Advance Medical Training – Danish Medical Care in Bombay/ Mumbai

Wednesday 10 th of May 2017 and I received my wakeup call at 5 thirty. I was in the restaurant for my breakfast at 7. Second day I get cold tea for breakfast. Yesterday I just told them that the tea was supposed to be hot. Today I got angry, one time is, well, shit happens. But a second time, this is not good enough for Holiday Inn.

Seriously, it should not be necessary to wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning in order to be able to finish the breakfast for 7 thirty when they are supposed to pick us up. They asked if I wanted another tea, but there is no time. So I went out to get the car to our course. Supposed to be here at 7 thirty, and he promised to be here at 7 o'clock yesterday.

Please, don't get me started! Anyway, I had time to look for some birds while waiting for the car. There was a Red-vented Bulbul in the tree so I spent time under the tree until our car came.

Holiday Inn Mumbai International Airport
Red vented Bulbul

I was happy to see the Red-vented Bulbul but I was not in a very good mood. Seriously, second day with cold tea for breakfast. Should it be necessary to have to explain this to a restaurant staffHoliday Inn Mumbai International Airportat a Holiday Inn? Maybe if you live at Scooby Inn for 5 dollars per night.

Cold spaghetti and it is the nicest staff in the world, excellent service and they are super friendly. But that just doesn’t cut it if you serve cold food. And by the time you get the milk for your tea you have finished eating.

And on top of that I should feel bad because I have to tell them. Pay premium dollars for a car service and we are the ones who have to stand here waiting. And the staff don't say anything, but they think you're a pain in the arse because you want to have hot tea.

We took off to Leela Business Park and Torm's office on the second floor. As usually, we started by taking each other vitals. Pulse, blood pressure, temp and breathing etc. We start everyday with this, and then we normally go through our homework.

Advance Medical Training – Danish Medical Care in Bombay/ Mumbai
Checking my pupils

Advance Medical Training – Danish Medical Care in Bombay/ Mumbai
Checking my blood pressure

As soon as we were ready with the vitals we started to practice giving I.V drop. But before we started giving each other I.V we practiced on a dummy arm with blood and everything. Of course, I pumped up the pressure so, well, I was sprayed with the red coloured water

I put 2 I.V needles in the dummy and I was ready to do the real thing. I had prepared everything and then I put the I.V in my new friend's hand. As soon as I was ready he put an I.V in my hand. Time turned really fast and it was soon time for lunch.

Advance Medical Training – Danish Medical Care in Bombay/ Mumbai
Dummy arm

Advance Medical Training – Danish Medical Care in Bombay/ Mumbai
Time for the real thing

Advance Medical Training – Danish Medical Care in Bombay/ Mumbai

Lunch break, I had brought two snickers that I had in the class room before going down to the garden to look for birds. 30 minutes lunch break and I managed to see a few birds. But I only got a few pictures and I have 2 birds that I need to identify when I have the time.

Bird watching at Leela Business Park in Mumbai

Bird watching at Leela Business Park in Mumbai
Unidentified bird at Lelaa Business Park
I'm almost sure it is a female Purple-rumped Sunbird

Bird watching at Leela Business Park in Mumbai - Coppersmith Barbet
Coppersmith Barbet at Lelaa Business Park

Bird watching at Leela Business Park in Mumbai - Coppersmith Barbet
Coppersmith Barbet at Lelaa Business Park

Bird watching at Leela Business Park in Mumbai - Coppersmith Barbet
Coppersmith Barbet at Lelaa Business Park

Bird watching at Leela Business Park in Mumbai - Coppersmith Barbet
Coppersmith Barbet at Lelaa Business Park

Bird watching at Leela Business Park in Mumbai
Unidentified bird at Lelaa Business Park

Bird watching at Leela Business Park in Mumbai
Unidentified bird at Lelaa Business Park

Time have really passed very quickly during the training course, same today, we were busy and the day were soon coming to an end. Our Teacher went to get the security guard so he could take aBird watching at Leela Business Park in Mumbaigroup picture of us.

It was time to go home, lo and behold, the hotel car was waiting for us when we came down to the car park from the class room at Torm's office.

And I was surprised to see that they had sent a big car from Holiday Inn, we are 3 passengers so this is of course the size they should give us every day instead of the small car we usually have.

Good, I will be back at the hotel in good time before 4 when the UBER will come to pick me up for my Bombay City birding tour.

I got in to the car and I was waiting for my 2 fellow students from Maersk that stay with me atBird watching at Leela Business Park in MumbaiHoliday Inn. They came after a few minutes and we could leave Lella behind.

10 to 15 minutes later and we got out of the car at Holiday Inn. I had about 30 minutes to kill before it was time to leave at 4 o'clock. So I went up to my room to enjoy a Pepsi MAX.

I was back in the reception a few minutes before 4 o'clock and I was ready to take off for the Bombay City bird watching trip. Click HERE to find out if I find any birds.

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