known to have happened that I have had 2 of these to start with. Anyway, get down to Queen Victoria and try their Bangers & Mash

Tea: They serve tea from pots!
A must if you want to enjoy your food!

Rated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man


Review: Black Swan @ Sukhumvit Soi 19

Black Swan on Sukhumvit Soi 19 Web page: www.blackswanbangkok.com As per December 2015, looks to be hacked by a enemy of the Black Swan pub. Will for sure not attract any customer.

Address:Sukhumvit Soi 19, left hand side 50 m past Family Mart coming from Sukhumvit



Opening Hours:I don't know, most likely normal operating hours

I was at the Black Swan a few times at their old address. I only ate there once, and yes, I had Bangers & Mash. It was some fantastic Bangers & Mash. This is about a year ago. They closed down and I never went back.

Last week I was going for lunch with my friends and they suggested Black Swan.
- They are closed?
- Ah, they just moved across Sukhumvit to Soi 19

The old place, well, let me just say that there wasn't any good tables for eating. And the new place, I came inside and I asked for a table for 4. The Waitress directed me to a table. I pointed at the table next to our table.
- We are 4, they are 2 and they hardly find the space even though they only drink beer.

We moved to the table at the entrance when the 2 girls that had been sitting there left. It was OK for 4, but there wasn't much space.

They had tea and tea pots. So I was happy, garlic bread, grilled without garlic and with the addedBangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Manexcitements cheese & ham. I had lobster soup with this and it was very good food.

I finished my lobster soup and it was time for the main attraction, Bangers & Mash. And it was exactly as good as I remember it from about 1 year ago. So get down to Black Swan and try their Bangers & Mash

Tea: They serve tea from pots!
A must if you want to enjoy your food!

Rated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man


Review: Huntsman pub at Landmark Hotel

Huntsman at Landmark Hotel Web page: www.landmarkbangkok.com

Address:Basement at Landmark Hotel on Sukhumvit Road

Tel:For reservation 02 254 0404


Opening Hours:Daily 11.30 a.m. – 2 a.m

So, Landmark Hotel and, well, we have spent much time in the coffee shop at the street level. Excellent pastries and tea. The food is very good as well. I have never been at Huntsman in the basement and I really didn't expect much. I asked for:
• A pot of Earl Grey tea
• Garlic bread without garlic, but grilled with cheese and ham
• Plate with assorted sausages
• Bangers & Mash

I got my grilled cheese and ham bread. The garlic bread was OK, nothing to write home about, just an OK snack.

They brought the plate with assorted sausages. I almost shat myself. What the duck is this? 7 sausages on a bed of fried cabbage/ lettuce. And this was a starter, from the starter section in the menu. It was embarrassing, what did the Waitress think.
- Look at Porky! There is no bottom in this guy, he is already pushing 500kg and now he is going to eat until he burst. And on top of that he have ordered a Bangers & Mash.

Sausages, 7 of them and they were good. The only complains was the strong mustard. But it was OK, and the bed of fried cabbage/ lettuce was excellent. DON'T MISS THIS IF YOU ARE INBangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review ManTHE AREA?

The main attraction... drum rollYES! Bangers & Mash. Fantastic, nothing less than fantastic. Queen Victoria and Black Swan serve the onion, fries soft. Very good! I was pleasantly surprised by the deep fried onion. Caramelised or whatever they call it. Crunchy and good.

Tea: They serve tea from pots!
A must if you want to enjoy your food!

Rated:Bangkok Tourist attraction review - Reviewed by Review Man

Review Man

I will take a taxi to my friend's hose and we will take his car from there. I had some problem with the driver. He asked where I was going and I told him Thonburi via Pin Klao bridge passing the Southern Bus Terminal. He asked me if I could give him directions.
- No problem!

I got in to the taxi and we took off and I gave him directions. When we came to the bridge over the railway tracks I told him to turn right. He informed me that it was not allowed to turn rightBirding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailandhere early morning. We turned left and drove around the block.

