“The postings on this site are my own and don't represent Maersk Group's position, strategies or opinions. All views are my own”

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk
M/T Roy Maersk
Hong Gai, Vietnam 20th of May 2016 - Picture by Aladdin

Aladdin's adventure on board M/T Roy Maersk

Thursday 17 th of March 2016 and my friend was 15 minutes early for our boxing exercise. Good,AOT Limousinethat will give me a few minutes extra before AOT Limousine will come toMuay Thai in Bangkokpick me up at 11 o'clock.

My last boxing exercise for a while, and most likely my last fruit salad for a while. But I'mYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopeful about my diet this time joining Roy Mærsk. Otherwise it will be a disaster. I'm about to die and if I want to obtain my V-shaped torso before that I better get serious.

We finished the boxing quarter to 10 and I was off to eat my last fruit salad and a shower before taking off to Suvarnabhumi. I was down 2 minutes before 11 o'clock and they told me that the car was waiting for me. We were soon on our way to Suvarnabhumi to catch Thai Airways flight TG 407 to Singapore - Changi

Departure:   13:50   Bangkok, Thailand - Suvarnabhumi International

Arrival:      17:10   Singapore, Singapore - Changi, terminal 1

Traffic was almost at a full stop on Sukhumvit Road but we made it to the airport in 45 minutes. The driver, he had obviously been driving me before. He asked if I was sure I had not forgot anything. Yes, many are the times I have asked them to turn around and to take me back home to pick up something I had forgot. But this time I hope I have everything with me.

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Arriving to Suvarnabhumi

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Suvarnabhumi check-in hall

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Thai Airways check in is empty

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Security check

Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Immigration is empty

Thai Airways flight TG 407 to Singapore
Boarding the flight

Check-in, security and the immigration was done in a jiff. I took the escalator down to Thai Airways lounge where I had 2 cans of soda water while updating my web page.

Boarding was set to 13:10 and the monitors had BOARDING flashing in red at flight number TG 407 on the monitors. But wise from previous experience I stayed cool and stayed behind in the lounge. So far I had never been on a Thai Airways flight that have been boarding in time.

I don't know what time it was when I left, but they had not starting boarding when I arrived to gate C8. But boarding was starting a minute later and I went straight to barding after having confirmed that I'm alone in my row.

We took off around 2 o'clock and I was watching Thailand disappear under us. And while Thailand was disappearing I got my first cup of tea. The first of many tea cups.

Thai Airways flight TG 407 to Singapore

Thai Airways flight TG 407 to Singapore
I get tea

Thai Airways flight TG 407 to Singapore
I get a “DOUBLE” tea

We had been airborne for, well, not very long when they parked the tax free cart in the aisle next to my seats. What I guess was the senior Stewardess took a seat in the empty seats in the middle row next to my row of 2 chairs on the port side of the aircraft.

She started to take inventory of the tax free cart and people going to the lavatory had to squeeze them self between the cart and my row of seat. Stewardesses came with orders from other passengers and they opened the door and closed the door to the cart every now and then.

I'm here to relax, if the flight is full I accept other passengers but if they flight is half full and I pay extra to sit alone I don't expect them to open up a foocking tax free shop in the seat next to me.

I was really annoyed and I gave the senior Stewardess the “WHAT THE FOOCK” look and they moved the tax free cart to where I had seen them keeping it on ALL my previous flights. At the exit between biz and coach.

What the heel is this? Just because there are a few seats available it doesn’t mean that the crew should sit down there to have a chat with each other. This was an absolute low water mark.

I pay extra to sit alone and I was lucky, the area was empty and I enjoyed myself. If the flight would have been full it would have been bad luck, but I would have to accept it. And now, think about it, first setting up a shop next to me and then when they moved the crew sat down chatting next to me, is this something I should accept? I already said it before, no more Thai Airways for me (unless absolutely necessary) but Singapore Airline was full this time.

