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Jiffy (also jiff)

noun [in SING.] informal a moment: we'll be back in a jiffy.

ORIGIN late 18th cent.: of unknown origin.

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E ni Svenskar och inte förstår Engelska så ska ni skämmas. J och Björn, med det menar jag inte att alla mina stavfel ska ältas varje gång vi träffas.

Flag of Skåne / Skånska flagganWell, the flag of Skåne, just a BONUS flag.
Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Tuesday 6 th of June 2017 and DARN! I was tired when my alarm went off at 5 thirty. I went for a shower and it was quite a hassle to get the hot water to work. Everything in Thai language on the gas burner. I could read it but as I had never used a gas burner before (It is 2017 fer foocks sake) it took me some time to get the hot water.

But I can imagine coming here as a tourist and the Thai alphabet is nothing more than squiggle, yeah, they will never see any hot water. Full board but I had bought my own breakfast, and they don't have fruit so I had to buy my own fruit as well. They don't have anything in the restaurant.

Anyway, I had some bread with a Pepsi MAX in my room before I went out to meet my Driver and Guide. And yes, they don't even have bread at the hotel/ resort. I took my seat in the van and I arranged my MAX in front of me and we were soon on our way to look for birds.

We drove along road # 1009 deeper in to the Doi Inthanon National Park. We reached the small town/ village Ban Khun Klang and we turned right following road # 1284 leaving road 1009.

As usual, I'm making a Google bird watching map as I'm going along here in Doi Inthanon National Park. Click HERE for my birding map of Doi Inthanon National Park.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
We're on the way to experience new adventures

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
We reach check-point 5 where we will park the car

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
We reach check-point 5 where we will park the car

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
We reach check-point 5 where we will park the car

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
It is a gorgeous morning

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Beautiful landscape

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Beautiful landscape

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park - Grey-chinned Minivet
Grey-chinned Minivet

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park - Small-billed Minivet
Small-billed Minivet

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park - Small-billed Minivet
Small-billed Minivet

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park -Verditer flycatcher
A beautiful Verditer flycatcher

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park -Verditer flycatcher
We are not alone on this beautiful stretch of road

Flavescent bulbul, Pycnonotus flavescens, นกปรอดหัวตาขาว
We chased 3 Flavescent bulbul trying to get good pictures

Flavescent bulbul, Pycnonotus flavescens, นกปรอดหัวตาขาว
They land in a tree

Flavescent bulbul, Pycnonotus flavescens, นกปรอดหัวตาขาว
Finally, I get a picture - Flavescent bulbul, Pycnonotus flavescens

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park -Verditer flycatcher

Click HERE to view the map in a full window

We parked the van at check-point 5. As soon as I got out of the van I heard music from the guard house, very loud music and I won't tell you what ILong-tailed Shrike, Lanius schach in Doi Inthanon National Parkwas thinking. I left the music and house behind starting to walk back the same way we had come with the van.

The road was stretching the mountain side and on the left hand side I could look down the valley and on the right hand side I had a forest stretching up on the mountain side.

So the tree tops was far above me and the tree tops was full of Grey-chinned Minivets and Small-billed Minivets. A beautiful bird, the male is red and black and the female is yellow and black.

Too far away for any good pictures and I was a little disappointed with both me and my camera. We were back in the van and we spotted a beautiful Verditer flycatcher sitting in a tree.

And again, the bird was very far away and yet again, disappointment! When I approached the bird it took off. Not my lucky day.

We spotted 3 Flavescent bulbuls sitting on a wire and yet again, the Flavescent bulbuls took off. But now we could see the birds landing in a tree. Again, we approached the tree and the birds took off. DARN! My birding tour here in Doi Inthanon National Park is for sure not having any good start.

But we spotted the Flavescent bulbuls in a bush on the road side and I managed to get a picture, a new bird for me and it will end up on my list of observed birds in Thailand. And as I don't have anyLong-tailed Shrike, Lanius schach in Doi Inthanon National Parkgood picture of the Minivets I cannot put the bird on my list. What a shame!

We spotted a Long-tailed Shrike sitting on a wire with a fresh catch insect. It looked like the insect was a wee bit too big for the bird. But the shriek managed to eat the insect and we took off towards new adventures. AndYet another Smiley on www.aladdin.sthopefully good pictures of birds.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Bulbuls in a tree

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park - Scarlet minivet
Female Scarlet minivet

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park - Scarlet minivet
Male Scarlet minivet

We drove for 10 to 15 minutes before we stopped. There was a female Minivet sitting just a few meters from the road and none of my pictures turned out to be any good. A few meters and we stopped again. This time it was a Grey-breasted prinia.

This time I got the good pictures even though the bird was far away. But now the bird was covered by twigs all the time. Nothing but disappointments this morning. We drove back to the small town Ban Khun Klang and the # 1009 road. We turned right when we reached road # 1009 and we continued towards the summit. We passed check-point #2 where they checked our ticket to the national park that we bought back at the check-point 1 yesterday.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Driving through the Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Passing check-point 2 on the way to the summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Passing check-point 2 on the way to the summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Pra MA Ha Tat Noppamethanedon and Pra MA Ha Tat Nopphonphusiri in the horizon

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

We stopped at a rest place on the way to the summit. There is a rest room and a restaurant. The restaurant was closed and I think they are only open during the high season. This is also the parking place if you want to walk on the Kae Mae Pan Nature Trail.