Back on the original route I told him to turn right at the light and it was straight until we reached Ratchadamnoen and then we were on the Pin Klao bridge.

While driving towards Ratchadamnoen the driver pointed to the right and he told me that we could drive this way as well. When we hit the traffic at Pin Klao it came to a full stop. The Driver told me that it would be better to drive Rama VIII Bridge.Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stWhat theYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

The wanker twat knew where we were going and I had to sit there and explain the way for him.Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, ThailandJust because he couldn't take any decision on what way to go! I was not happy but I let it slide.

When we had crossed the Pin Klao Bridge he asked if I wanted to go to the old or new terminal. I had not heard about any new terminal being built so I told him to take me to the old bus terminal. The Southern Bus Terminal I have passed in the past is for sure looking to be old.

The driver left the highway and he stopped at a place looking like an industrial area. He told me that this was the Southern Bus Terminal. No it wasn't! I told him so and he told me that I had told him to take me to the old terminal. For sure, here had not been any bus activity for a long time. I knew that this was not the place but I needed to make my point.
- Where do I buy the ticket?
- This terminal is not in use any more

This was the second time I exploded in a taxi. First time when I was going to Suvarnabhumi and the driver stopped to let me off at Sukhumvit Soi 12 because he had no time to go to the airport. I exploded in the back seat and he turned on the meter again and when we reached the airport he got the exact fare. No tip and he had lost the fare from my room to Soi 12.

And today was the second time.
It should be obvious that you want to go to the bus terminal in use when you ask to go to the bus terminal. But not this useless wanker. I want to sit in the back and relax when I go by taxi. Of course, when they don't know the rout I will have to get involved. But this wanker twat, obviouslyYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stnot the brightest bulb in the solarium bed.

He was so stupid and, seriously, I just felt like I wanted to drag him out of the car and kick his arse. But it would of course not have helped him starting to use his brain.

I gave him the exact sum of money and I left the taxi
- I want to take you to the destination!
- Not even if you had the last taxi available in the world!

I got in to a new taxi and I was soon at my friend's house. We took off to the birding site and we parked the car at the Wat Chaloem Phra Kiat. My friend had soon discovered both Spotted Owlet and the Red-breasted Parakeet. What a place this turned out to be!

Click HERE for map in full window
I was very hesitant to come here. My friend had called a Thai birding club and they had recommended Phutthamonthon Park and the Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park at the Wat Chaloem Prakiat. Phutthamonthon Park turned out to be OK. I searched for the Phutthamonthon Park on the internet and the park was mentioned by Nick Upton on www.thaibirding.com But I have not find anything online about birding in the Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park.

I had very low expectations, especially after having been here with Bangkok Photographers one year ago. I didn't spot one single bird, except for the Peacock walking around in the park. But now, when we were looking for birds here was many nice birds.

Spotted Owlets, three of them together. Red-breasted Parakeet, I have been in many places around Bangkok and this is the first time I see the parakeet. Seems to be a lot of action around the temple and my friend is amazing. He was soon spotting a Lineated Barbet and soon we had spotted Collared Kingfishers in the trees.

Spotted Owlet, Athene brama, นกเค้าจุด
Spotted Owlet / นกเค้าจุด

Spotted Owlet, Athene brama, นกเค้าจุด
Spotted Owlet / นกเค้าจุด

Spotted Owlet, Athene brama, นกเค้าจุด
Spotted Owlet / นกเค้าจุด

Black-naped Oriole, Oriolus chinensis, นกขมิ้นท้ายทอยดำ
Black-naped Oriole / นกขมิ้นท้ายทอยดำ

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Collared Kingfishers

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Juvenile - Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Juvenile - Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Juvenile - Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Red turtle dove and Collared Kingfishers

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Female - Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Female - Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า
Female and juvenile black bill and male and babies have orange bill