Totally regardless of their passengers. As with Canon, remember my camera and their long letter of excuse? This is the way to go, cheat and scam and then you ask for excuse. I would have understood if they made a mistake, everyone make a mistake! But this was a scam. The camera is OK and they had not even bothered to have a look at it.

From: CMT-INFO [mailto:CMT-INFO@cmt.canon.co.th]
Sent: 26 February 2016 13:43
To: Aladdin
Subject: RE: Most disappointed

Dear Mr. Aladdin,

In response to your email, your complaint regarding the service you received from the Canon Care Point has been noted. Your experience has been highlighted to the relevant department for improvement. I sincerely regret the inconveniences you have faced in getting your Camera and lens assessed. Let me assure you that your experience in this instance is not typical of Canon’s level of product reliability and customer service. We continue to be committed to providing you and all of our customers with the highest standards of service in the industry.

Please kindly send the camera Canon Service Center again and let’s us know the repair case number so that we will monitor closely. We truly apologize for this inconvenience caused.

If you would like to receive more information on our products, please contact us via our Canon Call Center so that we can properly respond. You may reach us at +66 2344 9988 (Monday-Friday / 08.15-17.15 hours) or email us at cmt-info@cmt.canon.co.th

Thank you and best regards,

Customer Care Department
Canon Marketing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

From: Aladdin
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2016 10:51 AM
Subject: Most disappointed

I bought a Canon 5D mk III and a 28 - 300mm lens and a 70-200 2,8 lens.

There is a red spot on my pictures, like a laser beam. I went to Canon MBK and they told me to come back the day after. I picked up my camera and they told me it was OK.

Back home and the red spot is still there, so they have not even bothered to check the camera. I had spent 250,000 Baht for this equipment and this is the kind of attitude!!!

I called MBK, and a HOT TIP for Canon!!! Even if I speak English with the staff I understand Thai as I have lived here for a long time and when they talk about me while on hold, MAKE DUCKING SURE THE MICROPHONE IS OFF!!!

I have been to many Canon offices around the world, and in Thailand as well and I have always been very impressed. I have had more Canon cameras than I can remember. At present 5, Nikkon in the future?

Most disappointed

They sent me a standard message when they get a complaint, and they are so sorry (they don't care) and then about their other products they want to sell. Many people just accept this as a sincere excuse. Of course it isn't. But this is how it works, they send a standard excuse and they don't expect to hear anything about it again. Never any improvements.

But when I came to pick up my camera the second time, they all knew who I was and they treated me like something the cat had dragged in. You are welcome assholes! I don't care, I have spent more than 300 000 Baht on my last Canon camera and I expect WAY WAY better than to be treated like an idiot.

One thing is for sure, I would soon be unemployed if I had this kind of attitude towards my job!

Thai Airways flight TG 407 to Singapore
Approaching Singapore International Airport

Thai Airways flight TG 407 to Singapore
Approaching Singapore International Airport

Thai Airways flight TG 407 to Singapore
Approaching Singapore International Airport

Thai Airways flight TG 407 to Singapore
Approaching Singapore International Airport

I was checking in to Furama Riverside around 7 o'clock. I had been living here before, when I joined Roy Mærsk the first time. But then I only stayed in the room for an hour before checking out. I took a taxi to Orchard Road and Tony Roma's for my dinner. Tony Roma's had moved and I never found the restaurant.

I made a bad decision, to go back to the hotel for their buffet. I stopped at M1 and as I need a passport to register the SIM card I will come back tomorrow. The taxi driver that took me back to Furama Riverside told me that tony Roma's had moved and it was just where he had picked me up. He showed me the Tony Roma's and it was only a painted logo on a parking house. Well, I will go for my lunch there tomorrow when I go to M1 for my SIM card.

