OK, it has come to my knowledge that we have senior citizens visiting my web page. How hard can it be? So it's not very easy for them to see the blue coloured links to the next page.
Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

So as you understand, in a jiff pretty much depends on your internet.
So I put a “Next” button here and I hope that there isn't any problem to understand how to use that one. So just CLICK the “Next” button on your left hand side and you will be on the next page in a jiff!

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คุณพูดภาษาไทยได้ไหม ไม่มีปัญหา ถ้าคุณต้องการไปหน้าถัดไป ให้กดปุ่ม “Next” ข้างบนนี้

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.

Aladdin back in Skåne - June 2016

Thursday 9 th of June 2016 and it is time to leave for Skåne. AOT Limousine booked and alast boxing session with my friend. Every day since I came back home, except for one day. I found some pictures of my friend fromปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์back in the days. He have been Muay Thai champion 6 or 7 times in Thailand. At all the famous Muay Thai stadiums, but never mind, I kick his behind.

So today it is time for the last session before I leave tonight. I will also have time for a Thai language class. I was at school Tuesday afternoon to see if there was any changes to my schedule. Changed from 10:00 to 16:00Via Vai on Sukhumvit Soi 8and that gave me one and a half hour before it was time for class.

No time to get home to get my book, but they told me that I could borrow a book. I decided to go for lunch at Via Vai on Sukhumvit Soi 8

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์ (Red Devil) landing on his face
But he makes a remarkable recovery and win the fight

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์
ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์

ปีศาจแดง ก.กุมานนท์

My trip to Australia, the itinerary is almost finished. I have made a few changes. Cancelled the whale watching in Victor Harbour and the cage diving in Port Lincoln. The flight to Kangaroo IslandWinter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruiseswas full so I will have to go by taxi - ferry - and shuttle from Adelaide airport to my hotel in Kingscote.

But I'm booked for two whale watching cruises on Phillip Island, Winter Whale Cruise with Wildlife Coast Cruises

Winter Whale Cruise, Wildlife Coast Cruises

16 July: Arriving to Cairns - Checking in to Pacific Hotel Cairns
17-18 July: 2 Day Top Deck Club Snorkel
19 July: By road to Jabiru Safari Lodge in Mareeba
19-21 July: 2 nights at Jabiru Safari Lodge in Mareeba - MAREEBA TROPICAL SAVANNA AND WETLAND RESERVE
21 July: Back to Cairns by road
21 July: Wait-a-While Rainforest Tours

22 July: Flight Cairns to Darwin
23-25 July: Wayoutback Australian Safaris, 3 Day 4WD Dragonfly Dreaming Top End Safari Accommodated -Kakadu National Park

26 July: Flight Darwin to Alice Springs
26 July: A day in Alice Springs
27 July: Alice Springs to Ayers Rock Resort
27 July: Afternoon tour to Uluru - Kata Tjuta National Park - SEIT Kata Tjuta Domes
28 July: Morning tour to Ayers Rock - SEIT Uluru Highlights

29 July: Flight Ayers Rock to Adelaide via Alice Spring
29 July: Taxi and ferry/ bus from Adelaide to Kingscote, Kangaroo Island     The flight was full
30 July: Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours, 1 day Wilderness 'Wildlife' Tours
31 July: Kangaroo Island Wilderness Tours, 1 day Wilderness 'Wildscapes' Tour

1 August: Flight from Kingscote to Adelaide
1 August: Flight Adelaide to Melbourne     Whale watching in Victor Harbor and cage diving in Port Lincoln cancelled
2-4 August: Echidna Walkabout, 3 Day Great Ocean Road ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
5 August: Tour to Philip Island including the Penguin Parade
I will get off the tour on Phillip Island and check in to a hotel. I will stay in Cowes for 2 days of whale watching

6 August: Phillip Island - Winter Whale Cruise with Wildlife Coast Cruises
7 August: Phillip Island - Winter Whale Cruise with Wildlife Coast Cruises

8 August: Back to Melbourne by public transport
9 August: Flight to Sydney
10 August: Sydney
11 August: Sydney
12 August: Sydney
13 August: Sydney
14 August: Sydney
15 August: Flying back to Bangkok

Map of Australia
Full size map, click HERE

Original plan map, click HERE

They called me from AOT when I was in class. They wanted to confirm the 20:00 pick-up time and I confirmed the time. I stopped at the Pizza House on my way back home from school and IAOT Limousinestill had plenty time before it was time to leave when I was back home.

I took a chance to see if the car had arrived at 7 thirty. I went down with my garbage and the car was there. I told the driver that I would be back in a minute. I just had to go pick up my bag.