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า
Female and juvenile black bill and male and babies have orange bill

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า
Female and juvenile black bill and male and babies have orange bill

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า
Female and juvenile black bill and male and babies have orange bill

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า
Female and juvenile black bill and male and babies have orange bill

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Female - Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Female - Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

We started to move towards the Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park leaving Wat Chaloem Prakiat behind. We walked through the Bhumirak Chaloemprakiarti Park and the Park Bang Sri Muang. IBirding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park - Coppersmith Barbetreally don't understand why these parts have their own names. You walk through the area in 4 minutes so from now on I will just call the parks with one name: Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park and that includes the temple area.

While walking leaving the parking behind we passed some trees with small fruits, a heaven for small birds. And there were Coppersmith Barbets and other birds I don't know the name of.

There were many ducks and birds and some other birds I thought were chickens. But they don't look like chickens. But I guessBirding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park - Coppersmith Barbetthey are some kind of domesticated birds. There were many different ducks and chickens at the temple as well.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

We continued over a small bridge and we turned south to walk around the park in a clockwise direction. I could hear the Coppersmith Barbet, Asian Koel and the Plaintive Cuckoo. And of course the Oriental Magpie Robin, the 4 birds I have learned to identify by their call.

But their calls are quite special so no problem to recognise them. At least not now when I have them fresh in mind. I could only hear them but I didn't see the Asian Koel and the Plaintive Cuckoo. But there were plenty of the Black-napped Oriole flying around.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
My friend keep his eyes out for birds

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
It is a beautiful park

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
My friend have found a bird

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Indian Roller

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Indian Roller

The call me stupid when I say that the Indian Roller is much more beautiful in India. All the Indian Rollers I see in Thailand have been brown and you can compare with the picture of an Indian Roller that I took in India below. I only see the brown Indian Rollers in Thailand.

Indian Roller
Indian Roller in India

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
A bit of wildlife

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
A bit of wildlife

Plaintive Cuckoo, Cacomantis merulinus, นกอีวาบตั๊กแตน
Plaintive Cuckoo - นกอีวาบตั๊กแตน

Yes, I heard the Asian Koel and the Plaintive Cuckoo around the park. I tried to talk with the Plaintive Cuckoo as their whistle is kind of easy to copy. Well, I think it sounds good, I'm pretty sure the cuckoo wonder what the hell is going on. But the cuckoo answered me and I had one Plaintive Cuckoo that I followed the cuckoo around the park. When I approached the tree the cuckoo flew to the next tree hiding in the tree.

Listen to the Plaintive Cuckoo
Sound from www.xeno-canto.org

After hiding in a few trees I spotted the cuckoo and I got a picture. I was happy to have seen the cuckoo and I walked back towards the temple to see if I could spot something interesting there. So far all the action had been down at the temple, Owlets, parakeets and Kingfishers. And my only picture of the Black-naped Oriole. Even though the park is full of the Black-naped Oriole.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Muscovy duck - Cairina moschata

I was roaming around the area under the tree with the Spotted Owlets and the trees with the Red-breasted Parakeets at the temple. I bought some water at the only place to buy water in the area. It was hot, darn hot! No owlet or Red-breasted Parakeet action, middle of the day and it is too hot for the birds.

I saw my friend running around down at the road at the entrance to the temple. He looked very excited and I sneaked down there. He had a Collared Kingfisher sitting on a branch and he sneaked up to the Kingfisher to take pictures.

I was also lucky and I got pictures of the Collared Kingfisher. Yes, the area around the Wat Chaloem Prakiat. All Kingfishers have been spotted here. The 3 Spotted Owlets and all the Red-breasted Parakeet action. The park is full of Black-naped Orioles but I only got a picture in this area. In the same tree every time I see them here so they might have a nest there as they fly as a couple. Yes, something is going on in the nature. I have seen many of the Euroasian Tree Sparrows picking up twigs and feathers etc. so they are busy building their nests.