Orchard Road, Singapore
Walking down Orchard Road, Singapore

Orchard Road, Singapore
Walking down Orchard Road, Singapore

Friday 18 th of March 2016
and it was 10 o'clock when I got out of bed. I had been poisoned at the buffet yesterday and I had some stomach pain. So no early morning birding. Never mind, back at the hotel yesterday evening and I had found out that the huge birding park here is Singapore is caged birds. Who the duck comes to Singapore to visit a prison?

Friday night and I was surprised when I got out of the taxi outside my hotel, the music was on full blast. It was 9 o'clock in the evening and well, a beer or two with good music would not hurt,Drunken sailor20 YEARS AGO!!! Now I'm too old and I'm tired after having walked around in the heat for a full day.

And I had a CD with pictures that I wanted to check out so I brought myDiet Pepsibag with Kit Kats and diet drinks to my room.

Kit Kats, I had been at a Supermarket to buy diet drinks and as I was hungry I bought some KIt Kats to enjoy in my room. I had been around Orchard Street to look for a restaurant. Tony Roma's was full, and even if it had not been full I would have skipped the place.

The seating were so close together so it was like one big company eating together. Orchard Center was a terrible terrible place. Queue to all the restaurants and the elevators, there was so much people that I had to run away taking the escalators all the way down to the bottom and in to a taxi. Stop to buy diet drinks and now I'm back in my room delirious by anticipation for the pictures.

Jurong Bird Park

Jurong Bird Park

Jurong Bird Park
Unbelievable, picture by a professional photographer and they charged 50 Dollars for the pictures.
At least I had expected more, but I got my water!

Jurong Bird Park

Jurong Bird Park

Jurong Bird Park

Jurong Bird Park

Jurong Bird Park

Yes, as you can see on the logo that I went to the Jurong Bird Park. And walking around there inJurong Bird Parkthe heat made me very thirsty. All over Singapore, and if you pay with cash theyJurong Bird Parklook at you like you're a criminal. Of course, at Jurong Bird Park they only accepted cash, Singapore cash.

I was desperate for water so I asked if I could take the picture and pay by card and get 6 dollars in cash.

So this turned out to be a very expensive bottle of water. And the pictures, what to say? The girl was running around with a big Canon 7D and she lookedJurong Bird Parkto know what she was doing.

Well, I told her about the light at some of the spots she took the pictures. This was no problem, and well, we can see the pictures above. Not very impressive if you ask me.

Prison I said this morning. Well, some of the cages for the raptors was for sure a prison same with the cages for the hornbills. Big cages but really no space for them to fly. But otherwise, I think most of the birds were unaware that they were living in captivity.

They had a house called the “world of darkness” and I quote from their web page: Enter the darkness of night, in broad daylight at the World of Darkness, Asia's first nocturnal house. Walk through the star-lit jungle and meet our elusive friends, the owl as they go about their normal behaviours under the moonlit 'night'.

World of darkness and here were different rooms with different owls. These birds cannot have had the time of their life. But most of the other birds were free to fly around in huge areas surrounded by nets. There were a large “waterfall aviary” with a 30 meter high waterfall. And there were plenty birds. And it was like walking in the wild looking for birds

Jurong Bird Park
Collared Kingfisher

Jurong Bird Park

Jurong Bird Park
Owls at the “world of darkness”

Jurong Bird Park
Owls at the “world of darkness”

Jurong Bird Park
Pink spoonbills

Jurong Bird Park
Pink spoonbills

Jurong Bird Park

The hornbills was amazing to see. Some of these are very beautiful and they really looks like cartoons. Before I saw my first ever hornbill at Khao Yai national park in Thailand I thought these birds were just cartoons in Donal Duck cartoons. But after seeing the first hornbill I was amazed and now I had seen more hornbills in Thailand and India.

Across from the hornbills was the Lory Loft:
Say g'day to some of the friendliest birds at the Park! In the world's largest Lory flight aviary, you'll see bright colours of red, yellow, green and blue fluttering above your heads, and around you. And if you're lucky, you might even have some of them perch on you while you stroll around the Australian outback-themed 3,000 square-metre aviary!