We were on our way 20 minutes before 8 o'clock and as soon as we had left Sukhumvit Road behind the traffic was quite light and I stepped out of the car at Gate 10 on Suvarnabhumi International quarter past 8 o'clock in the evening.

Sukhumvit was full of cars but it was a pleasant ride until we reached the express way toll both on Sukhumvit. I realised that I had forgot my sleeping pills. DARN! This will not be any fun flight, not to talkYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.stabout the flight back home again. Well, I will have to put my alarm on 4 o'clock in the morning the day I'm flying home.

This is for sure something I'm looking forward to.Well, I was almost falling asleep in the car but I forced myself to stay awake and I willYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully be able to get somesleep on theAOT Limousineplane. But even if you're dead tired it is almost impossible to sleep in the airplane chairs.

Turkish Airways, everything to dodge Thai Airways and the national park, cigarette police and all the ongoing scams. And NO ONE at Thai Airways have been able to answer my very simple question:
- Please, give me one reason to fly with Thai Airways?

Nothing and now I had have it. I have been flying Turkish Airways before and I have liked it. Of course, Thai Airways is non-Turkish Airlinesstop. Same price, but this time I want to make a stop in Istanbul forTurkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbulwhat must be the best baklava and airport lounge in the world, the outstanding Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul.

Not many people at the check in and the premium lane was almost empty so I was in Thai Airways lounge a few minutes after check-in. As I usually fly with Thai Airway I use the Thai Airways lounge at the Thai Airways check-in.

But this time I went to the small Thai Airways lounge at Gate E1, and as a coincidence, flight TK 0069 departure from gate E1.

Believe me, Thai Airways lounge is nothing like Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul. Not one single baklava to be seen around here. Well, I will have a few for breakfast tomorrow with a cup (or several cups) of Earl Grey tea.

And if I remember Turkish Airlines right, there will be some baklavas on the flight. But the problem, they should be fresh for the day and they have not been in Istanbul for quite a while when it is time for us to board. Yeah, I hear you, they can make the baklava in Thailand. Well, now I want the original baklavas and not any “made in Thailand” Swedish spring rolls, why do I fly to Sweden to eat them at Österns Pärla

Turkish Airlines flight Turkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbul was full so I will have someone sitting next to me. But I'm in the middle row (aisle seat, my preference when onTurkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbula full flight) so never mind if you are unlucky ending up with a incontinent passenger next to me. She/ he are sitting in the aisle as well and no need to bother me.

We were flying with an Airbus 340-300 and I like the Boeing.

The 767 and the 777 with Thai Airway and ANA have the seats so you sit alone. A very nice set up, but I feel a wee bit claustrophobic. The set up with Turkish Airlines is 2 seats and 3 rows. A very nice openTurkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbulspace with plenty legroom. This is my favourite layout if the seat next to me is empty. And of course, if it is a full flight I enjoy my privacy in my cubicle on board ANA and Thai

I took my seat, and after a while I discovered that I was in the wrong seat. I moved and they were soon bringing welcome drinks.

They brought some colourful fruit juices, buteveryone asked for champagne so they had to go back to the bar to get champagne. The Stewardess was surprisedTurkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbulwhen I asked for a bottle of water only.

I was soon having a few bottles of water at my seat, enough to last me for the whole night.

And of course, they offered us some Turkish snacks, amazing. Turkish food, it is maybe the best food in the world. OK, Japanese and Turkish food are right up the in the top together with Swedish spring rolls.

Yes, Turkey, and I know what you are thinking because I did the same before I came to Turkey the first time with Rainbow Warrior. Turkey and you think camel, tent, fundamentalists andshit for food. But they are a very friendly people and the food is amazing.

We backed out from the gate according to the time table and we taxi to the runway while watching the safety movie and we were soon airborne bound for Istanbul.

Turkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbul

Turkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbul
Taking off

Turkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbul
Bangkok under us

Friday 10 th of June 2016
and I decided to have the dinner they offered. Normally I would have been taking a sleeping pill and I would have been sleeping all the way to Istanbul. But as I hadBatman VS Supermanforgot my sleeping pill I decided to stay up watching a movie and to have the dinner.

It was a Superman/ Batman combo. They made a big thing out of this movie as I think Turkish Airlines have sponsored the movie. Well, or something like that.

The food came, the cabin turned in to a restaurant you imagine how they were before they discovered electricity. They brought a cart of candles in paper bags. Candles in paper bags on board a flight??!! Of course not, it was those new led lights looking candles. And as they keptTurkish Airlines - Now flying to Gotham Citythe cabin dark for our sleeping passengers the whole cabin looked like it was lit by candles only. Very nice with a candle light dinner at 10 000 meter.