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
Collared Kingfisher - นกกินเปี้ยว

Collared Kingfisher, Todiramphus chloris, นกกินเปี้ยว
Collared Kingfisher - นกกินเปี้ยว

We also spotted several Lineated Barbets in the temple area. My friend had the time of his life, but he was a wee bit disappointed. He is in to Kingfishers and so far we had seen manyBirding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, ThailandKingfishers, but only the Collared Kingfisher.

Of course, all the fun and action had made us hungry and my friend wanted to go to a restaurant close to the Phutthamonthon Park. He wanted to see his friend working at the restaurant and then to do the afternoon birding at the Phutthamonthon Park.

We drove to the restaurant and he ordered food, I told him that I wasn't hungry as there was no food I liked. My friend was nagging and he ordered some fried rice. They went to arrange diet drinks at Foodland. Never mind the food,Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailandit was nice to sit in the AC for a while.

We had planned to be back in the park around 2 or 3 o'clock. I had managed to talk my friend in to going back to the Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park as there was the Owlets and the Red-breasted Parakeet baby action.

We needed some time for my battery for the camera to charge. I was lucky, the battery ran out of power when we left Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park so I never missed any pictures.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Showing his friend's daughter the bird pictures

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Central Plaza - Westgate
Central Plaza Westgate

We left the restaurant and we had decided to make a stop at Central Plaza Westgate to kill some time, and maybe to have an ice cream. It is still too hot to find any birds as they are having a rest during the hot part of the day.

We were looking for a tea place at Central plaza and we passed a Japanese tea place with sweets. We ordered some mango stuff and grey ice cream and it was good. By the time we were ready it was 2 thirty and time to go back to the park to look for birds and the Red-breasted Parakeet baby action.

3 o'clock should be a good time to be back as the birds are coming out again in the late afternoon. We were happy with the Japanese dessert, a new restaurant chain I had never seen before. It was not bad so I might be back if I run in to the restaurant again.

Central Plaza - Westgate
We eat at a Japanese tea place

Central Plaza - Westgate
We eat at a Japanese tea place

We were back at Wat Chaloem Prakiat around 3 o'clock and I went to check out the Spotted Owlets first thing. On the way to their tree I passed a Lineated Barbet and while looking at the Barbet there was another bird that I have never managed to identify. The Owlets were most likely sleeping and most of the Red-breasted Parakeet seems to be taking a rest.

And no baby action in the tree I had been watching this morning. So I went in to the park to have a look while killing time. The Red-breasted Parakeet and owlets willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be back in an hour or so when it is a little bit cooler.

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
The road outside Wat Chaloem Prakiat - Pacture taking form the river side parking

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
The road outside Wat Chaloem Prakiat - Pacture taking form the river side parking

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Riverside parking space

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Riverside parking space

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Africa Corps hat on for protection against the sun

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Searching for birds

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Unidentified bird
Thanks to Plahgat on thaivisa.com I was able to identify the bird in July 2016 - Streak-eared Bulbul

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Unidentified bird
Thanks to Plahgat on thaivisa.com I was able to identify the bird in July 2016 - Streak-eared Bulbul

Lineated barbet, Megalaima lineata, นกโพระดกธรรมดา
Lineated barbet - นกโพระดกธรรมดา

Lineated barbet, Megalaima lineata, นกโพระดกธรรมดา
Lineated barbet - นกโพระดกธรรมดา

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Female - Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
More of the strange bird

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Birding/ Bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Bathroom - I never used the bathroom, but it looked very clean and nice from the outside

Spotted Owlet, Athene brama, นกเค้าจุด
Spotted Owlet / นกเค้าจุด

Spotted Owlet, Athene brama, นกเค้าจุด
Spotted Owlet / นกเค้าจุด

Spotted Owlet, Athene brama, นกเค้าจุด
Spotted Owlet / นกเค้าจุด

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Male and baby - Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า
The parakeet family is disturbed by a juvenile Red-breasted Parakeet