Feed The Lories
With a 125-year old Bottle tree at the entrance, the sprawling 9-storey high aviary features a magnificent 360-degree elevated view of the landscape. This is also where you will have the unique opportunity to participate in Lory Feeding. These gregarious, and exceptionally bold birds are a sight to behold. And because they are so forthcoming, the Lory Loft makes for great photographs.

And it was at the Lory Loft I had to take the pictures to get cash to buy cold drinks.

Jurong Bird Park
At Lory Loft

Jurong Bird Park
At Lory Loft

Jurong Bird Park
At Lory Loft

Jurong Bird Park
At Lory Loft - First I thought it was a bird, but it was a Lizard

Video from Jurong Bird Park's web page

Jurong Bird Park
Pelican cove

Jurong Bird Park
Pelican cove

Jurong Bird Park
Flamingo Lake

Jurong Bird Park
Waterfall aviary

Jurong Bird Park
Waterfall aviary

Jurong Bird Park
A Roller at the Waterfall aviary
This is a Roller I had never seen before. Almost black back and I didn't realise
that it was a roller until he flew to the next tree where I took this picture

They wanted to sell me a tram ticket when I bought my ticket. But I told them that I wanted to walk around the park. I spent many hours walking around here and I don't think it would be any problem to spend a full day here if they just accepted cards at the restaurants so you can buy cold drinks.

I enjoyed my stay in the park even though it was hot. There were many wild birds as well. All the Pelicans, Flamingos and storks are wild. In the Swan Lake they are seeing Kingfishers and among them the Stork Billed Kingfisher. I saw new Herons that I had not seen before.

And a green lizard, Guava or whatever they call it. But I was happy to have seen the lizard at the Lory Loft, looking like a bird. I have tried to find out what it was on the internet, but I have not been able to find what it was. Anyway, it had been a nice day at the Jurong Bird Park.

Map over Jurong Bird Park
Click HERE for full size map

Saturday 19 th of March 2016
and I walked over to Copthorne King's Hotel next to Furama Riverside to see the 2nd Engineer. I recognised the hotel instantly, I had lived here back in 1998 when I joined Asian Progress.

2nd Engineer was not in his room so he is most likely out shopping. When I left my room I discovered a message that they would pick me up at 18 thirty tonight. I called the Agent when I left the King's hotel and now he told me that Roy Mærsk was delayed. Furama Riverfront is full so I asked the Agent to book a room for me at Copthorne King's Hotel

My plan was to keep my bag in the 2nd Engineers room until they would pick me up. But as the ship is delayed I need a room. I walked from Furama Riverfront to Copthorne King's Hotel after checking out, and it took me 3 minutes. I ran in to the 2nd Engineer and 2 other crew member when they came back from China Town.

Italian food in Singapore

I had a previous mess man coming up to me saying hello. He recognised me and he was together with the new Pump Man and Mess man in the restaurant. So we will be 7 to join Roy Mærsk and time has changed to early morning and check-out will be 4 o'clock in the morning. So no sleep. But the ship willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be delayed by a few hours.

Lunch at the hotel, well, I didn't eat here back in 1998 and after having had a glance at the buffet I decided to go look for a Italian Restaurant and I ended up down at Robertson Quay.

I took a taxi to Singapore Botanic Gardens in the afternoon so I could spend a few hours looking for birds and other excitements. I arrived to the botanical gardens around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Free entrance and the taxi fare was 5 dollars or so.

The History of Singapore Botanic Gardens
Singapore Botanic Gardens
Click HERE for map in full size

Oriental Pied Hornbill at Singapore Botanic Gardens
Oriental Pied Hornbill

Oriental Pied Hornbill at Singapore Botanic Gardens
Oriental Pied Hornbill

Oriental Pied Hornbill at Singapore Botanic Gardens
Oriental Pied Hornbill
I had been at Singapore Botanical Gardens for about 3 minutes looking up the trees while working my way in to the garden. I saw a huge bird and I was like, no, it cannot be a Hornbill in the middle of Singapore.