We got more Turkish snacks and then I got a plate of some salmon cake, it was very very good salmon. And I had a bowl of cauliflower soup with the salmon for starters. I have been on many airlines, but I have only got soup on board Turkish Airlines.

Last time I was flying with Turkish Airlines was from Istanbul to Bangkok and I remember havingTurkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbulexcellent lamb chops for dinner. So I choose the same for this flight and I was not disappointed.

The food was top notch just as I had expected from a Turkish restaurant and there were plenty of it and I was full when I had finished the lamb chops.

But I was not here for the lamb chops even though they were very good. No, my main reason for choosing Turkish instead of Austrian was the baklava.

I was full when they started to roll around the dessert cart. There were so many different things to choose from, but I went for baklava. A plate of different baklavas, some mango cream, well, they call it mouse or sorbet (Yet another Smiley on www.aladdin.st) and chocolate lave cake something.
- Ice cream?
- No thanks, I'm on diet
- Cheese?
- No thanks, I'm on diet
- Fruit?
- No thanks, I'm on di..., no thanks

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, no one above the age of 7 can find this movie worth watching. Well, after 5 minutes you could already tell how it was going to end. And it was aTurkish Airlines flight TK 0069 from Suvarnabhumi to Istanbulpainful experience working your way towards the end and I never finished the movie.

After take-off they had prepared our seats with some kind of ground sheet. Nothing like a mattress but it was a huge difference to sleep on it. I woke up at 2 o'clock Turkish time and I got a plate of baklava before I felt asleep again.

I woke up when we approached Istanbul International and I had missed the breakfast. Well, I was full after the last plate of baklava. And I was grateful that I didn't fly with an airline with Stewardesses jumping on you trying to wake you up making sure you don't miss the dry sandwich.

Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul

Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul

Both Pepsi MAX and Diet Pepsi at Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul
Both Pepsi MAX and Diet Pepsi

Slot Car track at Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul

Slot Car track at Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul

Slot Car track at Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul

Playing golf in Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul
There was enough things to do while waiting for your flight

Turkish Airlines lounge in Istanbul

I had 2 hours to kill before my flight to Copenhagen and the lounge, I called it the best lounge I have ever been to when I was here last time. But it had got better, much better. I started by grabbing 2 cans of Diet Pepsi. They have added a whole new floor to the lounge. The only reason I went down was because I saw a slot car track.

I had a race with a British guy, and it was kind of a disappointment. They had set the voltage so low so you could run full speed around the track. My new racing friend told me it took a bit of theIstanbul International Airport - Gate 701fun out of it was there were no tactic. But what and initiative to put a slot car track on the airport to have something fun to kill time with.

But there was enough to do, the new floor was filled with entertainment and there were food everywhere, but I was still full from the flight. But I made a mental note not to be full when I'm back here flying back to Bangkok. I was soon leaving for gate 701 and flight TKIstanbul International Airport - Gate 7011783 to Copenhagen.

They have built a new terminal and it was a long long way to walk. And boarding time 06:30 was of course delayed and we have to go to the plane by buss.

I sat down and suddenly, without any message they opened the gate and there was a long line of passengers. No sign of any special biz/ gold card boarding so I waited until last. The bus to the plane was full so it was kind of nice to get out of the bus on the tarmac. I took my seat in a full flight and we were soon on our way to Kastrup, Copenhagen International airport.

Turkish Airlines flight TK 1783 from Istanbul to Copenhagen

Turkish Airlines flight TK 1783 from Istanbul to Copenhagen
Welcome drink and I have yet another bottle of water

Turkish Airlines flight TK 1783 from Istanbul to Copenhagen

It was a nice flight, well, as nice as a flight can get. I choose Turkish breakfast with tea for the meal and I slept the last hour. I bought a train ticket at the airport and the train arrivedÖresundstågetwhen I came down to the platform. And it is the first time I go to Sweden since they started the border control so I showed my pass port before boarding the train.

They should never had removed the border control and we might have been able to avoid much of the dregs and scum that have come to Sweden. Örsundståget would arrive to Helsingborg 20 minutes before 12 and I checked in to Marina Plaza quarter to 12 o'clock. I had a shower and I went across the road to Österns Pärla and the spring rollÖsterns Pärla in Helsingborgtour could start. And I broke the record, I had 6 spring rolls.

So yes, I was full when I left Österns Pärla. My brother will come to pick me up at 3 o'clock so I returned to my hotel to relax for an hour.