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า
The parakeet family is disturbed by a juvenile Red-breasted Parakeet

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า
The juvenile Red-breasted Parakeet is back

Red-breasted Parakeet, Psittacula alexandri, นกแขกเต้า
Red-breasted Parakeet - นกแขกเต้า
Of course, all bird pictures available on my Thailand
bird checklist of bird I have seen by clicking HERE

It was almost 6 o'clock when we left the park, and it had been a very good day. The Red-breasted Parakeet baby action, 3 Spotted Owlets, Kingfishers and many more beautiful birds. A perfect day had come to an end. I was back home 13 hours after I had left 6 o'clock this morning. Tired but happy about all the beautiful things we had seen during the day.

How to kill a day in Bangkok #26
Review: Birding/ bird watching in Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park


Web page:No official web page.

Address:Amphoe Mueang, Nonthaburi     From www.tourismthailand.org


Opening Hours:: 7 days per week 05.30 - 18:30     From www.tourismthailand.org


Attraction Details From www.tourismthailand.org

This public park is located a distance from a local temple called WatChaloemPhraKiat. It covers an area of 40 acres. The park was commissioned by the Treasury Department to mark the 50th anniversary of His Majesty King BhumibolAdulyadej’s ascension to the throne, and as a recreation spot for the general public. The park has a fine collection of water plants, garden plants and aquatic animals.

Inside the park, a walk-through pavilion is surrounded by three traditional carved wooden pavilions, made of teak, primed with pure gold leaf and decorated with beautiful glass. Many important royal functions have been held here. Nearby, a group of teak Thai houses built in the traditional Thai style can be enjoyed. At the corner by the river is the former residence of Nonthaburi's governor. Nearby fruit orchards offer scenic walks among durian, mangosteen, jackfruit and coconut trees.

To get there, drive along Bang Kruai-SaiNoi route, and turn towards Nonthaburi Pier. From Bangkok, cross PhraNangklao Bridge towards Bang Phlu junction, turn left to SuanKaeo Temple, and then follow the road signs to Kanchanaphisek Park. By boat, take a regular long-tail boat from Nonthaburi Pier along Bang Yai Canal. The boats depart every 20 minutes from Nonthaburi Pier. The trip takes around 5 minutes, costing 7 baht per passenger.


It is a huge park and as I understand it the area consists of 3 parks, namely:

1) Chaloem Kanchanaphisek Park

2) Park Bang Sri Muang

3) Bhumirak Chaloemprakiarti Park

And also, the temple Wat Chaloem Phra Kiat is a part of the bird watching/ birding area. So if you are bird watching you can easily spend a day here walking around.

The park is not only for birding. People are jogging around the park. Walking and enjoying the area is also very nice so you can really enjoy the area even if you're not in to birding. There areBangkok Tourist attraction reviewonly one place to buy cold drinks in the park, and this is down at the pier.

To come here by the Chao Phraya River Express boat is an adventure in itslef and a must do activity while in Bangkok. Click HERE for more info.

Bangkok Tourist attraction review

It was OK, it was actually more than OK, it was very good. Owlets and the Parakeets. First time I see Parakeets in Thailand and with the babies, perfect. And there were plenty other birds, and when I was there most of the action was at the parking lot and the temple area.

So for birding it was a very good park and we saw many different species of birds in the park. First time I was here I was disgusted by all the garbage. Now, after having been at many other parks in Thailand I found the park to be very clean. Not much garbage in comparison. So I can really recommend this place for a day of bird watching, not just to come here to walk around and enjoy.

Review Man

It is time to leave for Singapore to join m/t Roy Mærsk. I'm going one day earlier as I want to see if I can find some nice bird watching parks in Singapore. Well, that depends on how much luggage I will bring. If I have too much luggage I won’t bother to bring my camera.

If you click HERE you will end up in the middle of the Roy Mærsk adventure

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