Of course, I didn't had my camera. But a poor picture is better than no picture.

It was a beautiful park, the only thing I didn't like was the orchestra playing scaring away all the Kingfishers I had been hoping to see. Well, it was kind of nice with all the children playing so, and I have seen Kingfishers. But I made a mental note to come back on a weekday if I was coming for any bird watching.

I met some bird watchers from Singapore and we had a chat and they told me that here was Stork Billed Kingfishers here early morning.

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Singapore Botanic Gardens
Bands are playing

Singapore Botanic Gardens
Brass band waiting to play

Seems like Roy Mærsk is delayed and she is still anchored awaiting port clearance in Dumai. Captain asked me to buy two TOP UP cards for his M1 SIM card. DARN! That means that I willSingapore Botanic Gardenshave to go out again, and if I go out it means a stop at a restaurant.

Captain sent an e-mail and they would not be here until at least 12 or so, depending on when they are ready at load port.

I met the Filipino on signers at the restaurant and the latest news they had was still that we had to check out 04:00. I checked the front desk and they also had 04:00 as check-out time.

Bugis Street

Bugis Street
Bugis Street

Singapore by night

Singapore by night

I took a taxi to Bugis street to look for M1 TOP UP and while walking around they called me to inform me that the check-out time was changed to 09:00. I was very happy for this news but ISofra Turkish restaurant in Singaporedon't want it to get any later because then we're soon back to square one again with checking out in the middle of the night again, but now Monday morning.

I bought the TOP UP cards, and believe it or not, Singapore 2016 and it was not easy. Most places in the world and you just buy two top up cards. But here, I ended up in an interrogation with about 1000 stupid questions.

I got my stuff and I left Bugis and I walked around looking for a nice restaurant and as it was mostly Chinese restaurant in the area I continued to walk. Suddenly, in one intersection I spotted a Turkish restaurant on the second floor in a building.

I walked up the stairs and I took the seat. I asked for one kebab with mashed potato. There were problems as I wanted to have a little bit from a few dishes. This was confusing the WaitressCopthorne King's Hoteland I asked for the restaurant manager.

She came and we sorted out my order and it was a fantastic kebab. I was quick to order two more kebabs. Minced meat looking like a schnitzel and filled with cheese. The mashed potato, not as good as the one I do, but one of the best I have ever had in a restaurant.

I had a few baklavas, well, the food was very good but the baklava was something I could have done without. I'm pretty sure the police would have showed up if you tried to sold these baklavas in Turkey

I was full when I left and more walking was not to think about so it was a taxi back to the hotel where I met our Rumanian crew joining Roy Mærsk tomorrow.

Sunday 20 th of March 2016
and they called to wake me up at 8 o'clock. I had asked for a 8 o'clock wake-up call even though I knew it would be no departure at 9 o'clock. They called again 5 minutes before 9 o'clock and they told me to come down.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- The driver is here to pick you up, the rest of the crew is waiting
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I'm not coming, the ship is not arriving until 6 o'clock tonight!

The Driver called a few minutes later and he told me to come down.
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I'm not coming, the ship is not arriving until 6 o'clock tonight!
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I have orders to pick you up at 9
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- I'm not going to sit down the water front waiting for 9 hours
Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st- OK, I leave with the rest of the crew

All crew were in the reception and that is even though the new 3rd Officer had been knocking on my door at 8 thirty. He also had news from the ship that they would not be in Singapore until the evening. So I don't understand why they went down to the reception.

I called the Agent and he would call the driver. Yeah, this is what he should have done hours ago as this is his job. Maersk have to pay for all this and this is much more expensive than an apple.