We went behind the bathroom and there were a few Yellow-bellied Fantails but they disappeared when we came. We put up a plastic chair and I sat down to wait for the fantail. The Yellow-bellied Fantail came back but I never got any good pictures. And in the tree behind me there was an Silver-eared Laughingthrush. And it was very hard to get a picture as the bird was always behind a branch. I only got one picture, not very good but better than nothing.

Before we continued to the summit we gave it another try and this time I got a picture of a beautiful couple of Rufous-winged fulvettas. I was happy for the Rufous-winged fulvetta but I was very disappointed with the Yellow-bellied Fantail and that I had missed the Green-tailed Sunbird. But I still have time to get them on picture before it is time to go home.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Start of the Kae Mae Pan Nature Trail

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
The rest place with the bathroom and the closed restaurant

Silver-eared Laughingthrush, Trochalopteron melanostigma, นกกะรางหัวแดง

Rufous-winged fulvetta, Alcippe castaneceps, นกมุ่นรกหัวน้ำตาลแดง

We left the rest place and we drove the last km to the summit. There were a parking lot and on the top side we had a coffee shop and a bathroom. There were also an exhibition that I walked through in 4 seconds. I was here to look for birds. On the other side of the road we had the start of the Ang Ka Nature Trail.

We had just stepped out of the car when my Guide spotted a juvenile Snowy browed flycatcher. A beautiful bird and we watched the juvenile until the bird was gone and we continued up the stairs. I spotted the coffee shop and I was hungry.

They had some chicken puffs or whatever they call it and I bought two of them. They had a very small selection and no water. Only coffee or tea and the chicken puff and a pineapple puff. The chicken puff was excellent and we were soon walking towards the highest point of Doi Inthanon, the highest point of Thailand.

We spotted an Ashy-throated warbler in the bushes walking along the parking lot and when we came up to the end of the road we spotted a White-browed shortwing in the bushes. No other birds to be seen in the bushes around the parking lot. We had a look from the small viewing platform before we entered the walk path through the woods to the summit.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Doi Inthanon summit

Snowy-browed flycatcher, Ficedula hyperythra, นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว
Snowy-browed flycatcher - นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว

Snowy-browed flycatcher, Ficedula hyperythra, นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว
Snowy-browed flycatcher - นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว

Snowy-browed flycatcher, Ficedula hyperythra, นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว
Snowy-browed flycatcher - นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว

Snowy-browed flycatcher, Ficedula hyperythra, นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว
Snowy-browed flycatcher - นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว

Snowy-browed flycatcher, Ficedula hyperythra, นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว
Snowy-browed flycatcher - นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Coffee shop at Doi Inthanon summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Looking for birds at Doi Inthanon summit

Ashy-throated warbler, Phylloscopus maculipennis, นกกระจิ๊ดคอสีเทา

Ashy-throated warbler, Phylloscopus maculipennis, นกกระจิ๊ดคอสีเทา
Ashy-throated warbler - นกกระจิ๊ดคอสีเทา

Ashy-throated warbler, Phylloscopus maculipennis, นกกระจิ๊ดคอสีเทา
Ashy-throated warbler - นกกระจิ๊ดคอสีเทา

Ashy-throated warbler, Phylloscopus maculipennis, นกกระจิ๊ดคอสีเทา
Ashy-throated warbler - นกกระจิ๊ดคอสีเทา

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit

White-browed shortwing, Brachypteryx montana, นกปีกสั้นสีน้ำเงิน

Snowy-browed flycatcher, Ficedula hyperythra, นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว
Snowy-browed flycatcher - นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว

Snowy-browed flycatcher, Ficedula hyperythra, นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว
Snowy-browed flycatcher - นกจับแมลงหน้าผากขาว

We saw another Snowy-browed flycatcher sitting on the rail on the walk path up to the summit. Doi Inthanon's summit is also Thailand's highest point, which a Learned when we passed a sign saying so. And of course, there were people taking selfies. We reached the summit, well, I think it was where there was a monument, or something like that.

We walked on a wood bridge through the forest and we didn't see any more birds and we were soon back at the coffee ship area. We had not seen any birds since we went on the walk path at the parking lot. Well, we spotted a beautiful Snowy-browed flycatcher a few meters after we got on the path. But nothing else.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Walk bridge around Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Walk bridge around Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Walk bridge around Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Walk bridge around Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Walk bridge around Doi Inthanon Summit

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
Enter the walk bridge around Doi Inthanon Summit from the coffee shop - 12°C

We went to check out the bird bath/ bird pool. My Guide told me that there used to be a lot of birds taking a bath, especially during the hot season. Now we're in the rainy season so the birds might have their bath elsewhere.