I have got a niece since last time I was in Sweden so we will go to meet her. I was expecting my brother to come with his Cadillac so I kept an eye out for the car. But he came with an old Camaro fireBird cabriolet. It is summer so it was OK. It is very nice in the sun but asSkånesoon as we're in the wind it becomes a wee bit chilly. I had my nephews to set up the croquet game that we bought last summer.

Scalextric Digital
And we tried the Scalextric track I bought last Christmas when I signed off Ternvag. So this was my second slot car race for today.

I have not been at Bangkok Slot Car Club for a very long time by now so I need some training before next time I go there. But it is a few months before I have the chance to go there next time. And if I don't have time before joining Roy Mærsk after Australia it will be a very long time.

I had new potatoes in mind for dinner, but I stayed at my brothers for dinner before he drove me back to Helsingborg. And now it was cold in the cabriolet. But it was a short ride so I survived. I said good bye and I went in to the hotel and my bed.

My niece

My niece

I was full after the dinner and the spring rolls but I decided to check out the restaurant atSkåneMarina Plaza hotel. I asked if they had new potatoes.
- Yes, we have
- Do you have salmon?
- Let me check

He was soon back and they would arrange salmon and new potato for me. I asked for a pot of Earl Grey tea and I took my seat. Needless to say, the food was excellent and I asked for a second plate. I made a mental not to tell them that I didn't wanted any bread next time.

I was in bed before 10 o'clock.

Saturday 11 th of June 2016
and I woke up a little after 5 o'clock in the morning. I went for breakfast around 8 o'clock and it was just as good as I remembered it from last time I stayedPågatågenhere at Marina Plaza. I updated my web page and I left for Knutpunkten just before 12 o'clock. I was still full from the breakfast so no spring rolls at Österns Pärla

I went to FOREX to deposit cash to my bank account. I tried to give them to my brother yesterday but there is the new things with the banks in Sweden, they don'tYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.staccept cash anymore. So I had to use FOREX and they charged me 8 dollars to deposit my money.

I went to Skånetraffiken's ticket office to buy a train ticket with Pågatågen to Bjuv to see my brother. There was plenty people at the ticket office. But I spottedPågatågenan ad on the wall in the ticket office. Download Skånetrafiken's app. I did so and I bought my ticket, very convenient and I went to board the train.

I showed my ticket on the phone and I decided that this was going to be the way I'm buying tickets from now on.

It was very convenient and there is also a time table in the app. So I was impressed by the app. It took me about 15 minutes to get to Bjuv and my brother and my youngest nephew were waiting for me at the train station





We were soon in the garden and it was soon full water fight. They have an inflatable pool and it started by throwing balls to splash water. The bug water blasters were soon out and the waterKalle på Spångenjets were flying across the garden.

I managed to get the biggest water blaster and my nephewsWater fightwere soon soaked. Well, I was even more soaked. It went on until suddenly, my nephews started to go on about Kalle på Spången. I had mentioned Skånskt smörgåsbord at Kalle på Spången yesterday.

I called the restaurant and they had new potatoes and we were soon on our way towards Kalle på Spången in Ljungbyhed, about 30 minutes in the car from Bjuv.

Kalle på Spången

Kalle på Spången
We drive through a beautiful landscape

Kalle på Spången
We drive through a beautiful landscape

Kalle på Spången
We drive through a beautiful landscape

Kalle på Spången
We arrive to Kalle på Spången

Kalle på Spången

Kalle på Spången
Kalle på Spången

Kalle på Spången
Kalle på Spången

Kalle på Spången

Well, to make a long story short, the food was good, very good and I had way too much to eat. New potatoes and Edvard's siraps kavring. Darn it was good, and then I topped it with chocolatemousse and real skånsk whipped cream. So it is easy to understand that I had too much to eat.

We drove back to the train station in Bjuv. We drove through a beautiful landscape and I was looking out for some of the local wild life. Maybe a deer or if we would be extremely lucky, a moose.

I need to go back to my hotel, the Chief Officer on Ternvag will call me around 8 o'clock tonight. I spoke with him this morning and they were on the way to come alongside in Gothenburg.

They expect to be alongside for about 24 hours and then they are off to Brofjorden. And as I want to join in Gothenburg so I will see if I need to take a train tonight or tomorrow morning.

Pågatågen i Bjuv
Pågatåget arrives to Bjuv

I stopped at Pressbyrån to buy a few Pepsi MAX when I was back in Helsingborg and I was in my room just before 6 o'clock in the evening. I was still full so no need for any dinner today.

The Chief Officer called and they are ready way before expected. So I booked a train ticket with my new app and I'm leaving at 21:52 and I arrive to Go:teborg a few minutes after midnight. So let the adventure begin, just click HERE


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