Our 2nd Engineer was going to China Town to look for t-shirts and I decided to join him. I wanted to go for breakfast as the breakfast at the hotel are like the lunch and dinner buffet, somethingBreakfast in China Townyou want to avoid.

We walked to China Town and we walked around looking for the shop. And as we were early most of the places were closed and we went to look for a restaurant.

It took us quite some time and walking before we found a place, there were plenty Chinese restaurants, but this was not what we had in mind.

I wanted a real Western breakfast with Earl Grey tea and no cockaroaches and whatever they eat in the neighbourhood. We finally found a hotel and it looked like they had tea so we crossed the street.

The tea was perfect even though they didn't had pots, but they served tea from big beer glasses (special request) and the food was kind of OK. We went back to the t-shirt shop.

The t-shirt shop was still closed, 2nd Engineer returned to the hotel and I went to a shopping mall and then I took a taxi back to the hotel. Latest news is that they will come to pick us up at 18:00 A little too late and I really hope we don't have any more delays now.

Singapore China Town
China Town

Singapore China Town
China Town

I had time for my lunch/ dinner at VIVO City in the afternoon. There was a German restaurant with excellent food and I was back at the hotel around 4 thirty in the afternoon. I packed mySigning on Roy Mærsk in Singaporebags and I went to check out 15 minutes before 6 o'clock.

The Driver was there and I brought my bags to the van before going to check-out from the hotel. We were prety much ready to leave at 6 o'clock and we went to pick up the Agent.

He was of course not ready and after having waited for a while we left for the boat terminal and the Agent would come there.

We waited until 7 and then we went through the immigration and we were on the jetty and it took 15 minutes or so before our launch arrived. It was around 19 thirty when we left. 8 on signers and the service launch was pretty full when we left towards Roy Mæersk

Signing on Roy Mærsk in Singapore

Signing on Roy Mærsk in Singapore
Waiting at the boat terminal

Signing on Roy Mærsk in Singapore

Signing on Roy Mærsk in Singapore

Signing on Roy Mærsk in Singapore

Signing on Roy Mærsk in Singapore
Leaving Singapore behind

Signing on Roy Mærsk in Singapore

Signing on Roy Mærsk in Singapore

Signing on Roy Mærsk in Singapore
Arriving to Roy Mærsk

We stepped on board at 8 o'clock in the evening and the adventure on board Roy Mærsk can begin

March 2016 - Joining Roy Mærsk in Singapore

April 2016 - Anchored in South China Sea

April 2016 - Part 2 - Arrival to Map Ta Phut

May 2016 - Steaming North towards Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailand

May 2016 - Part 2 - On the way to Hong Gai, Vietnam

June 2016 - On the way to Singapore

Swedish Springrolls - Flying to Sweden June 2016
Springroll Tour

I joined M/T Roy Mærsk on the 20th of March 2016 in Singapore. We did the following voyages before I signed off in Singapore on the 4th of June 2016.

Voy No.
Load Port
Discharge Port

Dumai, Indonesia

Crude Oil

Nipah STS area, Indonesia

I join the ship when they pass Singapore on the way to Nipa


Nipah STS Area, Indonesia
m/t Ocean Tiara

Tanjung Palapas, Malaysia
FSU Merlion M

150 000 BBL Condensate

80 000 BBL Crude Oil

Map ta Phut, Thailand


Gresik, Indonesia
Siam Maspion Terminal

150 000 BBL +/- 5% Crude Oil

Si Racha, ศรีราชา, Thailand


Singapore Area
Tanjung Bin, Malaysia

Minimum 29,000 MT HFO

Hong Gai, Vietnam


One/ two safe ports in Gulf of Thailand
Map Ta Phut

1/2 grades of dirty petrolium products
27000 - 27500 MT HSFO

One/ two safe ports in the Singapore area
VOPAK - Singapore
I sign offYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st

OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
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ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.


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