There is a few water tanks and one of them are leaking so the birds use to come there. We went to have a look and we spotted a Dark-backed sibia having a bath. But no other birds and we left when the Dark-backed sibia was ready. It was getting close to lunch time and we decided to go back to the hotel/ resort to have our lunch. Nothing I was looking forward to but there isn't all that many options here in the park.

Well, I can always have some of the fruit I bought when we came here. We stopped at the Thai National Observatory on the way. Just a few minutes away from the summit. We heard a lot of birds but we didn't see any birds. Anyway, it was interesting to see the observatory.

So if you come to Doi Inthanon make a stop here, especially if you have never been to an observatory before. Might turn out to be interesting.

Dark-backed sibia, Heterophasia melanoleuca, นกหางรำดำ
Dark-backed sibia - นกหางรำดำ

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon Summit
We stop to have a look at a bird

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon, Thai National Observatory
We reach the road to the Thai National Observatory

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon, Thai National Observatory
We reach the road to the Thai National Observatory

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon, Thai National Observatory
Road to the Thai National Observatory

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon, Thai National Observatory
Road to the Thai National Observatory

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon, Thai National Observatory
Thai National Observatory

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon, Thai National Observatory
Thai National Observatory

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon, Thai National Observatory
Thai National Observatory

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon, Thai National Observatory
Thai National Observatory

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Driving back to the hotel/ resort passing the viewing point

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Driving back to the hotel/ resort passing the viewing point

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Driving back to the hotel/ resort passing the viewing point

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Driving back to the hotel/ resort passing the viewing point

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Driving back to the hotel/ resort passing the viewing point

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Driving back to the hotel/ resort passing the viewing point

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Back at our village

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Back at our village

Back at the hotel/ resort and I go to check out the Munias in the nest I discovered yesterday. We discovered a lizard sneaking up to their nest to look for eggs. We decided not to do anything as we want the nature to have its way. But the lizard got scared and jumped of the tree so we saved the Munia eggs.

Can't say I felt too bad about it. We had a quick lunch and we will meet at 14:45 again for the afternoon birding. And I spent the time waiting in my room looking at the pictures from the morning bird watching.

I was happy with some of the pictures and I hope to get more in the afternoon. Time passed quickly and it was soon time to take off. And our Guide had planned for another area for the afternoon. And yes, we were excited to get going!

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
A lizard sneaking up on our new friends the Munia's nest to eat their eggs.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
A lizard sneaking up on our new friends the Munia's nest to eat their eggs.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Click HERE

We drove past the Ban Khun Klang village on road 1009 again. We left road # 1009 and we were soon ending up on a small road, still paved and we continued until the road turned in to dust. We got out of the car and we walked a bit. But there was a terrible noise from all the insects.

We could not hear or see any birds so we walked back to the paved road where the van was parked. We turned in on a road going through a forest and we could see that the forest was reclaiming the road slowly.

This road takes us to a palace, or a house the King used to come to stay in back in the days. Nice and cool in the mountains during the hot season and here is also a lot of royal projects in the area. This road was quiet as there was no insects and we spotted a lot of birds. Woodpeckers, Minivets, Bulbuls and broadbills.

We walked most of the time but it was impossible to get any good pictures. And as I want to come close to the birds I only have a 200mm lens. And I have an x2 extension hanging on my belt. But to use the extension I need a lot of light.

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Crossing a creek

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
To much noise from the insects on the dust road

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
To much noise from the insects on the dust road

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
A water tower at the Royal house

We saw quite a few Hoopoes around the royal house and along the road leaving the royal house. We decided to go look for Minivets on the road to check-point 5 before returning to the resort. Afternoon and the birds start to come out again between 2 thirty 3 o'clock in the afternoon. We saw a very few Minivets and some other birds. But no pictures.

Well, a good day and even though I don't get any pictures I have had the luxury to spend the day in the nature. And I have seen many beautiful birds even though I don't have any pictures.

And not only birds! They told me and they promised that there wasn't any dangerous snakes in the park. We saw a dead snake, well, my Guide spotted the dead snake and he had the kindness to call me. I turned around and I walked back to the Guide.

Fer foocks sakeThis was just what I didn't need to see. Now I really need to keep an eye out in my bathroom back at the resort. Yeah! The sight of the snake really made my day!

Birding/ Bird watching in Doi Inthanon National Park
Walking along the road looking for Minivets

Back at the resort and we had our dinner. Fried rice and I remembered my mantra from India: Don't look at the cooking area! Don't look at the cooking area! I spent the evening looking at picture in my bungalow (hut) and again, impossible to fall asleep even though I'm dead tired. Nose and eyes start to run and I have an itch in my eyes, so here is definitely something I'm allergic to in my bed or whatever to call it.

And tomorrow we will leave at 05:45 and my alarm is set to go off at 05:15 so I need sleep. Well, anyway, you just need to click HERE to find out if I have better luck with my pictures tomorrow. And I'm looking forward to move out from my bungalow (hut)


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